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3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

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Bachelor of Science in Office Administration

Business Writing Report

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Report Writing Module 1

Business Practice, Solving Business Problems, Decision Making and Ability to
Communicate effectively

8 Best Practices in Business Management

A great business leader is someone who can motivate their team and follow business
management best practices for success. Business management is the process by which
a company gets its employees to produce the greatest results with the least amount of
effort using the resources available to them. Attending a Masters in Business
Administration Program allows you to study what motivates employees to work efficiently
and shows you some best practices for making an organization culturally effective.
1. Engage Workers

Alienated workers do not care about performing their jobs. All they care about is getting
a paycheck and advancing their own interests. The first thing a manager needs to do is
find out how to make his employees care about the company's vision. Engaged
workers are not only more enthusiastic and productive; they also become less passive,
taking responsibility for their performance and attracting fresh talent to the company.
2. Reward Effort

No one likes their work to go unrecognized. Recognition of effort and achievement

– thanks for a job well done – makes employees feel valued. It seems like an obvious
point, but often business management training overlooks the positive impact of
appreciation. Some managers might even feel that being too "touchy-feely" undermines
their authority. On the contrary, reward motivates people to achieve more and helps to
build company loyalty.
3. Be Vulnerable

Vulnerability is a recurring theme in Lencioni's business management articles. He

believes that managers need to stop being anonymous figures in the lives of junior
employees and that getting to know employees is one of the best ways for management
to engage their workers. He also sees vulnerability as crucial in team dynamics; without
being able to speak openly and put one's ideas on the spot, it is impossible for teams to
build trust.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

4. Stay Committed

When team members don't trust each other, they devote a lot of time to avoiding conflict
rather than airing their real opinions and working to find common ground. A state of
perpetual ambiguity ensues, in which clear goals and strategies fail to emerge out of
group discussion. Lencioni labels this lack of commitment the "third dysfunction" of team
dynamics. It can lead to poor decision making and stifle productivity. Staying committed
to the team's initiative means creating an atmosphere where conflict is welcomed,
not feared, because differing perspectives help to shape a clear goal.
5. Seek Clarity

A problem with many companies is a lack of alignment among managers, who either stop
working to fulfill the company's vision or never understood what that vision was. Lencioni
points out that company's need to focus on alignment of core principles by asking the
following six questions:
• Why do we exist?
• How do we behave?
• What do we do?
• How will we succeed?
• What is most important, right now?
• Who must do what?
Without leaders developing – and sharing – a clear sense of the company's vision, its
values, its strategic goals, and its delegation of responsibilities, the best business
management education in the world won't matter, because the company will lack purpose
and direction.

6. Create Cultural Cohesiveness

Here, "culture" doesn't refer to socioeconomic status or ethnicity. Rather, it means a

sense of shared values that, with the right level of engagement, will lead to the
development of productive and efficient outcomes. It is a good business
management practice to make new hires based on an alignment with the company's core
values and its vision, because workers with shared values make good team

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

members. Diversity of race, gender, and socioeconomic status is a positive thing because
it increases collective insight. But, diversity in values can lead to a company's downfall.

7. Focus Team Effort

Sometimes managers invest the bulk of their energy on making sure that the team gets
off on the right foot, hosting retreats to boost solidarity and being attentive to ideas as
they first come out. It's essential to focus on ongoing team dynamics, however, to make
sure that members don't get distracted by individual activities that lead them off track.
Consistent reassessment and realignment of team goals is the way to achieve the best

8. Hold Regular Meetings

In an overview of his book, the advantage Lencioni has this to say about the importance
of meetings to a company's success: "No action, activity or process is more central to
creating a healthy organization than the meeting." He suggests that, in order to be fully
successful, management should do the following:
• Create separate meetings for Tactical Strategic Planning business planning.
• Assess a tactical agenda only after the team has reviewed its progress against goals.
• Make sure there is enough time allocated for the clarification, debate, and resolution of
major issues.
• Meet quarterly outside the office to review what is happening in the industry, the company,
and the team.
Meetings provide the organization with a regular forum on core values, allowing members
to realign principles and give perspective on business practices.

In order to succeed in a competitive field like business management, you need to stay
true to yourself before you can hope to have a meaningful impact on the organization you
represent. Ultimately, the best practices are ones that focus on your developing authentic
connections among yourself, the junior employees, and the company as a whole.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Activity #1
1. Apply the 8-best practice in Business Management in any business kind of
situation. (50 Points)


3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Writing Module 2

Technological Skills

Technology to Solve Business Problems

Technology has been helping us solve problems where human power alone just isn’t
enough. For every big problem digital technology helps solve with much fanfare,
thousands of little ones are eliminated each day without much notice. In this article,
we bring you five incredibly common business problems that are solved with a little
help from digital technology.

Faster Task Completion Content Discovery

Remote Working is Easier Lower Administration costs

Improve Customer Targeting

Digital technology can do amazing things. It helps us explore the universe, develop
solutions to complicated problems, and to change our world for the better. But it also
helps us solve common, everyday problems, like getting things done so we are home
by six and ensuring your employees are paid on time.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Activity # 2
1. Explain how does these 5 credible problems solved by the digital technology. (50 points)


3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Writing Report Module 3

Ethnical Reasoning

Ethical reasoning is necessary in the business world to keep company operations

running smoothly and fairly. If a company lacks an ethical backbone, it risks alienating
employees, angering clients and engaging in behavior that could result in financial or
legal penalties. Use ethical reasoning in business situations to maintain a professional
reputation internally with employees and externally with the business world.

Steps in using Ethical Reasoning

Step 1 Ask yourself and your colleagues if a particular business situation will do more
harm than good. For example, your company may consider merging with another
company in the industry. The merger could lead to greater profits and increased
production capacity. However, thousands of people could lose their jobs. You have to
decide if the benefits outweigh the costs.
Step 2 Determine if the methods you plan to use to address the business situation
respect the moral rights of your employees or coworkers. You should not ask workers
to perform tasks with which they are not comfortable. For example, asking accountants
at your company to leave liabilities off the balance sheet to raise revenues is a violation
of their moral rights.
Step 3 Collect facts about the business situation. You cannot make a fair and ethical
decision without knowing all of the facts about the problem. There may be multiple
individuals that stand to gain or lose once a decision is made about the situation. If you
have all of the available information about the situation, there is less of a chance that
you will make a decision that is unbalanced.
Step 4 Discuss possible solutions to the business situation with colleagues. Input from
multiple individuals ensures that the solution is not based on one set of ethical
principles. For example, your colleagues may be more sensitive to certain issues than
you are; their input reenters your own ethical views and helps to work toward a balanced
Step 5 Examine the virtues and standards of the company and decide if the solution for
the business situation is consistent with those standards. For example, if your company
touts its transparency regarding its business dealings, and you work a secret deal with
another company to expand operations, technically you are violating the ethical
standards of your company.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Step 6 Implement the decision and ask for feedback. The input you receive from
employees shows whether the final decision was ethical and fair. For example, if your
base bonuses off of a particular performance metric, but that metric unfairly leaves out
a group at your company, feedback will show that the reasoning was not ethical. You
can then adjust the situation to maintain fairness.

Activity # 3
1. Being an employee, how can you uphold you the steps of using of
ethnical reasoning? (10 Points)
2. How will you going to deliberate possible solutions to the business
situation with your colleagues? (10 Points)


3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Writing Report Module 4

Communication Skills

Nearly every job will require some degree of written communication skills, whether it’s
sending emails, writing memos or providing briefs and reports. The ability to communicate
clearly, concisely and concretely in writing ensures that everyone you work with understands
what you’re telling them. Because written communication skills are so important in business, it’s
worth taking the time to improve yours. Written communication skills are those necessary to get
your point across in writing. While they share many of the same features as verbal
communication skills, there are some important differences. Where verbal communication uses
body language and tone of voice to express meaning and tone, written communication relies
on grammar, punctuation and word choice. Developing written communication skills requires
practice and fine attention to detail.
In professional settings, great written communication skills are made up of five key elements.

Clarity Clarity helps your reader understand what

you are saying or, at least, understand
enough to know what questions they need to
ask for further clarification. Clarity comes from
writing in simple language and sticking to
concrete, specific information

Example: “We are implementing a new late

policy to ensure that all employees can
confidently rely on our agreed-upon
schedule. See the details of the new policy
below. If you have any questions, you may
direct them to the head of human resources.”
Conciseness It’s important to get to your point quickly and
efficiently. Include only the details that are
necessary to communicate your point:

Example: “After reviewing the articles you’ve

written for us; I’ve concluded that you are one
of the most talented writers on our team.”
Tone Tone refers to the “voice” of your writing. In
business writing, your tone should be one of

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

professionalism blended with varying

degrees of formality and friendliness:

Example: “Thank you for sending this over. I

highlighted a few inaccuracies found in this
report and attached the latest numbers from
our accounting department. Please get the
revised report back to me by Friday
afternoon. If you have any questions, feel free
to ask.”
Active Voice Active voice is typically more accessible and
easier to follow for readers than passive
voice. Active voice helps a sentence flow
better and allows the reader to move through
your writing at a quicker pace. Complex,
passive voice has its place in other forms of
writing, but it slows the reader down in
professional communication.

Example: “All department heads have

reviewed the proposal.”
Grammar and Punctuation How much you pay attention to precise
grammar and punctuation will depend on
how formal the writing needs to be. However,
even in informal writing, grammar and
punctuation are important for ensuring that
your point is getting across.

Example: “The initial guide identifies the

scope and framework of the project, breaks it
down into milestones, and provides criteria
for tracking progress and measuring

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

1. Give some examples from each professional setting how to become a great
writer. (25 Points)


3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Report Writing Module 5 and 6

How to Write a Formal Business Report

Formal business reports have important functions in helping managers and executives
make decisions. These documents can have a variety of purposes depending on your needs
and industry. Learning how to write a formal business report can help you develop as a
professional. In this article, we explain what a formal business report is, how to write one and
provide an example.

What is a formal business report?

A formal business is an official document that contains data, research, information and other
necessary details to help decision makers form plans and objectives to help the company.
Depending on the topic, a formal business report could be several pages long and include
extensive data and information. Here are a few of the most common types of formal business
reports, designated by purpose:

• Justification/recommendation report: You can use this report to propose an idea

to management. The body would include sections like risks, costs and benefits. An
example of this type of report would be to propose buying a machine for your
workplace. To convince the decision maker to buy the machine, you would create
this report to make a convincing argument.
• Investigative report: This report can present the potential risks of a specific
opportunity. This report is helpful for business owners to anticipate any issues
involved in making an investment or purchase. You could also create a formal
business report to analyze a proposed merger.
• Compliance report: Use this report when the organization wants to show
accountability and create a compliance report. It is a report that allows an
organization to prove that it is following regulations and that it is spending money
properly. For example, an accountant could write a compliance report to show the
company followed federal laws regarding spending.
• Feasibility report: When you need to analyze the outcomes of a proposed idea,
you can use this report. The report could cover potential problems, associated costs
and the benefits of the idea. With this report, you can determine if the proposal will
be profitable, if the deadline is feasible and if there's a chance it could exceed the
• Research studies report: This report helps you analyze the problem. The report
would include recommendations to resolve the problems.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

• A periodic report: This report helps an organization improve its products, services,
processes or policies. The report can include things like profit and loss information
or it may examine efficiency. For instance, a retail store would have a monthly report
on its sales.
• A situational report: To discuss a specific topic, such as information from a
conference, use a situational report.
• A yardstick report: You can use this report to present several solutions as options
to a particular situation.

Business Report Writing Module 5 and 6

How to Write a Business Report

1. Plan before you write

Treat the formal business report as you would handle a project. Before you start compiling
research and writing down sections, plan exactly what you want to achieve. In doing so,
you will have a better chance of creating a report in a clear and simple style.
2. Check for an in-house format
The company you work for may already have an established format for formal business
reports. Check your company handbook or ask the person who wants the report to see if
there's a specific format you should use. Using an established format will help your report
look more professional.
3. Add a title
You might get the title of the report with the brief or you may write it yourself. Make sure
the title is clear and visible at the beginning of the report. You should also add your name
and the names of others who have worked on the report and the date you wrote it.
4. Write a table of contents
The table of contents page should follow the title and authors. The table of contents page
is essential for a formal report that is long and complex. Although this page comes at the
start of the report, it should be written last when the report is finished. Write down the
section headings exactly as they appear in each section of the report and make sure the
page numbers match too.
5. Add a summary or abstract
The summary summarizes the main points of a formal business report. It can be beneficial
for the reader to have this section, but it is not mandatory, especially if your report is short.
It is best to ask the person who has requested the business report if they prefer a
summary or abstract. Although the summary comes at the beginning of the report, you

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

should write it last, along with the contents page, so that you can include notes from your
conclusion and recommendations section.
The summary should tell the reader about your findings and even draw on points from
your conclusion. A brief overview of what the reader will find in the report is also important.
Your manager may only have time to read the summary of the report, so it must describe
the major points found in the report.
6. Write an introduction
This section will detail the reason why you are writing the report. The introduction should
address the purpose of the report and background information on the subject you are
writing about. Include any definitions and summarize the main argument.
7. Outline your methodology
The methodology section should explain to the reader the research methods you have
chosen to create this report, such as using a qualitative method, a quantitative method or
a combination of both. It should be a clear justification of why you chose to use certain
8. Present your findings
This section is where you should present the outcome of your research. It is important to
present your results logically and succinctly while making sure that you have included
enough information to prove that you have researched the matter thoroughly.
One way of making the findings easier to read is by using headings, subheadings and
numbered sections to organize everything. You can choose to present your findings in
bullet points or with the help of a table. You might also choose to present your findings
with illustrations and graphics—such as infographics—but be sure that these graphics
are appropriate for the report.
9. Finish with a conclusion and recommendations
In this section, you would present your assessment from the findings, then make
recommendations for action. If you add any goals, you should add measurable actions to
them. Each goal, method or option suggested should tell the reader how it will affect the
10. Add a bibliography and appendices
Include all of the sources you have used to write the report. These can include periodicals,
online articles or books. List the sources in alphabetical order. You can also include all of
the material to support the report. These may include questionnaires, maps, notes,

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

summaries, charts, tables, illustrations and others. Label each note, map and other
documents with a letter so that you can reference them clearly in the report.
12. Proofread
Once you're finished writing your report, proofread it to make sure it's free of any
grammatical or spelling errors, which will make your report more credible. Moreover, be
clear and concise when writing. Avoid complex words and slang. It is acceptable to use
jargon and technical terms appropriate to the industry you are in, but avoid overusing
them. Make sure that the writing flows from one section to another, especially if there was
more than one author on the report.

Example of Formal Business Report Example

Report on Staff Promotion in Regis Marie College
October 8, 2020
The Human Resource Manager of Regis Marie College requested this report for the
promotion for several employees of Regis Marie College. The information of this report
was gathered from the performance of the employees based on the evaluation of
respective department used this indication as of valor of service in Regis Marie College
Regis Marie College is a private, non-sectarian educational institution founded in 1992. It
offers undergraduate programs in education, business administration, and computer
The significant result of the business report conclude that the several employees of Regis
Marie College are now qualified for the promotion and salary increase for the school year
2020 – 2021.
Please be advised that the follow names must report to the Human Resource

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

1. Balagan, Victor Joshua

2. Hernandez, Richard
3. Sinique, Clarissa
If you want to give an example of Recommendation, please put here.

Activity: follow the given formal above.

1. Create your own Formal Business Report. (100 points)


3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Business Writing Report Module 7, 8 and 9

Different kinds of Letters
The term “business letters” refers to any written communication that begins with a
salutation, ends with a signature and whose contents are professional in nature.
Historically, business letters were sent via postal mail or courier, although the internet
is rapidly changing the way businesses communicate. There are many standard types
of business letters, and each of them has a specific focus.

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the
reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include
strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include
information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website
Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or
wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information
such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price.
Payment is sometimes included with the letter.
Adjustments Letters

An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the

adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your
tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing
this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you
need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to

Follow-Up Letters

Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could
be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the
outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In
many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation

Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before
they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor,
and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters

Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others
know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have
taken place.

Cover Letters

Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are
used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should
do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are
generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation

When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his
immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of
employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for
leaving the company.

3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:

1. Choose at least 3 different letters above, and use it to create a letter.
This will serve as your module 7, 8 and 9.



3rd Floor Magdalena Arcade Building, Gatchalian, San Dioniso, Parañaque City

Mobile No: 0917-124-0648 email add:


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