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AP Art History Chapter 7 Questions: Roman Republic Mrs.


Define the following terms

Key Art Terms: imagines, verism, Cuirass, denarius, apotheosis, damnatio memoriae, decursio, kline, tondi
Key Painting Terms: skenographia, atmospheric perspective, monochromatic, still-life, cestrum, encaustic, tempera,
tondo, August Mau, “Pompeian Styles” (First Style [Masonry Style], Second Style, Third Style, Fourth Style)
Key Architectural Terms: concrete, caementa, revetment, forum, cardo, decumanus, Capitolium, basilica, nave, aisles,
amphitheater, cavea, arena, exedra, aqueduct, attic, rusticated, incrustation, travertine, triumphal arch, arcuated,
Composite capitals, spandrel, taberna, insulae
Temples: Etruscan pattern, pseudo-peripteral, tholos
Houses: patronus, cliens domus, fauces, atrium, impluvium, cubicula, alae, tablinum, triclinium, peristyle garden
Roman concrete construction: concrete, barrel (or tunnel) vault, groin (or cross) vault, pier, clerestory, fenestration,
dome, drum, oculus
Baths: tepidarium, caldarium, frigidarium, palaestra, natatio

Exercises for Study:

1. Enter the approximate dates for these periods of the Roman Empire, and identify key characteristics of the art and
architecture of each:
Monarchy and Republic:
Early Empire:
High Empire:
Late Empire:
2. Write an essay describing how Greek and Etruscan architecture influenced the architecture of the Roman Empire.
3. Describe August Mau’s four “Pompeian Styles” of wall painting.
4. Compare and contrast the following pairs of artworks, using the points of comparison as a guide.
A. Temple of Portunus (Temple of Fortuna Virilis), Rome (Fig. 7-3); Pantheon, Rome (Fig. 7-49)
• Periods:
• Architectural features:
• Function:
B. Portrait of a husband and wife, wall painting from Pompeii (Fig. 7-25); portrait of a priest of Serapis, from Hawara
(Faiyum), Egypt (Fig. 7-62)
• Periods
• Medium/materials:
• Stylistic features:
• Function:
C. Portrait of Augustus as general, from Primaporta (Fig. 7-27); equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, from Rome (Fig. 7-
• Periods
• Medium/materials
• Subjects
• Stylistic features
D. Column of Trajan, Forum of Trajan, Rome (Fig. 7-45); Arch of Constantine, Rome (Fig. 7-75):
• Periods
• Architectural features
• Sculptural features
• Function
AP Art History Chapter 7 Questions: Roman Republic Mrs. Cook

E. Man with portrait busts of his ancestors (Fig. 7-7); portrait bust of a Flavian woman (Fig. 7-39):
• Periods
• Subjects
• Stylistic features
• Function & significance

Chapter Questions
1. What was the central message of the Column of Trajan? (179)
2. What was the new construction method that was distinctly Roman on the Fortuna Primigenia. (183)
3. What objects were the two Romans holding in their wedding portrait in figure 7-25? What do the objects
symbolize? (196)
4. What year marks the change of Rome from a Republic to an Empire? (197)
5. The peace and prosperity for two centuries in the Roman Empire that followed were called the ______
____. (197)
6. The marble panel/frieze depicting the Procession of the Imperial Family shows direct influence from what
part of the Greek Parthenon? (200)
7. Who was the architect of the Forum of Trajan? The column of Trajan is very famous and is the first for
introducing a continuous narrative spiral _____ that is actually ______ feet long, if it were “unraveled.”
8. The word, Panthenon, actually means a temple _______ __________ _________. (211)
9. Multi story apartments (1 million common Romans or 90% of the population) lived in were called i____.
10. Why are there so few equestrian statues today? Why did this one survive? (216)
11. There is a slow shift from cremation to burial which meant the creation of more what in the art world?
12. How can one tell the difference between an Eastern and Western Sarcophagus? (217)
13. The Late Empire was a pivotal era during which the _______ ancient world gave way to the _______
Middle Ages. (219)
14. Diocletian sensed instability in the government, and decided to share his rule with this other rivals. How
does the Four Tetrarchs represent this? They were done in porphyry. What is that? How does the artist
show unity in this work? (224)
15. Constantine led the way of ending the persecution of the Christians by issuing the ___________ in 313 AD.
16. Where was his “New Rome” and what was it called? (226)
17. How does the sculpture of Constantine convey power and authority? Mention specific size, likeness, etc.
Give three examples. (227-228)
18. The design of the interior and exterior of Aula Palatina has close parallels to many ________
________churches. (228)

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