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AVRooms Tech<->Product Implementation Timelines


Designs: Expected Date 30th

Design closure date -> 30th March
-> 1st April (partial Design HAndover )
-> 04th April (Design handovers on 1st are still in the open state, remaining designs are also
pending Still pending @products end 4th April)
=> 05th April(Creator Flow) Design mockups for Homepage presence with Introducing lounge
card on artist app, the entry point,Lounge creator form view,Lounge created default view, not added,
not scheduled
Add music Song addition flow,Homepage with multiple cards display of artist lounge
Homepage with the selected “live” sorted tab on the display card labels
Inactive view,Live view lounge have been shared.
=> 05th April(Creator Flow) Inactive room case | scheduled room and use case, live room use
cases added in figma link inside final designs
=> 05th April (Consumer flow) Yet to be finalized
20th April: Slike to give Live APIs by 29th April
20th April: From 1st April we will start pushing to UAT
20th April: 6th April will be UAT closure
20th April: Final release date after incorporation of UAT will be 16th April.

4th April: Tech discussion did 4th April. Implementation is yet to start.
4th April: SDK not Ready
4th April: JSDK doc shared
5th April: Contract to be closed.
5th April: Mocks will be sent by Slike Team through which dev can start
6th April: event Pipeline through Kafka
06thThe Slike team has provided some APIs related to AVRooms creations. Gaana JAPI
(Backend) team will call those APIs .
06th April=>
● Slike team will store user(all roles)'s userid and artwork so that it can be updated real
time when the web client asks for room related data when event is live.
● Slike team will provide room related data like audience information, room info(live or
stopped) to backend JAPI team via Kafka then Japi will update the same in Shadow
● Slike team will store chat , recorded avrooms.
● How to maintain recurring room info is yet to be finalized with the Slike team.(pending)
● Kafka Pipeline is yet to be finalised (pending)

07th April=> Every data write and live piece should be from slike and proxy api call by
Ritvik Sharma

07th April=> API given by Ritvik Sharma so that slike can push data.
14th April: Live SDK will be given by Slike for Audio (development date)
21st April: Live SDK will be given by Slike for Video(Therefore 1 weeks delay in main 8.35
release) (development date)
14th April: Dev ready and providing to gaana dev.
19th April: Live APIs to be given by 28th April.
19th April: QA will be closed by 29th and on 30th UAT (tentatively)
20th April: UAT starts at 30th April.

Tech Implementation:
4th April: JSDK doc shared Daya Yadav
5th April: Implementation discussion ongoing Ashwani Mourya Manish Sharma
Ritvik Sharma Chahat Middha
=>Doc to be shared with mocks 5th April
07th April=> API cloning for recurring event and prelive event.
07th April=> API given by Ritvik Sharma so that slike can push data.
26th April=> API


Android: 8.35.0: Ashwani Mourya Manish Sharma
4th April =>Notes: All tasks tagged but designs pending.
5th April => Design received and being reviewed by Manish Sharma Ashwani Mourya
5th April => Two new Jiras are added ie. AV rooms for Gaana lounge introduction and Feature tour
inside the room
29th April=> code freeze
6th =>Listing Page, Home/Lounge Card Design Implementation, Login flow(Framework in
7th April=> Dev closure dates will be 22nd April(Tentative)
13th April: Timelines for AV rooms segment wise:

Home screen widgets 13 April

Login botomsheet design 13 April
User Bio update 13 April
Share AV Rooms 14 April
LIsting page design 14 April
Deeplinking for the Rooms 18 April
Home mini floating webview player 18 April
Calender view filters 18 April
Login to consumer flow web connection 18 April
Main page filters 19 April
Home Alarm & Notiifications 14 April
Recently viewed

Japi: 1.49: Ritvik Sharma

Board Link:

4th April =>Note: All tasks are tagged but need to differentiate between Userpayments Team
and JApi
5th April => Slike-related tasks to be created and assigned to UserPay and Japi.
27th April=> Release for Japi
06th April=> Slike Api Contract finalized
06th April => Ritvik Sharma Apiv2 will provide from creator apis to Chahat Middha
06th April=> DB finalization(pending) Ram Awasthi
06th April=> The JAPI team will call @Asif Ajazi API to authenticate the artist in the artist
06th April=>JAPI team will provide room related APIs with mock response to Chahat Middha
and parallely work on those apis.
08th April=> AV rooms API documentation.
08th April: Mockups to be shared by APIV2 team to Slike
13th April: Timelines module wise:

Consumer APIs 15/04/2022

Creator APIs 17/04/2022
Background API toFetch Kafka Event 20/04/2022

AVRooms Web: Daya Yadav

Board Link:

4th April =>Notes: All tasks are tagged from Product. Slike Team needs to log Jiras for tech

6th April => Implementation of rooms and testing of players at web end.
06th April=> Gaana Web team will call JAPI team for room (create/edit) related data.Gaana
Web team will do JWT verification with Slike team for all type of user(creator/consumer).
08th April: Listing and room creation HTML.
08th April: Consumer app development starts today.
13th April: Api Integrations

MSite: Daya Yadav

6th April=> Msite Design to be finalized and Spoc is Manish Yadav

USerpayments: Prakash Kumar SinghBikram Bikrant

Board Link:

4th April => Playlist/Stage tasks need to be added.

4th April => Playout track Jiras to be added
5th April => Playout logging Jiras are still pending.
5th April => Playout logging Jira shared:
20th April => Release scheduled once data is visible
06th Apil=> Waiting for Ritvik and Daya’s team on room creation flow. After that logic will be
decided how we will show the user's name and profile on the basis of User ID. Bikram Bikrant
07th April=> Mo-engage and Logging will be live on 13th April.
13th April: Module wise:
Task / Module Dev Closre QA Closure
Consumer - API to notify room reminders (To send notification via
moengage, backend) 11th 13th April
Consumer - API to fetch list of members, user profile 11th 13th April
API for Play log data - Related to music played on Lounge 12th 20th April
Lounge -> Events Data to be sent to Moengage for Notifications 12th 20th April

5th April: Tests Cases:

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