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Spontaneous Thoughts

Bulu Imam

Copyright Bulu Imam 2019
Sanskriti, Dipugarha, Hazaribagh 825301
Jharkhand, INDIA

To my grandfather Late Syed Hasan Imam


The Kheyal is a spontaneous thought, a direct flash of inspiration which

comes of itself all of a sudden. It’s counterpart in poetry is the Japanese
Haiku. Kheyal is an original eastern tradition, more than a saying or
aphorism, a mystic utterance which in Tennyson’s words “Cometh from
afar”. One knows not at which time of day or night it will come, and
sometimes a Kheyal comes after months, or several Kheyal come in deep
sleep, or spring forth in common conversation, but always in a spiritual
context, or a sacred utterance. It is the delight of spiritual utterance, the
mark of the mystic, both a Hindu and Sufi tradition, and famous Kheyals
have come from souls as diverse as Maiyee Ma of Allahabad, the Sufi saint
poets of Kashmir, or the Tamil saint poets. A Kheyal comes in complete
form and cannot be in any way improved because it is the spark of a divine
enlightenment sprung at the forge of the burning foundry of human
consciousness at its deepest. The Granth Sahib of Sikhs and Suras of the
Koran are Kheyals.

The worldling seeks pleasures, fattening himself like a caged fowl;

But the Buddhist saint flies up to the sun like the wild crane.
The fowl in the coop has food but will soon be boiled in the pot;
No provisions are given to the wild crane, but the heavens and the earth
are his.
- Dhammapada

The Buddha taught that desire is the root of all evil, but our modern
western globalized society today is built upon desire and greed, the
heartbeats of Capitalism. The Buddha taught that hatred is evil, but our
modern society is built upon hatred. The Buddha taught that illusion is the
devil but we refuse to understand it. How can a society built on evil hope to
secure the good? It is in this context I present my readers with these
aphorisms or spontaneous thoughts – Kheyal – which attempt to strike at the
predicament of our times, the reason for the fading of the world’s noblest
aspirations under the tide of an unconscious evil which is subverting society
worldwide, in an attempt to ask mankind to retrace its steps towards the
higher mind, the kindlier thought, the great lost wisdom traditions of the
near-forgotten past.
Bulu Imam

Globalization, while bringing the world together, has destroyed our

common future.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the malignant cell.

In its attempt to be abstruse the Indian mind long since ceased to be

rational, and lost sight of morals if not spiritualism.

Geniuses are born but thereafter they have to be fashioned before their
light may illumine a path.

Do not go near a lioness when she is nursing her cubs or licking her
wounds because she will attack. This is the law of the wild.

People who have to do meaningful work cannot afford the luxury of being

If you pick holes in a can of worms at least some worms will fall out.

Genius never fails to shock, startle, amaze.

A centralized political authority is like a scroll – the tighter you roll it the
closer you get to authoritarianism and finally, dictatorship.

Some time during the night my ship sailed over the meridian and I
entered a new sea with its shores on a new world.

We have become prisoners of a system which is larger than ourselves, and
we urgently need to break its dominance over our will.

Necessity they say is the mother of invention, but I doubt it – Invention is

the mother of necessity. When the ice age ended twelve thousand years ago
and farming became possible it was the farming and increase in food
production which led to the rise of population.

Demand does not create supply but supply creates demand. This has been
the mantra of the industrialized world.

The power of evil is a hundred times more powerful than good and yet a
little good can destroy evil at its root.

Always remember the surprise that comes from daring, which in its
suddenness strains the opponent and weakens his retaliation. Ultimately, it is
a spiritual strength, with which we can storm the citadel of God.

Increased efficiency in using a resource results not in its reduced demand

over time but paradoxically, in increased demand which in the modern
world has made our technological achievements victims of consumption.

Morality is a word not found in the dictionary of politics.

A researcher depends on the searches others have made whereas a

searcher makes his own discoveries through searching where none have
gone before. There lies the brave new world of the future.

Knowledge without experience is like body without matter.

Dogs have owners but cats have staff.

Capitalism has made cowards of us all.

As a man thinks and works, so will he become; or conversely, as a man is,

so will his thoughts and works be. So a man may be judged by his works, or
his works judged by what he is.

It is a trite thought perhaps, but a man is no better than his friends.

The higher states of spiritual experience cannot be achieved through book

learning. They have to be realized through experience of those higher states.
That is why a spiritual master can merely be a guide.

Over specialization has destroyed the intellectual and spiritual diversity

of our minds and souls.

Technology itself is not the enemy but merely a weapon in the hands of
the enemy.

Imperialism was born out of the power of technology and it will

ultimately be destroyed by it.

Friend, ask me not for my friendship or love for that I have given away to
my life’s work from where I cannot take it back.

If the poor had the power to be corrupt they would be wealthy, for wealth
and power are the possession of the morally corrupt.

All truly noble work must be the result of a sense of duty, never sacrifice.
Sacrifice is idol worship.
My greatest discovery was the ignorance of man, and the closeness of

Man must adapt to his natural environment and not alter his natural
environment to adapt to him for he is the child of nature and without nature
cannot achieve his fullest potential.

True courage comes form moral cleanliness and honesty naked of

prejudice or purpose.

All political expediency is devoid of moral strength, and for this reason
politics is immoral.

Art is not necessarily genius, but genius is always art.

Nine times out of ten belief is the expression of what a person wants to
believe, and masters of this science give people beliefs they would wish for
and thus control their attention.

Information and wisdom are as different as the coconut’s pulp and its
casing; but when a man possesses knowledge and remains foolish he is truly
to be pitied.

If a man’s food are work and sleep he is to be envied. But if his work is
food and sleeplessness then he is not to be envied.

The failure of democracy is that it does not empower the people but
makes the people empower the government which can do as it likes. In this
way the people remain like slaves who can only elect their masters.
Our opinion of a person may change when we know what he is rather than
who he is.

I was a hunter as you know. I am still a hunter, but only now I track
thoughts to their lair.

The modern idea of development is a myth and only creates more poverty
and suffering by allowing the wealthy to loot at will and drive the poor
before them like a flock of goats seeking pasture.

Where there are cultural values there cannot be poverty, and what seems
to be poverty is cultural wealth which the rich do not understand.

Man was not made in the image of God but in the image of the devil.
That is why he has destroyed everything God gave to him. Ours is a finite
world and we can never achieve infinite consumption of our resources. That
is the fruit the devil offered to Eve.

Spirituality and morals are different things. Great souls who reach the
vision of God may be morally weak, and spiritual dwarfs may be moral

In the history of all nations a time comes when the minds of its citizens
are dry tinder awaiting the flame of a new idea which may consume them.
Today the fear of the unknown has made the peoples of the world one and
they await a Messiah.

Pain is the most precious of man’s possessions for it alone frees his spirit
from the mortal world.

It must be a great man’s ambition to do everything it was worth living for
-- every thing that was worth working for, every thing that was worth dying
for. Only then could his spirit be consumed in a blessed fire.

By raising others we raise ourselves, and by humbling others we lower


No one can say he knows fear or pain in their various degrees unless he
has experienced them in precisely those degrees. Pain and fear have to be
experienced to be understood otherwise they remain cosmetic appearances
of the imagination.

Powerful people cannot afford to be angry.

Some people realize the best way to solve problems is to avoid them.

My respect for the virtues of traditional India is exceeded only by my

disgust for the vices of modern India.

One can only think of uplifting someone if one first of all looks down on
him. Why look down on anyone in the first place ?

Let us understand the deep difference between education and

indoctrination. Indoctrination is to inculcate fixed ideas and create
xenophobia for new ideas. True education is the opposite – it is to gain
knowledge and develop an open and impartial mind which is ever curious
for new things.

Where a man’s mind is there will his heart be also.

If one is not morally, spiritually, psychologically well developed, then
what is the use of being physically well developed ?

We have to move from our present use of dead sunlight in fossil fuel to
the living energy of sunlight in agriculture.

There is a bridge between the earth and heaven, and those who find it are

The universe is the mind of God.

Spiritual strength and moral strength are different.

Death is the cure for the disease of human life.

We have created a monstrous world in which evil rules all even when not
seen, and where good is a nervous movement in the shadows.

Greater than the marriage of bodies is the marriage of minds, which is

friendship; for love may survive without friendship, but friendship cannot
exist without love.

I have more faith in right action than in divine protection.

The idea of growth and development never existed in the ancient Indian
mind. It was a new idea first brought by the builders of domes and minarets,
and later by the builders of railways and steel mills.

Once the sacred relation between nature and man is broken the land
withers and dies and the soul of man becomes barren and worthless.
The change which time brings is happening in front of your eyes, and if
you cannot see it then it is your fault. For change, like the eternal lapping of
the tides upon the shore is the renewal of our consciousness from moment to

When dreams become a living reality we are blessed. For that is the state
of Heaven itself.

The way of peace and the way of violence are different but they travel the
same path on their way to truth.

In French, I am told, evolution means progress. Progress is defined as

leaving things in a better state than we found them. The problem I suppose
then is the difference between my idea of progress and yours.

Diversity can only exist in its birth place; and as soon as it spreads it
begins to decrease and like the fragrance of the rose is lost in the wind.

One of the properties of light is to dispel darkness; and that is why

darkness fears light.

Religion is a prison-house whose inmates have forgotten that any other

way of living exists and like a child who thinks his mother best reveres her

Our race is deprived of the great spirit of sacrifice of earlier generations,

which was the motive power that made life possible and helps to ensure their
descendants an environment fit for survival. Our race in the present times
through materialism and greed has become self-destructive.

The profoundest aspect of religious spirituality is that spirit of cosmic

harmony that nature expresses in her varied physical manifestations which
the great spiritualists down the ages have worn. But as their message moves
away from them in time this force becomes as mere shooting stars compared
to the comet which it was.

Belief is dangerous for it is prejudice. And prejudice is illusion.

There are many kinds of anger – there is the anger born of jealousy which
is evil, and there is the anger against injustice that is good.

The modern cult of development was created to make the rich richer and
the poor poorer at the cost of exploiting the earth for its resources.

The only way to over come error is to admit it.

Always take advantage of a situation which suddenly presents itself for

that is the thread that leads into the Minotaur’s cave.

Priests are those who have been taught the art of tricking people into
believing that the only way to God is through them.

That which is not shared with outsiders is sacred.

Elephants never forget.

Muslims never forgive.
The British never apologize.

Temptation is easier to overcome than moral weakness.

Dust is the daughter of drought.

The sunflower which turns itself to the sun and watches it set,
immediately turning around to face the east to await the sunrise next
morning, Lord let my meditation on you be the same.

The unattainable is the ultimate goal of all great seekers.

All chaos can be seen to be driven by purpose. There is a will and pattern
in it.

Reality exists alone in the consciousness of the beholder and all else is
illusion, which rests in the mind of God.

Change alone is eternal because through it life replenishes itself.

The greatest characteristic of genuine men of god is their concern for

humanity and solution to human suffering. Both Christ and Buddha were
concerned with human suffering and how to help overcome it.

The philosophy of the modern West was ‘to wish is to be able’. In India,
on the other hand, it was believed that one could not wish until one was
able. And so we remained where we were !

The sense to realize when a thing is dead is the highest wisdom. For then
only can false hopes leave us and let us face reality.

As after the heat of the day when a man sits in the cool of evening
enjoying relief so is it when we pass from a state of great grief into a state
of peace and the transcendence of the spirit envelops us and we are happy to
be alive.

What we think is unreal is the real of the future.

The simple mind may seem no match for the complex mind. But why are
we talking of the superiority of Teutonic races when the supreme weapon is
the heart, the power of compassion, the ability to live in harmony ?

One who is aware that his thoughts are the same as other’s he has
understood the nature of other human beings and can understand other men’s

The only thing worse than a fool is an opinionated one.

I make my prayers to the stones because they have been deep in the earth
and alone know its secrets. And it is with these I wish to be in touch.

The environment we live in is dying and we have to resurrect it from

death , bring it back to life again for even in death there is the power of
being reborn.

One can go away any distance without going anywhere, because distance
has nothing to do with time and space, it is a place in the mind.

Before one can accept a special gift one has to be worthy, one has to be in
a spiritual state to accept it. That is why the Hindus immerse themselves in
water before welcoming the rising sun.

Do not underestimate the power of an idea to change your life or to

change the world.
Knowledge without its cultural traditions is a meaningless accumulation
of information. It is through its cultural traditions that it becomes relevant
and beautiful.

Why worry about what you do not have ? It is more important to thank
God for what you have because your happiness lies in it.

There is a certain point beyond which the non-tribal mind cannot go in

trying to understand the aboriginal mind, and that is the reason for the failure
of anthropology as a discipline.

If you open yourself to the universe with positive thoughts it will come to
you and flood your entire being.

What time are you living in ? Are you living in chronological time
(cronos) or in the moment (kairos) ? The tribal idea of time is in the
moment, the way the Buddha taught, in doing the right action in every
moment, unconcerned of results. The modern world has lost this momentary
idea of time and counts it in hours and wages. That is why it is unhappy. The
Now alone is timeless.

The God of the Advaita philosophy is universal, he is the God of the evil,
the poor, the miserable, the suffering, as well as the good, the benevolent,
the compassionate, the pure. He is all and he is in all.

All art expresses the age in which it is created, or at least the age in which
the mind of its creator lives.

I see criminals being put in jail while those who break the moral law roam
about free. That is the reason for the injustice in the world.
The human race has not evolved at the same rate as its ability to destroy.
And that is why it must eventually destroy itself as it is now doing.

Changed circumstances require changed attitudes. Even as a man bathes

and puts on fresh clothes in the morning and takes off his crumpled clothes
before going to sleep at night.

Life gives and Death takes; Crosses are meant to be carried; Life is a
pilgrimage of the soul through the material world and Death is the pilgrim’s

The collapse of human civilization is coming along with the realization of

its collapse. And as in death one can do nothing about it, so in life nothing
can be done about it except make preparations before the next journey.

It is easier to find a good man than a trustworthy man. This is because it is

easier to be good than worthy of trust.

The western or European mind understands knowledge as information

and not as a state of mind or being. We in India are fortunate enough to still
possess that ancient consciousness of knowledge as representing a state of
mind or being and this awareness of consciousness is India’s great
spiritual inheritance and gift to the modern world.

A healthy body is an adornment of clothes, and a healthy mind is the

adornment of society.

When we become tired and old we must do our last work by preparing
ourselves for harvest, the ripe grain for which our whole life was but a

An idea cannot be killed with a gun, a revolution cannot be fought with
canons, but they can receive the healing balm of our compassion and
understanding to lessen their rage and fury. We have to understand that
violence is the voice of the weak and oppressed.

There is always a good reason to defend a bad idea.

Those who have lived long enough in hell will find heaven unbearable.

Of all religions the root is the worship of nature, and because it is so

obvious and the foundation of the most exalted human beliefs it is forgotten
although over half of mankind has faith in it..

The importance of an original work is that it is an expression of the

creative spirit which is the profoundest manifestation of the unseen.

It is only by repeating things that one can absorb them and discover the
timelessness of the moment: see the fish dive repeatedly in the ocean, the
bird soar repeatedly through the air, the branches sway repeatedly in the
breeze, the alcoholic absorbed in his repeated drunkenness, the monk
absorbed in his continuous reading of scripture, the sage in never- ending

Children are but poor imitations of their parents.

Time lost is like a great treasure lost.

Every fifteen days the cells of our bodies are changed but our mind and
consciousness remain the same, which proves that they are independent of
our body.
Inequality is caused by making people aware of their so called poverty or
backwardness. Contented subsistence lifestyles are shown as being
backward. The race for a consumer culture is created and once self-sufficient
societies become market-dependant and destroy themselves. Poverty and
inequality are created where they never existed and injustice is rewarded
with violence. Political and economic factors enter which are maintained by
the patriots who claim to be the caretakers of the poor and rob them of their
lands. Thus the many are forced into supporting the few.

All I want is peace to live my life creatively, but all of you will not allow
me that peace because you think loneliness in work is penance. How can I
teach you that lonely hours absorbed in hard work is not penance but
fulfillment of the soul ?

What is the way of what I have called intellectual satyagraha ? It is the

resistance to injustice through peaceful means using the argument as the
weapon and the mind as the tool for fashioning victory.

The obscenity of enormous wealth in a single hand is the image of a dying

planet. The luxuries of Europe and the West in contrast to Asia’s and
Africa’s starving millions is an image before God.

Every man is a mirror reflecting the environment in which he lives and his
mind is a product of this environment.

Money may not be everything but it is an important part of everything.

Morals as an expression of Truth is dead in our times.

Lying has been given a new meaning as a form of intelligence ? Is it any

wonder that the rich indulge in orgies of gluttony while the poor go to bed
hungry ?

He who is not a Marxist is an Anarchist, and he who is neither but wants
an equal distribution of wealth (but within his own family) is a Capitalist.

Do we reflect enough upon the sacred significance of many traditions

which guide our daily lives; is it not too easy to overlook their profound
influence upon our inner lives ?

Christian ethics is linked to law and law may be seen as a manipulation of

the truth, and having nothing whatsoever to do with morals which is a
function of the conscience, and an expression of man’s nobler instincts.
Ethics and law have for half a millennium justified the age of colonialism .
By deceit and law-craft Europe salved a Christian conscience in believing
that by dispossessing peoples and exterminating them in an attempt to
civilize and Christianize them it was doing them a favor and securing them a
place in Heaven.

There is a great contentment found through dispossession of wealth and

voluntary poverty for only then are we at last free of the materialistic world
and its worries that has enslaved us.

A good principle for any foreign traveler in India to follow is to mistrust

advice from a priest, trust a maulvi even less, and a pundit not at all.

If a government challenges the sovereignty of the people who elected it,

then it has to be prepared for the people to challenge the sovereignty of the
government which they elected.

Modern India has become a great burden upon the Indian masses, more
impoverished than ever before, who were once well off and supported by
their own resources and traditions, much of which they have been divested
of. The modern Indian state is cutting through this culture, its villages,
forests and farming lands and laying highways, mines and dams across their
The unintelligible may be seemingly profound but not in the way
profundity might to some be unintelligible. It is not good to be so clever as
to be unintelligible. None of the greatest minds were unintelligible, rather
they stated with the greatest simplicity and clarity the profoundest truths.

Wealth is contentment. He who is contented with his lot is wealthier than

Croseus, wiser than Solomon, and a traveler with the harpist David. He is
neither envious of the man who is compelled to give away half his wealth to
be happy, nor of the man who seeks to double it in order to be happy.

In a fully globalized world the stronger culture will win and this is where
India will meet her true tryst with destiny in re-shaping the future of

Show me a man’s wallet and I will tell you how close he is to God.

When the will to live has gone, then life itself will go.

The man who does not have money in his house has God in his house.

Childhood is gladness, youth is madness, and old age is sadness.

Belief in itself is sacred.

Humans are but different expressions of One mind.

Fulfillment in life results from discarding the unessential.

My love has not changed, it has only become different…

Religion and war were born from the need for domination.

Great wealth is a curse. Ninety percent of it is the fruit of dishonesty and

the remaining ten percent goes into waste.

To know that you have put your foot on the first rung of the right ladder is
to know you must reach the very top of it.

To know a man talk to him for ten minutes.

One wrong action’s effects are sometimes much worse than all our good
actions to compensate it.

Avoid angering any superior force. Your action in silence is the only way
of meeting it as a superior force.

Hope never dies in the human heart – it has its birth there.

I am not as interested to change the world as I am in trying to change

myself. If all could do that then the world would not require changing.

The need of the hour is philosophers and poets – philosophers to

understand our suffering, and poets to sing about our pain.

In faith lies the evolutionary principle, for the act of faith is the
acceptance of a divine will acting in our lives.
Destructive practices cannot be absolved by creating healing practices to
heal them and a new perception of peace and harmony is required.

Sometimes what seems a little thing may be in truth very important.

Flashes of light tell of an impending storm.

The intellect gives allows the amassing of knowledge; whereas

intelligence is the distillation of information to find wisdom.

What clothes do for a man a museum does for objects, it presents them. A
man without clothes is considered a savage and a diamond in the ground is
only a stone.

It may be a stupid thing to comment upon but people, like water, find their
own level. And birds drinking at a waterhole represent the common element
upon which their lives depend .

When money comes no one is your friend, and when it goes away neither
is any one your friend.

The struggle in human society has ever been between the governed and
the governor , and he who governs least governs best.

I live like a poor man because I am a poor man. A wealthy man cannot
live like a poor man even if he is poor in heart.

If you cannot make things any better please do not make them worse.

It is better to be happy with a little than be unhappy with great wealth and

A place does not create importance in a man but a man creates the
importance of a place.

Some great souls like gold and diamonds lie buried in the ground and only
the miners of beauty ever find them.

The most beautiful things in life are beautiful and true.

Everything which appears as a single entity is in fact an arrangement of

many parts.

Details are not worth wasting time on – unless they are worth dying for.

The intellect is the most powerful weapon man has.

Searches which have produced the sum of human knowledge are lost if
they are not continually resurrected through research. In the modern world
such knowledge is documented but in the tribal world it is kept alive by
tradition, what in India is known as parampara which is ancestral
knowledge handed down ritually from elders to the youngsters.

Suffering ennobles the spirit.

With the coming of old age comes the feeling of uncertainty -- that the
lamp of life may snuff out at any moment. But for the man of courage it is
the promise of a new journey…

Bhakti or love is like the light of the moon and Gnyana or knowledge is
like the searing rays of the sun. That is why love circles the heat of
knowledge without going too close lest she be burned.
A bad memory is not worth keeping.

When God does not give with one hand he gives with the other.

Go to the root of the lotus of divine realization, the Vedanta, and you will
find it in the old tribal world.

Today people think that food comes out of a can and education comes out
of a school or college forgetting the ancient institutions of traditional food
and traditional learning which have been deliberately destroyed to give a
value to ignorance.

Imperialism (colonialism) is making theft on a national scale possible.

Many nations which won their freedom from the colonial yoke went on to
colonize their own people. India is a prime example.

Information without intelligent use is not knowledge and a traditional

knowledge learned from experience is much better.

There are two kinds of people. Those who have ideas and who possess
idealism as well. The other kind are those with action and organization. Both
get great things done but in entirely different ways and with entirely
different ends.

Culturally speaking, Modern India consists of sand castles built upon a

foundation of stone. Western civilization is the opposite.

The modern human mind and psychological condition have undergone a

change. People require being less analytical and more exploitative. Wealth
overpowers the less privileged .. The climate is changing on a global scale
but few care if the poor and helpless can be exploited until they are
eliminated. Nobody understands the natural world is dying, and the poor
with it

Evil is stronger than good and injustice is more powerful than justice.
Good souls emerge but they are oftener crucified than listened to. In the past
sailors plundered where possible and traded where they could not. Modern
governments and corporations do exactly the same.

The cruelty, selfishness and unreasonableness of humans knows no

bounds and the beast in man is ever more pronounced than the angel.

When that which is close to us is hurth then that hurts us most, even as
that which is farthest from us hurts least. This has nothing to do with an
individual’s spiritual or intellectual achievements. And this is the
shortcoming of our human nature.

Even if you forget me that thoughts which I have sown in your mind will
one day blossom as flowers – even as the seeds which you have sown in my

The actions of a good life fill the room with incense and will remain like
ittar hovering over their grave.

Alas! There is not an honest man in my whole country ! And this question
I too must answer.

There is nothing better than a good name than a kind heart.

If it takes five thousand years to stabilize a single strain of rice, then it

must take the same time to stabilize an individual culture.
The more one does in life unasked, unpaid, unthanked so much one
proceeds down the path to Moksha (liberation).

What else is Realization but to realize ?

If you speak the language of nature you will understand the mind of God.

The ultimate possession is that which cannot be taken from you. To each
one this possession is different, but its essence is the same – this essence is

Life challenges entropy and reverses the second law of thermodynamics.

Every kind of education is an inward journey on the path of experience.

What food is for the body that thought is to the mind.

A man who has lived honestly and with charity is unafraid of death or
uncertainty about afterlife.

Culture may be seen as a religious expression because it preserves a set

way of thinking which considers itself better than others. In a democracy, it
is denied the right of forcibly converting others to its beliefs and tenets.

Reciprocity and exchange is the foundation of the principle of exchange;

whereby the loss of energy is compensated by something more profound.

The glass cage of mental isolation is where the profound spirit is born
within the nucleus of complete emptiness.

Violence against nature is violence against God.

Value not the man by his education but value the education by the man.

That which cannot be changed must be accepted no matter how deep the
All one can do is rearrange the furniture in the room of the mind and open
the windows of the heart.

Conquest by law is the house which modern man built; and the land
became bare, graveyards were everywhere, and the song birds had

What seems an order planned by a Creator in nature is in fact nature’s

own genius for order.

When the road has reached its destination where has the journey gone ?

True development never destroys resources. Economic development does

that. Through interpretations of value and exchange.

Better to have done something halfway rather than not having attempted it
at all.

Even when violence seems unavoidable remember that it is unaffordable.

The Buddha taught that desire is the root of evil, but our society is built on
desire. The Buddha taught that hatred is evil, but our society is built upon
hatred. The Buddha taught that illusion is the root of evil, but our society is
built upon illusion. How then can our society survive ?

If the law of Karma is a truth then all Hindus are born of it.

Clever people are destroying the planet. Cleverer people are needed to
save it.

The trouble with western man is that he cannot comprehend without


Man is unable to destroy what he worships. That is why he was unable to

destroy nature as long as he worshipped nature. But now that he worships
money he can sacrifice nature for money.

Goethe said, “ I hold life to be more precious than art”. I say “I hold
nature to be more precious than life”.

Julius Caesar recorded the story of a man who walked from Poland to
Spain without seeing the sun, so dense were the forests of Europe and
Britain before the birth of Christ. These forests were preserved by the Celts
and Druids before the Christians cut them down as places of evil because
these people worshipped nature. And then they turned the burial and
astronomical megaliths of these people into stone altars for a new kind of

The difference between egalitarianism and democracy is this: in

egalitarian society a chief is first among equals, and in a democracy the chief
is the head among unequals.

In the old world there was enough for all. But with the new world surplus
became the possession of a few and economics saw to it that there was not
enough for all.
Death gives freedom to the spirit from the chains and bondage of life, and
it becomes a new entity.

This human body will be disintegrated in the earth or in fire or be washed

away and rot in water, and no amount of prayers or sacrifices can save it.
Therefore seek ye the life of the Mind, for where self is there truth cannot
be. When realization comes the idea of self, and Ego disappears, and only
the truth we have known and spoken about remains. This truth is deathless.

If you wish to know who a man is see who his friends are, and find out
what books he reads.

Those who have studied the past deeply become aware of what the future
holds. For too long mankind has been living on natural resources borrowed
from the future. The price will be paid by our grandchildren , and only those
who know how we have lived will understand that it was wrong and selfish
of us, and our cruelty to future generations

Life is merely respiration, breathing, and the planet lives by breathing as

the ocean lives by the flow of its tides and is a living being. When the
breathing of organisms ceases they die and the earth and oceans die with

Knowledge is not knowing, only through direct experience can man

know. That is why prophets are born to guide the ignorant. The universal
power whom we call God is not to be found through human intelligence and
can only be found through experience or faith.

In plant and animal life diversity is resilient, while uniformity is

vulnerable. Traditional societies, like seeds, are valuable banks of
biodiversity and have resilience against predators. Unfortunately they cannot
adapt suddenly to a changed environment born out of millions of years of

The rich cannot understand the hunger of the poor as the moth cannot
understand the danger of the flame.

Change wears many kinds of dress and the change brought by

industrialism and market economics and globalization is not the change
mankind had understood in the past, such as the change of the seasons, the
change of youth to age, and the change of our feelings as human beings.
Industrialism brought about a rapid change which is destroying the world
before our eyes.

A woman was making hand-bread but the quantity of flour was limited.
So she started making her bread smaller and smaller to accommodate for the
growing numbers who wanted it. Eventually the flour ran out. The moral of
this is that we cannot have unlimited products out of limited resources.
When human populations were small man could live with nature, but when
human numbers increased with agriculture and surplus then wars started
over resources. But when agriculture was industrialized and markets entered
then the planet’s resources were insufficient. We are today facing this world.

After love faith is the next best friend.

In the world there are two categories of people – those who take, and
those who give to these people. These latter are the masters. There is a third
category who neither take nor give but these are rarely heard of.

We make heroes out of our martyrs who died fighting against what we
ourselves follow, and if they were alive now we ourselves would make
martyrs out of them again !

Once discovered how simple a complex thing seems ! Discovery itself is a
mystic act, like a divine realization. So it was for Newton and Galileo. But
the discovery of philosophical truths is a different thing altogether, and
requires a different measure of comprehension.

Be happy with what you have because things might very soon be much
worse and you will regret not making the best of what you had in your hand.

Gandhi described Satyagraha as “self-imposed suffering to change the

heart of one’s adversary” and this remains its spiritual power. Krishna in the
Bhagavad Gita on the other hand tells Arjun that violence is an illusion.
How may I reconcile the two ?

Technological growth has overtaken evolutionary growth . A crisis has

overtaken mankind.

“The lesser evil for the greater good” is impossible to justify as it attacks
the ethics of humanity.

Love above all things must be friendship, or else it is not love. Although
Love is friendship, yet it is not always love because love is a special kind of

Contradictions are the point at which great truths converge.

Matter comes from spirit. The Known comes from the Unknown. Matter
is born of non matter and Life comes from non life. The Universe is born of
God, the and our pride is humbled when we are sick.

Waste expands to fill the space available to it, and in this way the heavens
expanded and life came into being among the stars, but waited for conditions
to flower.
The Age of Industry brought about a change in the nature of Man. Man’s
baser instincts prevailed, and greed, competition and the need for
domination prevailed and destroyed the human society that had survived
uptil the pre-industrial age.

There are two kinds of law – the law of Man which is made by man, and
the law of Nature which is made by Nature.

As the man who faces many handicaps and hardships becomes stronger
by these tests, so too the one who faces repeater hurts and insults learns to
become stronger than his tormentors by learning forgiveness and brings
about a change in his enemies. Therefore forgive those who hurt you until
they understand your reason.

Peace alone above all things is purest because it is the original condition
of being.. Peace alone is eternal and everlasting. It is not the candle which
gives light for a little while and goes out; it is not the sun which rises and
sets; it is also not the night which brings comfort and brings the dawn of
sorrow. Peace is pure like a jasmine flower, white and fragrant and without
reason, beyond reason.

The chains man makes to bind himself everywhere is proof that the
human nature rebels against its own inherent freedom. Once man realizes his
essential freedom he will overcome the chains he makes to bind himself

The need of the hour is philosophers and poets – philosophers to

understand our suffering, and poets to sing immortal verses about our pain.

Each man’s destiny is written on his forehead but he cannot read it

because it is written in the writing of the future.

The first duty is the protection of ones cultural heritage because it
expresses man’s right to choose his individual destiny even as it binds him to
his duties.

That which cannot be changed must be accepted no matter how deep the
pain. All one may do is rearrange the room of mind and open the windows
of the heart within.

Conquest by law is the house which modern man built; and the land
became bare and graveyards appeared everywhere, justice had fled and the
song birds had disappeared…

Evolution is but a way born out of the flowing of Time in the channels of
opportunity, and the houses along its banks have been built to rest the
traveler who is searching for his home. But when he reaches his destination
he will understand that Creation was that moment when he began his
journey in search of Truth.

Religious worship is expressed through culture and the destruction of

cultures is a repression of religion.

No two things are the same, they are always different , and in that their
meaning lies.

Anyone who is given freedom is the servant of his benefactor, and I

would rather be a slave with the freedom of my mind intact, rather than a
freed-man in servitude in an enemy’s house.

Religion is the largest industry of mankind and may be compared to a nest

of ants or a hive of bees in which everyone is running in the same direction
under the orders of an unknown will and content to be directed because there
cannot be a rebel in the house of God.
Beauty should not be compared to anything else, because each beauty in
the world is eternal and inviolate within itself alone.

No man is above the predicament which life has placed him in and man’s
only possessions are his actions which he carries in little bundles upon his
back as he hurries from one task to another.

It is the greatness within a man’s spirit which allows him to understand

the greatness in certain things, whereas the shallow spirit glides on a craft of
ignorance on the breast of the deep ocean unaware.

In the morning a thing is not the same as when seen in the evening ---
everything depends upon the viewpoint of the viewer. If nations could
understand this there would be no war, and if individuals could understand
this domestic strife would cease.

Life is hell and death is heaven, and our dreams are heaven on earth.

I believe that all humans are identically programmed and everyone is

looking for a happiness of heart. But in our search there are different
viewpoints and these are controlled by others eager to exploit our labour to
their own ends.

You cannot kill an ideology with a gun but you may change it with a
higher ideal.

In defeat mankind is forced to steal, whereas in victory the armies are

allowed to loot -- the poor are sent to jail and the strong are feted as

It worries me not if I lose a hundred friends like yourself, for friend I am
seeking for the truth . When I have found it and if we should meet again, I
would embrace you and we should be friends again.

Academics write for other academics, but intellectuals and scholars write
for the future where they will be judged according to their merits.

What the world needs urgently is more than a Parliament of Man, it needs
a Parliament of Minds.

Time neither drags nor flies, it is man who remembers or forgets . And
when he remembers, Time drags, and when he forgets, Time flies !

Ever since the eighteenth and nineteenth century when industrialism and
the Enlightenment appeared, European man accelerated the rate of material
change. Everywhere else and at all other times life moved slowly and the
planet’s resources were shared equally and in limitation. Suddenly the
distribution of wealth became unequal and equity disappeared. The world
has never been the same since.

It is a rude idea to believe that the world belongs to us. It belongs to the
future and to unborn generations to whom we owe the debt imposed upon us
by our forefathers.

Every day we become older the more precious does life become to us,
even as when water dries up in a pool the songbirds gather around it.

The horses are left to die untended and forgotten on the battlefield while
the generals reap the rich rewards.

Worse than human cruelty even is human complacency and silence in the
face of evil.
No man is bad, though times may be bad.

The truth is always subversive for some people.

Even when truth is painful it sheds none of its beauty.

Politics is the subjection of the will of the masses to the will of individuals
and nowhere is this more apparent than in democracies. Great oratory and
intellectual dishonesty lead the masses astray even as goats will move to
promised green pasture.

What is the difference between evil and crime ? Evil has malintent
whereas crime is a legal definition. Many an innocent person is made a
criminal and many an evil person sits in the Judge’s chair.

There are as many molecules in a raindrop as there are raindrops in an

ocean . Our place in the Universe is very small and we know not whether
our Universe is but a molecule in a larger raindrop, or how much larger
Being is.

The whole of the universe about us is to me a great biological organism

rather than a collection of mere material objects. Life is a precious gift and
the present quest to conquer outer space is a waste of human resources when
we cannot even provide food for all the poor on our planet.

The recognition of the way to survival is the Tao in Nature and the
willingness to follow it is an expression of a clear mind. Those who would
put an obstacle in our path would profit by it, and there can be no greater
evil in this world or any other.

Lunacy is as different to understanding through experience as wisdom is
to both.

The truth my friend is what we do not have the courage to admit. The
moment we do we shall be free. This is the chain which shackles us and
which we continue to wear, through pride or ignorance. Break this chain as
soon as you see it and you will be free and your freedom will be shared by
others. Man was born free and dies in chains because he cannot cast off this

As tribes are old societies of indigenous peoples so too are forests old
societies of indigenous trees. Those who make plantations of new trees
cannot replace a forest even as those who make new societies in cities can
never make the heavenly environment of a field by a riverside, nor bring
back the cry of a peacock in the wild, or the chatter of thrushes or the song
of a skylark.

Wealth is as different from economics as health is from medicine.

Bad times do not get better until they get worse.

Dead trees have to fall so that new trees may grow.

It is the poor that will feed the world.

The law is made by men, but justice is ordained by conscience.

According to the second law of thermodynamics all growth leads to

entropy (collapse). According to Parkinson’s law growth fills the space
available to it, which is presently all the resources which the planet can offer
to industry. And according to the law of averages the faster the growth the
larger and swifter will be the collapse. Our whole economy, ecology and
humanity are on the direct path of such an imminent collapse.

Where no hope exists, only from there is hope born.

To understand the full importance of colonization it must be appreciated

that traditional peoples never objected to the Strangers occupying land, but
only reacted when these Strangers tried to evict them from lands which these
people had inherited from their ancestors and which were their only survival
resources. Thus it was with the North American Indian, the Zulu in South
Africa, the Australian Aboriginal, the usurpation of Tribal lands in the third
world. The crime of colonization has ever been displacement of these
original societies in quest of ever more natural resources for industrial
production by the State. Such colonization in the name of crown or
nationalism is never justifiable by the God-given law of human conscience,
and which is authorized by the laws of Eminent or Sovereign Domain and
to others Manifest Destiny, which are man-made weapons of conquest by

Time does not pass. It is we who pass.

Brahman is that which is both visible and invisible, and therefore


The sacred by virtue of its nature is changeless.

The highest attribute of the Master is to at all times command respect. The
highest expression of the student is obedience.

The so called freedom of democracy is freedom of expression.

The mind is different to the computer – and a million times more
powerful – because it contains the God-element.

Compassion seems to appear in the tyrant when a defenceless people are

developed through destruction.

The third world is the waste exuded after colonization.

To know when you have failed is to regain your balance.

I make my road by walking, and you make yours by talking. That is why
we never meet.

When we consistently lose opportunities we begin to lose hope, and this is

where Hope must be reborn.

The river is like Time – it is everywhere and at once timeless because at

its source, at its middle and at its end the same river.

Those who devote their entire lives to searching must not forget that they
also have to devote some time to finding otherwise the search is in vain.

There is in every wrong-doer the possibility of right action , and this is the
meaning of the soul’s immortality.

Dear God, let the world awaken from competition to cooperation, from
condemnation to compassion, from punishment to forgiveness.

Things that count in life may not be counted.

Poverty is Janus-faced. To some it is the expression of God’s economy, to
others the result of exploitation.

Truth is the first victim of the law.

It is only at the end of the road that we realize the mistakes taken along
the way. Those whom God has given the vision to perceive the end will save
them the errors on the journey.

In my view order is self-defining and the end is not necessarily the result
of a plan but the outcome of events.

The evolution of primitive societies instead of exemplifying the survival

of the fittest and is rather the fittest mode for survival and in the villages of
these people we find their laws and customs are self created or sue generis.

The main fault of the whole western legal system is that it permits the
advocacy of untruth and allows judgment to be delivered by a man instead of
God. The frailty inherent in man requires the hand of God.

Peace comes out of peace, as love comes out of love, and as forgiveness
come out of forgiving.

Man is an accident of chance and his life is an expression of God.

God does not help those who do not help themselves.

Money may buy a brief happiness but never a lasting contentment.

As a man who faces many hardships and handicaps in his life learns to
become strong, so too he who faces hurt and insult repeatedly learns to
become stoic and forgiving, thus bringing about a change in his tormentors.

Greater than happiness is contentment, for even when Grief strikes

contentment is more powerful because it is an expression of realization of
the divine within man.

Great men have only great faults.

Life is the relay of generations passing on one to the other and in the end
its flower is culture.

The reins of authority must be held by one hand else disaster will accrue.

Like a dog with a bone rich people do not part with their money.

Love and knowledge can only be shared with those who have it already in
their hearts and minds, and deep friendship is a remembering of past
association. That is why friendship is the deepest expression of love.

As time and money get diminished their value increases.

The essence of all states of spiritual alchemy or magical transformation is

an ordeal by fire which changes instantly one’s whole view of life and
experience of the spirit.

I say to the teachers “your world is the school, and my school is the
Art is an expression of human life and life is an expression of God’s art.

They say a man eventually becomes what his wife is. I say a man
becomes what he himself is and his wife may help him whichever way he

How can the mind understand what is outside the scope of the mind ?
How can the fish live on dry land or the land animal live in water ?

The sun is so high at noon yet it disdains not to bring its light into the
meanest hovel; similar is wisdom which disdains not to descend to lift up
folly and wash the wounds made by uncouthness.

A place makes people what they become but finally it is people who
make a place what it is. So it is that a certain environment creates its people,
but it is equally true that people can make their environment.

The rich and powerful may make defenceless and helpless people slaves
by force but they can never make them servants by choice.

Truth is that which one knows by instinct is right. Its beauty is like unto
that of the full moon of summer on a cloudless night.

A rich man may have his money but a really wealthy man is one who has
time to experience the beauties of life and the endless blessings of

Some things never change in the cycle of continuous change that

constitutes all life. These changeless things are expressed in a people’s
cultural heritage.

Literacy is a comparatively recent discovery. The discovery of the highest
truths known to man – faith, hope, love, God -- have been through instinct
implicit in mankind.

Veritate or truth is the experience of compassion for our fellow creatures

expressed through Caritate or the love of God for all things.

Nothing is for ever and forever is for nothing.

Governments do not make people independent, rather it makes them

dependent on itself, and by this means takes all they possess and promises to
feed them.

Flowers fade, fruits rot – some sooner, some later, but all in due time.
Smell the flower’s blossom while its scent is yet sweet and taste the ripe
fruit before it rots and is wasted and has to be thrown away.

The opposite of an untruth is always a truth. But the opposite of a truth

may be an even greater truth.

Faith is of two kinds – of the head which reasons and which doubts, or of
the heart or instinct which is infallible. If you have faith in your instinct –
which is your deepest self -- you will never be let down.

As even the smallest destructiveness destroys so too every little

constructive act strengthens and with the realization of a planetary
environment today in its death throes it is each person’s duty to act
constructively to save the natural world before it is destroyed by the greed of
a few selfish people who view it as a commodity to be bought and sold.

War is the sport of kings and peace is the field on which it is played.
The mind of Nature is what supports life – the living intelligence and
chemistry in all things animate and inanimate which makes life possible.

The poor are like flowers strewn in the path of the king.

The strength of the leaves trampled under the feet is in their glistening
energy which returns when the troop has gone over them and passed.

Wild beauty wears the eternal glory of the first morning of Creation,
cultivated beauty is like a faded woman decked in jewels.

When there is no difference between the servant and the master then very
soon he will occupy the masters seat in the mansion.

The human race is being sedentarized and losing the ability of wild
animals to move all the time which is the source of wild energy and

The material world is in a constant process of entropy, but the world of

the spirit is free of this and gravitates in an inverse ratio towards the
enlargement of consciousness and realization of man’s true eternal nature.

Nothing in itself is bad or good but that which in excess or moderation is

bad or good.

Today reality has become a virtual state of mind and there is danger of
losing what we have been as humans .

There can never be a classless society until wealth is equally distributed .

In all species there are divisions, and so too in mankind there are
divisions. All men are equal to the extent that each one has a soul which is a
part of God.

Those who identify themselves with the poor end up with the poor, and
those who identify themselves with the wealthy end up in the company of
the wealthy.

All journeys end at their beginnings.

He who stands in the king’s palace is like a bird sitting in the branches of
a mighty tree but not knowing whence the sap in the leaves or sweetness of
the fruits come from in the mighty roots which delve within the earth.

A holy man told me that God cannot be worshipped without offerings

bought with money, and I was at a loss to know which God he worshipped.

Happiness is the state of a mind completely at ease.

It is not institutions which make a nation great but great nations that make
great institutions.

One must never be weak especially if one leads, for if the post shakes
everone becomes weak.

There is never a distinct U-turn until there is a realization that it has

already occurred or is happening, and the moment this realization comes the
tide may be said to be changing and better times are ahead.
Lies, deception and cheating are the soul of Capitalism in the name of

The difference between a young fool and an old one is that an old fool has

Man may be mortal but within him is the potential of God-consciousness.

All men may be equal because they are human but there are differences
among societies and individuals which has nothing to do with their inherent
equality as humans.

An indiscriminate consumption of information is not knowledge, and

knowledge by itself does not lead to wisdom. It has to be tempered with
discrimination born of experience.

There can be no equitable distribution of wealth and resources in the

industrial model which is dependent solely upon profit for individuals and

The law is man’s interpretation of truth in order to serve a particular

social order.

It is not the practice of Yoga which brings peace, but rather, the state of
peace itself in a person which is the highest yoga.

True modesty is the sign of a nobly proud person.

There is no generation gap between intellectuals.

Sickness is a rich man’s disease.

Realization is of two types, human and divine. When a person is in a state

of human realization he relies on the opinion of others . But when a person is
in a state of divine realization he sees the truth of the divine before
everything else.

In a rich person as the body grows soft so the heart grows hard. A hard
heart is the sign of money pride and the power it brings.

Nature teaches us all the time but few ever learn her lessons.

The more you search the more you find.

A search engine in a computer is no better than a mind which is


Economic growth has assumed genocidal proportions and everywhere the

poor are paying with their lives for the creation of wealth for a few
privileged people in power.

Information until you receive it has no meaning and so few ever find
information which would enlighten them about the truth of things. And even
when received it is even fewer who can find the discretion to analyse it.

What is feared is worshipped in primitive societies and in India the fear of

touching something contaminated has created a vast sea of filth everywhere,
in particular in our towns, cities and even homes.

As you push a thing so it goes, and constant work yields the best fruits.
Unntil a man realizes that he is God he will never find God.

A government is no better than the people who elect it.

The genius of the western mind is in analysis and classification, whilst

that of the Orient is in discovery and usage. Tea, coffee and edible foods
were discoveries of the tropic world and in these places the societies also
learned to discover themselves. In the age of colonization and the
subsequent period of industrialism the genius and discoveries of earlier
societies were recycled through exploitation and innovation and exploited
for their resources.

Cultural heritage, art and the natural environment are so rapidly

deteriorating before our eyes and becoming commodities which may only be
enjoyed by the very wealthy, even as impoverished traditional societies to
whom these things were their birthright are entering a fight for survival in an
ecologically denuded world destroyed by industrialism.

The most precious of all is contentment.

To accept defeat is also a victory – a victory of acceptance.

The beautiful thing about a broken heart is that it cannot be broken again.

Eyes are the most valuable possession of man.

Old traditions do not work under new conditions.

By all means fight change, but also be ready to change when change
cannot be avoided.

To me the cross is a sacred symbol because it expresses a great
philosophical truth – that all men are equal and of one family in the
horizontal; but in the vertical some are of higher while others of lower type.

What we call God is the universal mind which is sentient and understands
our needs. IT has conscience , which is no longer found in the world but
was there at the beginning but is now only found among those who are

The law is the shield that protects criminals and sends the honest man to
prison and takes away his lands.

It is by conscience that men know right from wrong, good from evil, and
can see the magnificence of creation.

To live is to love and to love is to forgive.

Where the heart is there the mind will be also.

If you are at peace within yourself then the whole world around you will
be at peace.

One may not be able to turn the clock back but one can at some point
learn from our mistakes and try to use time and opportunity more wisely.

The road which one has traveled will be the guide for the road which lies

I told the old Sadhu who visits me some times, “ Money is greater than
God.” He immediately agreed and said, Without money there can be no
worship offerings to God.” Also, money is the presence of God where there
is dire poverty.

It is easy to eat a ripened mangoe but very difficult to grow the seed to

In the capitalist world of today the profit motive has overtaken moral

One must give something one loves most because this is real giving, not
just symbolic gifting of something one may be able to buy cheaply.

The more we know the less we understand.

The first idea is not always the best idea. One has to keep thinking of a
better idea.

The power of the pen has become the power of the digital world, and
some think it may even become a conscious instrument – and then what ?

Fear may be overcome through fortitude but what about the vacuum
entering in our lives if we lose our connection with Poetry, and metaphors
which a computer cannot comprehend, no more of the things which make up
our common humanity ?

Once you have conceived the Real which is the One, then the parts are
seen as illusions (Maya) even as the clay pitcher is composed of particles of

Truth is indeed Dyad-like because it contains both the properties of

Illusion and Reality.
If we cannot change the past then we can at least try to change the future.

Realizing the problem is the first step in finding the solution.

The difference between the intellectual and the scientist is the difference
between imagination and logic.

Realization is higher than scholarship.

The dominant always prevails.

What use is light if the light of the eye is not ?

Sustained effort is always rewarding.

The recent rate of change due to the digital revolution has been so great,
and occurred so swiftly, that it has affected human sensibility and reason.
The gap between the pre-digital consciousness and the post digital
consciousness has led to a breakdown of humanity’s understanding of itself.

To rephrase Thomas Paine, Reasoning with a fool is like giving medicine

to the dead.

Advaya is Monism, it is Advaita (which is not two), and the Lord and
thou and I are one, but he is foremost, creator and created.

Democracy is not real freedom -- it is the tyranny of elected

I do not eat when I work, for work is prayer, and you do not eat while you

Whatever is born must also one day die and be born unto eternal life.

The searcher does not get bogged down in detail like the academics, but
retains the vision of the journey and its destination.

The road leading to finding out what the truth is may be long and arduous,
but the truth when it is found is simple – it cannot be otherwise. Those who
have traveled this path several times are aware of the journey as an
adventure through the landscape of untruth and how ugly it is.

Only a fool can live with a fool. And an intelligent person can only live
with an intelligent person.

The challenge before mankind is to create a post-industrial civilization

using the knowledge gained during the pre-industrial phase of evolution.

All truly great work comes through suffering of some sort and the
inspiration which it gives.

We must not force people to become like ourselves. We must help them to
be themselves. That is real development and real freedom.

Nothing can be created out of nothing. The Creator created man out of
himself, and he is the creation; but the creation is not the Creator. The
Creator is one with his creation, but he is Lord.

As the sperm develops from the form of a tadpole into a human baby, so
too did man evolve in the ocean of being into the creature he is today.

Beauty is always found closest to where a person is.

Everything in nature is beautiful, but all beauty has a price.

The meaning of freedom is being left alone if you are not committing a

Time takes, Time gives…

India is the land of Shiva, the god of destruction. Here everything is

constantly being destroyed and in India the process of change is called
progress or development no matter how ugly it might be.

The child’s mind is a palaeolithic mind because it is the closest to the

source of universal consciousness.

As on the surface of the ocean a boat moves, so also do cultures move

with time across the surface of the Earth.

Even if we lose in fighting to protect what we love yet the fight must go
on ! For this struggle to protect and persevere must go on with life because it
is the essence of all evolution in our struggle to survive.

When modern hearts are hardened into stone how long will it take to wear
them down with the tears of compassion ?

Truth is beauty expressed through simplicity.

We must never give up because triumph is in the last step to victory !

How closely connected was our world in the most ancient times, and now
with even the most amazing connectedness how far apart are the people and
nations of the world!

Why fear death if the soul ceases to be after death, or if it continues

eternally ?

May the bright flame of liberty

And the clear stream of Reason
Ever guide our work.
May the cries of the poor always be heard,
And charity where required, given.
May we never be too proud to beg,
Nor too proud to acknowledge our mistakes.
May the Lord guide our steps in life
And our souls in eternity
For these are his expressions…

Tell me who a man’s friends are and I will you what that man is .

Grief makes a sensitive soul withdraw into itself where is found the
ultimate peace, and so grief is one of the paths to inner peace and discovery
of the Self.

Avoiding reality is like a drug and its refusal to accept is addictive. It is

the way of the weak in coping with reality.

The infinite Growth of the economy will not be able to meet the growth of
the economy based upon finite resources.
The danger in our present world will be that violence will be the last
resort for survival.

When old age comes it suddenly dawns on us that we have read the book
of life and its pages are drawing to an end …

When people who are not criminals break the law without realizing it then
there is something wrong with the law itself.

God is a deep idea in the human psyche beyond truth as we understand it.

People who put their faith in money end up on the rocks.

Who knows what God is, or where ? This we know that opposites being
created from opposites, life has come from non life and must return to this
condition, and the individual soul return to the universal soul, and the
consciousness of Self dissolve into the non conscious.

The very first act of development is the creation of poverty through

destroying the earlier economy and function of traditional societies.

The history of the world has shown that history is not made by men of
great wealth and power but by men of great ideas and philosophical

The mind is not within the body but in the unity of the One. Thus are the
Tao of man and the Tao of God are reconciled. The great exponent of
Taoism in China after Lao-tzu, Chuangtse (335-275 BC) observed “ Honor
through inaction comes from the Tao of God. Entanglement through action
comes from the Tao of man.”
The industrial revolution is not a product of evolution but a product of the
age of colonialism, which has been the plunder of the earth and people
through military authority. It will extinguish itself in revolutions.

The mind has two types of thought, the useful and the burdensome. In
letting go of the burdensome we find the useful which is uncomplicated and
which we can comprehend.

Since opposites are created from opposites so our temporal existence must
after death lead to an eternal state, and even as we now are conscious we
may then cease to be. Why should we worry, for if death extinguishes
consciousness there is no worry, and if existence becomes eternal so much
the better. I believe that with death the individual consciousness or
awareness of self will be lost and the soul return after life is gone into the
anonymity of the elements from which the body is born and which bring
forth life.

Gluttony is the sign of a dysfunctional nature, and a person who is making

up through the consumption of food some deficiency within himself is
similar to the mentally sick person who consumes copious quantities of
material things to make up for a psychological dysfunction.

Modern civilization has been emptied of satiation and only through

gluttony and greed seeks to satisfy its insatiable craving for authenticity,
leading to addiction to consumption at a pathological rate.

The acceleration of information is changing the relevance of time.

The process of change cannot come merely be realizing what we are

doing so much as understanding that the unwritten rules of human society in
the past have to be validated if we are continue in our human mould, or enter
an entirely new world.

Whenever we deal with the ultimate questions concerning God, Nature,
Man, and the origins and purpose of existence we find that there is no
consensus among great minds, and rather their views are widely divergent
about what the truth is!

If end of knowledge is the beginning of wisdom how is it possible when

the end of knowledge is the inability to make sense , so how can wisdom
come from there ?

The greatest contributions have always been from anonymous traditions

coming out of a culture of excellence.

In any revolution the rabble will rise…

For me the strength and inspiration for my work comes from sufficiently
hating what I find evil and sufficiently loving and fighting to protect what I
consider good, and both find their expression in my life and work.

Dust is the daughter of drought.

The most sacred relationship in the world is between a father and a


Beware of men who come with gifts

Temptation is easier to over come than moral weakness.

Priests trick people into believing the only way to heaven is through their
That which is not shared with others is sacred.

The only way to over come a mistake is to admit it.

People who keep servants develop their mentality.

One does not meditate for enlightenment, the enlightened are always in a
state of meditation.

All great men have to carry great crosses.

Art is not necessarily genius, but genius is always art.

Courage is born of honesty.

Man must adapt to nature, not nature adapt to man.

My greatest discovery was the extent of the ignorance of man.

The fear of death ceases when it is inevitable.

Dogs have owners; cats have staff.

When the poor revolt it is a sign of injustice.

When you have to do something you learn how to do it.

As the seed once sown has life and destiny of its own, so the making and
sowing of the seed is a wise man’s duty. But unfortunately the full man by
nature cannot understand the hungry man and this is the cause of the world’s

Our greatest peace is when we are deepest within our selves, and I believe
that man was born to affirm the existence of God.

In the whole universe the moral sense is peculiar only to man.

If you wish to receive love you have to give love first. If you expect to
receive forgiveness you have to give it first.

The cultural heritage of India must be handed down to our children and
this is what is not being done in modern India and why it is in such a great

It is not necessary to carve my name in stone when I die -- it is carved in

the very air of Hazaribagh.

A shadow might fall on me but it will pass with the light casting it. But no
shame may fall upon me or my name.

Clean waters are most easily polluted.

In the modern industrial world ephemeral values have replaced intrinsic

values and the purity of life has been destroyed.

The highest attribute of man is the moral sense. An unfortunately this has
died in Modern India.
As the log is consumed by the fires so too our lives are consumed by time.

The principle that the greater good is the lesser evil has made a mockery
of justice and human rights.

Some believe that attack is the best form of defence. The wise know that
defence is the best form of attack. And the highest spiritual accomplishment
is not to defend oneself. Gandhi taught us this, after Jesus.

If I have understood Shiva’s role it is not destruction but change.

All chaos can be seen as driven by purpose.

Praise ignorance for what has not been encountered has been saved from
man’s greed.

To know when to stop wanting more is to discover the limits of wealth.

God is in all men but all men are not in God.

Change is eternal but it returns and then it becomes constant

Clean waters are polluted most easily.

A baby is the miracle of life!

The language of the imagination is like music. You do not need to

understand it to realize its messages .
The youth are asking, “If they cannot find the truth, then what is our hope
for justice?”

The first problem with the modern world is that we created a world in
which the children know more than the parents , so who are they to look to
for guidance except their teachers and companions ? In a morally violent age
bad example and indoctrination have imploded and society has collapsed

The only difference between human beings is one of education and

culture and all the other differences are negligible.

For my son Jason the smallest things had meaning, and he built his life
and work about this and for this reason he realized eternal truths. He made a
virtue of necessity all his life and after his death only virtue is left.

How can a river not have water, how can grief not flow with tears ?

Today the human heart due to the curse of materialism has become so
empty that the cup of Grief is a relief to drink.

There is no morality in the whole universe except in the higher

consciousness of man. If this is absent then nothing is left.

In an age of snakes poison is a necessity in society, and these are the

unfortunate times which we are living in.

Waters never separate… they always meet again somewhere …

Industrial development is always unsustainable and more so in a capitalist

Grief is the Garden where all souls meet.

The more amount of information the more the amount of ignorance. It is

simply not possible for the human brain to digest all the information being
made available by computers, most of it being of junk value.

The three great threats before the twenty-first century are nuclear war,
climate change, and the breakdown of moral consciousness.

A man inherits the character and nature of his mother and a woman
inherits the character and nature of her father.

How beautiful life is and how suddenly it can become cruel and ugly.

Civilizations create uncivilized hierarchies and rulers and emperors who

leave behind them beautiful cities and monuments at the cost of the lives of
the underprivileged and dispossessed. War is the greatest enemy of man and
yet it is supposed to be the only path to peace. What an inhuman world has
mankind created where the wealthy and powerful devour the poor and
helpless in the name of civilization!

Wealth is the smile on the face of cruelty.

It has been said often that an ideology cannot be killed with weapons of
war, but let us remember that warped ideologies can be conquered through
higher ideals.

He who is satisfied with little is most likely to have his cup overflowing.
The gods surpass mankind in that their wants are few and those who would
emulate them must follow their path.

Has the age of faith been over-passed by science ? I for one would
believe so. For faith is as the winter robin looking for crumbs when the
weather is harsh but truth is the crocuses and daffodils and the white
hawthorn in the spring.

Through art alone can humans separate the real from the unreal.

Friendship and love overcome all barriers.

People everywhere have become confused about what is right and what is
wrong because what was formerly simple has been made complex through
investigative sciences and what was simple has been lost in the maze of the
complex, while the human consciousness has been unable to evolve fast
enough to keep up with the change and the nature of comprehension has
changed. Man stands on an iceberg in the midst of an ocean whose ice is

The highest states of consciousness are found in religious literature under

the ambiguous titles of illumination or enlightenment. Light has been made
synonymous with realization an wisdom while darkness of which we cannot
comprehend is the womb of our birth.

Death is the final abode toward which every human life moves along
life’s winding road and it must be a pleasant place after all the strife and
grief strewn across life’s path.

Truth like reality has many faces and all cannot be seen at once for if they
could man would be God!
What cannot be forgiven in others cannot be forgiven in oneself also.

The bees closest to the queen bee get most of the honey but when the hive
catches fire the bees on the fringes are first to fly off and be saved!

A man takes nothing to his grave except his good name if he is fortunate
to have lived a virtuous life.

When a man presents himself to his host he presents his best aspect and
the host leads him into the best room in the house, for the rooms of eternity
may be many but only the best are selected for those who have the best to
present after living in this world of samsara (illusion).

Outward human expression is comprised of signs and symbols but the

deepest innermost expressions are without form or substance for they belong
to the invisible realm of the spirit-world.

If there is a journey to be made there must be a destination to be arrived

at. Only those journeys are without a destination which have their beginning
in the destination itself.

There is no language as expressive or beautiful as silence.

Faith and hope may be lost but charity is the last of the virtues which
remain till the end.

Harmony is the flowering of truth itself.

What is Bodhicitta or divine love

But the love for all things;
For by love alone are all differences overcome,
And it is in love alone that truth and peace exist.

Through love of life a child is conceived,

It is through love of death that a soul is freed;
Bondage in life and freedom through death
Are the two faces of the truth.

The truth is arrived at by experiencing the opposites.

By knowing opposites know truth,

And by experiencing truth
Find complete calm and peace.

The opposite of war is peace,

And the opposite of hate is love;
The opposite of untruth is truth,
And the opposite of ignorance is wisdom.

By embracing truth overcome untruth,

By embracing love overcome hatred,
By embracing peace overcome conflict,
By overcoming ignorance gain wisdom,
By gaining wisdom find righteousness,
And by finding righteousness attain truth.

Whatever we possess we do not value, what we have lost we value. To

know loss is to value what we have.

Whose spirit is like lightning is difficult if not impossible to love because

in lightning is both savagery and sublimity; but seen from afar it is respected
and this also is a form of love.
Animals have a higher state of consciousness than man. When I study the
Buddha’s teachings and meaning of the emptiness Sunnyata or Nothingness
my belief is confirmed that the highest awareness is total absence of
consciousness and I find this most perfectly expressed in the inanimate, and
perhaps in a slightly lesser degree in the natural world.

Man’s sensory and super-sensory natures are so linked that what the eye
doesn’t see the heart feels not and the most cruel realities are ignored by
even persons of deepest feeling.

Grief slowly melts into acceptance and sadness acquires the mantle of

Those understanding the sacredness of all creation cannot accept the idea
of any aspect as being profane. All places are sacred… and to the aware no
particular thing or place is sacred and ever thing is worthy of worship.

Those climbing the ladder of evil get to the top very fast but on reaching
there find there is nothing further to attain. Just the opposite is for those who
climb the ladder of goodness.

Great natural beauty is that artless grace which time bestows on all things
worthy of decay.

Imperfection is the essence of the highest expressions of Beauty.

When art becomes artifice it can go no further and ceases to inspire, but
when inspiration inspires craft it reveals the inner workings of nature and
what has been called the mind of God.

Men never grow up, they simply become old and older still, losing
nothing of the marks of their childhood.
Wisdom is gained at the experience of everything a man’s life is made up
of and at the expense of every thing and every one who has been associated
with him, and in the end it all amounts to the passing of an evanescent
shadow which but rarely resurrects itself in other minds and becomes

Half the sins and crimes in this world are due to circumstance.

I will say to the moderns, know when to stop - the secret of real
development is to know when to stop. Similarly with artistic creation.

Belief is stronger than reason and has little to do with it.

Belief and reason are two different things. All the reason in the world will
not change set beliefs. The education of children is the manipulation of
belief. Our industrialized world is the creation of this belief. Even if it
destroys the world the belief in it cannot change.

Poverty and helplessness are the greatest teachers, the former teaches us
to value what we have, and the latter teaches us to strive for the unattainable.

The natural and human world as we have known it is disappearing before

our eyes in our own generation and those of our children and grandchildren
because the laws of natural selection which until now had guided evolution
have been destroyed by industrialism and its economic necessities.

Youth never comes back again, rarely in fragments of memory…

It is easier for a rich man to give away everything he owns than for a poor
man to spend a penny. For when a rich man gives away everything he still
has much left, but when a poor man parts with his mite he has nothing left
between himself and starvation. And worse still if he has dependants. When
will educated mankind understand this simple truth ?

One expects from the younger generation what our elder generation gave
to us. But what have we given to our younger generation ? In our times we
have given them a world depleted of natural resources and on the brink of
climate catastrophe…

If you want to confuse people create a new road map. This is precisely
what the post-war twentieth century started and which the first decade of the
twenty-first is giving the finishing touches to.

Truth is something which you cannot fabricate without lies.

To revolt against anything that is against the natural instincts is to bear out
evidence in favour of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection upon
which his theory of evolution is based., but to go beyond revolt and
appreciate the founding principles of universal harmony upon which the
natural laws are based is perhaps a higher endeavour.

The little steps a child takes end in the strides in life taken by the grown

My Lord I sink into your lap and wait for your hidden hand to guide me in
the unknown and uncertain future.

Social injustice is the first mark of civilization.

A good life is a life of happy memories.

Trust, like Love, is complete or not at all.

There is no truly great thought which is not a paradox.

It is those who know who know, the rest are either searchers or ignorant.

When you have a lot in your head you don’t carry much baggage.

It is only human to make mistakes. If you have made a mistake learn to

forgive yourself and you will receive courage to get over it.

Nothing changes friendship and love.

Where the mind is there the heart will be also.

Weak are mortals when Fortune deserts them !

All the greatest teachers have conveyed higher truths through parables,
metaphors and aphorisms -- mediums easily understood by the common
man who can otherwise not understand these things easily.

Only the Ocean gives pearls.

Fra Giovanni said, “Wise men are easily deceived:. I can see why:
because only wise men can see the Two faces of Truth. This is our limitation
in a binary consciousness and so Truth eludes those who cannot go beyond

The Law can be just and unjust, it is a double edged sword.

It is only the rich who know how poor they are; and conversely it is the
poor who know how rich they are.

India’s past is the model for the world’s future.

To die is easy, but to die properly is difficult.

We have to give priority to protecting the Earth from destructive

development, and then devise means for healing it. This today is humanity’s
duty if our race is to survive this century.

As I grow old every moment is more and more precious, time moves
slower and I can almost see every step I take in passing. It is like a fast train
stopping at a station…

Writing, like speech, should require no correction. If it does then the

writer does not know what he is saying because writing is speech.

Time flies, memories stop it.

Some people will say that in praising poverty I am making a virtue of


Man’s brain is not equipped to tell him why he is, where he came from, or
where he is going. These are known only in a higher level of consciousness.

If one accepts defeat then it is impossible to win. So we cannot afford to

accept defeat if we hope to win.

I might be stupid but I’m not a fool.

Death is an inheritance of life

When truth takes visible form it does not need proof to justify its

Belief in some thing is essential for survival for without belief life
becomes intolerable and negation of every thing. Whether our beliefs are
provable or not is not the question , since tour profoundest beliefs are un-
provable. Belief gives faith which leads to hope and is essential for living.

I remain agnostically inclined towards a Jehovah God idea but in belief

some kind of super power is essential such as the Hindu concept of Brahman
which is the most primitive indigenous deity or nature god. Some kind of
belief in God is essential since it brings us hope and nurtures faith. And faith
is greater than truth. The modern attack on ancient beliefs attacks the central
faith of traditional societies in their traditions which are the product of
natural evolution. Industrial society with its accelerate change destroys these

When you come to the end of your resources and do not know what to do
get creative, for that is the energy which has sustained the world.

Never by force was the spirit of the sacred in the soul of a people broken.

The second best form of wisdom is to know what one understands not.

The perfect way is to bow your head when you enter the door of the

Truth is not a thing it is a state of mind.

It is easier to forgive when one has lost everything. Then one has started
to learn the meaning of gratefulness.

Its nice to see the homespun stuffs out of which history is made. We
ourselves are history in the making.

The road to hell is paved with gold.

Without a dream there can never be a reality.

We live between the ideal and the possible. That which should be and that
which is possible. We cannot change this reality even through idealism and
laws. It is simply an existential predicament of our human-ness.

The moment one parts with authority one loses it.

Pearls come from the heart of the ocean.

Life leads to death, and death leads to life.

Ganius is that state which can be recognized but not defined. It is the
ability to discern and express the trans-normal, and in the case of sick genius
it concerns the para-normal.

It is natural not to deny the unknown as God in our final hour.

For my son Jason the smallest things had meaning, and he built his life
and art about these and through these he realized eternal truths. He made a
virtue of necessity all his life, and after his death only virtue is left.
Throughout history civilization has shown itself to be a sickness
afflicting the weaker sections of society. Now that order is again changing
as modern industrial civilization begins its decline. Society will return to an
older and more primitive order which seems to be the only way of sustaining
a growing population and meeting increasing extraction of natural resources
on the planet.

Democracy is least achievable where class hierarchies exist. In the

primitive egalitarian order of human society it was achievable. In a capitalist
society based upon economic differences creating class hierarchies it will
remain an elusive ideal.

A poem is the condensed deepest feelings of the poet.

The quality of life does not have to depend upon the amount of energy

The root of violence is anger. Root out anger and you will root out

Things must get better if the cannot get any worse, or else collapse.

We live in hope and die in despair in an unfair world.

The true value of goods decreases with quantity.

The contradiction in success is not about the number of mistakes one

makes but what is successfully achieved in spite of this.
A true wilderness is manicured through neglect.

Natural change is when everything in a space is changed around in

arrangement but only the arrangement is changed and things remain the

When things are going from bad to worse (as in India today) remember
less worse is better than more worse.

Great wealth takes away more than it gives.

Cast out fear and you will conquer life.

The lens of the camera is one of the eyes of God.

Truth, when it appears before us, is God showing His face.

Nature is God and God is Nature. That is all we know – or need to know.

It takes a diamond mine to produce a single great solitaire. How much of

Greece must have passed to produce a Homer or a Socrates ?

First mankind played about with cultures during colonialism, then they
played with the environments of conquered nations; and now finally they
playing with the Earth’s atmosphere and the stability of the planet itself as a
home for Life.

The essence of Capitalism is how to justify and legalize theft.

What greater proof of God than Nature ?

The moment one parts with authority one loses control over it.

A child is like a piece of wet clay: whatever you make of it that it will
become. Missionaries take full advantage of this.

Never can Evil triumph over Truth without in the process revealing it.

True development is the development of the mind and heart.. Every other
kind of development is secondary.

When a man is young and his stomach is full he is happy. But when he
becomes old and his stomach is empty how can he be happy ? Only old men
and hungry men know that.

Suffering is a purge and a blessing both if only one can understand its
divine purpose.

Mussolini once said “ when one man is killed it is murder but when a
million die in war it is a statistic”. He was a cruel man and a dictator with
great power. But those who died in the battlefields of Europe in the First and
Second Great war and countless others dying in extreme pain in battlefields
around the world have felt the extreme injustice of war.

What law cannot decide as Schiller said is decided by might. This is the
cause for wars in the twentieth century, and perhaps the cause of all wars in

God gave to man everything in life including sorrow and the opportunity
to overcome it.
A man’s old age is his own cross and he must carry it to his grave.

The curious thing about European man is that although he knows he is

lying all the time he still ideologically defends his actions for material gains.

We must avoid the takeover of our minds by machines otherwise we shall

lose our human identity. And I perceive that this has already started to
happen when I see the youth of today, and I blame it on the new intelligence
and language of the computer.

Confucius summed up the animal passions as sex, fighting, and

possessiveness. But whereas animals only indulge in these when biologically
necessary humans have made a pastime of them.

Young men have dreams and old men have visions.

Destruction, exploitative development and the cruel modern market

economy lead to their own kind of economic generated through not placing
the economic value of resources destroyed and exploited into the economic

I do not believe in religion as it is the handiwork of man, but I believe in

nature which is the handiwork of God.

To celebrate literacy as an intellectual achievement is as stupid as calling

a pen an intellectual achievement because it can inscribe sublime words and

There is a higher intelligence which guides our lives and for want of a
better name we call it God.
We must pay to the future the debt of the past.

Faith and belief are of themselves inadequate to understand what is

beyond the bicameral mind of man. This requires the finger of God.

That which has been unknown is unmissed. This is the secret of


The strange thing about foolishness is that it believes in itself.

Truth can only be known through experiencing it.

Obsession, inspiration, and hard work are the three qualities essential for
genius to flower into production.

The river flows on while life remains motionless on its banks like the
stork in the fields as the river moveth on.

If we continue searching we shall come to the place where the path

divides there it is that we shall discover who we are when we decide which
road to take.

We have for too long been living under the illusion that what we call
democracy fulfills the aspiration of the masses which is a full stomach and
security for their family.

Science relies upon measurement and there it differs from humanism

which depends upon interpretation through higher understanding.
I keep on praying to a deaf god who without hearing answers my prayers.

Change as novelty is a modern invention and a dangerous one in that and

contrary to the law of evolution and natural growth.

Literacy has nothing to do with real education which is the education of

the mind and heart which experience teaches.

Let us never forget that the civilizational genius of Europe came from
India to it countless ages before.

If music can be interpreted as notations I compare it to the music which I

witness in the hues of the forests and the tribes which inhabit them.

There is nothing in nature that is not beautiful, inspiring, soul-uplifting.

Ours is an unjust society and its injustices are to be seen everywhere - in

the newspapers, in the streets, in the child crying in hunger…

Sweet is the bread leavened with the sweat of labor and tears for it has
been blessed by God.

Perfection of thought perfectly expressed is all I seek .

Death is merely the changing of physical appearances and the soul is the
life which flows out of it to mingle with the breezes of the world.

Forget what is lost for its remembrance is only painful and of no use.
Better a painted postcard than the lost vale of Khorasan.
Evil is eternal as truth is eternal in our perception. It can only be
overcome and resisted in the sensory world, but never destroyed. Only those
who have transcended sense perception can conquer Evil, the great illusion
Mara. When Satan tempted Jesus on the mountain or Mara tempted Buddha
they were resisted but Evil could not be destroyed. For Evil is as strong as
Truth, and in this lies the balance of all creation.

Time lengthens as life shortens with age.

A strong nation depends on a strong peasantry and if there be not a strong

peasantry it must depend upon war or trade in order to survive.

Necessity it has been said is the mother of invention where one has to
make a virtue of it; but I know of other virtues which are not necessities
which have been cultivated to make life beautiful.

Every woman needs to have a good address in the eyes of society; but her
soul is the address where God will find heron judgment day.

What is greater than the Brahmin’s cleverness ? It is his cunning.

I have become the prisoner of my own work like the Lady of Shallott and
my song is heard only in the garden where my cage is hanging.

The life of the body when it goes in search of the spirit does not long
remain in the body because it has seen the beauty of another world beyond

Books are my friends and fools are my enemies. I know I shall not be
pardoned for this but what can I do ?
When you walk without any particular destination it is like walking for
its own sake, as working for its own sake; and you arrive at beautiful and
unexpected destinations and then you realize the journey itself was the

When a person walks to the temple with a pot of gold for the deity he
leaves it there for someone else to collect. Today’s temples are the market-

No man can replace a girl’s father, and no woman can replace a girl’s
mother, and this will be true of her daughters also.

God and work for me are two faces of the same coin.

Perhaps now it is increasingly difficult for me to understand myself as I

break the veils hiding the truth . This truth is not of our world and belongs
to an understanding we cannot know in this world and life until we can go
beyond the limitations which they impose on us.

I came to this world to give and I gave whatever I could and now as old
age draws on I give my flowers and their seeds to the wind to sow where
they will as they will.

Money which you earn is money which you have, and money you have is
quickly spent and disappears. That is why it is important to keep on earning
and this is why a trade or profession is so important for a successful life. But
do not make money your goal in life otherwise it will turn from a goal into a

One must learn to be happy with what one has and only then will true
happiness be found.
To give respect to others is to give respect to our own selves.

I am spread out as thin as butter on hot toast. You may not see me but you
will taste my actions and their fruits.

My work will not run out, my time will.

Avoid a wrong action at all costs. A single wrong action cancels a

hundred right actions.

Earning a good name is perhaps difficult but keeping it is even more


Music is the first language and the first human speech must have
resembled it, like the song language of birds and the calls of wild animals in
springtime; later it appeared in forms in the first rock glyphs and paintings.

In our times I find that all moral sense has deserted modern western
society, a contagion spreading through the speed of the internet and
television into a modern phenomenon; it is in keeping with the rampage
being created through anthropogenic climate change and the end of society
as it was known up to recently is now in sight.

Life and time come only once, departing, depart for ever;
Having been they are seen, once gone, never…

Why should I wander around in circles to find the truth when I stand at
the centre of the universe ?
The best way to beat a stronger opponent is not to fight him but to get him
to fight with himself.

The only way to beat something stronger than oneself is not to fight it.

Any idea is only as big as you can make it; if it has potential blow it up as
a balloon and if it slips out of your hand it will fly away.

The law lays down even as

The liar lies down before it,
As the law lies and lays one down before it.

Therefore, lawyers are like maggots in a wound that benefit from and aid
in the decomposition of the flesh. They do this in the wounds of Truth,

Some times when there is no other way in sight on is forced to take the
only way there is and this may lead to a flash of insight wherein all disputes
are settled and resolved as if there never was any problem.

Only when time has flown away does one realize it and wishes one had
clipped the wings of the bird of time, but the greater realization is that the
time which is left though perhaps not very much is extremely precious!

No price is too high to pay for peace, for peace is the prize, it is the flower
of all living things, fairest of the fair -- greater than beauty, higher than
intellect, profounder than happiness itself which is but temporary and a
vassal of circumstance.

Only silence has a multitude of voices and they are heard only when the
mind is still.

What one sees and understands is how one sees and thinks. No two people
see and understand something in exactly the same way.

My life has been an attempt to avoid an audience , just for myself a

journey of discovery and search and adventure, a finding of new places
along the traveller’s path, places of the mind and heart, beautiful
environments secluded and unknown; and fortunate have been my few
companions in this very private world.

Circumstance is the cruelest of all evils.

The economics of ecology do not tally with the ecology of economics.

I have banished all search for details from my mind and used the rudder of
my heart to steer my boat into the harbor of the sacred.

That which is not seen with the eyes is seen with the heart.

Peace is the only alternative to war.

When I die you will find me again in the works which I leave behind; in
my writings, my poetry, my paintings, my high idealism of thought
expressed in all which I have done or tried to do, in my sympathy for dumb
creatures and all living things. Learn from these and pass them on for they
are alone what will remain of me who write this.

It is in hopelessness that hope is found; it is in going beyond fear and

changing one’s perceptions until the darkness turns into light.

Wisdom and Nirvana have no permanent abode and are eternal entities
which are eternal in themselves. Buddha compared wisdom to the wind
which is everywhere and nowhere at the same time The same is with
Nirvana which is eternal truth and all who know this are one though far

There is no such thing as complexity for once you understand it it is


As sheep are led to slaughter so capitalism, materialism, and a vagabond

immorality are leading a drugged human population to extinction and no one
seems able to either realize it or if they do to do anything to stop themselves.

In the Indian village the dancing ground used to be the school and the
courtyard was the temple of the house and the forests were the abodes of the
deities . Today children are educated by the television and internet and the
schools have become the disciplinarians of a new materialistic and even
militaristic educational totalitarianism in society.

When a man walks to the temple with a pot of gold for the deity he leaves
it there for someone else to collect. Today’s temples are the market-place.

The spirit does not go to the temple because it is itself the temple and
belongs in eternity.

Love is the only alternative to hatred, as peace is the only alternative to

war, and the of overcoming both is in letting go, give away attachment with
fearless freedom, through love.

The devotee of the eternal does not go to the temple, the worshipper of art
and culture does not go to the market-place. He goes where blossoms bloom
by themselves and give beauty and strength to the world.

Until one has given completely one will not receive completely.
Forget what is lost for its remembrance is a painful vanity and illusion for
the moment. The truth of it is in the memory - far better a painted postcard
than the lost valley of Khorasan.

The first stage of knowledge is receiving knowledge; the second stage of

knowledge is knowing what you have received; and the third stage is in
being able to transmit this knowledge to others. This is the fruit of
graciousness of the divine purpose of knowledge.

Civilization does not create culture. Rather it is culture that creates

civilization. For the feathers of a bird are not dusted on the ground it walks
but grew from that dust to form its plumage.

Sorrow is not a thing, it is associated with coveting some thing; remove

covetousness and sorrow will disappear and sorrow will be seen as simply
an illusion of the mind.

Animals and birds and all living creatures (even human beings, although
they do not appreciate it fully) have a language of expression beyond words,
and more is said through the unsaid than through the said.

When man changes his environment it is not only the environment he is

changing but he himself is changed by its change.

The end of desire is Nirvana.

Wealth and power can come by good fortune, but wisdom and sincerity
can come by good sense.

If you want to know how time passes ask an old man.

To know the problem is to half overcome it.

What is the use of owning a gold mine if you don’t know where it is.

If you make a mountain out of a mole-hill it becomes a mountain

Ascent is in the seed of the flower, as poison is in the genes ; as love is in

the recollection of peace, or hatred of discord; so things happen
unknowingly through deep channels beyond ourselves -- in vengeance and
war, empathy and compassion, we find an outside Hand guiding us -- even
as the masters of society inject into it evil beyond the guidance of reason
and work their will on what we may not understand.

It is only when the climber has reached the summit of the peak that he
realizes how alone he is.

No price can be put on anything which Nature produces because this price
is artificial and a commodifying of what is universal and eternal.

The point which rises immediately before us in the midst of prophesy in

development projects is whether in past experience such projects have in
fact brought the fulfillment of the promise of plenty.

The fault it will be found is not in the religion itself but in the sect which
controls it.

The ephemeral and eternal values in traditional village arts: While the art
itself might be ephemeral in nature it is yet eternal in tradition ; and only due
to an unbroken tradition can it afford to be ephemeral.

Cultivating friends is like cultivating flowers -- it depends upon what
you want.

Creation was all about creating. Man in the past has been continuously
creating and this is how his evolution came to be. Now owing to a selfish
gene biological creativity is giving way to hybridization .

Health, mental peace, untroubled sleep, these cannot be bought.

Strength will increase in strength and weakness will increase in weakness.

Beauty is not in a physical configuration but in the spirit which it exudes.

Money is a wolf in sheep’s clothing which enters the house with wealth
and eats up its peace.

A light, a lamp, is a guide in the immense darkness which surrounds us,

and a symbol of hope that in the unknown future we and ours may find a
means to endure and help others to do so, thus becoming agents of that
divine intelligence which guides our lives.

The blankness of the empty page is a light because upon it our spirit’s
impression may be left by the traveling mind – a flameless lamp to guide in
the darkness…

Tamam Shud

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