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Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

Exercícios da Aula
Text Comprehension
Company pays its workers to sleep
A company in the USA is paying its employees to sleep more. Staff at the insurance company Aetna will
get $300 a year added to their salary if they get at least seven hours of sleep a night. That works out to
just over an extra dollar for each night the employee sleeps over seven hours. The idea behind this
scheme is employee performance. Human resources officials say employees will work better if they have
slept well. They add that a workforce that is more awake and alert 1 will mean the company will perform
better. Staff can either record their sleep automatically using a wrist monitor that connects to Aetna's
computers, or manually record how long they have slept every night.


1- According to the text

a) Workers at a U.S. company are getting $300 a month to sleep longer.
b) The company is paying workers to sleep to improve performance.
c) A worker will get $7 per night for sleeping more than seven hours.
d) Workers can only get the extra cash by wearing a wrist monitor.

2- The highlighted sentences are in the

a) Imperative form
b) Infinitive form
c) Conditional form
d) Relative form

3- The word alert (ref.1) has the same meaning as

a) incautious
b) sluggish
c) dull
d) aware


(EsFCEx) Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:

I asked my teacher if____________________________

A) there will be a test next week.

B) there would be a test next week.
C) there was a test next week.
D) there is a test next week.
E) there will be going to be a test next week.

(EEAr) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.

After landing safely pilots and crew will have a few days of rest _____.
A) if they have been on a long distance flight.
B) if they will be on a long distance flight.
C) if they were on a long distance flight.
D) if they are on a long distance flight.

1- (EPCAr) Complete the fragment below with the grammatically correct verb tense.
According to paragraph four, if the earth is hollow, you ________ it via portals at the north
and south poles.
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

A) accessed
B) have entered
C) will reach
D) stays

2- (Escola Naval) Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?

A) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet surely survives.
B) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press Control-Power button.
C) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave yourself.
D) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize how special you are.
E) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stop all contact with my boyfriend.

3- (EEAr) Select the alternative that indicates the type of conditional in the sentence below.

According to scientists, if the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, there
will be a global warming.

A) zero conditional
B) first conditional
C) third conditional
D) second conditional
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

Exercícios Propostos
Nível 1

1. (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not

pass) the exam.
2. (Third conditional) If the students __________________ (not be) late for the exam, they
__________________ (pass).
3. (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we __________________
(go) to the beach.
4. (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
5. (First conditional) If she __________________ (not go) to the meeting, I __________________ (not
go) either.
6. (Third conditional) If the baby __________________ (sleep) better last night, I
__________________ (not be) so tired.
7. (First conditional) If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I
__________________ (not be) happy.
8. (Second conditional) If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she __________________
(travel) more.
9. (First conditional) If the children __________________ (not eat) soon, they __________________
(be) grumpy.
10. (First conditional) If I __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I __________________ (be)
tired in the morning.
11. (Second conditional) If I __________________ (want) a new car, I __________________ (buy)
12. (Second conditional) If José __________________ (not speak) good French, he
__________________ (not move) to Paris.
13. (First conditional) If John __________________ (drink) too much coffee, he __________________
(get) ill.
14. (Third conditional) If we __________________ (tidy) our flat, we __________________ (not lose)
our keys.
15. (Third conditional) If Luke __________________ (not send) flowers to his mother, she
__________________ (not be) happy.
16. (Second conditional) If the children __________________ (be) in bed, I __________________ (be
able to) have a bath.
17. (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________
(not have) so many arguments!
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

18. (Third conditional) If Julie __________________ (not go) to Sweden, she __________________
(go) to Germany.
19. (First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________ (study)
20. (Third conditional) If we __________________ (not have) an argument, we __________________
(not be) late
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses


1. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ---- the same language?

a) will speak
b) speak
c) had spoken
d) spoke

2. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ---- this incident again.

a) I will never mention

b) I never mention
c) will I never mention
d) I don't mention

3. Unless you ---- all of my questions, I can't do anything to help you.

a) answered
b) answer
c) would answer
d) were answering

4. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ---- it.

a) would never have believed

b) hadn't believed
c) don't believe
d) can't believe

5. ---- we truly understand others can we show sympathy towards them.

a) Only if
b) Unless
c) Even if
d) But for

6. My parents have been my emotional safety net and I ---- the hardships in life without their
constant support and attention.

a) didn't survive
b) wouldn't have survived
c) haven't survived
d) hadn't survived

7. If I were in your shoes, I think I ---- to her rather than try to explain what has happened
over the phone.

a) spoke
b) have spoken
c) would speak
d) will speak
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

8. If I ---- the consequences of my action, I would not have acted so hastily.

a) have realized
b) realize
c) realized
d) had realized

9. If I ---- in my youth what I know now about how deceitful people can be, I would have felt
too scared to trust anyone at all in my life.

a) know
b) knew
c) were to know
d) had known

10. The person in charge told me that If I took the 8 a.m. flight to New York, I ---- change

a) don't have to
b) won't have to
c) didn't have to
d) may not have to
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

Nível 2

1- Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:

If he put it this way, everybody __________ with him.

a) would agree

b) should have agreed

c) will agree

d) would has agreed

e) agreeded

2- __________ just call our 24-Hour Card Replacement, and we'll have a new one in your
hands usually by the end of the next business day.

– No texto acima omitiu-se uma oração. Preencha-a com a opção que representa a melhor

a) If you need a lost or stolen card replaced

b) If you need replace a lost or stolen card

c) If a lost or stolen card needs to replace

d) If it is needed to replace a lost or stolen card

e) If a lost or stolen card needs to be replaced by us

3- Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da

frase apresentada:

- "Frederick, what's the matter with you? This is the third assignment you haven't turned

- "I know, Mr. Dwarf. I would have turned them in __________ but I've been extremely

- "But that's no excuse. You must understand that I'll have to fail you if you don't complete
your requirements."

- "Yes, I know. I'll try to catch up."

a) when I have time

b) if I had time

c) if I had had time

d) if I will have time

e) when I would have time

4- If you don't go, __________ very angry.

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

a) I feel

b) I am

c) I was

d) I'll be

e) I have been

5- Love Among the Laundry

When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her clothes at the launderette she
returned it to the tall dark young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for
several months, then were seen no more. One of their wedding presents had been a washing

(Molly Burnett)

– If they had not got married, they would probably have:

a) changed their dirty clothes.

b) lost their socks forever.

c) rented a washing machine.

d) returned to the launderette.

e) sold their striped socks.

6- Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:

If you had taken my advice, you __________.

a) would learned the lesson

b) would have learnt the lesson

c) should learned the lesson

d) would learn the lesson

e) should understand the lesson

7- Mark the item that shows the correct ending to the following sentence:

If the process happens each time we eat sugar, we:

a) will have dental problems.

b) would have dental problems.

c) would have had dental problems.

d) could have dental problems.

e) may have had dental problems.

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

8- Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I (II) poison your coffee".

Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV) drink it."

– Os termos que melhor preenchem as lacunas I, II, III e IV são:

a) were (I), would (II), were (III), had (IV).

b) was (I), would (II), was (III), would (IV).

c) were (I), had (II), were (III), had (IV).

d) was (I), could (II), was (III), would (IV).

e) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).

9- Leia a seguir o comentário publicado pela revista NEWSWEEK:

"He had lots of German in him. Some Irish. But no Jew. I think that if he __________ a little
Jew he __________ it out". Singer Courtney Love, on the suicide of her rock-star husband,
Kurt Cobain.

– As lacunas (I) e (II) do comentário anterior devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por:

a) I. had had, II. would have stuck

b) I. has had, II. would stick

c) I. have had, II. had had stuck

d) I. had had, II. had stuck

e) I. had, II. would stuck

10- The alternative that does not finish the sentence "If it rains we..." correctly is:

a) couldn't go out.

b) won't go out.

c) mustn't go out.

d) shouldn't go out.

e) can't go out.

11- A frase sublinhada em "if you are otherwise healthy, just call your doctor" seria melhor
traduzida como:

a) se você não é saudável de outras maneiras.

b) se você tiver pouca saúde.

c) se você for saudável e esperto.

d) se você não tem outras doenças.

e) se você tem um plano de saúde.

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

12- Candidates who get a poor result always regret:

If I had studied more before sitting for the test, I __________ it.

a) would pass

b) passed

c) have passed

d) would have passed

e) had passed

13- Amelia's Letter

Dear Members of the UNICEF, I am an eleven-year-old girl and come from a small village. I
left home to come to the city and to work to send money to my family. Now I make T-shirts
in a factory. I work twelve hours a day for very little money. The factory is very dirty and
hot. The boss is very mean and often beats us. He makes us work very hard without breaks.
My friends and I want to leave but we know that working in the factory is better than
begging in the streets. The boss tells us this every single day... Could you please tell us what
to do?

Adapted from: "Voices of Youth":

– Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:

If Amelia __________, she __________.

a) had left her family behind – could have gotten a job

b) hadn't come from a small village – wouldn't be eleven years old

c) worked less than 12 hours a day – wouldn't be beaten by her boss

d) hadn't gotten a job in a factory – might have worked with her mean boss

e) weren't afraid of ending up begging in the streets – would have already left the factory

14- The sentence "Had he made Patch Adams, Salles would have focused on the medical
profession" could be rewritten, without change in meaning, as:

a) If Salles focused on the medical profession, he would have made "Patch Adams".

b) Salles would focus on the medical profession if he would have made "Patch Adams".

c) If Salles had focused on the medical profession, he would have made "Patch Adams".

d) If Salles made "Patch Adams", he would focus on the medical profession.

e) Salles would have focused on the medical profession if he'd made "Patch Adams".

15- If she had gone to the movies, __________.

a) she might be sick now

b) Jane would be busy

c) she would like to call Jane

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

d) she would have met Jane

e) Jane will be happy

16- If I __________ my raincoat, I __________ a cold.

a) had worn – wouldn't have gotten

b) wear – would have get

c) didn't wear – wouldn't have get

d) am wearing – would have gotten

e) hadn't wear – couldn't have get

17- Diana had been hoping to get away by five, so she could be at the farm in time for
dinner. She tried not to show her true feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins,
presented her with a complex twelve-page document that required the signature of a
director before it could be sent out the client. Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they
had lost two similar contracts that week.

– Choose the item which best completes the sentence, according to the passage:

Diana wouldn't be at the farm in time for dinner unless she __________ by five.

a) would get away

b) gets away

c) got away

d) had got away

e) can get away

18- New technologies allow total strangers to know almost everything about a person.
Author Peter F. Eder writes about the ongoing invasion of personal privacy which will get
much worse unless better safeguards are quickly established.

– De que forma o trecho "unless better safeguards are quickly established" poderia ser
reescrito, sem alteração do significado do texto?

a) ... if better safeguards are established quickly.

b) ... if better safeguards quickly established.

c) ... if better safeguards are not quickly established.

d) ... when better safeguards are quickly established.

e) ... when better safeguards are not established.

19- If senior citizens __________ more pessimistic toward technology, Web developers and
marketers __________ to emphasize two things: ease of use and value.

a) became – have
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

b) become – have

c) became – would have

d) became – will have

e) became – had

20- Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have been part of that powerful
and long-lasting generation that entered the military during World War II and filled the
universities immediately after the war.

– Assinale a opção que contém uma expressão equivalente

a: "Had they been born", em "Had they been born just a few years earlier..." e que,
portanto, poderia vir a substituí-la no texto:

a) They had been born...

b) When they had been born...

c) As they had been born...

d) Whether they had been born...

e) If they had been born...

Nível 3

1- Although it is very big (a female adult measures 9 cm) and poisonous, the Italian
tarantula does not represent a serious problem for people.

– According to the text, one alternative is correct: If the Italian tarantula had been so
poisonous, a lot of people:

a) will be killed.

b) would have to kill.

c) would have killed.

d) would be killed.

e) would have been killed.

2- If you __________(I) a friend or relative for his or her favorite awards-show moment,
you __________(II) about the kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears at the 2003 MTV
Video Music Awards.

– Mark the correct alternative to fill in blanks I and II:

a) were asked about – can tell

b) asked – have been told

c) could have asked – should tell

d) were to ask – might be told

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

e) must ask – have to be told

3- The sentence "If you run into someone on the street in

Taiwan, he's likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'" in the THIRD CONDITIONAL
will be:

a) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he might have probably greeted you by asking
'Have you eaten?'

b) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would have been likely to greet you by asking
'Have you eaten?'

c) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would likely greet you by asking 'Have you

d) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would have been likely to greet you by
asking 'Had you been eaten?'

e) If you could run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would have likely to greet you by asking
'Have you eaten?'

4- The sentence "If Orwell's book were to be rewritten, you would have a nightmare vision
of the world" in the THIRD CONDITIONAL will be:

a) If Orwell's book had to been rewritten, you would have been a nightmare vision of the world.

b) If Orwell's book had been rewritten, you would have had a nightmare vision of the world.

c) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have a nightmare vision of the world.

d) If Orwell's book had been rewriting, you would had have a nightmare vision of the world.

e) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have been a nightmare vision of the world.

5- What's the relation between the two clauses in the underlined sentence below?

If this dental dream becomes a reality, stem cells will be taken from the patient, cultured in
a lab and then reimplanted under the gum in the patient's jaw where the tooth is missing.

a) Consequence.

b) Conclusion.

c) Result.

d) Contrast.

e) Condition.

6- If some anti-terrorist commentators __________ the causes of terrorism, they

__________ justifications for it.

a) accept – also accepted

b) don't refuse – wouldn't refuse

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

c) accepted – would also accept

d) wouldn't refuse – didn't refuse

e) accepted – won't refuse

7- If he loses election, he __________ from public life.

a) retired

b) retire

c) going to retire

d) will retire

e) has retired

8- – The sentence that contains "if-clauses" correctly used is:

a) If you don't vote, you wouldn't have a say in the future of your country.

b) Would you get married if you had been in love?

c) George might have become an architect if he went to school.

d) If she was traveling far, she always flies.

e) Had I had money, I would have moved.

9- "Had the buildings been full, about 14,000 people would probably have died" means the
same as:

a) The buildings had been full of 14,000 dead people.

b) Fourteen thousand people died because the buildings were full.

c) Though the buildings were full, about 14,000 people didn't die.

d) Had the buildings been filled with 14,000 people, no one would have died.

e) About fourteen thousand people could have been killed if the buildings had been full.

10- Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:

If the snow cover __________ longer, it __________ the plants and __________ the water

a) lasted – would damage – will disturb

b) would last – would damage – disturb

c) lasts – will damage – disturb

d) will last – damages – disturbs

e) lasts – will damage – disturbed

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

11- I'd have gone to that party if they __________ me.

a) have invited

b) had invited

c) will invite

d) are inviting

12- They felt as if they _____________ on thin ice.

a) are walking

b) have walked

c) were walking

d) will walk

13- In the sentence "IF THE CRITERIA OF QUALITY BECOME EXACTING, a canon may
emerge ..." the part in capital letters is a/an:

a) relative clause.

b) conditional clause.

c) noun clause.

d) restrictive clause.

14- If the pension deposit __________ earlier, the lady __________ in trouble.

a) arrived – would haven't been

b) had arrived – wouldn't be

c) had arrived – wouldn't have been

d) arrives – wouldn't be

e) has arrived – would be not

15- Select the best alternative to complete the sentences below:

I. If they __________ money, they will build a big house.

II. If you __________ out more, you would meet a few people.

III. If he __________ his restaurant, he would have got more customers.

IV. If she __________ so fast, she wouldn't have crashed her car.

V. If we __________ a car, we wouldn't have to spend all our time waiting for buses.

a) have; went; had cleaned; hadn't been driving; had

b) have; go; cleaned; wasn't driving; have

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

c) had; went; was cleaned; hadn't driven; has

d) have had; have gone; had cleaned; hadn't been driven; have had

e) have; have gone; has cleaned; hadn't driven; have

16- If the U. S. Justice Department had not derailed Gate's bid to acquire Intuit, the deal
__________ realize Microsoft's ambition to make money from almost every commercial
transaction in cyberspace.

a) is going to help

b) would have helped

c) would help

d) helps

e) is likely to help

17- If my boss had not phoned the police on the spot, the thief __________.

a) would get away with it

b) got away with it

c) should got away with it

d) would have gotten away with it

e) has gotten away with it

18- The loan __________ back if they hadn’t been held up last week.

a) would have paid

b) would pay

c) would have been paid

d) will have paid

e) will be paid

19- "Come back to me and you will really know what happiness can be" means:

a) If you come back to me, you will know what happiness can be.

b) If coming back makes you happy, it could bring happiness to me.

c) If you come back to me, you would know what happiness could be.

d) Come back to me or else you won’t know what could be happiness.

20- Complete meaningfully the following sentence:

Had they studied hard, they __________.

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

a) would pass

b) wouldn’t have passed

c) would have passed

d) would have pass

e) would haven’t passed

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula: Conditional Clauses

Nível 1
1. (First conditional) If we don’t work harder, we won’t pass the exam.
2. (Third conditional) If the students hadn’t been late for the exam, they would have passed.
3. (Third conditional) If the weather hadn’t been so cold, we would have gone to the beach.
4. (Second conditional) If she had her laptop with her, she would email me.
5. (First conditional) If she doesn’t go to the meeting, I won’t go either.
6. (Third conditional) If the baby had slept better last night, I wouldn’t have been so tired.
7. (First conditional) If the teacher gives us lots of homework this weekend, I won’t be happy.
8. (Second conditional) If Lucy had enough time, she would travel more.
9. (First conditional) If the children don’t eat soon, they’ll be grumpy.
10. (First conditional) If I don’t go to bed soon, I’ll be tired in the morning.
11. (Second conditional) If I wanted a new car, I would buy one.
12. (Second conditional) If José didn’t speak good French, he wouldn’t move to Paris.
13. (First conditional) If John drinks too much coffee, he’ll get ill.
14. (Third conditional) If we had tidied our flat, we wouldn’t have lost our keys.
15. (Third conditional) If Luke hadn’t sent flowers to his mother, she wouldn’t have been happy.
16. (Second conditional) If the children were in bed, I would be able to have a bath.
17. (Second conditional) If you weren’t so stubborn, we wouldn’t have so many arguments!
18. (Third conditional) If Julie hadn’t gone to Sweden, she would have gone to Germany.
19. (First conditional) If she goes to the library, she’ll study more.
20. (Third conditional) If we hadn’t had an argument, we wouldn’t have been late


1. spoke
2. I will never mention
3. answer
4. would never have believed
5. Only if
6. wouldn't have survived
7. would speak
8. had realized
9. had known
10. didn't have to

Nível 2
1- A 2- A 3- C 4- D 5- D 6- B 7- A 8- E 9- A 10- A
11- D 12- D 13- E 14- E 15- D 16- A 17- C 18- C 19- C 20- E

Nível 3

1- E 2- D 3- C 4- B 5- E 6- A 7- D 8- E 9- E 10- C
11- B 12- C 13- B 14- C 15- A 16- B 17- D 18- C 19- A 20- C

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