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C H A P T E R 67

The Vanity Of Life

The Vanity of Life

You know, We are, who we have, believed ourselves to be. 

We accept and reject ideologies and opinions and thoughts from so many various
sources. It is as if Life is a giant store of aisles of thoughts, opinions, mindsets,
from every subject, under the sun. This aisle is all about exercise and health nuts,
this aisle is about styles and fashions and what is in and what is not, based solely
upon opinions. Aisles of religions and sections of various thoughts and opinions
on, say Christianity and its 33,000 denominations and then Catholicism and then
Universalism, then Buddhism and on and on it goes.

 Society walks the aisles daily in the great store house or library of the millions and
billions of thoughts and opinions. They purchase daily what they approve and dis-
approve of and they purchase by "faith" what they like and dislike and each pur-
chase makes them the supposed, "unique" person they are today. 

Defining is what they are after. Everyone wants to feel relative to something, to be
defined by or as something. They do not know who they are so they go to the store
house of thought and opinion to purchase from the vast selections of what they
like and dislike and to them, what is right and what is not.

Today every product, from cars to clothes to a simple coffee is full of "selections"
to "choose" from. We are the same way. We are choosing our attitudes and our per-
sonalities and what we define is right and wrong and what we feel is supposed to
be and not be. 

We define by "ourselves". We base our definings upon what "WE" as a human
race, has produced from the eons of times past to the present. We base our beliefs
upon previously supposed established beliefs, of what our predecessors said was
right or not and what was truth or not. We base it on what the colleges told us,
what the newspapers told us, what this certain article in a magazine told us, or this
documentary told us. What this preacher said or that preacher said. What
grandma or grandpa believed. What our teenager told us. What is the current ac-
cepted "new norm" is telling us.


We are creatures of faith or believing. We have to believe something. It is just who
we are. We have to decide for ourselves what we think is true and what we think is
lie. What we feel is morally right and or morally wrong. We have to define. By de-
fining, we "come into being". We define ourselves thus we are. We PRIDE our-
selves on this entire notion of defining ourselves, to be someone different, so we
are noticed more, we stand out more, thus we become noticed more, the point be-
ing, "to be noticed more"! 

So people will think we have "found" "IT", whatever the "IT" may be. We have be-
come the "IT" of our day or time. We have walked through the store house of
knowledge, thought, opinions and such and We, apart from our predecessors, we
made the proper choices, we "KNOW" now better than all of our predecessors.
We have "Arrived". We are the "schidizzle"? We are now what the rest of society
should now define themselves by. We have obtained to some level we suppose,
"above" the others, thus those "beneath" us should look up to my level and reach
unto I or me, as I have, by proper choosing, "become", something they are not,
something better, in whatever way that may be. 

So I am right in what I have become and thus you should now follow me because I
am better than you because I have discovered more right than you have. I have dis-
covered what I esteem to be a better or greater truth than you, thus I am "more
right" than you are or they are, that automatically "improves" me and makes me
more valuable than you.

Solomon the Son of David had and was and discovered more than any of us all
put together. He did exactly what society does in this day and time. He searched
for ways to define and did define himself. He said whatever his heart desired, he
held it back from nothing. He knew more than any other person ever to have lived
or would ever live, He had more, did more, became more, than any other single
person ever. If there is such a thing as being a "IT" or having "IT" or being the
"One" that has "Arrived", He became "IT"! 

His popularity is still here today after thousands of years. He had all of the
women, money and things the heart could wish for. He had popularity and fame,
He had the greatest wisdom and understanding a person could have. He had
wealth beyond measure, as to this day there is none his equal. If there ever was an
"IT" person who arrived and became, whatever it is mankind is trying to become,
well He became it.

In the end of his life, Solomon looked around from the "Peak" of Life itself, hav-
ing obtained all a person could wish for, and said this, "VANITY", All of it is van-
ity! The Peak of the Mountain, all the way to the base of this whole entire thing
we call "Life" is but Vanity and utter foolishness! He could have said, go on and
search for the "It Crowd" and getting all educated and get popularity and fancy ti-
tles and have everyone notice you and think you are the one to follow, go ahead, I
have become it all, and it is utter Vanity, emptiness and foolishness and a waste of
time. Vainess and vanity! There is nothing to any of it whatsoever!

Then He returned back to a basic simple rudiment of life and uttered his greatest
wisdom yet. "Fear God and Keep His Commandments"! So by this we see so
many others in the Bible who did not have any of what Solomon had, yet they had
more wisdom and more "inside" than he did. They had never left the basic simple
all wise precept of "Fearing God and keeping His commandments". 

Self, the world is all about self. Even in coming to religion the entire purpose is to
make better "self". Improve self, so we can brag on it more, show it off more, get it
noticed more. We want God to save our "Self", and to make it better. God said no
matter what you could ever do in this life as to self improvement, is still nothing
more than "Filthy Rags"! You are just spraying perfume on a dead corpse is all,
wrapping a fine jeweled necklace onto a Hog or painting a dumpster. There is no
hope for you. You at your best was embodied in King Solomon and from the peak
of perfection all the way back down to the poor and needy of this life and the re-
jects of society, He seen it was all vomit! Just stinking vomit! Making God sick to
His stomach! Made Him even repent that He even made you! He never repented
from making dogs and hogs and snakes and such did He? No. He repented how-
ever from even making mankind, because they stoop lower than the beast do. Be-
ing sodomites and pedophiles and whores and drunkards. Then they run to
churches and try to get God to "make them better". a prettier hog or a shinier
dumpster, and all God wants them to do is DIE! He hates your first birth and your
stinking rotten filthy flesh! He hates your ideas and titles and popularity. He hates
your supposed "good name". He hates your wealth and your fashions and your
beastly ungodly desires! 

You need to understand something and that something is God hates your first
birth! You are contrary to Him in every way! All that you seek and desire and ob-
tain to be is just more of a pest to become in Gods Way! God sent Jesus Christ
into this world for one end stinking wicked ill begotten ungodly, self
righteous, religious vomit called YOU, SELF, from out of His sight! You stink to
Him! he despises your flesh, your carnal mind! He desires to kill you and to let you
be born again and be the Image He Loves! His Son!

The Man Christ Jesus:

This man never owned anything in life, was seen as a common criminal, He
sought for nothing in life but to please God. He could have easily surpassed Solo-
mon and had all this life offers and more. Yet He came to "GIVE" His Life! He

came to "Lose Himself" to save you! He came to die so you would not have too.
He came to die and go to hell and be mocked and beaten and ridiculed so you
would not have too! WHAT a difference He is from Solomon! From YOU! He did
not come to receive as a selfish motive, He came to "Give" and Give He Did! He
believed and doubted not! He did what He seen God doing! He made God His
idol, His object of worship! He set His eyes not on the flesh but upon God! He was
humble, He thought not much of Himself but declared another, even God, as the

 He never exercised to build a physique, or went to college to better His education,
or the fashion malls to beautify his body. He never shopped for perfumes, or
combed his hair or trimmed his beard in according with the fashions of that day.
He was not "in style" and neither did He care to be. However He was what we all
desire to be. In every way possible. He was real. He was the real deal. He simply,
"Had Faith In God". God was His hearts desire!  He then sacrificed and gave Him-
self, Gave, gave gave and gave Himself to the very end and the death of Self ! He
knew Self was the Problem, not the Answer! He removed Self and found Life and
Favor and God! He then turned and said to us with more wisdom than Solomon
ever had! More Riches than Solomon ever had, and said, Now YOU, take up the
Cross as I did and follow me. I am The Way, I have found the Truth and I have dis-
covered The Life! All that you seek I have and have clearly showed you by my
words and my deeds the secret Solomon never knew! Death to Self ! Rend the Veil
of YOU! Hate your life!!! Seek first, not education, a physique, fashions, popular-
ity, first. NO! Seek FIRST, The Kingdom of God! Then that Kingdom will bring
you Life and Peace and Happiness!

The Kingdom of God will "Define" YOU! You will be "Found" in "Him"! This de-
fining is eternal and changes not and all of the glory and beauty of life cannot
even begin to compare to the utter glory and beauty you will have become. Solo-
mon in all of His Glory, was never arrayed like one true Child of God! Solomon
left all He had to a fool and it became to naught! Yet the eternal kingdom of Jesus
Christ remains eternal and glorified and beautiful eternally! God beautifies the
"Meek" with salvation! God said the rich in faith though poor in things will inherit
the earth. God sees wealth quite different than we do. The meek and humble in-

herit the Earth, not those who are proud and esteem themselves to be something
they are not. Vanity! You are just a shadow of life and never become anything real
in life, until you are born again!

Feed upon the Word of God! Go to God's Storehouse, not the worlds. Lean not to
your own understanding, nor anyone elses for that matter, but Christ alone! Con-
sider Him in all of your ways and days! Whatever you do, consider Him. When
you do He will consider you. When you choose Him, He will choose you! When
you set your eyes on God, He will set His on you! When you begin to favor God,
He will begin to favor you! When you are ready to die for Him, then you will see
that He already died for you! Do unto God as you would have Him do unto You!
Seek Him first, because He sought you first when He sent His Son. God honors
faith more than He does Works!If you want to please God, begin by taking Him at
His Word! Trust Him, Believe Him! That's what pleases Him and causes Him to
notice you. Amen! Have Faith in God!

C H A P T E R 68

Fulfilling Childhood Dream

Fulfilling The Childhood Dream

I have written before in my other writings of this incredible powerful dream or
vision I had as a boy of 7. How I walked out side the old farm house I grew up in
and was looking up into the sky. Now here is what is strange, is that it was day light
outside, but upon looking into the sky it was a night time sky, as the sky was dark
and you could see the stars twinkling. As I was looking up I seen a bright shooting
star coming from the sky or heavens. I was getting closer and closer to where I was
standing. Till it came right above me and landed on a large leaf of a tree I was
standing right at. This was a young tree but had big green leaves and I noticed the
star was about the same size of the leaf almost. I was excited to see a Star up close
and I noticed it was still Hot and was slowly burning into the leaf.
I thought to myself, I want to hold it in my hand, so I placed my hand under
the leaf and was going to catch the star when it burned through the leaf. The leaf
was about the same size as my hand was. I suddenly realized, if I caught that star
in my hand it would burn it also, so I suddenly and quickly withdrew my hand
back just as the star fell to the ground or Earth. It seemed to dissolve in to the
ground very quickly, almost instantaneously. I looked up at the sky again to see if I
could see another one and it was as if a giant hammer has smash into a glass ceil-
ing, as I seen all of the stars begin to fall at once and come toward the Earth and
this site was so great to behold, in my young eyes, I feared immediately and awoke.
Now I at 7 had no real understanding of the Bible or Revelations or anything
about stars falling etc. I now understand, Stars represent Angels or Spirits and
Spirits are Minds and Minds contain Knowledge and Understanding that consti-

tutes a Faith or Knowing. Now the Star falling had to do with a Knowledge being
released or revealed, as to an Angel or Star that was to be given a Message. This
Star coming to me, indicated God was going to reveal something to me in my life
time and it would have to do with the End of The World. The Star landed on a
Tree, which was the same as Jesus a Star who fell upon a Tree. The Leaf was like
the Hand of the Tree, the Star being the same size and in the likeness and form of
the Leaf showed a connection. Men or people are also referred to as Trees in the
Bible so the young tree indicated me as well, as also showing something that was to
come to me via the Cross of Calvary. We say at Calvary was the Day Light of the
World, yet we find the Heavens was full of Darkness, just like my vision at 7.
The Star indicated the Spiritual Realm or Dimension, My Hand under the leaf
the Physical Dimension and the Leaf on the Tree the Natural Dimension. So we
see in this a 3 in 1. A Message that would be from Heaven as to a fullness or com-
pletion, an understanding of all 3 dimensions. The hand of course would show as
to this message was given as unto the 5 fold ministry, I would think God saying this
message I am giving you, I will allow you as through the power of ministry allow
you to give it forth. What you see, write it in a book and send it to the churches,
which I do as for now.
The Tree was at a location that right under it was a patch of Hay Grass had
grown and was kind of thick and next to it was a group of bushes and there was a
family of rabbits that lived in there. Not just in my dream but in real life the rab-
bits lived there. SO I heard the Lord say to me, The Star fell into the ground at
the place where the Rabbits lived, because this was a complete message from
Heaven that was to be "Quickened" to you. The Hay would indicate a harvest or
food for the beast of this world, as to those who have lost there way, again also go-
ing back to the hay of the manger of Jesus birth, even as to the family of rabbits
who had just had their babies, or back to a birth, a Calvary experience. The
Bushes or "Bush" would indicate like unto Moses and the Burning Bush.
We say out of the darkness of the night time sky came a Light or a Star from
the darkness, "Let There Be Light". This Star that fell, being the first one to fall, as
to the vision, indicated a Head Ship, the same as Jesus, His Star that shined in the
night time of His Birth was the first one to fall. We see the Star or the Angel which

is a Spirit entered the dust of the ground to be quickened or made to come to life.
Me being 7 then this would indicate a 7 fold Light that I was destined to come to,
and also a comprehension of 7 Thunders, being I would meet a Man of God to
whom was given "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" and He would plant this mes-
sage into my heart.
Then as that part of the vision was over as to the star falling to the ground then
I looked up and seen all of the stars fall. This indicated the tail or the bodily mem-
bers that would follow their head. We see this as the same as Jesus falling at Cal-
vary to be made Sin as well as the first Adam to fall as well as a Lucifer to fall. Re-
member, Jesus came to seek and to save, that or those, which were LOST. Those
that had fallen from their first estate, as to heaven.
This as to the Star as a headship falling then seeing all of the Stars falling indi-
cated a complete picture or revelation or understanding of something God wanted
to reveal. We say the Dark side of Calvary goes back to the Law and the Jews
which means "The Body". This was to indicate that a "Comprehension of Bodily
Redemption" would be made Known. A Revelation of what Moses seen on the
Mountain. A Revelation of what William Branham heard on Sunset Mountain as
to the 7 Thunders. Moses seeing the "Hinder Part" of God, as to the Dark Side or
the Flesh Side we call Jesus. His origin and His Creation, as to How He came in
the Garden and from the Garden to Calvary. Revealing the Beginning and the
Ending. Removing the Blood Life from the Mercy Seat. A Spiritual Christ calling
forth a Bodily Lazarus to Life, speaking of the Redemption of The Body as to the
"Mount of Transfiguration". The Resurrection of The Dead on this 3rd Day of
His Appearing.
A few interesting things I have mentioned before and will mention here that is
of interest, is that as a Teen I played the role of Moses in a Place, called "Angels
Aware". In another play also as a Teen Ager I played the Roman Soldier that
guarded the Tomb of Jesus and was there when the Angel came and rolled the
Stone away and I witnessed His resurrection. There was a Iron Spike in the
Ground at the corner of the House I grew up in with the name King George writ-
ten on it. There was also a Steel Tractor Seat planted in the ground in front of the
house where an actual tractor had been buried and all that was above ground ris-

ing like a Throne was a the Tractor Seat. The Tractor going back to the Garden
and plowing the fields or digging into the ground to release the bodies, or to har-
vest the bodies planted. The Seat being a Throne of sorts showing again a Head-
ship, the Iron Stob being the Rod of Iron that rules. King George going back also
to St. George and the Dragon, also to the Man of God who had the Revelation of
This Day. The Stob being at the corner showing a capstone or a headship, even a
The house being where my Grandmother Christine lived, with 7 of us Chil-
dren, me being the youngest. One day after coming to the message of "The Reve-
lation of Jesus Christ", Bro Atlee Beachy was cutting metal stars out to decorate
the gate to Little Bethlehem. He had one that was very nice and large and I asked
him what was He going to do with it. He said, well I cut that one to large so You
can have it if you want it. So I took it home. This was a 6 Pointed Star of David. I
painted it white and mounted it on my wall in my bedroom. Right next to it on
my wall, I had already hung a picture Bro Pete Griffin had drew of a Cover for a
Song Bro Pike wrote and on the Picture was the Face of Jesus appearing via a
Rent Veil of sorts and the rending was in the shape of a 6 pointed Jewish Star of
David. I never connected the two at that time.
One Day while in this place I was living with a man whose initials were JC and
another man named Chris, we rented this apartment from the owners of a place
called The Walton Inn. See back to a birth in a Manger. A Star, Metal or steel or
actually maybe Iron, Painted white to show a shining, taking it from a place typical
of Heaven and bringing to a Manger or a Place of the Inn. The two men showing
a double portion, even having the two stars on the wall, as to the Metal Star from
Bro Beachy and the Star on the Cover of the Song Bro Pete Drew and Bro
George wrote. While listening to a sermon from the year of my birth suddenly the
anointed word spoken by the Man of God from heaven it entered my heart and
mind and suddenly all of my thoughts were cast down, done away with, just like
the stars falling in the vision. My thoughts had altogether disappeared and sud-
denly I was void of thought, I was standing looking at the door to my bedroom
which was opened and I seen the Mighty Angel of The Lord standing there and
He came and walked right toward me and "Entered Me". I felt suddenly His pres-

ence in Me and suddenly My Mind which was still void of Thought, had become
His Mind. I felt what He felt, I thought what He thought, We had become ONE,
in every sense of the Word. I had become God Almighty! I knew I had, I was in
an Eternal Everlasting State of Being! There was no time! I was Eternal! I had be-
come exactly what this Angel was. This Angel was Christ! See the Star coming
from Heaven at the Word or Spirit (Star) from the Man of God entered Me, it be-
came quickened in me, just like the Rabbits, the Word entered my dustly elements
and was quickened. Just as the Star had done. Then my thoughts or my world as
to the darkness of the Sky and all of the stars fell, as my thoughts came to an end!
The Fullness of God and the Mind of God had entered me. The Sermon was
called, "The Fruit of Your Thoughts", again going back to The Tree, the Branch
or Leaf as to the Fruit of the Tree being the Star that landed on the Leaf.
This all showing a Great Revelation of Bodily Redemption was to be given. In
its completeness and its entirety. Remember the Star was the Spiritual Dimension,
the Hand was the Physical Dimension, and the Tree was the Natural Dimension.
The Star on the Leaf and my Hand underneath them both. This showing a Reve-
lation from Calvary and pertaining to Calvary was to be given to me for the wit-
ness and comprehension of Bodily Redemption. The Body is as to the Dark side
of The Cross, where at the Cross God separated the Darkness and the Light or
the Spirit and the Body. He left the Body on the Back side of the Cross of Calvary
even as to the Jews. Even as to the Body of Jesus left hanging there for these past 2
days or 2000 years.
God saying through these things I was predestined to come to the fullness of
the revelation of Bodily Redemption. Which is why my writings contain the se-
crets of, but God not allowing them to be spoken as to the public at this time is al-
lowing them to be written down as to the Law of the Letter. The Angel that day
came and brought this message to me in seed form and left from me, where I im-
mediately realized I was not breathing from the experience and fell backwards
onto my bed and then came back from my bed a few seconds later catching my
breath and the power of God came into the room where I was now standing and
shouting praises unto God for the next 3 hours. Do you see a baptism of sorts
here. A Falling like dead from not breathing onto the place of sleep and rest to

arise catching my breath, as to Jesus breathed on them and said receive the Holy
Ghost and I began shouting praises to God for 3 hours or we say a 3rd day resur-
So very much more could be said, How I met my childhood best friend in the
3rd grade named Daniel, whom upon me turning 12 I spoke to Him from the Bi-
ble of the Incredible things from out of the Book of Revelations, as he stayed with
me for a period of 7 days which during that time was his 13th Birthday. How that
in my teenage years my two best friends were named George and Michael. How I
began having another vision of a great light at the end of a long hallway from the
age of 7 and how it would appear to me 7 times over the next 14 years till It was
fulfilled when I came to the message of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ", living in
a house with man named Daniel, where the Vision returned the last time and a
voice spoke to me showing me I was now standing in the Great Light in the Vision
and this voice said to me, "You are now in the Light"! This Light being the same
Star I seen as a child of 7 also. I was almost dead from severe anemia at the age of
7 so this may explain why I had an 2 Out of Body experiences at 7 as well as these
two astounding visions, one of the Star falling to me and the other being the Great
Light at the end of the Hallway. SO many more things could be said showing a
double portion coming time after time. Working at the paint store, a man named
Erthales, having to do with the Earth or ground the dust elements which the body
is made from, his brother at this certain day whom wanted me to make a certain
color of paint that ended up looking deep blood red and had to be discarded while
The Great Man of God came to the Paint Store and I met Him at His Car and
we talked for a few, then He had to hurry home before the darkness came and we
spoke by phone for over an hour later this same day and spoke of the new birth
and how the next day a man named Bill asked me what did I and Bro Pike talk
about the day before, I asked Him why He asked, He said because Bro Pike had
came from His House that evening after speaking to me and was giddy and happy
and excited and full of joy like a new born baby and was singing and praising God
and was so happy like His face was shining. He said He asked Bro Pike what has
gotten you into such a wonderful happy state? He said the Man of God just said, I
just got off the phone with Pat and my we just had the most wonderful conversa-

tion! See this had to do with a change over. Him seeing what God was going to do
in my life as to a carrying over of the message into a state of Bodily Redemption.
So many many things I could say that would prove all of this even further so to
your mind and heart. Us working in Covenant, and being in the Purchasing De-
partment with another brother having to do with a Purchased Possession and the
Body of Jesus. A number of other dreams and visions we have had that have came
to pass astounding showing and proving these things. God veiling these things and
hiding them from the others who are so sure they have something. God using a no-
body such as me, a least of the least that no good can ever come from, to hide
these wonderful, beautiful things.
Moving me to an Island, just like St. John on the Isle of Patmos, giving to us
the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the early morning hours, showing to us the revela-
tion given to John as well as Daniel, as well as Moses and the William Branham.
Coming here at 40 MPH with all of our personal belongings and a horrible storm
followed us all the way with terrific thundering and lightning's. Meeting a law man
named "Prince" and another great man who had long blonde hair with the stature
of an angel named "John". Whom both having to do with the Law and back to
Florida. Where I had a similar experience as Bro Pike did in Hialeah. Taking a
trip that made a perfect pyramid through the US where the capstone was a Dou-
ble Portion called St. Paul Minnesota, which we never intended to arrive at yet we
did anyway.
The Star being the Message and Messenger coming to me to bring this revela-
tion and message to unveil the darkness over Calvary, and over the Mount Sinai ex-
perience where Moses heard the Thunders and to Him was given the Knowledge
to bypass the Grave as He did and we say He was buried in Heaven, the same as
we are buried in Heaven. We buried the spiritual heavenly body in heaven and fell
into this earthly body. At our earthly baptism we are translated from this earthly
body, as it goes back to the dust, we pick up or resurrect our heavenly body, which
we are clothed upon with eternal in heaven. God showing by the stars falling in
the night time sky, though it was day where I was, that it was to "Bring to Light",
the hidden things of the "darkness", even the darkness of the Thunders, the dark-
ness that came over Calvary, the darkness that came over Mount Sinai, and to re-

veal and speak the Unknown Tongues of the 7 thunders that came on Sunset
Mountain. a 3 in One. Moses Mt Sinai Darkness, Mt. Calvary's Darkness, and
The Unknown Darkness of Thunders of Sunset Mountain. A Body, Soul and
At the age of 12 (Revelation 12) A war took place as I was on a Mountain
called Baldwin Mountain, or Bald, as to the removing of the veil or a revealing on
a mountain or the revealing of what was made known on the mountain, all 3
mountains. I was with a woman named "Grace Moore". We one day did some-
thing that at that time no one had ever done we walked from the top of the moun-
tain all the way to the bottom. See a descent from heaven to earth with "More
Grace", or the Grace that was to be brought unto you at "The Revelation of Jesus
Christ". Shortly after that a warfare took place with this woman and it involved
family and the Law got involved.
I have said enough to plant seed to where a spiritual person can see what the
Spirit is saying to the Church. This is NOT about me, but it is all about the Mes-
sage God is given in this day and the Messenger, NOT us speaking but God speak-
ing from with us. Even something that was lost as to the Government and Washing-
ton DC and a man named Howard Johnson and a Flag from Little Bethlehem.
How it was found. Even this writing and it being via a program called Word and
being saved to a place called "Drop Box" going back to something an Angel of
God "dropped on purpose" and what was dropped was handed back to the Angel.
Glory be unto God! May God Bless You!
Patrick Henry Nichols
April 15th 2015
Hilton Head Island

C H A P T E R 69

Removing The Illusions

Removing The Illusions

A persons spiritual comprehension being clouded and veiled by the illusions of

time and self and carnality, They say of themselves, I was born on such a day and
I will die at my allotted time. But they were not born as to this was their beginning,
neither shall they die as to come to an end, for how can that which is "Immortal"
be subject to birth and death. Let them remove the veil from their minds eyes and
realize that the birth and death of the body are but mere stages of a journey and
not its beginning or ending. This human realm is but a sleep and a dream, a tun-
nel of passage from eternity  to eternity. 

All things came forth from God who is eternal. Immortal. Even science teaches
us that though elements can be arranged and rearranged to form many things, yet
return back to their originality by fire etc, yet the elements themselves, the building
blocks of creation, can never be destroyed. Only arranged or rearranged. Same as
the body we now possess, it is eternal, though its elements may be rearranged by
what appears as death or else the transfiguration of Immortal glory, the elements
remain the same and can never be destroyed. 

The spirit in man, is man, and it is eternal and only changes dimensions as
does the worm in the cocoon to the butterfly. Being their spirit had no beginning,
it has no end. Thus they were existent before they fell into the sleep of sin and

death and was covered in an illusion of darkness and time. Adam was in God be-
fore He became Adam, Christ said He was in Heaven before He arrived in this
World, and the Word tells us we are ALL, The Offspring of God. Thus means
God being our Father, then Him being eternal and no beginning and no ending,
thus all humanity is as well. 

Now as Christians we can believe this about ourselves, but the wicked we say
no this is not true concerning them. But that is not true. The Bible says death and
Hell and those in them will be cast, "ALIVE" into the Eternal Lake of Fire, where
"Their" fires not quenched. The Smoke of "Their" torment ascends up forever.
One day God will even resurrect the wicked back into their own bodies and cast
them alive into such a place. See we all are eternal, just some have chosen a better
destination to live that eternity in. Death and sin and the grave and hell, ALL had
a beginning, thus they ALL have an end! We must not just believe on Jesus, we
must also believe as He believed, take on His Mind, see things the way He seen
them, for in His eyes was the only reality of utter truth. All outside of Him as illu-
sion, shadows time, lies, falsehoods, etc.

He was the first one that was birthed from the dark world of illusions to enter
and be the true Light. Christ said He had no beginning, or that Mary His mother
was not His beginning, that he existed as we all did and do, before we was born
into the fallen illusion of time. He said, "Father restore unto me the Joy I had with
thee, before the world ever was". Or before I became flesh, and was born as to a
body from my mother, I was a spirit and in the loins of my heavenly Father who is
eternal. When I discovered my Origin I then seen I had discovered my destiny. I
discovered I had no beginning, thus I can have no ending. "I AM". I have come to
"Be". Not that I became existent, I have always existed, but I have NOW come to
the realization and the comprehension of my eternal state of "Being". In that
sense, of comprehending, I have come to "Be", thus now, "I Am”. 

I was a blank white sheet of paper known as a spirit having no beginning and
no ending, thus I was made to fall into the sleep of illusion and death, otherwise
known as darkness, so that the darkness would be used as a pencil to the paper to
begin the process of "Revelation" of "WHO I AM". "The Revelation of Jesus
Christ, was the Revelation of "Who He Was". Even at the tender age of 12 He
was already walking so deep as to not a head belief but in His heart He already
knew He must be about His Fathers business. He already understood such depths
of spirituality by saying, "Who is my mother and who is my Father, but THEY
who do the Will of my Father". He was saying what is a human mother or earthly
father but just a process or a stage of life that we eventually grow out of and they
had their place in the transitional stages. The cocoon has served its purpose, now
we can discard it. We have our butterfly wings. We can fly back to the spiritual eter-
nal heavenly realms from which we came and into the arms of our eternal Father.
Our Father being eternal, all of His children are eternal also. Some will live on the
resurrected side of Calvary for eternity and other will live on the backside of Cal-
vary eternally. All are eternal. 

"Awake thou that steepest and Christ shall give thee Light"! Lazarus is not
dead, for their is no such thing as death, if there was would I not be able to raise
Him then? He but sleepeth! Christ continually raised the dead, healed the sick, for-
gave sins, walked through walls, and on water, and cast out demons and such to
show to us, "The Reality of Life". That this world and all that was in it was but "Il-
lusion", Shadows, Lies! Sin was a lie, death was a lie, the grave was a lie, sickness is
a lie, time is a lie, Lies and more Lies that rocked you to sleep to the fallen nature
and illusion of time and sin and death. From the Beginning it was not so! Christ
said, I came to seek and to save that which was "LOST". What was lost but YOU!
What was Lost but the reality of no time, no death, no sickness, no sin, no graves! 

Let me say this for your own human understanding, "There was a world, and a
time, if you will, where none of these things existed, no time, no death no sickness,
no aging, no sin, no Satan, or serpent or anything like it. These things were "non-

existent". Because the world that was in place BEFORE these "Illusions" came
was an eternal world of no beginning and no end! Thats the world Christ came
from and returned back to and came to show YOU and I the WAY back to that
world! Because sin and death and the illusion of time and darkness and shadows
all had a beginning, then they certainly are not eternal and thus they certainly
have an end. Their beginning was in YOUR Mind and there ending must also be

When you come to the Calvary of your Life, then by Faith the scales will fall
from the eyes and the mind and the veil of unbelief over the heart will be rent in
twain and that World Eternal you will behold, "Face To Face"! That it has been
here right before you all the time. When you rend the veil of Lies and Illusions
which is but your own carnal mind, then you will see the 3rd Heaven, the World
that is eternal in front of you, you will see the Ark of His Covenant and Testimony
and you will hear the Voice of Truth speak in an instant as the 7 Thunders that
are spoken via the Two Covering Cherubim sound.  Then His Faith comes to you.
With His Faith comes His Reality. The eternal Faith is come. The Faith! See your
reflection in the golden wings of the cherubs and the God that dwells between the
Cherubs. You being the blood on the mercy seat you take your place on the
Throne between the Cherubim. Say what you will and doubt not and that which
you have said will come to pass and your eternal word cannot return to you void,
but has gone forth to accomplish that which you have sent it unto.  Amen

Patrick Henry Nichols I

April 24th 2015
Hilton Head Island

C H A P T E R 70

The Mystery Of Unbelief

The Mystery of Unbelief

We hear so much about the "Mystery of Faith" and there is a mystery to faith,
but we never consider the "Mystery of Unbelief". This may seem a little strange to
say it even, but we are always trying to reach out unto faith and to believe, this
showing we are in a state of unbelief, and trying to get to a place of belief.
In other words we are born as creatures of unbelief. We are continually trying
to come to a place of believing. This may be in many forms in our natural state of
life as humans.

Now we are speaking of unbelief in this sense. The Word of God is Truth and
it requires a faith in it for it to work and come alive and perform what you have
asked or believed unto. The Bible being truth and that it came from a spiritual
mind of supernatural things, then we can easily see that we as being carnal beings,
we by our own nature cannot comprehend supernatural things especially these
Words of God. The Word of God requires Faith, and here we are creatures of un-
belief. So when we say unbelief, we are speaking from the stand point that by na-
ture we simply do not believe God or in the things of God, so unbelief in God or
the Word of God is what we have reference to.

So how did all of this begin and what was its purpose? Why are we creatures of
unbelief ? And that unbelief is in the very thing we desperately need the most, be-
ing faith in God. Now we will not go into great detail on all of the aspects, because
we have already covered them in other writings, but we want to focus on the "mys-
tery" of what and why and how unbelief is, how it came to be, maybe in some ar-
eas you or others have not considered before.

As we have said already, that unbelief in its simplist form is that it does not be-
lieve in God or in the word or things of God. Why is this such a horrible thing, is
because God and His Word is the One and Only Truth. Now we know we as hu-
mans have a faith or a form of faith in what we term as this natural realm of our
human existence. A carpenter has a faith that he can make things with wood or
build a house, or a doctor knows he can perform surgery, a mechanic knows he
can work on a car. We "know" when it is cold or hot outside, when we look outside
we know a tree and we know a bush and a bird etc.

We believe if we take an aspirin it will make the headache go away and we be-
lieve if we work x amount of hours we will be paid. You know things. So we have
a belief in our own world. I mean this natural world we live in, based upon the sys-
tem we live in, it is based on beleif and trust. We believe the bank keeps our mone
safe, we believe if we go to the doctor we will be cured, we believe if we pass a cop
going over the spped limit he will pull us over. Society is based on faith and trust.
Human faith and trust. If you do not believe this then break that trust and see
how far it gets you. Our natural human world revolves around faith, human faith,
yet still in great unbelief in God and His Word.

Is there a "Mystery of Unbelief"? Sure there is. For according to the Word of
God, Sin is but one thing, and that is "Unbelief", in God and His Word. So Sin is
Unbelief, plain and simple. Another name for sin is "Iniquity". The Word speaks
of "The Mystery of Iniquity".

As we have spoken in past writings, we will drop a few things into your remem-
brance to help piece this together. In the beginning God whom we have seen is all
things, and all things consist by Him. This reveals to us something else. If God is
all things that exist, and He is, then He also tells us that "Faith is the susbstance of
things hoped for the EVIDENCE of things not seen", and that He made all things
by this Invisible Substance. God is an Invisible God. Faith is an Invisible Sub-
stance. Faith is the substance of all things that exist, so we ust conclude in good
common sense, that God is Faith and Faith is God.
We could say Faith works by Love and God is Love. If God is all things then
He certainly is Love and He certainly would have to be Faith as well. So in God as
to what we might would call His World, it also exist by Faith, His Faith. Just like hu-
manities does.

So we begin to catch a glimpse of in the beginning we find God's Faith coming

forth, as He spoke "Let There Be" and there was, that was His Faith. So How did
human faith, or unbelief ever come about?
We are commonly referred back to Genesis and there we find the fall of man
and the serpent and the tree and Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God. They had
to have a sovereignty, else they could never had to be able to disobey. If they had
not a sovereignty, they would have not been able to reason with the serpent as they
obviously did. They were able to "choose", between what they would and would
not believe. They had up till that point not really been confronted with the idea of
having a choice in a matter.

So to bypass a number of things we have already covered in previous writings,

lets move on to this.
We know they "sinned" in the garden and thus unbelief or sin was born and
thus all of humanity has been in this fallen state ever since. Now lets remove the

veil of time and go back to Calvary as we have done before and see the true dark-
ness and unbelief. Lets reveal the real "Man of Sin". The Man of Unbelief.

We find from this dimension that the Garden is this world. The Tree of Knowl-
edge is The Cross in a type and the Serpent was the Man, Christ Jesus, who was
hanging on that Cross. Even showing in a type Him being als typical of Adam we
find Him between two other Crosses typical of the Tree of Life and the Tree of
Knowledge. We find in Christ an Inward Adam and an Outer Eve, speaking of
the Spirit and the Flesh. We find that in Him is the Great Light of God Himself.
God is a Spirit. However we find Him also being made the Sin of the Whole
World. What is Sin but Ubelief and Darkness. So He like the King Snake of
Moses, He would swallow up, take within Himself, All of the Darkness of Sin and
Unbelief of the Entire World. Thus He would become the Great Darkness. So we
see He is both, the Fullness of Light and The Fullness of Darkness. There is the
only source of Light and Darkness there is in the entirety of existence! Whatever
Light there is He was it, and whatever darkness there was or is, He is it!

Now remember He was BOTH, the Fullness of Light and the Fullness of Dark-
ness in the Mind of God which is Truth, and there is no Time with God, and this
was Calvary as to the Lamb slain BEFORE the Darkness of the World was mani-
fested! We say the darkness came there in the garden as the veil came over their
eyes, via the serpent. But folks you have to realize that that darkness and that ser-
pent was already there in the Garden with them and what darkness as to it was
that came over them, it came from the Man Christ Jesus hanging on the Cross.
Not 2000 years ago, but in the Mind of God which truly was the Garden before
the World of darkness and illusion came over their eyes of understanding. Move
Calvary from the place of 2000 years ago and place way way back, place it in the
Garden before the Fall, because before the Fall they were in Heaven, In the Spirit,
In the Mind of God, which is where the Lamb was and has always been! So when
you place Calvary in the Garden before the Fall, then you can easily see, that The
Tree of Knowledge was The Cross. The Tree of Life was also The Cross. God

was in Jesus or Adam and He was the Fullness of Light and His Flesh as to His
Soul, was the Fullness of Darkness or Eve. God separated the Light from the Dark-
ness, He separated Adam from Eve, He separated the Christ from the Jesus, The
Spirit from the Body.

The Body was counted as to the darkness because the Body was the beast part
that Lamb part that was to be sacrificed. It was to pay for the storming turmoil of
creation as Light and Darkness would begin a warfare inside the Body. So in an-
other dimension we see The Body of Jesus was the Serpent, His Soul was the Law
of Knowledge, and His Spirit was The Tree of Life. So the Mind of God was
what? It was CALVARY! God hid the Mind of God at Calvary by bringing the
Darkness over it. God veiling Himself in the Darkness. Moses on Mt. Sinai, there
was the Mind of God as well, showing another dimension of Calvary, What was
it? Thundering and Lightning and Darkness and Smoke! This shows us clearly the
darkness was the Soul, because it was from that Darkness that Moses whom was
made God brought forth the Law and what was the Law but Light! A Lesser Light
but Light nonetheless. Out of the Darkness on My Sinai we find God in Moses
bringing forth Light! Let There Be Light! Mt Sinai and Moses, and Mt Calvary
and Jesus, and Sunset Mountain and William Branham are all the same thing,
God breaking it down in 3 dimensions. There the Thunders were spoken and hid-
den each time.

What is The Thunders but the Voice of God. The Mind of God. Calvary be-
ing the Mind of God and In The Mind of God which was before the World ever
came into view and their eyes were blinded then that is where the Thunders
sounded and it is where they rest. Back to Calvary always! Because when we go
back to Calvary we go back to before the beginning, and before the beginning is
the Eternal World. Before the Beginning is Light! Before the Beginning is The
Mind and Voice and person of God Almighty.
God being the substance of all things, then we find of a surety, that Jesus Christ
was and is the Beginning of The Creation of God. We find surely that all that ex-

ist from Gensis to Revelations, from the "In The Beginning", all the way to the
"Great Light of The Ancient of Days" is right there within and inside the Person
of Jesus Christ. Here is a brief revelation for you, Christ, as to what we call The
Man Christ Jesus, He "comprehended" God! Light is a revealer, a manifesting, but
comprehension is a thunder! Lightning as to God revealing Himself as the power-
ful quickening Word, it strikes the Object of jesus on the Cross and The Thunders
of Comprehension sound forth within Him as God is become a Man and a Man
is Become God. Oness!

Now we have branched off on a few trails to bring you some enlightenment
and this all ties into our past writings and also the subject of Unbelief. Lets con-
tinue on. God the great Light inside of Christ. Christ ALONE dwells in that Light
which is God. This again tells us Him dwelling alone in that Light that He was be-
fore the World ever was or before the veil of the world came. The Veil of the
world came at Calvary and Calvary was before the World ever was.we find in
Genesis a dark veil comes over their eyes, and we find at Calvary a darkness or a
veil comes over Calvary. See its the one and same event. It is reflected into the
mind of your own human understanding as a negative, as an event of time, as a
shadow moving across the ground. This clearly shows a Calvary even by saying
the pole in the ground and the sunlight strikes it and as it moves across the sky the
shadow it cast moves as well. Humanity exist in the shadow of the Cross and Cal-
vary of that shadow from Calvary moves through each generation, it began at Cal-
vary as we say and was cast over Adam and Eve and it began to move and causes
existence, or the world of shadows to come into existence and thus we move along
as the shadow moves, thus we are marking what we call time and movement and
thus existence. The shadow fell there in the garden and goes and goes and is cast
all through the Bible in each and every story, we find this Calvary this shadow be-
ing retold and typed again and again, in Adam and Eve, in Cain and Abel, in
Abraham and Issac in Jacob and Esau and In Moses and in The Prophets and on
and on it goes till Calvary is manifested.

So as we have said, as Light which was Law came forth and entered the dark-
ness of the soul to begin making Man into His Image, then we find this Light strik-
ing the Soul, has cast a shadow of darkness into the Earth or the dust of the
ground and from that dust the darkness or faith in reverse, still creation, but the
negative side of creation, hath made itself a body. The Law being just, good and
holy, has caused a Shadow of Darkness to exist, to be manifested. God is Perfect
and is Perfection. His Word is Holy and Pure and Just, His Faith is absolute author-
ity and Truth. So its very presence has caused a shadow of darkness to appear.
What is this shadow and where was this shadow cast? It was cast at Calvary.
It was seen on Mt Sinai, it was seen at Mt Calvary! The Mind of God was in-
side the Man Christ Jesus, so god is Light, thus the Shadow had to be cast upon
the Body of Jesus, thus is why He as to His Outer Man or Body was made Sin. It
took the wrath of sin and the darkness. The Body was subject to the vanity or the
illusion of the shadow in Hope! So we see a Sunlight from Heaven striking a
Moon of the Soul and casting a Shadow into and upon the Earth or the Body
from which it is made. This dark shadow or lesser light was faith but faith in re-
verse. If Light is as we have stated being pure and holy and truth, then we see the
darkness is unbelief, lies, illusions, perversions, impure, corrupt, unrighteous.

That Shadow is cast forth into eternity itself and it is a endless road, a bottom-
less pit of ever learning from a reflective false lesser light and never coming to the
truth or true light. We can see spiritually speaking if we have a time dial and we
see it as calvary and the Light is the eternal spirit world and strikes the sundial that
it cast a shadow that moves, then we can see from one side of the shadow is light
or spirit world and from that comes man being birthed into this world of dark
shadows, thus he thinks that is his beginning. Then as he walks the width and
length and path of the shadow as the shadow moves, we find him aging and hair
turning white and falling out as to a removing of the veil, showing he is ending his
shadow of existence and approaching the other side of the shadow or the world of
light to which He will return.

So back to inside the Man Christ Jesus, to whom God made an Adam and Eve
to show what was the Real Man Christ Jesus. That He was the True Adam and
Eve. So God within Jesus Him being perfect fulfilling every jot and titlle of the
Law within Him, He was perfect in all His Ways, till "Iniquity was found within
Him". Sin was found in Him, Unbelief was found within Him. When? When God
withdrew from Him! When did God withdraw from Jesus? When He separated
the Light from the Darkness. Light was His Spirit and Soul was His Darkness.
How could a Body or a Lamb taste death for every man that would ever be, unless
it was made the death and experienced the darkness. God tasted the death of
every man. Now get this....God tasted death, what is death? To be carnally
Minded. What is death? To disobey the Law. What is Death? It is sin and Dark-
ness! What is Death, The Law! What is Death? The Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil! Christ Jesus leaned to His own Understanding! He gave glory to the
Creature and not the Creator! He lifted up and magnified His Flesh! Oh Glory to
God! God need the Darkness, God needed someone to go and deceive! A Spirit
spoke up and said, I will go, God said How will you go? it said I will be a Lying
Spirit! I will be made sin, I will be made darkness! I will be the missing part you
will need to fulfill your will. I will be the woman or flesh part to be made darkness
for you, to be put out of your presence and remain my soul in hell till the Time be
fulfilled! i will be the flesh part you will divide from yourself within my Body. In
Great Love I will willingly disobey you, cause you to pour out your wrath on me
and despise my image at Calvary. You are Good and you will never be manifested
unless the opposite of you becomes existent as to a Evil or Darkness and I will glo-
rify and magnify that darkness and I will lift up the beastly flesh and i will prove to
you who is and is not worthy of you! I will be the darkside of you I will be sin it-
self. When you withdraw from me, I will be nothing but a Soul that has become
the personification of darkness, where as I was the personification of Light.

When you separate the Light from me I will be the Darkness. I will be Unbelief
itself and from my side will come water and blood as from me the True Adam will
you make and birth Eves into this world and they will be born into this darkness I
have become and in sin and unbelief will they be conceived and in iniquity will

they come forth from the womb. When your light which made me God, withdraws
from me, because of the shadow that was cast from my soul upon my body, then
my body will be subject to death and it will die, and my soul will be in hell, alone,
without your Presence. I will be cut off from you! Because of this I will in your
eyes be "Satan" to the World" I will be The Father of a Lie! I will tell the Eves of
this world to "partake of my fleshly tree and drink of my beastly blood" else they
will have no life in them and by that I am lifting up the Flesh! I am lifting up the
Image of The Beast! I will by this darkness which is faith in reverse or Unbelief
cause my Flesh to come to Life and be a deceiving Serpent to the Eves of this
world! They will come and glorify this flesh so high, so high will flesh be and so
magnificent that it will cause all of the world to wander after it, this flesh and even
their flesh! I will lift up blood life and magnify it so great to them! They will make
an image to this beast flesh of mine and will place it above every church and in
every bulletin and the stories of this flesh will be magnified throughout the ages, as
a hidden deceiving serpent. For when they come to my flesh to partake of it, to
have life, they will see the dark side of your wrath come upon them and hear you
say that the Soul that sins or hath partaken of this tree must die, thus I decieved
them, I promised them Life as Paul said, "That which was ordained to Life, or the
Flesh of Jesus, I found to be unto death", and The Law of Sin and Death In the
Body of Jesus wrought in me all manner of concupiscence and desires and awoke
my curiosity, that man there is some truth to this, I might can partake of this Tree
called Jesus and live forever and never shall I truly die, but I shall be as God and
come to know Good and Evil.

There He and It is folks. The Man of Sin. The Serpent that beguiled you, the
Lying spirit in the mouth of the Law and Prophets! Christ speaking through Jesus
said "ALL that came before me was thieves and liars", and another said, Grace
and Truth came by Christ! So what came before Him must have been lies.
I am speaking of the Dark side of Calvary. The Man who was made Sin and
Made the Darkness. There He is, He who would trouble the entire world! The
Man of Sin, the Man made SIN! He whom was perfect in all of His Ways till Sin,
darkness and iniquity was found in Him. It was in Him all of the time, it just was

not manifested! he was in His first birth in the negative image. All Flesh is as the
Grass, all flesh is in the negative image. Spesking of Him being made sin, Him be-
ing made flesh, sinful flesh. Why Sinful Flesh?
Because Flesh was brought to Life by the Unbelief of the Shadow. The
Shadow was Faith, which is the power of Creation, yet when reflected, it is a lesser
light, a dark light, it is as if Faith was Light and in its state of perfection you could
shine it like a flash light, then it is perfect, but what happenes when you shine it in
a mirror? It is become a false light, a reflected Light, traveling in the opposite direc-
tion, causing the mirror to come to life thinking it is God, so the world begins
worhsipping the mirror and not the true light, so God hates the mirror and the
false images and illusions and lies it has wrought and breaks it!
At Calvary He broke it! He took that Darkness and that Beast Image that came
to Life by the Anti Christ and the False Prophet and cast them alive into the Lake
of Fire! They cried out, Father, Why hast Thou Forsaken Me!!!! That was the end
of all flesh, the end of darkness and illusions. The end of the Lie.

So we see Evil is not what we thought it to be as to seeing it in the Mind of

Revelation and of God. Evil is simply this....Faith in Perversion. Faith in Reverse.
A Reflecting Moon Light causing a Knowledge of Truth to shine upon the
Ground or Earth and this faith in reverse has caused by being cast as to a shadow
upon the ground a body to be formed from the dust and to the dust it returns.
Faith in Reverse is Darkness and that darkness is trapped or imprisoned in a Body.
God said sacrifice and offerings you have made but away with them, a Body thou
hast prepared for me! God becoming a Man, God becoming The Darkness in the
Man Christ Jesus. Causing His Flesh to come to Life and lifting up that Flesh with
its Law in its members and deceiving the whole world as a Serpentine Beast, A
False Prophet and an Anti Christ. God is Faith in the purest sense, yet when re-
flected upon the soul is caused a lesser light, a faith to go in reverse, it created a
negative, or unbelief. God veiled Himself in that Unbelief as to the Body of Jesus,
then withdrew from it and Him being Light, He separated Himself from that

Thus the Flesh and Soul of Jesus was all of the Darkness, All of it, every bit of

We have spoken before of How God used the faith and sovereignty of Man as
a wedge where he divided Faith and Unbelief, or Light and darkness. Him being
Light and the shadow of darkness being cast into the Man. So we see this is what
happened inside the Only Man Christ Jesus whom was God! God held in Perver-
sion. Jesus Soul in Hell, God behind the Badger Skins, God tasting Death by be-
coming Death, God who is Truth held in Unrighteousness, Changing the Truth or
God into a Lie, Changing God into Satan, God a Fallen Angel, God a Fallen
Spirit, God whom was the fullness of Light and Darkness, there in the Body of Je-
sus Christ, Caused a death or Sleep to come upon This Adam and separated from
Him the Eve of Creation or the Eve of Darkness, the Eve of Perversion and de-
finement and confinement and the Eve of Satan. God without Man is a Beast. Je-
sus without God is a Beast, Jesus Without God is Satan, Adam whom was the Tree
of Life, when God withdrew from Him became the Tree of Knowledge!

There He is, The Mystery of Iniquity! Sin Itself, The Man of Sin, Made Sin,
Before the World ever was! Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man, Fully Light and
Fully Darkness. Folks there is a realm of Love and Wisdom and Understanding as
to the WHY all of this had to be, that supercedes any and all Earthly wisdom and
feelings and emotions. It so far surpasses Human Love that it is unfathomable as
to the Love we say The Son, had to go forth and become the darkness and sin it-
self to be a "lying spirit" and to become Evil itself and Satan Himself and suffer
such hellish and vengeance of wrath from God. The Storming raging Thunders
of Creation! God becoming a Man and making that Man into God. The Highest
Spirit coming to the lowest place, to birth His Seed so that it may grow and ma-
ture by the contrast of Light and Darkness and Wisdom and Understanding till
The Faith of absolute "Knowing" is birth or made manifest once more. it could
not be robbed of anything, it would have to experience all of it, so that it could,
"Know All Things". Thus it could "Be all things".

He became the Darkness and Sin and Satan, so a door would be opened to you
and I, between the Light and Darkness, that God had parted as He did the seas
and the skies, so that We could be covered in Grace and Love and be nurtured by
the wooing of the Father and recive the Righteousness of The Christ that Jesus
gave up, to become your sin, so that You might live and have life and that more
abundant! He gave you and made you His Righteousness and all He asked was for
you to simply believe what He had done and become for you! That by doing so,
you not only save yourself, you save Him also, by taking Him off the Cross and
calling Him forth from the Tomb, not leaving His Soul in Hell, Then You have be-
come God to Him. He is become your Manhood and sinful flesh and You became
His Holy Righteous Spirit and he your filth and perversion. SO when you accept
what He hath done for You, the You become The Righteousness of God and God
to Him, He is in the darkness of the Night of your Outer Man asking to be let free
from the Flames of this hellish blood life. So you call His Body forth from the
Tomb, You call His Soul back from the Flames and You descend from Heaven
with a Shout and Save He who saved You! Amazing Grace! Amazing Love! We
are Alive from the dead, Being quickening spirits, now lets go awaken our sleep-
ing body where in our master is because the great storm of tribulation approaches!

We literally sacrifice the darkness and rend it into and when we do the body is
no more in bondage, the soul remains no more in hell and the Spirit is already de-
scended back into our body and has raised it from the dead and awakened it from
its sleep. It ALL happened when you was Born Again, that was The Calvary of
Your Life! God is your spirit that exist within your dark soul that causes it to be im-
prisoned in your body, once you die to that life and kill out self by Calvary then
you will have rent the veil of darkness of your soul and caused the inward Spirit of
God to enter your soul and change it to a quickening spirit and you have freed
that body from the darkness as well as now your whole body is full of Light, the
Body is redeemed to. Amen and Amen!

Patrick Henry Nichols I
April 29 2015
Hilton Head Island


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