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C H A P T E R 18

The Descending Body

The Descending Body

Before you accepted Calvary it had already been in place before the world ever
was. This means your Body was on the Cross crucified before it ever got here.This
means if your body was dead on that cross before you even got here then the
ONLY way you could be in existence is that you are a Spirit. A Ghost.
Look now from this view point and see your Body is on the Throne and your
Spirit is on the Footstool. This is the dark negative of Calvary. it is reversed.
In the garden the Thunders sounded and took place right there in the heart of
Adam and Eve as there are two lightning strikes.One Lightning strike is the Com-
ing of The Lord, as we are told. The other is the casting out of Lucifer as Satan
falling from heaven as Christ seen.This means two Thunders, for our comprehen-
sion sake. One Thunder was the Fall of mankind, The other was The Redemption
of ManKind.In the Mind of God it was all Just ONE Lightning and One Thun-
der, but for our comprehensions sake we hear two. You could say one was real one
was a mirror reflection.
So imagine now a Body on a Throne, a Body on a Cross lifted up between
Heaven and Earth which means the 2nd heaven.The Body that the Christ took to
show the Father was the one that was hung before the Father in that 2nd
heaven.We say well Jesus took that body to show to the Father atonement had
been made. And this is true….BUT…God knows all things! He was the one as to
His Wrath that was poured out upon that Body, so he knew it was made Sin and

paid for Sins, It is WHY He sent it. So it was that body that hung on that Cross,
the same one that rose again!
Now when you get Born Again, you accept by faith the effects of Calvary and
a change takes place. You who had no body and a Body that had no Spirit in that
it cried out My God, My Spirit, why have you forsaken me!You became His Right-
eous Spirit and he became your sinful Body. This was BEFORE you ever got here.
It was Calvary in the Mind of God which is Love.When Calvary is revealed and
received then this is Love Expressed which is Charity. Then that which was re-
versed in the Garden and caused the Fall, is reversed once again and everything is
placed back in its proper place. In other words, the negative of what you thought
Calvary was at your Faith is ran through the red light of Grace by Comprehension
and then you see it was altogether different as the Positive image is manifested for
you and too you.
So bear with me. Your Body is hidden in the 2nd heaven. behind that “Middle
Wall Of Partition”. Your carnal Mind hid your body from you. Your unbelief
caused you to see things in a perverted form. What you thought was life became
death to you. You thought you was sinning and was old and wicked and was to die
and that God hated you. This was all a Lie. it was you seeing the negative side of
the image. NOW – Once you are born again, two things happen.
1. Your disembodied spirit is translated into the Kingdom of God as a Christ to
rule on the Throne.
2. Your Body that was hidden behind the veil of Calvary that was purged in
the fire that was made Sin is taken OFF the Cross and descends from Heaven and
is given to you as a Gift from The Holy Ghost, a Gift of the Holy Ghost. You, be-
ing Bone of His Bone and Flesh of His Flesh, YOU was on that Cross before your
flesh ever got here. The Law condemned your Flesh before you ever got here and
hung it upon a Cross.
Grace took your Spirit your Holy Ghost and returned it on Pentecost and it
went into the Earth. This placed your Body in heaven hidden behind the dark
cloud of Moses Upon the Mountain where it Thundered, and this put your Spirit
at the Foot Stool. This showing Satan building His Kingdom by the days of grace,

his kingdom being that Middle Wall of partition places Sinful Flesh between you
and God and your Spirit is under the Altar crying out Lord How Long till I re-
ceive my Body back to me. Then like a ghost from our child hood it being invisible
we had to throw a white sheet over it to see it, which is what God done to our Spir-
its by giving us the Righteousness of the Saints as to the wedding garment in a
type till we could comprehend Bodily Redemption.
The Body cannot come off the Cross until Sin as to Unbelief had been Paid in
full and that by comprehension of the revelated word.Once you come to The
Revelation of Jesus Christ then you comprehend and you understand then Faith is
developed and Faith being the creative and re-creative power of God, causes what
perversion took place in the Garden as Satan in your fleshly outer man crawled up
between you and God put your Flesh as to your Body in a second heaven and an
eclipse took place between you and God as He was hidden from your site and you
was hidden from His as this bloody vesture was now hanging between you and
Your Body in the 2nd heaven. Grace had to be allowed because you was
trapped by this evil force that was now in your body and God could not destroy
the evil within your body without destroying you as well. So he separated it and
rent the veil in to and he pulled you out of that body and placed your spirit in the
earth while your Body remained in heaven to face the firey wrath of God as Jesus
cried out Why has thou forsaken me Spirit.So many dimensions are seen here. But
what you need to see is this, once God struck that Body with His Might, then it
cast Satan out of that Body and purged that Body with Fire. Blood is Fire in revela-
tion so Our body was a VESTURE dipped in Blood or Fire. 
Once you accept Calvary then by the Faith of God he ends that Old World of
the negative side of Calvary, that side he let Moses see as to the Hinder Part. Then
it is all gone and destroyed and a New heaven and a New earth is commanded to
come forth as now that you receive Calvary then Your Spirit which was Grace to
that World you was in here in the Foot Stool is lifted and is translated into the
Kingdom of God. here is what you need to see…..That Body that was hidden be-
hind that cloud, behind that middle wall of partition was the very body you have
right now. it is then given back to you as a Gift! It is Free, it never sinned to begin

with, it never has to die anymore. Not waiting on a body to come, but the body
you have right now, the same eyes you are reading this with, it is the same exact
body you have been waiting on. It is just a matter of YOU comprehending the
fact that it never has to die anymore. it is impossible for it to age, be sick, to die
ever again. it is given back to you that which was stolen from you. Your Wife, or
your Body. It has been under a terrible husband that told it it was wicked and sin-
ful and had to age and die, but it was a lie, a lying spirit. Now Grace and Truth is
Come! You have that Body you have been waiting on, it never went anywhere, it
was only hidden behind a mind of sin and unbelief and viewed it as a wicked evil
thing, but it was holy, precious and pure spotless bride because it was purchased
with a price and it is bone of His bone and Flesh of His Flesh.
Jesus kept the same exact body that he was born with and walked this earth in
and took it to a cross and crucified it and buried it and raised it again to show me
and you that it was NOT at fault. if it was at fault it could never have been raised
again. This places the guilt upon Satan who stole your flesh away and accused it to
the Father. It casts Him out of the Body and places him in a bottomless Pit of the
same sinful emptiness he wanted to put you in, but God cracked open the Body re-
vealed the true guilty one cast Him out and married the Body and Spirit back to-
gether again.Now Christ is in the Chair as to the Throne and the Body is back at
the Foot Stool. This puts everything back into its proper perspective as God the fa-
ther in the Inward man, The faith of Christ as the Son in the Soul of man and
His Bone and Flesh in the earth as the Body of Jesus. Father Son and Holy Ghost.
Spirit Soul and Body.
Satan had it – Father, Body, Holy Ghost. This caused a Blood and Fire to strike
the Body causing a shedding of blood which typified Grace but the real grace of
that was your Holy Ghost that was sent forth into the World the same way they
Hid the Child in Egypt during Herods rule.The Unbelief of Satan within the
Flesh and him climbing into the upper lintels caused an eclipse come between you
and God.At Calvary, he was cast out as Faith cast out unbelief, the Body was cast
out as well, but the Body was not accounted for in the Fall but the unbelieving
soul, so as the unbelief was cast out this forced the body to be cast out as well, but
it was not a casting out to the body as it was the unbelief of Satan, it was a de-

scending from heaven as the exchange took place as your Spirit was translated
back into Heaven and your Body was descended back into the Earth to meet in
the Air as behold Every eye shall see Him. Praise God!!!! I hope you see this!!! This
is the redemption of your Body!!! phn

C H A P T E R 19

The Spiritual Act Of Birth

The Spiritual Act of Birth

I believe God made man (the woman part) into a living Soul. That Soul had to
be darkness and unbelief. It was the female womb God needed to form the Light
of His Image. Inside that Soul He placed His Eternal Seed without form and void
of its identity, a simple seed, yet a God seed, from the loins of God Himself. It can
only grow by divine revelation of the revelational knowledge and wisdom and un-
derstanding imparted it by the contrast of its mind and nature against the mind
and nature of the soul it dwells in. In its partial stages of growth from part to part,
faith to faith, revelation to revelation, it is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil as it, “works out is own salvation”, it is searching for its identity.
Then it comes to the diplomacy, the final veil of the unknown is made known,
the veil is removed, as with the veil being gone, thus departs the darkness that was
used to define it, the sin, it once thought it had, the ignorance has been replaced
with truth. Thus it is now a formed defined Spirit, that now has an identity, a
name, a personality and a divine nature. It knows now, it is Light and in it is no
darkness. no longer a Son as to its stages of development, now the Son has be-
come the Father, God reproducing His own Image. The Spirit needed the Soul as
to a womb to grow, the Soul needed a Body to dwell in to sustain the Soul while in
this world. Once the Soul is done and is dissolved as to becoming one with its head
as the woman does the husband, then the Body is given to it as a Gift, a changed
body. a body that once was under subjection of the soul is now subject unto the
Spirit. Command Thou Me. This is God bridling Leviathan, as only the Perfect

Man can bridle the Tongue. Our soulish mind walks our body into a wall, because
it does not believe it can walk through it, but subjected to the Spirit, the Body un-
der the control of The Faith believes all things and passes on through. Adam
(Spirit) and Eve (Soul) concealed and wrapped up and hidden behind Human
Flesh the Serpent in the Garden as the Red Dragons Tail wrapped its tail around
the Spirit as it did in the Garden to cast the seed forth from God and cast it down
to the Earth, not to destroy it, but it was simply the path and pattern God used to
plant His seed in the fertile Ground. Once the birthing process is finished and we
“obtain unto The Faith”, then we tame this Red Dragon and cast out of it as to
the mind of the Soul which was the weaker mind of Eve. We bridle Leviathan.
The Change of he Body.
This is why the Jews had the priest named Levi’s, they were the “Ministration
of Death” as Paul said carrying the Ark of The Covenant, like Pall Bearers carry a
casket and it was the Law of these Jews that gave Power unto this Dragon to de-
ceive and make War with the Saints, to create those Thunders of differentiation
during our pilgrimage of, “deciding who we are, working out our own salvation”.
The Mind that was to control the Body was the 3rd heaven Mind but Grace al-
lowed it to come to the 2nd Heaven, out of its place, for a time and a purpose, till
the Wheat had time to grow and mature. He had to let them grow together. Then
The Body is put back in its proper place in the 1st heaven and the  temporary
mind of the soul that was needed is done away with as Adam pulls Eve back into
Himself while casting the darkness in her out. So Leviathan had to do with the
flesh, which is the Body, which is the Jew and the Law or Rod of Iron as to that
Power needed to rule them, as they were unruly, but it was simply the shadow
mind that was caused when Light struck the Object and it cast an anomaly we call
a Shadow. The Light caused the Shadow by its shining, but the object was the rea-
son for the shadow, having its own mind revealed to it, and it became deceived
into a contrary way of life as a child would run to a closet and hide out of fear of
the Great Light that it does not understand. So the Veil seen as evil and it was in a
sense was actually a Grace to the Child for its growth and protection. As Bro
George said however, the difference between the world of perfection and the
world of imperfection is Satan, as to he is the impartial mixture of knowledge of

good and evil till the maturity comes, the there is nothing but Good and God. So
in the natural the difference in world of a Father to His Child is the same and God
had to have a Mother to help the transition of the Child of the Child. She proves
she is His Wife because She has produced His Image, so He in great Love for what
She has done redeems her back unto Himself which is where she came from. This
is why God paid the penalty for Sin for out of His Side came the Woman part as
to the Soul, which served as a shadow for the true woman the true Eve the re-
deemed Body. I hope this blesses someone. Amen. PHN

C H A P T E R 20

God Is One

I am not sure how much of this will seem understandable, but here it goes.
The Lord at Calvary separated the Light from the Darkness eternally.
Remember how their was two goats or sacrifices, how one was set free and an-
other was sacrificed.
Darkness was the lie the veil that came in the garden.
God separated the Lie from the Truth at Calvary.
The Lie never existed, Jesus said all that came before me was thieves and liars.
The Law was a lie, the veil was a lie, the law is for the Lawless but Children of
God have never needed a Law, for they have always been perfect.
The Law was brought seemingly because of the Lie, to keep the Lie in check
till it had run its course and to see that every lie and error of life it caused was to
be paid for.
We know this one named Jesus after the flesh anymore, from henceforth. Be-
cause he became that darkness and was folded up and laid away and that which
was resurrected was the Spirit, the True Son of God, The Man part, the Lie part
that cried out Why hast thou forsaken me! The Soul that lied or was a lie had to
die. The soul was the lie or the dark light that came in the garden for the decep-
There has never been nothing that has existed but God and God is Truth.

God is Spirit and Spirit is Truth, God is the word and The Word is spirit and
they are Truth, and the Word was made Flesh and thus Flesh is Word and Word is
Spirit therefore Flesh is Spirit as Spirit is Flesh meaning there never was anything
that has ever existed but Spirit, the Lie was we had a flesh body and that we had a
soul. One part was seen as evil and was part was a neccessity, but it was all God
who is Spirit.
God is a Spirit and Spirit is a Mind so lets just stop right there a
moment....How can thoughts or a Mind that alone exist and nothing else exist and
this Mind is the Only TRUTH and the Only REALITY, How can it reproduce it-
self ? It must allow itself to be deceived, to sleep, or to dream of you will, it must
conjure up a lie and be the father of it, yet it is not charged to itself or anyone else
as to breaking a law and saying you lied for who is there to accuse it?
Who is there to say oh you cannot do that? No One.....Nothing can be a Lie to
God for He is Truth.
In the darkness in the Beginning came forth Light, so darkness was the original
image, but it was darkness because no one understood or comprehended it as to its
existence. Is it possible this God began forming all of existence for billions and bil-
lions of years and made a Universe that has no end and simply 6000 Yrs ago he
finally began to reveal himself, unto Himself, He began to open His own eyes and
see himself and the glory and joy and beauty and inspiration of Him seeing Him-
self was so magnificent it created an eternal Inspiration that began producing or
“reproducing” Himself, the same as a Man does a Woman, was she not a part of
the man from the beginning? She came forth from the man, She was His first
So when God expressed Himself, He became the Woman part of Himself as
manifested Creation and existence, yet hidden within her as she was still God just
in another form. Like Water, it is Ice, Snow, Vapor etc. So when He became the
Woman manifested Creation part of God then the Male part was no longer the
male as to a Husband, but had now changed being encapsulated within His own
Creation as a seed within the Woman He became as a Child in her Womb.

Then as The Woman travailed as All of Creation is in travail, to release the
Spirit back to God who gave it or lets say return God back to His original Form
which was Spirit. God had to lose His identity to find it again. The Spirit has now
taken on a form and once birthed from the Woman of Creation as a NewBorn
Child then the Child is the Marriage as it is both the Father and the Mother. A
New Creation as to the Image seen or comprehended but still the same God, just
in another form. God formed Himself into the Woman, then let the woman put
Him to sleep, the same way a man sleeps after he releases Himself into the
woman. Then God as to the Woman form existed carrying within it the blueprint
or DNA of its first form which was Spirit.
    Then at the proper time, the veil was to be rent and out would come forth
that Man Child which was The Great Revelator or Spiritual God who now had a
Image. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, God coming forth from all of Creation. It
will not stop till the end of the Millennium where finally God is released from all
of Creation as to He has been finally “Comprehended”.
The Jew being the Bodily part was in the presence of God, Just like Adam. Was
deceived by the Fleshly Womanly Serpent that hung on the Tree and was cast out
of the presence of God, Just like Lucifer, Just like Adam. The Jew being the
Woman part was suffered to be deceived and the true serpent which was the Gen-
tile via deception has kept the veil over the woman, saying you must worship this
Serpent if you want Life. Now the whorish woman has done this but the true
woman as to the 144,000 remained true and will be redeemed.
The point of it all, is God is God, He fills all in all, there is no heights or depths
one can go to to escape Him. He is. He was, he shall be, I Am!
God was the Spirit that changed into a Soul and then into a Body, Like energy
changed form but never dies, the elements may change forms a million times but
are never destroyed. Energy simply changes form, God simply changes form, but
it is all God and God is whatever stage or state of Life he is in at that Moment, but
always Spirit. Death and Sin was a Lie, There is no death or spirit or sin to God,
this is why he left all judgment unto the Son which was the Veil that part that was
made sin or a serpent on the Cross, in other words let that be your judge, look

upon that Cross and say Whom Am I as the Lord asked the Apostles. Do you see a
sacrificial lamb to whom you need its blood to live, or do you see the Christ, the
risen savior, the One who inhabits eternity, remember At Calvary he separated the
darkness of Sin and shame from the resurrected truth and Light, and you choose
each day who you will serve. The Gentiles deceived the Jew by stealing the birth-
right claiming to be in the image of the elder brother, but the birthright went to
the 2nd Born the Christ, which was God. Showing the gentile as brute beast. God
like the Jordan after overflowing its banks at Calvary and the flood of Noah is set-
tling back down to return to the Jew the True Bride as to the Body of the Resur-
rected One.
Spirit is Spirit, Soul is Spirit, Flesh is Spirit, Spirit is Spirit, God is Truth, God
is Spirit, The 3 forms are but One Spirit. God changing His mask, God appearing
in another form. God deceiving Himself behind a veil, using the soul of man to
do so, not laying his sins against him, then rending that veil to produce His Image
all over again, or revealing Himself back unto Himself. Every day His mercies are
new, Just like the Sun, it shines on the Earth one part we call day then a veil comes
we call night as it shines on the other side of the world, then it returns back to this
side to bring about what seems to be a brand new day, yet we know the sun just cir-
cled the earth was all, But from the mans standpoint it was a new day and a new
beginning, a new revelation, a newness of life, God using the veil of mans own
mind to reproduce Himself and to glorify Himself, the male part hidden inside the
woman part rending the veil of ignorance to view the long lost male part once
more which creates eternal inspirations of eternal life, the same as a Husband and
Wife do in relations of Love. God so desiring to see Himself created woman side
of himself and was so fascinated he had to be One with her, or Himself and when
the Child is come, it is the Oneness of Male and female or Husband and Wife, Fa-
ther and Mother. God has truly became ONE with Her and they are bound to-
gether inseperable for eternity! I am only using male and female and other terms
as a way of describing this, but in all reality there is no expression or words to say,
when you take it back to the Eternal God who IS, the I AM. There is but God, al-
ways has been.

C H A P T E R 21

Thunders 3 Parts

Bro Branham spoke of the Thunders to be revealed in 3 parts.

1. The Thunders sounded once in Bro Branham’s day, though not understood,
having to do with the God in Christ as to a Jesus part that veiled the hidden mys-
tery though it made itself known. The same way it manifested itself in the person
of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people and they could not receive it for their was a
veil over the minds and only the elect received it.
2. Next the Thunders were to sound in the Church for the translation of the
Church and this was manifested in the Ministry of Bro Pike and though many of
the followers never received it, the elect did. The others having been blinded by
the god of this world having a veil over their minds.
Now a typical breach has come, which is also seen and typified by the days of
Ruth and Naomi as Boaz has reaped the harvest as to a many membered church
that was ripe and full and ready for the harvest to be put in the masters barns has
come to pass, but remember the good shepherd leaves the 99 and goes and saves
the one that is lost, which typifies the bodily perspective, as this answers to the next
part of what Boaz did after the harvest, he told the laborers to “drop some on pur-
pose” so those who would come behind and follow afterwards the message could
still also be translated.

Now this also answers to the fact that Bro Pike said enough of the revelation
has been made known to translate the church, and also said there was still some
things the brethren needed to understand, but he would not be able to share them,
as his mission was now accomplished. he reaped the harvest of the fields that were
white and hath translated a spiritual bride into glory.
This also answers to Bro Pikes Vision of The Angel putting the ring on his fin-
ger for the marriage of the harvest but remember the Angel afterwards “dropped
some on purpose”, being a document indicating a letter typifying a Law descend-
ing from the spiritual beings hands and floating down to a Bodily Earth and the
membership of the body of George Pike picking up the mantle finishing the com-
prehension of bodily redemption.
* Now the Thunders sounded for the church as a secret hidden thing while the
blood was on the mercy seat because the church would need grace till they could
comprehend and understand the thunders revealed and be sealed in. Bro
Branham spoke of the church receiving the thunders as a mystery or secret and
then later the world would see or hear the thunders on a public scale which of
course would be judgment to them. For the Thunders have to do with the Law
coming back in which accounts for the Adoption or as we say we adopt our bodies
through the law and it is married to the Spirit.
The Church receiving the thunders under the blood was given them as mercy
or as Peter said, “Gird up the loins of your mind for the GRACE that is to be
brought to you at The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. Moses heard the thunders be-
ing on top of the mount that burned with fire. Showing again the thunders have to
do with a typical Jewish or Body aspect pertaining to the Law. we know thunders
always mean the Voice of God as when He speaks it thunders.
we hear it speak in the beginning as it says Let there Be, then a 2nd time at Cal-
vary saying this is my Son, then though they sounded it was not revealed what
they were till we find them in their 3rd time in Revelations which shows the final 7
Earth perspective Years coming in to birth a Millennium world.
3. Bro Branham said it would be a restoring of limbs and also a return to Pente-
cost and power as a last witness to the world. This would be the time of what he
said the thunders would manifest in a 3rd way as to a Kingdom manifestation
which means as Bro Pike said, This message would become a Government and
when you end one government and begin a new one then you have begun a tribu-
lation. This also shows the Jew coming back in at the first of the week of Jacobs
troubles. This all indicates the Bodily Change happens just before the Tribulation
begins and that Grace is now over as the Blood is what keeps the Spirit and Body
apart, as Grace though it allows for perfection also allows for imperfection as to
atone for imperfections till all who should be made perfect become perfect then
Grace is no longer needed. The Elect Church having been sealed in by the Thun-
ders having obtained unto The Faith then they will have changed from the Heav-
enly perspective of Grace to the Woman as a Bride unto the Earthly perspective
of the Male with His Law and rulership or Rod of Iron as a Mighty Manchild.
This means the door of salvation is closed to the Gentiles and Gods Favor returns
back to the Jew as The Spiritual Bride with her Thundering Rapturing Faith will
have adopted her Body and changed it and married it and transfigured it into
Glory and will go away as the Mantle of the Revelation of Christ will be cast unto
the Jew bringing them into the Days of their Grace as a perfected Body but not
yet a glorified body, as glory indicates the spiritual dimension. The Jews are not glo-
rified till the end of the Millennium when the Glory of Bodily change and redemp-
tion and transfiguration descends from heaven to the perfected Jewish body as it
did to the Spiritual Gentile Body.
We see Jesus being transfigured just before the Cross of Calvary experience
which certainly shows the change of the body for the gentile bride, then a tribula-
tion of a Calvary experience for the Jews to come forth in a resurrection of millen-
nium as a perfected body and not seen as a glorified body till after the 40 days of
our Lords resurrection then he ascended to Glory which is the Great Light at the
end of the Millennium.

It appears we have been in a lay over time as the Master has dropped some on
purpose which certainly indicates the final remaining mysteries of the bodily
change as well as giving time for those who did not walk with Bro Pike to be able
to hear the message in their day, but we are fastly approaching the final essence of
these mysteries being made known, as many have already came to the understand-
ing of bodily redemption and the only reason God has not empowered that under-
standing is because others are still coming and this manifestation is a whole bodily
manifestation as it was at Pentecost in one mind and one accord and till we all
come to The Unity of The Faith which we have obtained unto. It could be said
while many are in the room already the room is filling up with gas as others come
in then when the last one is in the door then will be shut and God will ignite the
flame. With the empowering of the black man as it has come in this day, him be-
ing the last type of the Jew to come in, even this president expressing his approval
of the sodomites showing an anti type of a Moses and Elijah two Headed freak as
it is when male with male and female with female. it is just perfect timing for the
wicked ones to receive their power in that anti type as in the true type it shows the
true Jew coming to power with a Moses and Elijah. Bro Pike said the black mans
reign would be a short lived one showing a typical 7 year cycle then God would
bring in, no longer the type of the Jew but he would bring in the Jew himself show-
ing just how close we are to the Great Tribulation and the Bodily Change.
With all of this being said, it surely shows the Time is at hand, lift up your
heads saints thy redemption draweth nigh!
(Notes Below)
Patrick Henry Nichols I
Feb 28 2014
* Quote: 24-5 "First, to express Hisself completely: God in Christ. Second, to
have the preeminences by this in His Church (which is His Body, Bride) to... He
could have the preeminence to express Himself through them. All right. And
thirdly, to restore the Kingdom to its rightly position that fell by sin by the first
Adam, back to where He walked in the cool of the evening with His people, talked
with them, fellowshipped with them. And now sin and death had separated them
from His Presence and His entire expression. Do you read it? Before the founda-
tion of the world to express all of His attributes, what He was..." (Christ Is The
Mystery Of God Revealed 63-0728).
Quote: 3-3 "When we see all these great threefold revelations: God in Christ,
Christ in the Church, the Kingdom coming, Adam and Eve redeemed back to the
garden of Eden in the representation of Christ and His Bride, and then the King-
dom is going to be restored according to His promise. Praise be to God. Now, by
the revelation of the threefold mystery (the secret) and by the personal a-
vindicated Word by His original Headship..." (Christ Is The Mystery Of God Re-
vealed 63-0728).

C H A P T E R 22


Heaven - The Bible says Gods Throne is in Heaven and it says God is everywhere,
so then this makes good common sense that Heaven is everywhere. Now Jesus
taught us that The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are the same
and that they are within you. So if I said when people that are Christians die they
go within you and there they remain, you would automatically try to understand
this and look within yourself and then by not understanding, would be frustrated
and say, this can't be true, there must be another explanation, so you go away in
unbelief. Yet the Bible said concerning Jesus as He sent this understanding forth it
was said, No man has ever ascended up into Heaven except He that came down
from heaven, even the Son of Man....Who So Jesus was in
heaven while our eyes beheld him here on the Earth.
That same Jesus said to you and I, that Heaven was within us as well, that our
conversations were now in heaven and that we sit together in heavenly places and
that He (Christ) hath translated us (right now already) into the marvelous King-
dom of God, speaking of us who have been born again. So what does this all
mean and how can one really understand this profound revelation? Simple, Christ
is the Kingdom of God and that God is a Spirit then His Holy Spirit comes and
dwells within our hearts and thus Christ being Spirit then Heaven is the Spirit.
John was "In The Spirit" on the Lords Day.
Now the Bible tells us also that the Kingdom of God is a Revelation in that it
has to be revealed to us. The we begin to understand as we read this following
verses, as the Bible says, Pray that God would grant unto you the Spirit of Wis-
dom and Revelation in Him, that the EYES OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING

MAY BE ENLIGHTENED, to (Comprehend) the heights, depths, length and
width of God. Ahhh so thats what it means the Kingdom of God is within us, it
means the Kingdom is all around us and we see that Kingdom when our inward
eyes of understanding become opened, as when the eye is closed the eyelid (veil) is
over the mind, but when the veil is removed then the eye is opened and we "see".
Now we see the kingdom of God but remember it is not just that you see it, but it
means something when it says it is in you. Now the Bible says concerning God that
we live, move and breathe Him always and that in Him, we have our very being,
like a fish in the ocean, everywhere it goes it is surrounded in water and it takes its
life and breath from that water. Adam and Eve were in Gods presence in the Gar-
den thus they were in heaven and then the serpent, called the great red dragon,
wrapped his tail around them and cast them down to the earth, meaning they lost
sight of that world of heaven they were in as a veil of darkness and sin overshad-
owed their hearts mind and thoughts and it closed their spiritual eyelid over their
heart and they could not see heaven anymore, nor God anymore and then the
World came into view and men began to live upon the earth as beast to labor and
toil and even God searching for them asked Adam where art thou? Adam you was
just here in my presence now a shadow mind or a veil has come between you and
me and I cant see you anymore, as also Adam could not see God anymore, the
same you can't see when you close your eyes. So Christ came at Calvary and Jesus
became that veil of darkness that was over our hearts mind and thoughts and he
rent that veil over the mind and opened the eyes of those who would receive it, so
that we can be translated back into the Kingdom of God or Heaven simply by the
opening of the eye of understanding which is The Kingdom of God within you,
where as Satan spirit was the darkness that covered your mind and caused you to
be in unbelief, he was cast out of you at Calvary and now The Faith of Jesus
Christ is within you as you cover with him, having put on Him, then have you
been clothed upon with have made it and you are home.

C H A P T E R 23

The Mark Of A Beast

The Mark of A Beast

It is amazing the Catholic Church has prosecuted the protestant Church as you
stated for 1260 years being that is the number of days spoken of in Revelations. I
think that is right.
Anyway, I can assure you the Mark of The Beast is not Sunday Worship
though it was surely instigated through the religious beast system.
It goes so much deeper than a day of worship, days of the week are but still the
types and shadows that point us to the true revelation.
The Mark of The Beast is the Carnal Mind which is typified by the Moon and
in the bible it says the Moon was turned or covered in Blood.
Satan being a Spirit and a Spirit being a Mind of Angelic Intelligence and un-
derstanding dark sayings climbed up into the Mind of Man through eve in the
The Beast entered Eve as she partook of His Fruit, when she received His
Fruit, the Fruit of His Thoughts, she received the Mind of The Beast which was
now interwoven with her own mind.
That was the Mark of The Beast, it entered and stamped mankind right then
and there and all of Eves offspring that are not born again are the Beast and they
have the Mark of The Beast already because they are born with it. Mankind is
Beast, the entirety of Humanity is beast for we came from the beast that entered
our Mother Eve and the nature of our father which was Satan we do because we

was conceived in iniquity and sin and the foolishness of Sin is bound in our hearts
from the time of our Birth.
This is why Jesus came and was born in a stable like a beast where beast live
and what beast feed from, He was descending to the level humanity had fallen too
from the garden which was the Beast. He came in the Beast form to show us our
sinful fallen condition then as Moses lifted up the serpent which is a Beast, so Jesus
was made that Serpent on the Cross.
remember how the Prophet screamed out to the religious crowd of that day
and called them...a generation...a whole family lineage of “Vipers” which is
Snakes saying to them “YOU are the descendants of The Serpent, you are of
your father the Devil”  in your first birth. If they were as we all were and are de-
scendants of the serpent then we are the Serpent, we are the beast and the Mark
of The Beast is the Number of Man, see it is MAN. Man Kind! Man in his origi-
nal state and was deceived by the serpent in the Garden and that evil angel Satan
climbed into us and got between God and Man and that angel wanted to be God
so He has put that same nature into man as man wants to be as God because Sa-
tan wanted to be as God and 666 is Man making himself God, the Pope is only a
type of that, though he shows it as one person he is only reflecting the true Anti
Christ which is unregenerated man, sinful wicked fallen man.
The Flesh is Anti to Christ! The Bible says The Carnal Mind is at ENMITY
with God and is NOT subject to the Laws of God...NEITHER CAN IT BE! it
must die and be reborn!
In the Garden Enmity was put between the seed or between Man and God,
and here the Bible tells us what that enmity was, it was the Carnal Mind which is
the Mind or Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. and John laid the Axe to that
Tree and Jesus became that Tree for us being made our sins and God killed that
Tree which was the end of the Serpent and the Beast and The Wooden Cross
made from Trees to show the end of the Tree of Knowledge and now at His resur-
rection came forth the New Tree the Tree of Life.
When I was Born Again I was right then Sealed in my forehead with the Seal
of God as the Holy Ghost the Bible told us is that Seal. The forehead indicates the

Mind as we have the Mind of Christ, so it is with the World, they have the Spirit
of Satan and His Mind already, but God gave Grace to not let that Mind take
their souls in their innocence till the end of the world so that when the Gospel has
been preached to them as a witness against them then they will make up their
minds to reject the truth of God and follow after the religious false church or fool-
ish virgin and as the blood on the mercy seat is removed from their souls then Sa-
tan is allowed to enter the Soul of Humanity to Mark their Soul searing it with a
Hot iron and thus sealing their eternal destiny.
In our first birth we all carry the mark of the beast, but some of us have re-
jected it and were sealed by the Holy Ghost, while others rejected God and re-
ceived the Mark of The Beast no longer in their flesh but has now entered their
souls, as we see them doing this as the sodomites showing this abomination of deso-
Grace came so that the Mark of the Beast we carried could not take us as to
our souls till we come to the knowledge of the truth by the preaching of the five
fold ministry.
As many do however they sin away their days of grace and then that Sin enters
their soul and that soul is eternally cut off from God. Now mankind as a whole is
doing this very thing.
What you and the Adventist are teaching is true but is only the type and
shadow as you say the beast is an organized thing and it is as it is made up of
many people and what are people especially those not born again, but beast. You
are following but the shadow of that which is to come or shall we say that which is
the real which is the spiritual realm.
A Man standing in a Building or Temple claiming a Title and being given
power from the mass of humanity is still but a shadow, as the true is the invisible
spirit of Satan entering into the Human Soul of a Person and sitting in their Tem-
ple showing himself as God. What people are looking for in this natural way only
is fulfilling what has already taken place spiritually ever since the Garden.
There will be after the Translation of The Bride a people who will not accept
the organized religious culture that will ensue and is  happening now with this
Copeland thing and they will be a remnant that will be killed and persecuted by
that whorish beast organized religion as Mother Harlot has always done and the
Protestants, all 33000 Denominations of them being typical of her daughters are
only returning back to their head, their origin as the Children of God are as well,
Jesus, our head, said, I came from Heaven, I go back to Heaven, and that he was
even then still in heaven as I am in Heaven and all of the True Saints of God are
already in Heaven and Satan cannot touch us for his darkness cannot come nigh
our Light.
I pray this opens your eyes, but I feel you are so heavily indoctrinated with
much study and learning from the adventist way it will be hard for you to see what
the Spirit is saying to you.
I pray the Lord open your eyes to the true and the real and that you can under-
stand the Tribulation is at Hand and it is going home time as Lot left Sodom and
Gomorrah before the Fire came and Enoch the 7th from Adam was translated just
before the great calamity and Jesus was transfigured as a glorified changed body
before the great tribulation of the Cross set in.
may the Lord bless you is my prayer.

C H A P T E R 24

Spiritual Blood Line

Spiritual Blood Line

Eve partook of a Fruit of Knowledge, the Bible said I will feed you the Fruit of
your Thoughts. it came through the Beast as an Invisible Spiritual Mind that over-
took her.
naturally speaking a man and woman bear children and one may be male and
another female. The male indicates the spirit of God as a type, the female indi-
cates the spirit of Satan as a type. Eve did not have sex with a beast as a natural
man, for what took place in the garden was not a natural act. it was a Spiritual
even which Adam and Eve and this Serpent were only the Mask that the Spiritual
beings used. The Spirit is the real the Flesh is the Shadow. Adam and Eve had chil-
dren and as those children were born they are physically speaking a mixture of the
man and the woman. This is what happened in the Garden, Adams Mind in His
Wife Eve was Light and His light revealed to eve her own Mind which was seen as
Darkness and She leaned to her own understanding which she was not to do. So
instead of thinking it was a physical act that produced two bloodlines which is not
true, it was a spiritual act that did produce two SPIRITUAL ETERNAL DESTI-
NIES. We all have the same Mother as to the flesh and blood life, but we don’t all
have the same father as to God being the father of spirits, Jesus said God was His
father but there were some who he said their Father was The Devil. So it is NOT
a Bloodline that Two men laid with Eve, it is Two Angels entered One Woman
and caused her to become a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If it is true
that we have two physical bloodlines then the Blood of Jesus is of no effect and He

did not have to come for the good bloodline would always do good and the evil
bloodline would always do evil. That would make the Atonement of no effect. 
Bro Branham was seeing something that pertained to the Thunders as to even un-
derstanding this Mystery but he seen it in the Veil, He preached it as a Physical
Act when it was not, but the Revelation of Jesus Christ which is the Unveiled re-
vealed it not as the Type within the veil of a Physical act but as a spiritual unveiled
act. it was Two Spirits over one Body, Not two Physical Acts with One Woman.
Bro Branham seen this but He did not fully understand it as what he preached was
true as to the TYPE of what happened, but He did not preach it unveiled because
it was meant for the time of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. it had to do with the
unveiling of the Bride and He did not have the bride but was sent to Forerun the
Bride. Adam did not fall by deception, but he went willingly for the sake and love
of his wife, but Eve was deceived. So we as an Eve, we appear physically in the Im-
age of our Fleshly Mother, but inside we have Two Different Fathers. What Spirit
are we of, not what Body are we of.
See how their was Twins in the womb? This meant we have two minds within
us and God had to give us Grace during this life so that me and you could decide
our own destiny and work out our own salvation, to choose this day which father
will we listen to, God or Satan, for they both are in us. We choose our eternal des-
tiny by faith or unbelief and when our faith believes the Word of God then faith
makes us one with the Word and that Word is the Word of Foreknowledge that
Predestinated us to come to and hear and receive the Truth. Our name was writ-
ten in the Lambs Book of Life from before the World ever was, not the Earth, but
the World that was set in our hearts in the Garden by the fall. So the Mind that
was with us before Satans mind came into us, means my fathers Mind which is
where I came from before this lie told to me through Satan working in my Mother
eve came. So inside us we have two minds one is truth and one is a lie, one is real
light one is a lesser reflected light. Your flesh showing the blood on the mercy seat
and the twins inside are the two cherubims of which Father we will choose. Our
predestinated foreknowledge Life is based upon the eternal Spirit and has nothing
to do with the blood life.  The Garden was a spiritual event. Not a physical event.
I hope this helps. bro Pat.


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