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Remote sensing data and longline catches of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus

albacares) in the equatorial Atlantic

Article  in  Remote Sensing of Environment · October 2004

DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2004.07.015


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3 authors, including:

Joao A. Lorenzzetti José Stech

National Institute for Space Research, Brazil National Institute for Space Research, Brazil


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Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267 – 281

Remote sensing data and longline catches of yellowfin tuna

(Thunnus albacares) in the equatorial Atlantic
Cláudia R. Zagaglia*, João A. Lorenzzetti*, José L. Stech
Remote Sensing Division, National Institute for Space Research, Av. Astronautas, 1758, Jardim da Granja, CEP: 12227-010, São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil

Received 18 June 2003; received in revised form 19 July 2004; accepted 24 July 2004


This study investigates the relationship between yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught in the tropical Atlantic between 158S and
158N and 108W and 558W by the northeast Brazilian longline fleet, and environmental variables obtained from remote sensors such as sea
surface temperature (AVHRR/NOAA), chlorophyll-a concentration (SeaWiFS/SeaStar), sea surface height anomaly (TOPEX/Poseidon), and
wind velocity (Scatterometer/ERS-1 and -2). The observed relationships between longline catch data, expressed as catch per unit effort
(CPUE), and the satellite data were analysed using the statistical method of generalized additive models (GAMs). CPUE was calculated as
the number of fish caught by 100 hooks in 18 latitude by 18 longitude square grid and integrated into a month of fishing activity for the period
of 1995–2000. Results obtained showed evidences of non-linear relationships between catch yields and environmental data. The largest
CPUE of yellowfin tuna in the region seems to be strongly associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) position and its
temporal variability. In the model, this was confirmed by the highest correlation of CPUE with the meridional wind component. This result
also indicates 58S as the southern limit for a larger concentration of this species during the most productive fishing period between March and
May. In decreasing order of importance, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface height anomaly, albeit
statistically significant, seemed to be of secondary importance in controlling this species abundance in the region.
D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Generalized additive models; Remote sensing; Yellowfin tuna; Thunnus albacares; Tropical Atlantic; CPUE; Longline

1. Introduction track the time and spatial evolution of oceanographic and

meteorological parameters that could affect the population
Pelagic species of commercial value are generally biology and the distribution of caught species of high
distributed over very large oceanic areas of fishing potential. economic value.
This means the search for these resources by industrial Remote sensing techniques show great potential to
fishery fleet is a high cost activity. Consequently, the support global fisheries management and the exploitation
availability of biological and oceanographic information of pelagic species. Both short- and long-term environmental
that would help fishing operations and, simultaneously, variations are often reflected in satellite-derived patterns of
would lead to a better management of these resources, could oceanographic variables such as ocean temperature and
make this activity more efficient, profitable and sustainable. primary productivity. Joint analysis of satellite and bio-
In particular, we refer to the possibility of access synoptic logical/catch data time series can be used to identify habitat
information at meso- as well as large scales, essential to changes and their impact on migration, size or recruitment
of a particular fish stock, helping to regulate maximum
catches and to preserve fishing resources. Satellite-derived
* Corresponding authors. Tel.: +55 12 3945 6485; fax: +55 12 3945
information has been used by several countries for a
E-mail addresses: (C.R. Zagaglia)8 relatively long time for this purpose (Santos, 2000; (J.A. Lorenzzetti). Yamanaka et al., 1988). With such support, fisheries
0034-4257/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
268 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

management decisions can be made to protect target species tagged individuals and from commercial fishing: (a) main
from possible overfishing. spawning area localized in eastern Atlantic, (b) east to west
The tuna fishery in the equatorial Atlantic and partic- transatlantic migrations and (c) a high proportion of pre-
ularly along the Brazilian northeast coast is a growing adults in the western Atlantic leading a west to east
business activity, both at the industrial and artisanal levels. migration.
Due to the proximity of seaports to the areas of concen- The presently accepted stock structure of T. albacares in
tration of tunas in the equatorial Atlantic, this is the region the Atlantic (Bard & Hervé, 1994; Fonteneau & Soubrier,
with best potential for the development of longline oceanic 1996) suggests that juvenile individuals move along African
fishing in Brazil (Travassos, 1999). We take this region as coastal waters beginning at the main spawning area in the
our study area, which is located between the parallels 158N Gulf of Guinea. When reaching the pre-adult stage (between
and 158S and meridians 108W and 558W. In addition to the 60 and 80 cm and ages between 1.5 and 2 years), the large
Brazilian North and Northeast Exclusive Economic Zone, it part of the individuals swim towards the American coast.
includes part of the international domain waters of the The return to the eastern Atlantic occurs when the
equatorial Atlantic (Fig. 1). individuals are about 110 cm long, corresponding to,
approximately, 3 years of age.
1.1. Biology and fishery of Thunnus albacares Tuna movements can be either advective or diffusive.
The advective type refers to massive and oriented motions
According to Arocha et al. (2001) most studies about the having some biological objective, such as spawning or
reproduction of T. albacares in the Atlantic indicate its feeding. The diffusive type occurs inside of the favourable
eastern portion, represented basically by the Gulf of Guinea zone for the distribution and dispersion of the species, being
and adjacent waters, as the main spawning and concen- generally similar to the seasonal displacements of the
tration areas of this species. These authors also suggest two environmental parameters of that zone (Fonteneau &
other reproduction areas located in the Gulf of Mexico and Soubrier, 1996).
southeastern Caribbean, where spawning occurs between In the equatorial Atlantic, the main spawning and feeding
May and August and July and November, respectively. areas of the T. albacares are geographically separated, with
Analysing 12 years of commercial fishing data in the the feeding grounds in the western Atlantic and spawning
Bermudas region (328N, 658W), Luckhurst et al. (2001) grounds in the east. This separation makes both migratory
found significantly higher values of fish landings of this displacements from east to west (for feeding), and from west
species in the second and third quarters of the year. to east (for spawing), advective. So, the largest part of the
Information obtained from a tagging program analysed by fishing effort of the Brazilian longline fleet is mostly located
these authors additionally suggested the presence of a in areas associated with the migratory route of the T.
resident population in association with a flux of individuals albacares and not where, in general, the stock is temporarily
associated with a seasonal migratory movement. present, such as the spawning or feeding areas.
The likelihood of a unique stock of T. albacares in the Hazin (1993) proposed a migratory cycle of the T.
Atlantic (Fonteneau, 1994; Fonteneau & Soubrier, 1996) is albacares in the tropical Atlantic based upon a data set of
supported by three facts derived from recapture analysis of capture and length distribution of individuals. According to

Fig. 1. Study area showing the Brazilian N and NE Exclusive Economic Zone. SPSP—Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago; FN—Fernando de Noronha
Archipelago; AR—Rocas Atoll.
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 269

this model, the displacement of tuna schools would happen concentration, some regions in the tropical Atlantic, which
in four stages: (a) concentration in the eastern Atlantic (Gulf is predominantly oligotrophic, show high biological
of Guinea and adjacent waters) between January and March primary productivity. This happens mostly due to the
for spawning; (b) transatlantic migration from east to west following regional phenomena: African coastal upwellings,
between March and May; (c) concentration in the west (Gulf equatorial divergence and associated upwelling, Amazon
of Mexico and southeast Caribbean) between June and river outflow and nutrient discharge and the North Brazil
September for spawning and feeding; and (d) transatlantic Current retroflection, which can produce anticyclonic
migration from west to east between October and December. eddies and upwellings around 68N and 88N (Didden &
The migratory movement of this species seems also to Schott, 1993).
result in a high abundance of individuals during the first In addition to these factors, upwelling of nutrients is
quarter of the year in the proximities of the Saint Peter and observed in the region caused by the interaction of local
Saint Paul archipelago (see Fig. 1). This pattern appears to currents with the submarine relief (Travassos et al., 1999).
be related to the reproductive behaviour of the flying fish The bottom topography of the region is characterized
(Cypselurus cyanopterus) in this region and period, the basically by abyssal plains, but near the Brazilian coast
main source of food for T. albacares schools during their there are also islands and rocks, such as Rocas Atoll,
migration (Hazin, 1993). Also, according to Holland et al. Fernando de Noronha and Saint Peter and Saint Paul
(1999), submarine banks and islands, besides representing Archipelagos (see Fig. 1). As part of the North Brazil and
important concentration areas of prey individuals, can act as Fernando de Noronha Chain, several seamounts at depths
orientation points during the large scale movements of the ranging from 20 to 250 m are also present in the region.
tuna schools. It seems that these animals are able to sense These vertical transports result in local increases of primary
the interferences caused by those topographic features in the productivity. Probably as the result of such phenomenon, the
Earth’s magnetic field. areas subject to these topographic features represent one of
The predominant tuna fishing method used in the region the main fishing regions for commercially exploited pelagic
is the surface longline. This is a fishing gear developed in species in the northeast coast of Brazil (Hazin, 1993).
Japan especially for tuna capture. It is comprised of a main One of the most important environmental forcing
line that is supported by surface buoys distributed at regular functions in the region is the Intertropical Convergence
intervals. Several secondary lines with hooks are attached to Zone (ITCZ), the boundary between the southeast and
the main line (Fig. 2). For T. albacares, four to seven hooks northeast trade winds. Atmospheric surface low pressures,
are used between each pair of floats, reaching depths low winds, strong cloud cover and heavy precipitation rates
between 50 and 150 m. This is the longline type are normally associated with the ITCZ. To a great extent
recommended for this species, considering their preferred associated with the seasonal meridional migration of the
surface distribution (Travassos, 1999). ITCZ, a strong seasonal cycle is observed in the atmosphere
and ocean over the tropical Atlantic. The most northern
1.2. Oceanographic and atmospheric setup displacement of the ITCZ normally occurs between August
and September when it reaches 88N and 148N at the western
According to Hazin (1993), the strong vertical temper- and eastern portions of the Atlantic, respectively. Its most
ature gradient present in the region is one of the main southern position is in April, when the north and northeast
causes inhibiting vertical motion and hindering the Brazil regions are subject to the enhanced precipitation
replenishment of nutrient salts in the euphotic layer. In produced by this low pressure belt (Moura & Shukla, 1981;
addition, the western tropical Atlantic is characterized by a Uvo & Nobre, 1989). The position, strength and the timing
deep thermocline, which limits the access of deeper waters of the ITCZ have a profound influence over a series of
to the euphotic zone. However, in terms of chlorophyll-a meteorological variables such as, winds, rainfall, shortwave
solar radiation, and air temperature. Changes in these fields
are related in a feedback manner to changes in oceanic
variables such as, depth of mixed layer, sea surface
temperature, currents, chlorophyll concentration, etc. Obvi-
ously, all these changes impact on the pelagic living
resources of the region.
The intent of this paper is to examine the dependence of
T. albacares catches in the Equatorial Atlantic, as reported
by the Brazilian northeast-based longline fishing fleet, on
some environmental variables obtained by satellite sensors.
This analysis is carried out using a generalized additive
model (GAM). Data from the following satellite sensors
were used: AVHRR/NOAA, SeaWiFS/SeaStar, TOPEX/
Fig. 2. Schematic of a surface longline. Poseidon and ERS-1 and -2 scatterometer.
270 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

2. Materials and methods investigate trends in resources abundance. However, in

addition of being related to the abundance, it is also affected
2.1. Longline data by factors such as the degree of dispersion of resources and
fishing strategy (He et al., 1997; Lange, 1991). Therefore,
The fishing data used in this study were collected and this index can be considered a measure of the relative
recorded in logbooks by the longline fleet operating in the apparent abundance (Marr, 1951), or a relative quantity of
region. The logbooks were then made available to the the number of fish of a population affected by availability
Fishing and Aquaculture Department of the Brazilian that is captured per unit of effort.
government. Data resolution is 18 latitude18 longitude According to Maury et al. (2001), a non-linear relation-
per fishing day. Information consisted of position of ship is observed between the commercial CPUE and the
beginning of longline set, date, number of hooks used in abundance of marine species, and this seems to be related
each longline set and the number of individuals captured in mostly to the spatial non-homogeneity of the aquatic
each fishing day. The data set encompasses the period from resources and to the fishing tactics used by fishermen.
January 1995 to December 2000. Therefore, if the CPUE is to be used as an index of local
From this data set, the Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) relative abundance, it is necessary that key factors related to
was derived and used as the relative abundance index. The the ability of capturing tuna should be included. Due to the
CPUE was calculated as the number of individuals captured highly migratory and seasonal behaviour of the tuna
by 100 hooks in a 18 latitude18 longitude grid, integrated fisheries, a space–time factor was systematically included
in to 1 month of fishing activity. Fig. 3 shows the spatial in the final model. This space–time factor was considered by
distribution of the CPUE for the period 1995–2000. As fitting a three-dimensional smoother to the product of the
noted by Bigelow et al. (1999), this index, which represents three variables: latitude, longitude and month. This factor
the dsuccessT of fishing (Ricker, 1975), is primarily used to was taken as a variable in the analysis.

2.2. Remote sensing data

2.2.1. Sea surface temperature (SST)

SST data were generated from the information collected
by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) sensor on board the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites. This data
set is produced and distributed by the Physical Ocean-
ography Distributed Active Archive Center (PODAAC) of
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) in the Hierarchical Data
Format (HDF). The monthly average SST data were
provided in a regular grid of 99 km including the period
from January 1985 to December 2000.
From the 15-year monthly mean SST time series, a
bclimatologicalQ mean SST value was calculated for each
month of the year. These values were then used to calculate
the SST monthly average anomalies (SSTA).

2.2.2. Chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a)

The oceanic total primary production resulting from the
photosynthetic process can be defined as the amount of
organic matter produced in a given period of time. It is
proportional to the Chl-a values in the surface layer of the
ocean, defined as a layer from the surface down to one
attenuation depth. The attenuation depth is the level where
downwelling irradiance is reduced to 1/e=0.36788 of its
value just below the water surface (Stewart, 1985).
According to Gordon and McCluney (1975), the depth at
the base of the surface layer is K d 1, where K d (in inverse
Fig. 3. (a) April and (b) September CPUE distributions for the period 1995– meters) is the diffuse attenuation coefficient and 90% of the
2000. Units are number of individuals captured by 100 hooks in a 18 remotely sensed ocean colour radiance is backscattered from
latitude18 longitude cell. this layer. It is possible to use the Chl-a as a proxy of the
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 271

oceanic productivity for type I waters, defined as water used to study T. albacares CPUE variability in eastern
bodies whose optical properties are basically determined by Pacific Ocean (Punsly, 1987). Using this technique, CPUE
phytoplankton (Stewart, 1985). data is normalised to incorporate non-environmental factors
The Chl-a data generated from the SeaWiFS sensor are which affect fishing efficiency, such as speed of fishing
produced and distributed by Distributed Active Archive ship, season, fishing area, and association with another
Center (DAAC) of the Goddard Space Flight Center species or floating objects.
(GSFC)/NASA in HDF format. Only data from September The interest in using GAMs is normally justified when
1997 to December 2000 were available due to the launching the effects of multiple independent variables need to be
of SeaStar satellite on August 1997. Among the several modelled non-parametrically. This means that there is no
SeaWiFS data products, available in different processing need for a previous assumption of a linear relationship or a
levels, the level 3 data set was used, which corresponds to a pre-determined probability distribution. The only assump-
regular grid with spatial resolution of 99 km and monthly tion when using GAMs is that the dependent variable is
mean Chl-a. influenced in some way by each independent variable
considered in the model. The functional form of this effect
2.2.3. Sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) will be indicated by the data itself (Hastie & Tibshirani,
SSHA data generated from information collected by the 1990; MathSoft, 1999).
TOPEX and Poseidon altimeters are also produced and The relationship between the dependent and each inde-
distributed by the PODAAC/JPL in a binary format. For each pendent variable is estimated separately via a univariate
10-day cycle of the satellite, starting in 1992, data files are smoothing operator, or one that shows low dimension when it
available with different products. These files contain among is multivariate. Therefore, these models allow the analysis of
others, the following parameters: time of data collection, several non-parametric relationships simultaneously, when
latitude, longitude, and sea surface anomaly with respect to taking the additive nature of the effects of the independent
the geoid. Starting from a 10-day and 7-km resolution along variables. This has the effect of facilitating the identification
track anomaly data set, an interpolation was computed for a of the form to which the dependent variable is being modified
18 latitude18 longitude grid. Monthly means were then by each one of the explaining variables. Besides the
derived for the period January 1995 to December 2000. advantage of allowing this type of analysis, the additive
generalized models proposed by Hastie and Tibshirani (1990)
2.2.4. Surface winds also extend the use of the additive models to data sets that
Zonal and meridional surface wind components were present non-Gaussian distributions, such as the binomial,
generated from the information collected by the scatterom- Poisson and gamma (the exponential family of distributions).
eters onboard the European Remote Sensing Satellites ERS- Among the several possible smoothing operators used in
1 and -2, which are processed and distributed by the Centre the estimation of the unknown (non-parametric) functions f j
ERS d’Archivage et de Traitement (CERSAT) of the Institut (X j ) which describe the relationship between the trans-
Français de Recherche pour L’exploitation de la Mer formed expectancy of the dependent variable and the jth
(IFREMER). Global fields of surface wind vector (at a independent variable, the bLoessQ, Localized Weighted
nominal height of 10 m) over the ocean have been collected Regression was used in this investigation. This procedure
since July 1991, with the launching of ERS-1 satellite. After was used since it can extract an underlying low frequency
March 1996, these fields have been derived from observa- data pattern in extremely noisy data. Also, it is robust in the
tions made by the ERS-2, launched in 1995. Starting from presence of outliers, i.e., it is not much influenced by
the 3-day and 25-km time–space resolution of this data set, outliers (SAS Institute, 2001).
an interpolation was carried out for a 18 latitude18 A partial residual can be calculated that shows the relative
longitude grid and monthly means were computed for the effect of the X j variable over the interest dependent variable,
period January 1995 to December 2000. considering that the remaining variables have already been
considered in the model. According to Neter et al. (1989), the
2.3. Generalized additive models (GAMs) plot of the partial residuals tends to show the nature of the
relationship between the independent variables and the
The methodology of generalized additive models was
used in this investigation to assess the relative influence of Table 1
the environmental factors described above (SST, Chl-a, Analysis of variance for significant parameters included in the GAM for
SSHA and surface winds) on the performance of the fishing yellowfin tuna
fleet, defined as the local commercial CPUE of T. albacares. Parameter F* statistic p-value
Despite the advantages of the linear regression techni- Latitudelongitudemonth 7.94 i0
ques in determining model parameters and their interpreta- Meridional wind velocity 8.96 0.00005
tion, the linear assumption is considered of little flexibility Sea surface temperature 3.14 0.01301
in the sense that it restricts its range of application (Chong & Chlorophyll-a concentration 3.75 0.01936
Sea surface height anomaly 2.31 0.04757
Wang, 1997). Generalized linear models have also been
272 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

residuals, which were determined for each significant

variable. The relative influence of each effect was judged
on the basis of the values normalized with respect to the
standard deviation of the partial residuals. The partial
residual plots also contain the 95% confidence intervals,
as well as tick marks in abscissa showing the location of
data points.
The set of variables included in the models was
determined in a similar way to the forward stepwise
procedure of Neter et al. (1989). In essence, this procedure
is based upon some of the possible models that could be
formed out of the independent variables, and it identifies the
best subset of variables. The criteria used to include/exclude
a variable in the model is based upon the value of the
probability associated to the observed F* statistics. This
statistical test determines the probability ( p-value) of the
contribution of an X p variable in explaining the variance has
happened by chance. Thus, if this probability is sufficiently
low, in other words, lower than the assumed significance
level (a=5%, p-valuethreshold=0.05), the X p variable is
considered significant for explaining the variance of the
dependent variable.
After the initial test of all models including only one
explanatory variable, the p-value associated with this term
was analysed for each model. The initial model chosen was
the one corresponding to the variable that presented the
smallest value of the stated criterion. Next, all remaining
variables and interactions were individually tested in this
initial model to assess their possible inclusion. The
significance level of 5% was used in all statistical analysis.
Besides the evaluation of p-value associated with each
explaining term of the model, the final adjustment of the
model was made by the analysis of the pseudo determi-
nation coefficient (pseudo-R 2), defined as the fraction of
total variance explained by the model, and by the residual
variance. In this way, this procedure continued until the

Fig. 4. Effect of variables (a) latitude, (b) longitude, and (c) month over
transformed local relative abundance index dependent variable [ln(CPUE+1)]
for T. albacares as depicted by the standardized partial residuals. Tick marks
at abscissa axis represent the observed data points. Full line is the explaining
function. Dashed-dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval,
equivalent to approximately to two standard deviations (F2 S.D.).

dependent variable. In a graphical form, the partial residuals Fig. 5. Effect of meridional wind component over transformed local relative
abundance index dependent variable [ln(CPUE+1)] for T. albacares as
are plotted in the ordinate axis and the abscissa axis contains
depicted by the standardized partial residuals. Tick marks at abscissa axis
the observed values of the X j independent variable. represent the observed data points. Full line is the explaining function.
In this paper, the interpretation of the observed relation- Dash-dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval, equivalent to
ships between the studied variables is done based on partial approximately to two standard deviations (F2 S.D.).
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 273

inclusion of new significant variables did not contribute to identity, that is, the dependent variable is not subject to
either, an increasing of the pseudo coefficient or a reduction transformations (SAS Institute, 2001).
of the associated variance. The predictive skill of the final model was evaluated
Despite of the fact that the GAMs allow distributions through linear regression between randomly chosen
other than Gaussian for the dependent variable, we use a observed values of the relative abundance and those
logarithmic transformation of the CPUE to normalize its generated by the model using the included independent
asymmetrical frequency distribution. As described in Maury variables as input. The 100 samples randomly chosen from
et al. (2001), we also assumed a normal distribution for the the total fishing data set for this purpose were not included
natural logarithm of [CPUE+1], from now on simply in the process of model generation. Simple analysis of
referred to as brelative abundanceQ. After this procedure, it variance was done to determine the significance of the
is possible to show that the appropriate link function is regression.

Fig. 6. ERS-2 scatterometer monthly mean wind magnitude (m/s): (a) April/2000 and (b) September/2000. The black ellipses indicate ITCZ position.
274 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

3. Results and discussion mental variable included in the model ( p-valuei0.00005),

and the relative abundance index for T. albacares increases
The method of fitting the generalized additive model until a value of wind speed component of, approximately, 2
indicated five significant parameters ( p-valueb0.05) (Table m s 1 (Fig. 5). From this point on, an inflection of the curve
1). A set of 2373 samples was used, representing the occurs and the function decreases as the meridional wind
observed CPUE in 18 latitude18 longitude grid and component becomes more positive. This relationship
integrated in to 1 month of fishing activity. indicates that best catches are mostly observed close, and
The space–time factor, defined as the interaction between to the south of the ITCZ, where wind speeds are relatively
the geographic position (latitude and longitude) and the weak and the meridional wind component is positive
month when the data were collected, explains the largest (Southeast Trade winds).
portion of the data variance, being the most significant As expected from climatology, Fig. 6a shows that the
factor amongst all the independent variables included in the ITCZ (low wind region) was in April 2000 at its most
model ( p-valuei0). southerly position. This coincides with the best fishing
Fig. 4, with the individual plots of partial residuals period indicated by the present work, between March and
associated with each variable composing the space–time May. In September 2000 (a period of low catches) Fig. 6b
factor, shows that CPUE values tend to increase to the north shows that the ITCZ had been displaced to its most
between 158S and 58S, stabilizing approximately between northerly position. In addition, this period is characterized
58S and 58N. For the region between 58N and 158N, the by stronger winds, a condition unfavourable for the fishing
95% confidence interval is, however, relatively large, not activities. As seen in Fig. 6, weak winds blowing from south
allowing a conclusive assessment of an increasing tendency. (characteristic of the Southeast Trade winds close and to the
The uncertainty in the determination of a trend in this last south of the ITCZ) are expected north of 58S. Therefore, this
latitudinal band seems to be related with the lower data latitude could be considered the southern limit of the
density there (see tick marks in the abscissa axis). In spite of favourable area for a larger concentration of T. albacares.
this, based on the analysed data, we can suggest that the T. High wind speed is reported to affect fish vulnerability to
albacares shows a predominantly equatorial distribution, capture by modifying fish behaviour and availability to a
with the largest observed values of CPUE between 58S and specific depth of the fishing gear (Bigelow et al., 1999). For
58N. example, Carey and Robinson (1981) show that swordfish
Regarding the longitudinal distribution of data, it is swim to greater depths with strong winds, reducing their
possible to see in Fig. 4 that most of the fishing effort of the vulnerability to capture. It is, therefore, possible that the
Brazilian-based longline tuna fishing fleet was concentrated decrease of T. albacares in the equatorial western Atlantic in
in the 258W and 388W zonal band (see tick marks on higher winds could be affected by these factors, favouring
abscissa). If we consider the highly migratory behaviour of higher catches in the low wind zone of the ITCZ.
this species, the higher CPUE values found towards more The other remaining environmental factors, SST, Chl-a
negative longitudes seems to indicate that this species is and SSHA, despite being statistically significant, showed
closer to the NE Brazilian coast in a particular period of the associated p-values well above those found for the space/
year. This result agrees with other studies (Arocha et al., time factor and meridional wind (Table 1). In ascending
2001; Brill et al., 1998), which suggest that this species
comes near the NE Brazilian coast as part of their migratory
The explaining function associated with the variable
month (Fig. 4), shows the period from February to May as
that with the highest abundance for the T. albacares. The
CPUE shows its highest values in April and the smallest
captures from August to October with a minimum in
September. These results seem to confirm the migratory
behaviour of the T. albacares described earlier, whereby the
largest CPUEs observed close to the Brazilian coast in April
can be a result of the passage of individuals in that area in
their transatlantic displacements from the eastern to the
western Atlantic (Hazin, 1993; Travassos, 1999). Con-
versely, the smallest CPUEs, which are observed in
September, could be caused by the concentration of Fig. 7. Effect of sea surface temperature over transformed local relative
abundance index dependent variable [ln(CPUE+1)] for T. albacares as
individuals in this time of the year in the Gulf of Mexico
depicted by the standardized partial residuals. Tick marks at abscissa axis
and Caribbean for spawning. represent the observed data points. Full line is the explaining function.
The explaining function for the relation between the Dash-dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval, equivalent to
meridional wind component, the most significant environ- approximately to two standard deviations (F2 S.D.).
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 275

order, their p-value begin to approximate the chosen grounds are normally located in the limit areas of
significance level p=0.05. So, we tend to consider that their distribution of these species (Laurs & Lynn, 1977; Laurs
influence over the CPUE for the T. albacares in the tropical et al., 1984).
western Atlantic, although not negligible, should not be According to Stretta (1991), the local relative abundance
dominant. of the T. albacares increases near the equator, indicating a
These results show that SST influences but it does not preference of this species to warmer waters, with temper-
seem to be the main determinant of the area distribution and ature limits between 18 and 31 8C. Additionally, it is
the relative abundance of this species in the equatorial reported that in the tropical Atlantic most of the catches of
Atlantic. In fact, Pereira (1995) states that SST is frequently this species occurs in waters with temperatures in a narrower
used in describing the tuna habitats mostly because it is a temperature range, between 22 and 29 8C, and preferentially
relatively easy parameter to obtain. On the other hand, the above 25 8C. The data distribution of T. albacares catches in
SST analysis may become particularly useful in the presence our database agrees with this (see tick marks in abscissa in
of strong surface thermal gradients, where the fishing Fig. 7), but no distinct temperature preference is suggested

Fig. 8. AVHRR/NOAA sea surface temperature (8C) monthly mean fields for (a) April/2000 and (b) September/2000.
276 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

along the African coast, south of equator and part of the

coast of the Gulf of Guinea north of equator (Servain et al.,
1987). The high water vapour content and increased
atmospheric absorption in the equatorial atmosphere act
to reduce the accuracy of the SST obtained from orbital
sensors, tending to produce a lower signal/noise ratio in
this region (Emery et al., 1995; Minnett, 1995;). Power and
May (1991) also report no apparent relationship between T.
albacares abundance and SST in the Gulf of Mexico.
Uncertainty in longline position and T. albacares migratory
behaviour were indicated as possible causes for the lack of
correlation between SST and CPUE. It should also be noted
that the Thunnus genus possess a blood circulatory system
Fig. 9. Effect of chlorophyll-a concentration over transformed local relative that regulates their body temperature very efficiently and
abundance index dependent variable [ln(CPUE+1)] for T. albacares as allows the tunas to make large horizontal and vertical
depicted by the standardized partial residuals. Tick marks at abscissa axis excursions as a way of enlarging their predation areas. This
represent the observed data points. Full line is the explaining function. high mobility, and particularly the vertical excursions, is
Dash-dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval, equivalent to
likely to reduce the correlation of tuna capture with the SST
approximately to two standard deviations (F2 S.D.).
According to Maury et al. (2001), the annual reproduc-
by the almost flat relationship between SST and CPUE in tive transatlantic displacements of the adult population are
the temperature range of 26–28.5 8C. Above 28.5 8C, there probably driven by temperature to warm locations that are
is some indication of preference to higher temperatures, but favorable for juveniles. However, on smaller scales, the
this should be taken with care since the number of data relationship of catches with temperature at 150 m depth is
points in this high temperature range decreases and the statistically more significant. Block et al. (1997) and Brill et
confidence interval starts to broaden. al. (1999) found that more important than the SST was the
Some factors can be suggested to explain the lower depth of the mixed layer. Adult T. albacares were found
correlation between transformed CPUE for T. albacares most of the time inside the mixed layer or immediately
and SST. The western equatorial Atlantic, where Brazilian- below it. It was also observed that maximum swimming
based longline fishing fleet (see Fig. 3) concentrates, is depths of adult T. albacares were limited to water temper-
generally characterized by low SST variability and the atures 8 8C cooler than the surface layer.
absence of strong oceanic fronts. Stronger SST horizontal Fig. 8 shows the SST distributions for April and
gradients can be found in the tropical Atlantic more to the September 2000, periods of the year of highest and lowest
east along the equator due to equatorial divergence and CPUE indices of T. albacares, respectively. It is observed

Fig. 10. SeaWiFS monthly mean chlorophyll-a concentration (mg m 3) for April/2000. White pixels indicate cloud-covered areas.
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 277

that waters with temperatures between 29 and 30 8C showed Hazin (1993) links the southern most position of the 27
a seasonal and meridional displacement that encompasses 8C isotherm with the closest position of the T. albacares
practically all the northeast Brazilian coast in April reaching to the Brazilian coast. In addition, it was observed that the
higher northern latitudes in September. largest captures of this species in the equatorial Atlantic
According to these observations, the regions for both are distributed in warm waters, normally with temperatures
hemispheres with SST values above 28 8C seem to form a above 27 8C, and that the migratory movements of T.
pathway of favourable thermal conditions to the migratory albacares seem to be coupled with the seasonal displace-
movements of T. albacares towards the Venezuelan north- ment of sea surface isotherms and, possibly, with the
ern coastal region. The meridional displacement of the oceanic currents. As the position of the ITCZ is tied to the
surface thermal field could bsteerQ the tuna schools to this meridional migration of the maximum SST in the western
area, which in turn would later reach the Brazilian coast tropical Atlantic (Hastenrath & Lamb, 1977), T. albacares
between the austral summer and autumn seasons. distribution might be indirectly related to the space–time

Fig. 11. TOPEX/Poseidon monthly mean sea surface height anomaly (mm) fields for (a) April/2000 and (b) September/2000.
278 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

are local phenomenon which could not be resolved by our

coarse resolution 18 latitude18 longitude grid. A study of
the relation between flying fish abundance and SST and
Chl-a concentration, or their gradients is needed to further
examine this hypothesis.
The sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) field is coupled
to the dynamics (currents) and thermodynamics (heat
balance) of the upper ocean. Convergences and divergences
of the mass transport in the surface layer of the ocean result
in positive and negative sea level anomalies, respectively.
Variations in water density, which are dominantly controlled
by changes in temperature or in the heat storage (changes in
mixed layer depth or its temperature), also give rise to sea
Fig. 12. Effect of sea surface height anomaly over transformed local relative level anomalies (Polito et al., 2000). It is natural, therefore,
abundance index dependent variable [ln(CPUE+1)] for T. albacares as to expect that changes in SSHA can be related to variations
depicted by the standardized partial residuals. Tick marks at abscissa axis of the CPUE.
represent the observed data points. Full line is the explaining function.
Dash-dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval, equivalent to
Fig. 11 shows the spatial distribution of SSHA for the
approximately to two standard deviations (F2 S.D.). months of April and September of 2000. A seesaw type of
SSHA pattern is present during the year, with negative
anomalies dominating during April and positive anomalies
changes of this environmental variable (SST) in the in September. The inclinations of the SSHA anomalies and
region. their positions are suggestively related with the ITCZ
In addition to being less significant than SST (see Table position, which, as discussed before, is also linked to the
1), primary productivity, as depicted by Chl-a concentra- SST field (see Figs. 6 and 8). Despite the contrasting
tion, was inversely related to changes in CPUE (Fig. 9). The configuration of SSHA between the high and low tuna catch
inverse correlation could be due to the fact that tuna are periods and its association to the ITCZ, the relation between
visual predators and need clear waters (Laurs et al., 1984). A this variable to the CPUE is surprisingly weak as indicated
deviation from this pattern is, however, indicated by the by its high associated p-value=0.04757 (Table 1) and the
presence of a small peak near 0.12 mg m 3. Few regions of almost flat explaining function observed between the relative
higher primary productivity characterize April, considered abundance and the SSHA (Fig. 12). SSHA is in fact the least
the central month of the period of closest proximity of this significant of the included environmental variables. This low
species to the Brazilian coast. Fig. 10 shows that Chl-a correlation could be linked to the fact that, as indicated
values near 0.12 mg m 3 occur, predominantly, north of before, SSHA is the result of a complex combination of
58S. This agrees with the observed southern limit of the dynamical and thermodynamical factors, which could affect
largest abundances of T. albacares in the region (Hazin, in opposite ways the concentration of the fishing resources.
1993; Travassos, 1999). Fig. 13 shows the scatter plot of the randomly selected
Although some Chl-a frontal regions can be places of values of relative abundance from capture information of the
high concentration of tuna (Brill & Lutcavage, 2001; Fiedler longline fishing fleet and the forecasted values generated by
& Bernard, 1987), such well-developed colour fronts are not the GAM using observed explaining variables as input. Out
common in our study region. As indicated before, such of the 100 randomly chosen samples, 4 had to be excluded
features can be found in the western Atlantic mostly in the from the analysis due to the absence of valid values in one
Amazon River mouth plume and at the North Brazil Current
retroflection zone (Didden & Schott, 1993; Müller-Karger et
al., 1988).
A high concentration of flying fish (C. cyanopterus),
considered the main food source to the T. albacares
individuals in their migratory route, is observed near the
Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (see Fig. 1) during
January, February and March (Hazin, 1993). So, rather than
being driven primarily by water temperature and chlorophyll
concentration, tuna abundance in the region could be more
dependent on prey concentration, indicating a typically
opportunistic feeding strategy. As indicated before, local
increases of productivity produced by interaction of currents
with topography (islands and submarine banks) could Fig. 13. Scatter plot between the observed and GAM model predicted values
support flying fish population in the area. However, these of ln(CPUE+1) for T. albacares. Solid line is the best linear fit to the data.
C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281 279

Table 2
Analysis of variance for the relation between the observed ln(CPUE+1) values and those predicted by GAM model for the yellowfin tuna
Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F* statistic p-value
Regression 1 5.1945 5.1945 96.768 i0
Residual 94 5.0459 0.0536

or more environmental variables. This occurred to, e.g., the The other environmental variables analysed in this paper
persistence of clouds in some of our 18 latitude18 (SST, Chl-a and SSHA), although statistically significant,
longitude sampled quadrants and the absence of valid SST seem not to be key main factors controlling the distribution
and Chl-a satellite observations. and the relative abundance of T. albacares in the study
Despite the spread observed in Fig. 13, Table 2 shows region. It is true, however, that they are dynamically linked
that the simple linear regression adjusted line is statistically to the position of the ITCZ, which is related to them via its
significant ( p-value well below to the significance level of modulating effect over the surface winds and the surface
5%). Therefore, although not as good as expected, we heat budget. The surface heat budget is strongly controlled
consider that the CPUEs generated from the generalized by the incident solar short wave radiation input which
additive model can represent in a statistically sound way the depends heavily on cloud cover. A strong cloud band also
observed values as registered in logbooks of T. albacares characterizes the ITCZ. The next important factor in the
catches in the region and contain a valid predictive skill. surface heat budget is the latent heat flux, which depends
among other variables, on the wind magnitude, and it is
therefore also dependent on the ITCZ position. Considering
4. Conclusions that the surface heat budget is one of the key factors
controlling the temperature of the surface layer of the ocean,
The GAM partial residual plots confirmed the non-linear and that the SSHA is influenced by this temperature, it is
nature of the relationship between the statistically significant expected that these variables are connected to the ITCZ
analysed variables and the T. albacares catches. This position.
reinforces the necessity of using non-linear models in the The observed low correlation of these environmental
investigation of the response of the fishing resources to variables to CPUE in the region could also be related to the
changes in the environmental factors. The use of linear fact that this species already shows a pre-determined
regression models should show very low predictive skills migratory behaviour. T. albacares individuals are available
and should be, therefore, avoided. for capture in the studied region mostly during their
As far as spatial distribution is concerned, the relative transatlantic east–west displacements. It should therefore
abundance index of the T. albacares for the study region be expected that the migration patterns of tuna schools in the
shows a growing tendency towards the northern latitudes region should take advantage of current systems. We
and western longitudes. It is, however, difficult to separate consider that the speed and direction of surface ocean
to what degree the higher catches in the west are dominated currents should be experimented as new environmental
by a larger concentration of individuals in that region from forcing variables. It is difficult, however, to measure these
the effect that the area of action of the Brazilian-based tuna variables at the required spatial and temporal resolutions. It
fleet tends to concentrate towards the west due to their is possible that the results of three-dimensional ocean
intrinsic range and endurance limits. The temporal behav- models for the tropical Atlantic could be used as a substitute
iour of the stock is characterized by a clear period of higher for the in situ measurements. The tropical Atlantic current
local abundance from March to May, while the smallest system shows a high space and time variability, which is
captures are observed between August and September. strongly tied to the surface wind field. It is plausible to
The largest abundance indices of T. albacares seem to be suppose that the surface wind intensity and direction should
predominantly associated with the presence and the varia- be variables influencing these long distance migratory
bility of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The meridional displacements.
wind component was the environmental variable with A cautionary consideration must be made. The use of
highest correlation with CPUE. In the tropical Atlantic, commercial CPUE as the relative abundance index is
the ITCZ position is the main mechanism controlling the subject to limitations considering the assumptions associ-
seasonal variability of this variable. The largest T. albacares ated with three situations rarely found in fishing data time
catches were associated with weak winds to the south of series: (a) equal vulnerability of individuals to the fishing
ITCZ position, that is, part of the SE trades. The fact that in gear; (b) random distribution of the fishing effort; and (c)
April the ITCZ shows its most southerly position (Fig. 6a) random distribution of individuals. As a consequence,
indicates the 58S as the southern limit favourable to a larger variations in CPUE are not solely related to the abundance,
concentration of this species in the fishing period suggested being also dependent on the availability of the resources or
by the present work, between March and May. changes in their vulnerability to the used fishing gear,
280 C.R. Zagaglia et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (2004) 267–281

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