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Hopeless beyond Repair

I was told before that climate change does not really exist. It is merely a term coined both

by opportunists and businessmen for a new business venture. At some point after the word of

climate change was spread, eco-friendly products also started to appear. Eco-friendly bags,

supplies, and even appliances, which by the way cost more than the normal ones for being eco-

friendly, became a trend. Makes me think that climate change might be just another ploy to

make money.

Unfortunately, the scorching heat during rainy seasons and heavy rains on dry seasons are

no joke. It has a wide difference to the kind of climate we experienced before. Climate change is

no longer an issue we can ignore and yes, it exists.

Looking at the root of it all, we can never deny that humans contributed a lot for the climate

to change. Deforestation, illegal mining and pollution are all works of humans. In fact, in an

angle, we can even say that we caused climate change. In other words, if we can cause it, then

we should be able to undo it. By planting more trees, being mindful in our own carbon footprints,

and to take good more of mother earth in general. If all people would take this step, surely,

climate change would be under our control.

Sadly, despite all these things, humans just never learn. The damage on the ozone layer

just keeps on getting bigger and pollution has become beyond our help. Garbage wastes

discovered inside fishes and other marine animals just proves how worse our situation is. Can

we even undo this pollution? Years kept on passing yet climate change remains, it feels like it

will never stop. If humans choose to continue to contribute to the pollution then we should stop

hoping for climate change to end. In long run, it would be no longer a surprise to see that

destruction of the Earth.

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