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A plan to escape

His mouth was still covered in blood, but this time, he looked younger, Jonathan was
afraid. Jonathan saw a pure look.

The account was in the

In the morning, Jonathan woke up in his own room, but his traveling clothes and his papers
weren't there. That night, Jonathan wrote three letters with different dates to his employer, Mr.
Jonathan was instructed to tell Mr. Jonathan that he was sure that the Count planned to kill him
that day.

Jonathan also decided to write two letters home. Jonathan knew that he needed a way to
escape. Jonathan saw that the Count was not there, so he entered the room through the
window. He couldn't find them, but he did find a door and stairs leading down to another room.

The room contained many long boxes filled with dirt. Jonathan was terribly frightened and
hurried back up the castle wall to his own room. Jonathan heard the Count talking to the same
three ladies outside his door. said Count Jonathan knew the ladies were waiting to kill him.

Jonathan was desperate and decided to search for the kryetain.

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