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I was hesitating about the subject of my writing but finally, I decided to write about films that

touched me. There are many favorite films: "The night of the hunter" directed by Charles
Laughton, "Schindler´s list" by Steven Spielberg, "The Pianist" by Roman Polansky, "Fanny and
Alexander" by Ingmar Bergman, and "El Sur" by Victor Erice.

Nowadays spoilers are rejected, so I won´t tell plots of the films that I believe you didn´t watch.
For sure I believe that you have already watched "Schindler´s list" and "The Pianist". Both of them
are moving and engaging films because they are concerned about the Holocaust. Even though they
were commercial films, the terrible situation of the victims was treated respectfully. Other films
like "la Vitta e Bella" (by Roberto Benigni) were not adjusted to the facts and the characters
seemed not based on reality. I also find the father's character selfish and bizarre. When I watch
them again I experience a sort of catharsis. It makes me remember an anecdote of Miguel de
Unamuno. Once a person asked another that was weeping ¿Why are you crying if it´s useless? and
he answered "just for this I am crying, because it´s useless",

The rest of the films can be collected as mysterious and magical films, also they have an unusual
trait that remembered me of the feeling of strangeness that I had when I was a child about adults.
When I am writing I realized that all of them ("El Sur", "Fanny and Alexander", "The night of the
Hunter") have children as main characters.

My favorite scene belongs to "El Sur". Estrella has felt bored with the ambiance of her house. She
has had many reasons for protesting and she decided to hide under the bed. . Then her mother
and the maid were searching for her but her father didn´t participate. The women did what she
expected but her father did not. He only was seating and knocking his stick rhythmically against
the soil. Estrella realized that her father answered with his knocks on her behavior. Suddenly the
feeling of worrying others about his absence wasn´t amazing and turns into sadness. He had too
many reasons to protest but he kept silent as her.

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