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Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

(Core Course)
0301401 Core Java
1. Course Objective:
 Understand the concept of OOP and the purpose and principles of inheritance,
polymorphism, encapsulation and method overloading.
 To apply the knowledge of the Java to programs that leverage the object-oriented
features of the Java language.
 Understand the principles of abstract classes and interfaces.

2. Course Duration:
The course will have sessions which are divided into five modules. Each module consists of
nine sessions of 60 minutes each and carries a weightage of 20%.

3. Course Contents:
Module No. of Marks
No. Sessions Weightage
I Introduction to Java 09 20%
OOP Concepts
o Introduction
o Need of Object Oriented Programming
o Principles of Object Oriented Languages
o Java vs Procedural Language Vs OOP
o Java Features
o Java Program Structure
o Java Architecture
o Introduction to java framework
o Real time java applications
Basics of Java
o Variables
o Primitive data-types
o Identifiers
o Literals
o Operators
o Expressions
o Precedence Rules & Associativity
o Primitive Type Conversion & Casting
o Using JOptionPane Class for GUI Input
and Output
o Using Scanner class for terminal input.
II Java Programming Constructs 09 20%
Flow of Control
o Conditional Statements
o Loops
o Branching Mechanism
Classes & Vectors

BCA Programme Syllabus

o Classes
o Objects
o Class Declaration in Java
o Creating Objects
o Methods
o Constructors
 Parameterized Constructor
 Constructor Overloading
o Garbage Collection
o Class Variables & Methods
 Static Variables
 Static Methods
o Introduction to vector
o this Keyword
o Command-line Arguments
III Arrays, Inheritance & Interfaces 09 20%
o One-Dimensional Arrays
o Two-Dimensional Arrays
o Using For-Each with Arrays
o Passing arrays to Methods
o Returning Array from Methods
o Variable Arguments
o Introduction
o Types of Inheritance
o Deriving Classes using extend keyword
o Overriding of Methods
o super Keyword
o final Keyword
o Abstract Class
o Introduction
o Variables in interface
o Extending Interfaces
o Interface Vs. Abstract Classes
IV Packages & Exception Handling 09 20%
o Introduction
o Creating Packages
o Using Packages
o Access Protection
o java.lang Packages
 java.lang.Object Class
 Java Wrapper Classes
 String Class
 String Buffer Class
Exception Handling
o Introduction
o Exception Types
o Handling Techniques
 try...catch

BCA Programme Syllabus

 throw Keyword
 throws Keyword
 finally Block
 multi-catch
 User-defined Exception
V Multi-Threading & Applets 09 20%
o Introduction
o Thread Life Cycle
o java.lang.Thread
o Main Thread
o Creation of New Thread
 By Inheriting the Thread Class
 By Implementing the Runnable
 Thread Priorities
o Applet Class
o Applet Life Cycle
o Applet Structure
o Common Methods used with Applet
 drawString()
 setBackground()
 setForeground()
 showStatus()
o Applet using Graphics Class
 drawLine()
 setColor() & setFont()
 drawArc() & fillArc()
 drawOval() & fillOval
 drawRect() & fillRect()
 drawRoundRect() &
 drawPolygon() & fillPolygon()
 Images in Applet

4. Teaching Methods:
The following pedagogical tools will be used to teach this course:
1) Lectures and Discussions
2) Assignments and Presentation
3) Videos and e-learning

5. Evaluation:
The students will be evaluated on a continuous basis and broadly follow the scheme
given below.
 Assignments / Quizzes, etc. 20% (Internal Assessment)
 Internal Examination 30% (Internal Assessment)
 External Examination (University Exam) 50% (External Assessment)

BCA Programme Syllabus

6. Basic Text Books:
Sr. No Author/s Name of the book Publisher Edition
T1 Sachin Malhotra Programming in Java OXFORD LATEST
Saurabh houdhary

7. Reference Books:
Sr. No Author/s Name of the book Publisher Edition
R1 Joyce Farrell JAVA for Beginners Cengage LATEST
Ankit Bhavsar Learning
R2 Dr. G.T.Thampi Object Oriented Dreamtech LATEST
Programming in java

8. List of Journals / Periodicals / Magazines / Newspapers etc.:

Sr. No Link






9. Session Plan:
Session No. Topics / Chapters
1. Introduction to OOP and Need of Object Oriented Programming

2. Principles of Object Oriented Languages

3. Procedural Language Vs OOP

4. Java Essentials & Java Features & Java Program Structure

5. Java Architecture & Java Vs C++

6. Variables & Primitive data-types

7. Identifiers, Literals, Operators, Expressions & Precedence Rules &

8. Using JOptionPane Class for GUI Input and Output

9. Using Scanner class for terminal input and Primitive Type Conversion &
10-12 Flow of Control

BCA Programme Syllabus

13. Classes, Objects, Class Declaration in Java, Creating Objects, Methods

14. Constructors

15. Garbage Collection

16-18. Class Variables & Methods, this Keyword, Command-line Arguments

19-21. Array

22-25. Inheritance

26-27. Interfaces

28. Introduction to Packages, Creating, Using, Accessing Packages

29-30. java.lang Packages

31. Introduction to Exception Handling

32-33. Exception types

34-36. Handling Techniques

37. Introduction to Multi-threading, Thread Life-cycle

38. java.lang.Thread, Main Thread

39-40. Creation of New Thread

41. Applet Class, Applet Life Cycle, Applet Structure

42-43. Common Methods used with Applet

44-45. Applet using Graphics Class

10. Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

 Create Java application programs using sound OOP practices (e.g., interfaces and APIs)
and proper program structuring (e.g., by using access control identifies, automatic
documentation through comments, error exception handling).
 Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationship among them.

BCA Programme Syllabus

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