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With immense pleasure I would like to present this report on my topic “E- Society
Management System.” We thankful to all that have helped us a lot for successful completion
of our project and providing us encourage for completing the work.

We are thankful to our Principle Mr. Hiren Patel Sir for his valuable guidance. We also
express our gratitude to our Head of the Department Prof. vimal Bhatt and my internal faculty
Prof. Bhoomi Parekh. for providing guidance throughout my work giving us their valuable time.

At last, we would like to thank my parents and friends who have directly or indirectly
helped me in making the project work successfully.

Prajapati Anjana (220SBECSE54004)

Patel Avani (220SBECSE54003)

In this Society management system all the society categorize by the number of houses the
people who lives in house they may be an owner of house or rent of house in this area ,
people are very busy with their routine work , So they do not have time for complain small
problems related to houses.

We have developed the system for society member they can make complain from anywhere
any time and we resolve the complaint as soon as possible in this house by providing member

The member of our system can give advertise his house for rent and shell easily through our
system by login detail. The main purpose of this site is to find out house for rent and house
for buy easily by visiting website.

The website system can store the data or various flat owners their family members along with
their images. The system also maintains and calculates the society maintenance. The system
needs an administrator to input various flat owner data and billing amounts into it.

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