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w FOR CREATIVITY 19705 1. Sit on your heels, bring your orehoad to the ground, arms extended formar palms together on the ground in font of you. Ths poston is known a8 “Guru Prana (bowing tothe Teacher nal things). Inhale ‘and metaly pul the breath energy tothe base of the spine. Hold the breath and lat the colors of the rainbow spread up your spine, starting ‘wih recat he base, then orange, yellow, green, blue, bue-violet and {going te volt athe crown ofthe Read. Exhale and let the colors ds- solve. Ile and begin again. Continue up to fve minutes. 2 Situp, stetch your legs out straight, lean back 60 degrees supported by yourarms, and et your head fal back. Relax. A muscle block in {your chest and threat wil be worked out # yu wil breathe doeply through the nose for 3 minutes. (The exhale must be very complete) Use themusces of your abdomen as well as he chest muscles when ‘breathing, On each exhale, project a beam of ight out the tp of your forehead. The last time, oid the breath as long as is comfortable then sigh the air out trough the nose sloniy owering yourself onto your back to relax 2. After short relaxation, st upin easy pose, spine straight, fingers inter laced in your lp. Inale daeply and chant the vibration *Ong” at an ‘even pith, Stretch the sound out as long as you can, Ong means the ‘reat ofeonsciousnees or Creative Iinity. Pl our chin in ‘slighty, 0 when you sustain the°NG" sound, you can foo! vibration passing trom the back pat ofthe palate in tho root ofthe mouth up Into the cranium genty stimulating the whole brain. Ths a kind of Intemalmaseage. Continue for 11 minutes. 4. Sttin 2057 pose and press your palms together tront of your chest, ‘the thumbs pressing limi on the heart centerpoint. (This point is located between the fh and sixth nbs al the contor ofthe sternum) (Draw ycur concentiation there for 2 minutes, 5, Bogin rating your palms together vigorously, ereating heat between them, Rub them for2 minutes, sensing the enorgybuling up YOUF palms. Then draw the palms 4 inches apart, facing each other, and feo! the pola of atvaction and repulsion: right palm postive lt palm napaive, Ciose your eyes and feel he for 2 minutes. 12 Aart, musie, poetry, dance, ‘3nd hanahorats attempt 0 cap ture and refioct the flow ofthe universal ite force. When the anistis act. ing sensitively, 25 @ channel forthe ite free passing ‘rough tim, is art gang ‘that grace and spontaneity tinich touches ‘the essence of creation. In tis Sense, al artis worship of God, £6. Shitthe hands so thatthe right hand is cupped, facing down, and et had is cupped, facing up. They shouldbe 4 inches apart, the heart center ying mdway belwoen them. Begin breathing deep and relaxed through the noetis, gathering the breath energy between the palns, sensing there asa glowing ball of ight. Do this for 4 minutes. Flax into it sme abit; you are opening your heart. The interplay of the electromagnotis forces of tho body inthis meditation wil act Telex nose ssu2s in the chest and chest cavity. 7. Press your sight palm fly against the heart center and bring your let ‘arm behind your back so the back o the ltt hand is pressed on the ‘Spine opposite the right palm. Fee the charging polariy thus setup, ‘ani begin breath offre, breathing repidly and vigorously through the ‘ost, using the navel point as a pump. Alter 2 minutes, in ‘deeply and hold as long ais conortablo and exhale. Meditate qu ‘ty or afew minutes with your spine straight and your hands in your lap footing Divine. ‘Anarist takes great care of his tools, his brushes, his pens ~ he selects material, his wood, cay, paper, et. wih cose consideration 28 0 what will provide the most responsive modium for his talent. Yet the {fundamental oo, the mind, i left wandering, uncieciplined, and ful of conflctng desires, The mind is rgely an urknown factor inthe process of ereaon Its necessary tobe able to tune the mind to the basic ie forces win and without, and to be ablo to relax the mental processes 50 thatthe spontaneous creative impulses can come tough deary and onest “Thise exorcises wil rove useful if they are done regularly whenever you #01 yours tobe creative. Creative concentration on the practice of these exer'se ill open the channels through which your own inercre- tity can tow. 13

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