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Sas 19
1. C - Pro-life position is anti-abortion, believes that abortion is killing someone else life and it
should be stopped.
2. A - Self-defense is justifiable when some someone is trying to kill you, and the only way in which
you can save yourself is by killing the other person first.
3. B - Quickening occurs by second trimester of pregnancy about 17-20 weeks where the fetus will
normally have begun to move and the mother will be able to sense the movement at some point.
4. B - There are various characteristics that might qualify one for personhood. The following list of
traits central to personhood are choices A, C, D and includes:
- Consciousness of objects and events
- Self-motivated activity
- The capacity to communicate
5. D - In Carpet-seed analogy, talks about failed contraception. Example that you use a condom for
protection but you didn’t know that the condom has a hole an you impregnate your partner.
The question here is, are you ready to bring these children to term or would be permitted to
abort the baby? Thomson thinks that with faulty contraception abortion should be permitted.
Her idea is that we are not responsible for unintended pregnancies if we take reasonable
6. A - Pro-life activist tends to be more traditional and religious. They believe that sex should be
reserved for marriage if not merely for procreation.
7. C - In Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court, relying on the constitutional right of privacy emanating from
the liberty process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, legalized a woman’s right to have an
abortion. However, this right was not considered to be unrestricted, and the Court recognized
the state’s legitimate interest in protecting prenatal life, and the standard of medical practice.
8. A - 1976 Danforth v.Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri case where Supreme Court
examined a statutory provision that required a woman to receive her husband’s, or if a minor,
her parent’s or guardian’s permission prior to having an abortion.
9. D - Conception is the penetration of the egg by the sperm, it is usually followed twenty-two
hours later by syngamy, the alignment of maternal and paternal chromosomes to form A NEW
10. A - Pro-choice is are modernist, they tend to be less traditional and religious, more career
oriented with higher incomes. They also tend to believe that sex is a natural expression of
oneself. They believe that abortion is one of personal freedom.

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