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Big data and Hadoop Training

Duration: 7 days

What I will learn:

You will understand what is big data and why it is important.

You will discover the hadoop framework, the most used tool in the big data world
The training will be based on hands on exersises.
You will put every knowledge you get in practise.


IT students.
You don't need any specific skills. But you should at least know how a java program
look like and how SQL look like.

Course objectives:

First preparation for Dezyre Big Data and Hadoop Certificate

Being able to define basic topics about big data and data science.
Being able to make the difference between different tools in Hadoop.
Getting started with NoSQL databases.

Course scheduling:

From 09:00 a.m to 01:30 p.m

Lunch break: 12:00 a.m to 12:30 a.m

Day1: Falling in love with Big data and Data science

Introduction to Big data and data science (1hour)
Introduction to Hadoop (1hour 30 min)
Installing Hadoop (2hour 30 min)

Day2: Exploring Pig

Day3: Exploring Hive
Day4: Exploring Flume
Day5: Exploring Sqoop

Day6: NoSQL Databases ( HBASE, Cassandra, MongoDB)

Day7: Hadoop Version2 (YARN)

What I should bring with me:

1-Your LapTop.

1-The content of this drive.

1-Your good humor :D

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