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Godiva : $ 117 Producer: Godiva G Collection Price: US$ 117 per pound Location: New York City, New York Godiva comes from one of the country known for its chocolate products, Belgium. Godiva Chocolatier chocolate producers introduced a new collection of chocolates, G. The entire collection of G consists of various ingredients and taste like a palette dOr, Tasmanian honey and Mexican Hot Chocolate. Chocolate taste depends on the type of receipts produced.

Godiva 4. Richart : US$ 120 Producer: Richart Price: US$ 120 per gram Location: Lyon, France Richart chocolate might be only ranked fourth on most expensive chocolate in the world. But the special of Richart chocolate is 70 percent of Venezuelan Criollo cacao, which is recognized as a chocolate-producing countries with the best quality in the world. Richart chocolate cocoa in a fine cocoa powder to produce the best taste. Several types of chocolate Richart include chocolate with almonds, raspberries, strawberries and other exotic fruits.

Richart 3. Delafee : $504 Producer : Delfee Price : $ 504 per 450 gram Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland For female who fans of gold, may be tempted to taste Delafee, chocolate made from 24 carats gold shaped chocolate pieces and each made by hand. Delafee chocolate is made from sugar, coconut oil, cocoa butter, milk powder and vanilla.

Delafee 2. Noka : $854 Producer: Noka Vintages Collection Price: $ 854 per 450 gram Location: Dallas, Texas Noka chocolate is the best compilation of black special chocolate from plantations in Venezuela, Ivory Coast, Trinidad and Ecuador. Noka chocolate is chocolate with the second highest price in the world. Chocolate is made from 75 percent pure cacao with other mixtures such as cocoa butter and sugar. The uniqueness of this chocolate manufacturer is not adding any type of emulsifier or taste of vanilla in their chocolate products.

Noka 1. Chocopolagie : $2,600 Producer: Knipschildt Price: $ 2,600 per 450 grams Location: Norwalk, Connecticut Chocopolagie invented by Fritz Knipschildt, a chef who studied culinary in Danish. In 1999, Knischildt create one of the most delicious chocolate in the world. The most expensive chocolate is valued $ 250 per piece for the dark chocolate truffles. Black truffles in it comes from France and is only available if booked in advance. Truffle consists of 70 percent cocoa Valhrona Ganache mixed with soft, hand-made truffle oil. As a final touch, truffles dusted with cocoa powder.


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