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Lesson 1: Use of the dictionary

Student’s name: Varela Sierra Gabriela Haydee

Date: 24/08/2022
Instructions: Answer the following questions and upload it to the
platform to be revised, use a dictionary (1 point each correct

A. In a dictionary you can find the following parts of the body

which are mainly nouns, underline those which are also verbs.
1. Belly
2. Arm
3. Head
4. Leg
5. Eye
6. Stomach
7. Hand
8. Thumb
9. Finger
10. Chest

B. Look for the italic word in a dictionary and answer the

questions in Spanish:
11. In which country you may find haggis?
R= Escocia
12. What’s the definition of ATM?
R= Dispositivo electrónico que permite al cliente de la
entidad bancaria efectuar diversas operaciones, como
retirada de fondos, ingresos o transferencias, mediante el
uso de una tarjeta bancaria o una libreta de ahorro.
13. Identify the part of speech of these words:
R=*Must-verbo modal/ verbo
*Can- verbo modal/verbo
*Shall- verbo modal/verbo
*May- verbo modal/ sustantivo.

C. From the following text:

Lesson 1: Use of the dictionary

Homesick in the modern world

What does it mean to be homesick in 2015, and does technology help or
hinder us when we move to a new place? John Osborne revisits his past
to find out.
I’m standing outside a cottage in the Vienna woods. It’s where I used to
live and this is the first time I’ve been back since I left ten years ago.
The roads are steep here, and as I walked up the hill from the tram stop
the slope felt reassuringly familiar. I recognised the ache in the back of
my legs that told me I was nearly there.

Saturnweg, Merkurweg, Jupiterweg. The streets take their names from

the solar system, and that seems appropriate for a place that felt so
alien and far away when I first arrived. There is a romance to the
planets, though, and I feel the same about the alignment of these
streets. In the distance is the most spectacular view of the hills. And
here, the little cottage with the green gate. The only house on the street
without a swimming pool.

I’m not surprised I was homesick when I first arrived here. The
22-year-old version of me must have been completely out of his depth. I
didn’t keep a diary back then, but if I did, for day one I’m sure I’d have
just written “Oh dear”.
Osborne, J. (2015). Homesick in the modern world. Retrieved form:

Find the words in the text for these definitions, use your
dictionary and write the word in English:

14. Wood: The hard material that trees are made of.
15. Tram: Passenger car.
16. Alignment: An arrangement in which two or more things are
positioned in a straight line or parallel to each other.
17. Homesick: Temporally missing home.
18. Depth: the distance from the top of something to the bottom.

D. Collect 7 new words from the text. Write its definition in

Spanish, part of speech and pronunciation.

New word Definition Part of speech Pronunciation

Hinder Limitar la capacidad hɪn.dɚ
de alguien para Verbo
Lesson 1: Use of the dictionary

hacer algo, o limitar

el desarrollo de algo
Un área de tierra que
Hill es más alta que la Sustantivo hɪl
tierra circundante
Reassuringly Algo que tranquiliza Adverbio riː.əˈʃʊr.ɪŋ.li
Una casa pequeña,
Cottage generalmente en el Sustantivo kɑː.t̬ɪdʒ
Una parte de una
valla o pared exterior
que se fija a un lado
Gate y se abre y se cierra Sustantivo ɡeɪt
como una puerta,
generalmente hecha
de tiras de metal o
Terreno que tiene Adjetivo
Steep una pendiente muy stiːp
Que se encuentra en Verbo
Slope ángulo con respecto Sustantivo sloʊp
a la horizontal.

When you finish your activity save it as: L1_Master it_Last name
Name and upload it to the platform. Remember to check the rubric.

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