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How I Treat

How I treat immune-mediated thrombotic

thrombocytopenic purpura after hospital discharge
Frank Akwaa,1 Ana Antun,2 and Spero R. Cataland3

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Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; 2Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA; and 3Department of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Immune-mediated thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) is a thrombotic microangiopathy characterized by an acquired

ADAMTS13 deficiency as a result of the presence of an antibody inhibitor of ADAMTS13 leading to the formation of
ultralarge von Willebrand multimers. Treatment of iTTP includes plasma exchange, high-dose glucocorticoids,
rituximab, and, more recently, caplacizumab, to prevent the development of exacerbations. There is the risk of both
relapse and long-term complications that include neurocognitive deficits and cardiovascular events that occur in
patients in remission after recovery from an acute iTTP episode. Data on the risk factors for the development of these
complications, the appropriate screening, and treatment are limited due to the paucity of research. This article is a
review of the current understanding on the risk factors for exacerbation, relapse, and long-term complications of iTTP
and discusses an approach to observing patients with iTTP after hospital discharge and during the long-term follow-up
in the outpatient setting.

Introduction review of his peripheral blood smear showed an increased num-

ber of schistocytes, consistent with an iTTP exacerbation.
Immune mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) is
an acute thrombotic microangiopathy that is mediated by an
acquired, antibody-mediated deficiency of the ADAMTS13 prote- Definition of exacerbation
ase. Recent advances in our understanding of iTTP have shifted The revised definition of clinical exacerbation, as proposed by an
the focus to improving recovery from an acute iTTP episode and international working group, is recurrent thrombocytopenia
addressing long-term complications of the disease. iTTP is now (,150 3 109/L), with or without clinical evidence of new or pro-
increasingly recognized as a chronic disease with long-term gressive ischemic organ injury within 30 days of cessation of thera-
sequelae. These sequelae include cardiovascular and neurocogni- peutic plasma exchange or anti–von Willebrand factor (VWF)
tive deficits that may be responsible for the decreased survival that therapy, in the absence of an alternative cause of thrombocytope-
has been reported in patients with a previous diagnosis of iTTP.1,2 nia.3 This diagnosis requires an initial clinical response with sus-
tained platelet count $150 3 109/L, normal LDH (,1.5 times the
upper limit of normal), and no clinical evidence of new or progres-
Case 1 sive organ ischemia (Table 1). Thrombocytopenia in the first month
A 36-year-old White man with a history of 3 prior acute iTTP epi- after stopping PEX may be caused by other clinical conditions,
sodes presented with abdominal pain, nausea for 3 to 4 days, including infection (catheter associated or not), consumptive coa-
and a headache that began 24 hours earlier. His first iTTP epi- gulopathy, including disseminated intravascular coagulation, drug-
sode occurred at age 29; since then, he has had 2 additional induced thrombocytopenia, or even heparin-induced thrombocy-
episodes, with the most recent one occurring 3 years ago. His topenia, but suspicion for an exacerbation of iTTP should be high.
previous episodes were treated with plasma exchange (PEX)
and steroids, but he received 4 weekly doses of rituximab (375 This patient’s clinical picture is consistent with an exacerba-
mg/m2) after the most recent episode. He was rapidly started tion of iTTP. Exacerbations are clinically significant events that
on PEX and corticosteroids for a clinical diagnosis of iTTP that require reinitiation of PEX and intensification of immunosup-
was confirmed with severely deficient ADAMTS13 activity pression, exposing patients to the potential morbidity and
(,10%). He achieved a clinical response and was discharged even mortality related to the recurrent iTTP and the additional
from the hospital at day 11 of hospitalization. During his first treatment necessary to again achieve a clinical response.
outpatient visit, he had complaints of mild fatigue and was
found to have thrombocytopenia with a platelet count of 65 3 Mechanism of exacerbations
109/L and a lactate dehydrogenase level (LDH) that had Investigators have sought to identify risk factors for exacerba-
increased to more than 2 times the upper limit of normal. A tions of iTTP, and the literature suggests that demographics and

438 blood® 4 AUGUST 2022 | VOLUME 140, NUMBER 5

Table 1. Clinical outcome definitions in iTTP

Initial clinical treatment end Clinical response Sustained platelet count .150 3 109/L, LDH ,1.5 ULN, no new end
points organ symptoms
Exacerbation After clinical response: platelet count ,150 3 109/L without other
explanation ,30 d after last PEX or anti-VWF therapy

Remission definitions Clinical remission Sustain clinical response for $30 d with no PEX or anti-VWF therapy
Complete ADAMTS13 remission ADAMTS13 activity $ULN
Partial ADAMTS13 remission ADAMTS13 activity $20% to LLN

Relapse definitions Clinical relapse After clinical remission, platelet count decreases to ,150 3 109/L

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without another explanation, and the need to start iTTP treatment
Confirmed by severe ADAMTS13 deficiency
ADAMTS13 relapse After ADAMTS13 remission, ADAMTS13 activity decreases to #20%

Adapted from Cuker et al.3

ULN, upper limit of normal; LLN, lower limit of normal.

ADAMTS13 activity may play a role. A study conducted by Cata- Postdischarge follow-up and
land et al showed that pretreatment ADAMTS13 activity was sig-
nificantly lower in patients who had an exacerbation, but after exacerbation risk
accounting for race as a covariate of ADAMTS13 activity, the The exacerbation rate after treatment with PEX and immune
difference was no longer significant, as Black patients suppression has been studied in 2 consecutive randomized, con-
independently had an increased risk of iTTP exacerbation trolled studies and is estimated to be between 28% and
(P 5 .046).4 Sui and colleagues also demonstrated that, whereas 38%.8,11 The consensus protocol of the United States Throm-
pretreatment ADAMTS13 activity was not predictive of exacer- botic Microangiopathy (USTMA) Consortium institutions is to
bation, persistently low ADAMTS13 levels (,10 U/dL; hazard evaluate patients weekly for the first 4 weeks after hospital dis-
ratio [HR], 4.4; P 5 .005) or higher anti-ADAMTS-13 IgG charge to monitor for exacerbations that are most common in
(HR, 3.1; P 5 .016, measured 3 to 7 days after initiation of PEX the first 2 weeks.13 We monitor recovery of organ injury from
and immunosuppression, was predictive of exacerbation. Wu the acute iTTP episode clinically and with the following labora-
et al reported similar findings where patients with more rapid tory testing: complete blood count with differential, chemistry
recovery of ADAMTS13 activity during PEX therapy did not panel, LDH level, and reticulocyte count. Prednisone is rapidly
experience exacerbations.5 Similarly, a low ADAMTS13 level tapered over the first 4 weeks after discharge. We use rituximab
(,10 U/dL; HR, 4.8; P 5 .002), low ADAMTS-13 antigen in patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed iTTP to prevent
(,25th percentile; HR, 3.3; P 5 .01), or high anti-ADAMTS13 or delay relapses consistent with the recently published ISTH
IgG (.75th percentile; HR, 2.6; P 5 .047) at the time of clinical TTP Guidelines.14 Rituximab may be initiated during hospitaliza-
response was predictive of exacerbation.6 Alterations in the titer tion concurrently with PEX, or alternatively, the first weekly dose
and potency of the anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies have also been can be given soon after hospital discharge. The laboratory stud-
reported, despite daily PEX therapy and concurrent corticoste- ies obtained at these initial follow-up visits and future visits are
roid therapy, and could lead to both refractoriness to treatment shown in Figure 1. Patients treated with caplacizumab may
and an increased risk of exacerbation of iTTP.7 In the first capla- have weekly visits extended beyond 4 weeks to monitor the
cizumab study, 10 of 12 subjects also had severely deficient ADAMTS13 level as they continue to receive therapy. Once
ADAMTS13 activity (,10%) at the time they experienced an patients have safely achieved clinical remission of iTTP, we moni-
exacerbation.8 tor them monthly for 3 to 6 months followed by longitudinal
visits every 3 to 6 months. The unique monitoring of
Treatment to prevent exacerbations caplacizumab-treated patients is discussed later.
The only treatment clearly shown to reduce exacerbation rates is
caplacizumab. Intensification of immunosuppressive therapy
may be expected to reduce exacerbations, but studies of cyclo- Case 2
sporine (CSA), steroids, and rituximab as adjuncts to PEX failed A 46-year-old Black woman was brought to the hospital by her
to significantly reduce exacerbation rates.9,10 Caplacizumab husband with symptoms of a headache and worsening confu-
does not alter ADAMTS13 activity, inhibition, or function, but sion over the past 2 days. She was found to have a platelet
rather blocks the formation of microthrombi by binding to the count of 6 3 109/L and a peripheral smear that showed marked
A1 domain of VWF.8,11 In the initial caplacizumab study, when fragmentation of red cells and confirmation of severe thrombo-
the drug was stopped after 30 days without consideration of the cytopenia. Clinical suspicion for a diagnosis of iTTP was high;
ADAMTS13 level, 7 of 8 patients developed recurrent iTTP in therefore, PEX was rapidly initiated in addition to prednisone at
the first 10 days after the last dose, suggesting that caplacizu- a dose of 1 mg/kg daily orally with a plan to start a course of
mab protects patients from recurrent iTTP. Although the data 4 weekly rituximab treatments before discharge from the hospi-
clearly support the efficacy of caplacizumab in preventing exac- tal. Given the high clinical suspicion for a diagnosis of iTTP and
erbations, questions have been raised regarding the cost effec- the absence of any bleeding symptoms, therapy with caplacizu-
tiveness of the drug.12 mab was initiated concurrently with PEX, beginning on the

Hospital discharge

Weekly follow-up for 4 weeks or

while on caplacizumab therapy

Monitor for:
1. Exacerbations of iTTP
2. Side effects of TTP treatment
including caplacizumab

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3. ADAMTS13 monitoring for
caplacizumab discontinuation
4. Tapering and discontinuation of

Clinical remission Laboratory testing at each visit:

1. CBC with differential
2. Chemistry panel
Monthly follow-up for 3–6 months 3. Lactate dehydrogenase
with laboratory testing 4. Reticulocyte count
5. Bilirubin total/direct
6. ADAMTS13 activity with
Long-term follow-up

Clinic visits every 3–6 months

longitudinally to monitor:

1. ADAMTS13 activity for relapse

risk prediction
2. Development of long-term
complications in remission

Figure 1. Post–hospital discharge follow-up schedule. To monitor for exacerbations of iTTP and discontinuation of caplacizumab and long-term follow-up to predict
the risk for relapse and the development of long-term complications of iTTP.

second day. ADAMTS13 activity was reported to be ,10% on additional caplacizumab, whereas immune suppression was either
the third day of hospitalization, confirming the diagnosis of iTTP. added or intensified to allow time for recovery of ADAMTS13
After 6 daily PEX procedures, the platelet count and LDH level activity and for safer discontinuation of caplacizumab.11
normalized, and plans for postdischarge follow-up were made.
In addition to prompting changes to the definition of exacerba-
tion of iTTP,3 these data have led to changes in the postdi-
Exacerbation risk, caplacizumab, and scharge follow-up of patients treated with caplacizumab.
Although non–caplacizumab-treated patients have been seen
postdischarge follow-up weekly for 4 weeks after hospital discharge to monitor for exac-
The addition of caplacizumab to PEX and steroids significantly
erbations, we still follow up caplacizumab-treated patients
reduces the exacerbation rate, but without alteration of weekly until they have discontinued caplacizumab after recovery
the underlying immune-mediated clearance or blockage of of ADAMTS13 activity. Expert consensus has been consistent in
ADAMTS13 protease function. Increasingly, rituximab is added to using at least 2 weekly ADAMTS13 activity measurements
the initial therapy of iTTP to achieve a more durable suppression (obtained at least 1 week from the last PEX) of .20% as a
of ADAMTS13 autoantibodies and safer discontinuation of capla- reasonable criterion to safely stop caplacizumab. However, a
cizumab. In the TITAN study, discontinuation of caplacizumab at retrospective analysis of 60 patients treated with caplacizumab
the end of the planned 30-day treatment led to disease in Germany showed that, in 31 patients, stopping caplacizumab
recurrence in 8 subjects, with 7 recurrences within a week of before 30 days and before ADAMTS13 activity was $10% did
cessation.8 Each of these 7 subjects had ADAMTS13 activity that not result in an exacerbation of iTTP.15 Determinations of
was persistently ,10%. This outcome to the treatment modifica- length of therapy with caplacizumab must also take into account
tion in the HERCULES study that allowed for up to 4 weeks of bleeding complications.

440 blood® 4 AUGUST 2022 | VOLUME 140, NUMBER 5 AKWAA et al

Table 2. Long-term complications in survivors of iTTP failed to improve after treatment with rituximab, additional
in remission immunosuppressive therapies could be considered (see later
description of preemptive therapy). However, additional immu-
Cardiovascular complications1,2 nosuppressive therapy after rituximab, such as CSA, bortezomib,
Hypertension mycophenolate mofetil, and alemtuzumab, may require long-
Myocardial infarction
Cerebrovascular accidents term treatment or have potentially unfavorable side effects.19

Neurocognitive injury45,47,49 There are unfortunately no published data to clearly guide physi-
Short-term memory issues (eg, finding words, processing cians. In these situations, our approach has been to consider
information, and retaining new memories) additional immunosuppressive therapy in those with a history of
Concentration skills
relapses, where a relapsing clinical phenotype has been demon-

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Chronic headaches46 strated and where the risk-benefit ratio may favor the addition of
another immunosuppressive therapy. A discussion about the
Posttraumatic stress disorder50 risks and benefits of additional immunosuppressive therapy
should be undertaken with patients in these situations. In the
event that caplacizumab is stopped without recovery of
ADAMTS13 activity, weekly or even biweekly labs should be
The patients in case 2 completed 4 weekly doses of rituximab at considered for at least the first 2 to 4 weeks to monitor for exac-
erbations of iTTP. Given that this was the initial iTTP episode,
a dose of 375 mg/m2 and at this writing is 7 weeks out from her
caplacizumab was stopped after 8 weeks of therapy, and the
hospital discharge and has completed 8 weeks of caplacizumab
patient was monitored closely. Despite persistently deficient
therapy. The most recent measurement of ADAMTS13 activity
ADAMTS13 activity in remission, she maintained a continuous
showed persistently deficient activity of ,10% despite normal
clinical remission and continued to be observed every 3 months.
complete blood count and LDH and serum creatinine levels.

The 36-year-old white man described in case 1 with a history of

Caplacizumab discontinuation without chronic, relapsing iTTP was able to achieve a clinical remission
and a complete ADAMTS13 remission after 4 weekly infusions
recovery of ADAMTS13 activity of rituximab. He presented to the outpatient clinic 3 months
Although in most patients with acute iTTP, treatment with PEX, after completing rituximab to discuss his risk of relapse and any
corticosteroids, and rituximab corrects the severely deficient measures that could be taken to reduce this risk. He also
ADAMTS13 level, there are patients in whom ADAMTS13 will had questions regarding persistent headaches and short-term
not recover after a 4-week course of rituximab.16,17 Although memory problems that he had recently noted.
severely deficient ADAMTS13 increases the risk of exacerbation
or relapse of iTTP, recovery is not necessary to achieve a sus-
tained clinical remission of iTTP. In the case of patients not Risk of relapse
treated with rituximab, it would be reasonable to consider ther- Relapse is a major concern for patients with iTTP after recovery
apy with rituximab. This therapy may be especially effective from an acute iTTP episode.20 Approximately 50% or more
in patients for whom this event was a relapse of previously patients not treated with rituximab have at least 1 relapse within
diagnosed iTTP.14 5 years of initial diagnosis. Although prediction of relapse is
inexact, previous relapse of iTTP, severely deficient ADAMTS13
In the patient described in case 2 with newly diagnosed iTTP in activity in remission, and anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies during
whom ADAMTS13 protease function did not recover after treat- remission have been associated with an increased risk of iTTP
ment with rituximab, the decision to stop caplacizumab may not relapse.16,21-24 In addition, young age at presentation and previ-
be so straightforward. The best available data regarding the ous episode of iTTP have been shown to be predictive of
timing of the recovery of ADAMTS13 activity after acute iTTP relapse.21,22,25 Race may also be an important factor. A large
treatment were reported by Scully et al where the first dose of retrospective study of the USTMA Consortium database showed
rituximab was given before the third day of hospitalization.9 that Black race was the strongest predictor of relapse.26 In
When measured before the second rituximab infusion 1 week relapsed iTTP, relapse-free survival was significantly better in
later, median ADAMTS13 activity was 15%. After 8 weeks, the White patients after rituximab, but treatment with rituximab did
median was .30%, increasing to a median of 45% after 3 not improve relapse-free survival in Black patients in this study.
months. These data suggest using a time frame of 8 to 12 These data suggest that race may differentially impact responses
weeks from the start of rituximab to assess its efficacy at improv- to preemptive immunosuppressive therapy.
ing ADAMTS13 activity. Interestingly, Barba et al reported data
on a subset of patients with iTTP in whom ADAMTS13 activity Prediction of relapse is clearly more complicated than
failed to improve after an initial 4-week course of preemptive rit- ADAMTS13 activity alone. Circulating ultralarge VWF multimers
uximab (375 mg/m2). In this cohort, patients subsequently correlated with severely deficient ADAMTS13 activity, but the
received intensive rituximab therapy at a dose of 375 mg/m2 relationship was imprecise.27 Masias et al developed a multivari-
every 2 to 3 months for a median of 2 years (range, 1-6). Ten of able model to predict relapses of iTTP in the following 3 months
the 13 patients improved their ADAMTS13 activity a median of after remission blood testing. Additional factors including age,
56 days (range, 10 days to 2 years) after starting the intensive LDH, C3a, ADAMTS13 antigen, and the presence of ultralarge
regimen.18 In patients in whom their ADAMTS13 activity multimers were able to improve the prediction of relapse over

ADAMTS13 activity alone, but the optimal clinical application of during remission to prevent relapse. There are reports of other
this model requires further study.28 immunosuppressive therapies, including alemtuzumab, bortezo-
mib, cyclophosphamide, or mycophenolate, that have been used
to prevent relapse and could be considered, depending on the
Monitoring ADAMTS13 activity individual circumstances of the patient.
in remission
After achieving clinical remission of iTTP, the follow-up and moni-
toring strategy is then focused on the prevention of relapse. The efficacy and safety of rituximab has been established in
Although the optimal monitoring schedule remains to be several observational studies of patients with acute, refractory, or
defined, our practice is to monitor the complete blood count, relapsed iTTP.31-33 Reduction of relapses with the use of preemp-
chemistry, and markers of hemolysis (LDH and haptoglobin) every tive rituximab has been demonstrated by several groups as

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3 months for longitudinal follow-up.29 It is also our practice to well.31-33 The French Thrombotic Microangiopathy Reference
measure ADAMTS13 activity every 3 months to help assess the Center studied 92 patients with iTTP in remission with undetect-
risk of clinical and ADAMTS13 relapse (Figure 1).3 This schedule able ADAMTS13 activity (,10%). During a follow-up period of
was not developed from prospective study, but rather was 35.8 months, rituximab significantly decreased the median num-
derived in part from a study by Jin et al that reported the risk of ber of iTTP relapses (0 episodes per year vs 0.33 episodes per
relapse in the 3 months after measurement of ADAMTS13 year compared with historical controls).16 The optimal dose and
activity.21 Experts have also agreed that monitoring ADAMTS13 schedule of rituximab has not been determined in iTTP, but the
every 3 months allows for sufficient time to intervene with pre- most common dose currently used is 375 mg/m2 per week for
emptive therapy, while not being overly onerous to patients. 4 weeks. The need for additional courses of rituximab beyond
After several years of continuous clinical and ADAMTS13 remis- the initial treatment should be guided by regular, serial measure-
sion, it may be reasonable to alter the schedule to every 6 ments of ADAMTS13 activity. Preemptive rituximab on a fixed,
months for patients with difficulties keeping this rigorous follow- regular schedule (every 3 months) without the guidance of serial
up schedule, but maintaining a consistent follow-up plan is monitoring of ADAMTS13 activity is discouraged, as it could lead
very important. In addition, patients must be monitored for the to unnecessary rituximab therapy.14
development of long-term complications of iTTP that have been
associated with premature death in at least 2 studies.1,2 CSA
Several reports have described the use of cyclosporine (CSA) for
iTTP including as a preemptive treatment to prevent relapse in
ADAMTS13 activity threshold for patients with severely deficient ADAMTS13 activity and a history
preemptive treatment of multiple recurrences (.2).10,34-38 The dose administered for
prophylaxis was 2 to 3 mg/kg orally twice daily in divided doses
Although preemptive therapy with rituximab has been shown to
for a total of 6 months. Trough CSA levels were used in this study
prevent or delay relapses of iTTP,16,17 there are no randomized,
prospective data to accurately define a specific threshold for to monitor for toxicity, but levels were not correlated with
ADAMTS13 activity when preemptive immune suppression should response to therapy. At this lower dose, the CSA was well toler-
be initiated. Moreover, the development of severely deficient ated, but patients must be counseled regarding side effects that
ADAMTS13 activity does not uniformly lead to relapse and may include gingival hyperplasia, renal insufficiency, and increased
fluctuate in remission.21,23,30 Given the current knowledge of the hair growth. Data from 19 patients indicated that that CSA is
efficacy and favorable side effect profile of rituximab, the thresh- effective in suppressing ADAMTS13 inhibitors and in improving
old we typically use to initiate preemptive treatment has increased ADAMTS13 activity over the 6-month study, but 7 of 19 patients
from ADAMTS13 activity of #10% to a threshold of 20%. This relapsed after discontinuation of CSA, suggesting that the benefit
level is based on expert opinion regarding the increased risk of does not persist beyond the CSA treatment period.39,40 If used
relapse with decreasing ADAMTS13 activity and the need to allow preemptively, CSA is likely to be administered over a prolonged
time for response to immunosuppressive therapy rather than pro- period. As with rituximab, the level of ADAMTS13 activity should
spective data. Repeat measurement of ADAMTS13 activity in the be used to judge the efficacy of CSA with drug levels used only
following 2 to 4 weeks is recommended for those with activity to monitor for toxicity.
.20% or those with a decrease from the previous measurement,
to establish a trend. In the absence of an absolute threshold to Splenectomy
initiate preemptive therapy, the risk and complications of an iTTP A systematic review of 18 studies of splenectomy in iTTP demon-
relapse must be balanced against the risk of any preemptive ther- strated that the relapse rate was reduced to 17% in a cohort of
apy. As stated previously, younger patients and patients with prior patients with a chronic, relapsing phenotype. Despite the limita-
relapses are likely to be at greater risk of relapse, which should tions (no control groups and possible publication bias), the
also factor into the decision making. response rate after splenectomy at 3 years ranged between 70%
and 80%.41 In another series of patients who underwent splenec-
tomy preemptively to prevent relapse, the relapse rate fell from
Preemptive treatment to prevent relapse 0.74 relapses per patient-year to 0.1 relapse per patient-year.42
A detailed discussion of every preemptive agent reported is Splenectomy, however, should not be considered in patients with
beyond the scope of this manuscript, but preemptive therapies acute, refractory iTTP, given the greater risk for complications and
that are commonly used and supported by data will be discussed. death.42 We believe that splenectomy could be considered a pre-
The most common preemptive treatment used is rituximab, but emptive treatment in remission to prevent relapse of iTTP after
there are also data regarding the use of CSA and splenectomy considering other preemptive options and a thorough discussion

442 blood® 4 AUGUST 2022 | VOLUME 140, NUMBER 5 AKWAA et al

of the risks and benefits with the patient. ADAMTS13 activity after Another study from Chaturvedi et al, who used an online survey
splenectomy should be monitored as a measure of efficacy. tool, found that 80% of patients with iTTP in remission had at
least mild symptoms of depression.50 They also reported that
35% of patients with iTTP had a positive screening for posttrau-
Long-term complications matic stress disorder. It is presently unclear how to best screen
It has been increasingly clear that a new diagnosis of iTTP is the for these complications in patients with iTTP to allow for inter-
beginning of a long-term follow-up for a disease that is associated ventions to mitigate the morbidity and mortality associated with
with several long-term complications (Table 2). At least 2 studies them. We recommend referral to psychiatry or psychology for
have demonstrated a shorter life expectancy in survivors of an detailed neurocognitive testing during follow-up when there are
acute iTTP episode, with cardiovascular complications playing a possible signs or symptoms of mood or cognitive issues after a
significant role.1,43 Published work by Upreti et al demonstrated a diagnosis of iTTP.
fivefold increased risk for stroke in patients with iTTP (unrelated to

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an acute iTTP episode) in remission during long-term follow-up,
with all of the patients who developed strokes having had lower- Pregnancy and relapse
than-normal (,70%) ADAMTS13 activity.44 These data support The question of pregnancy and the risk for relapse in patients
the hypothesis that preemptive immunosuppressive therapy may with a prior diagnosis of iTTP is understandably an important
help to prevent stokes in patients with iTTP in remission. Given issue for patients. Severely deficient ADAMTS13 activity in preg-
these data, we have placed increased emphasis on addressing nancy is associated with an increased risk of relapse during
modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease including blood pregnancy.29 As a part of preconception counseling in a patient
pressure, smoking cessation, and treatment of hypercholesterol- with a history of iTTP, a discussion of this risk of relapse as well
emia, as indicated, to attempt to decrease the risk for cardiovas- as the potential need for prophylactic immunosuppressive ther-
cular disease. We also commonly recommend referral to a apy is necessary. Regular monitoring of ADAMTS13 activity is
cardiologist for baseline evaluation and assessment of cardiovas- recommended every 2 to 3 months throughout the pregnancy,
cular risk after a diagnosis of iTTP and for consideration of the use using the trend in the ADAMTS13 activity to assess the need for
of antiplatelet therapy and other risk reduction strategies. preemptive therapy to prevent relapse of iTTP.
Although data on the efficacy of these measures in patients with
iTTP are lacking, antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel) seems
reasonable in patients with iTTP at risk for cardiovascular disease Authorship
as would be considered in similar nonpatients with iTTP. Contribution: F.A., A.A., and S.R.C. designed and wrote the manuscript.

Neurocognitive deficits that include short-term memory prob- Conflict-of-interest-disclosure: S.R.C. has received research funding and
lems, mood disorders, headaches, and posttraumatic stress dis- consulting fees from Sanofi. F.A. and A.A. declare no competing financial
order are clearly recognized to be more common in patients
with iTTP in remission.1,45-50 In a study of select patients in iTTP
Correspondence: Spero R. Cataland, Department of Hematology, The
remission from The Ohio State University and the University Col- Ohio State University, 1150F Lincoln Tower, 1800 Cannon Dr, Columbus,
lege London Hospitals (n 5 27), 63% of the patients studied OH 43210; e-mail:
demonstrated neurocognitive impairment, particularly in the
areas of visual learning and memory.51 Deford et al also
reported that nearly 20% of the iTTP survivors in their study met Footnote
criteria for a diagnosis of major depression, which was signifi- Submitted 20 October 2021; accepted 14 March 2022; prepublished online
cantly greater than the expected population rate of 6%.1 on Blood First Edition 6 June 2022. DOI 10.1182/blood.2021014514.

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