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Examen de Recuperación Inglés Primer grado Primer bimestre Secondary School Number 4 “Dr.

Jiménez Cantú”

Teacher Felipe González Millán Student’s name:_______________________________________________________________

English Exam

RN.____ Correct answers____ Mark______ First Grade Primer grado


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer in the answer sheet, choosing only one from the letters that is suitable with the correct answer, according to
the picture.

A) May I come in please? B) Silence c) May I go to the bathroom, please? d) I’m here


A) Close the door B) Be quiet c) Raise your hand d) Open your book


A) Close the door B) Be quiet c) Raise your hand d) Open your book

A) Open you notebook B)Open the door c) Open the window d) Open your book

A) Good evening B) Good afternoon c) good morning d) good bye

A) May I come in please? B) Silence c) May I go to the bathroom, please? d) I’m here


A) summer B) fall C) spring D) winter

A) summer B) fall C) spring D) winter

A) summer B) fall C) spring D) winter

10. .

A) Scissors B) pencil C) Pencil sharpener D) Eraser

11. A) Scissors B) pen C) Pencil sharpener D) Eraser

12. This is the first month of the year

A) May B) December C) September D) January

13. How are you, today?

A) Your welcome B) I’m a Student C) I’m fine Thank you D) See you tomorrow

14 . Number 32

a) Thirteen B) Thirty two C)Three hundred and two D) Thirty three

15. Number Eleven

A) 10 B) 11 C) 13 D) 14

Examen de Recuperación Inglés Primer grado Segundo Bimestre

Instructions .Read the story and answer the questions

The legend of King Arthur

Many years ago, when the King of England, Uther was a young man, he met a princess called Igraine. She was so beautiful that he fell
in love with her immediately. He loved her so much that he wanted to marry her. He asked Merlin, a powerful wizard for help. Merlin
agreed, but on one condition, he demanded that Uther give him his first born son in return for his help.

A lot of things happened in the following months. First Uther and Igraine got married and were very happy together. Then they had a
son named Arthur. They kept their promise and gave the child to Merlin. Igraine cried when Merlin took the baby away. People believed
the baby was dead, but Uther and Igraine knew the truth. Merlin sent Arthur to live in a distant castle with the good knight Ector and his
son Kay.

After that Uther and Igraine did not manage to have any more children. Then Uther died, and there was a problem. Who would become
king? All the knights fought with each other because they all thought they had the right to the throne. There were many long battles,
and only the bravest knights stood a chance of surviving.

While Arthur was growing up, he became good friends with Kay. Kay was slightly older than Arthur, and he was training to be a knight.
Arthur watched Kay do his training because he dreamed that one day he too would become a strong knight. Eventually, when Kay
became a knight, Arthur worked as his helper.

One day, in the town center, Kay and Arthur overheard some people talking about an upcoming tournament for knights. The winner of
the tournament would become the King of England. When Kay heard the news, he became very excited. He wanted to go, and he
wanted to take Arthur with him. He started preparing everything for the tournament. He did not want to forget a simple thing. On the day
of the tournament, Kay and Arthur set off early in the morning.

They rode all day and arrived in the evening. But the next day, when Kay asked Arthur for his sword, Arthur realized he did not have it.
He went back home to get it. On the way, he found a sword in a stone and pulled it out easily. Arthur returned to the tournament and
gave the sword to Kay. While Kay was preparing for the fight, he noticed a message on the sword: ”Whoever pull this sword from the
stone will be the next King of England.” Nobody could believe that Arthur was King. Everyone was amazed.

Arthur was soon crowned King of England. Some knights were not happy. They thought that he was just a boy. The warrior knight,
Pellinore, was Arthur greatest enemy, and when Pellinore killed one of the Arthur’s most loyal knights, Arthur decided to fight him.

He rode out on his horse to meet Pellinore, with his sword in hand. Arthur was not an experienced fighter, and he soon fell. He was
lying on the ground badly hurt, and his sword was broken. As Pellinore lifted his sword to kill the young king, Merlin appeared.

Merlin quickly put Pellinore into a deep sleep. Although Merlin was a powerful wizard, he did not have the power to cure Arthur. So he
took Arthur into the forest to see an old hermit. The hermit used herbs, leaves and plants to make a magical medicine.

“Please help him” “asked Merlin. “He is Arthur, King of England, and the country needs him.”

16.What are the main characters of the Legend of King Arthur?

a) Merlin and b) Arthur, Merlin c) Kay and d) Uther and

Pellinore. and Kay. Pellinore Arthur.
17.What type of story The Legend of King Arthur is:

a) science b) adventure c) comic d) romance


18.What thing Arthur found:

a) a pencil b) a book c) a sword d) a stone

19.Who was the Arthur´s friend:

a) Merlin b) a hermit c) Kay d) Uther

20.Who was the Arthur’s father:

a) Merlin b) a hermit c) Kay d) Uther

21.Who was the Arthur’s mother:

a) Merlin b) Igraine c) Kay d) Uther

22.Uther was a Young man, he met a princess called:

a) Merlin b) Igraine c) Kay d) Uther

23.Who was the wizard:

a) Merlin b) a hermit c) Kay d) Uther

24.Arthur worked with Kay as his:

a) friend b) helper c) teacher d)student

25.Arthur and Kay went to :

a) party b) class c) tournament d) house

26.Arthut wanted to be:

a) a teacher b) a wizard c) a knight d) a policeman

27What is the past of meet:

a) Met b) meeting c) mets d) mett

28.What is the past of kill:

a) killing b) killed c) kills d) kil

29.What is the past of work:

a) working b)work c) worked d) worker

30.What is the past of find:

a) finded b) finds c) founds d) found

Number the events of the story in the correct order.

31._____ Arthur grew up with Kay, who was training to become a knight.
32._____ Arthur became King.
33:_____ Arthur and Kay went to the tournament.
34._____ Merlin took Arthur to a hermit.
35._____ Arthur fought Pellinore.
36. Write the date___________________________________________________________________________________


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