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A: Hello, what’s your full name?

B: Hi, my full name is Danny César Augusto Iparraguirre Yarlequé, and you?

A: Oh, I see, my full name is Ana Cristina Cholan Quezada

B: What´s your cellphone number?

A: My cellphone number is 921 377 798, and you?

B: My cellphone number is 902738252, can I add you to WhatsApp?

A: Yes, of course.

B: And, What’s your favorite sport?

A: My favorite sport is volleyball, and you, what’s your favorite sport?

B: My favorite sport is soccer, but I play volleyball too, it’s a cool sport.

A: Yes, I agree with you, do you have any brothers and sisters?

B: Yes, I do, but I only have one sister.

A: In my case, I have three brothers and three sisters, and I have a good relationship with

B: I’m happy for you, okay, I must go home, nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you too.

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