Topic Benefits of Reading Books

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Name: Nguyen Tran Gia Han

Class: 7a1
Topic: benefits of reading books
One of my hobbies in my free time is reading because books bring me so
many benefits. I also have a collection of books for myself that includes
many different types of books such as science books, English books, math
books, literature books, life books, comic books and so on. I stipulate that
within 1 month I have to finish one book. When I read these kinds of
books, it helps me to develop in many ways, it helps us to be smarter and
more focused. Besides, it also makes us develop a richer imagination.
Instead of we waste time on social networks, we often read books to
expand our knowledge about many different areas in life such as history,
geography, science or research. about the good things in life. In addition,
comic books also help us relax after stressful working hours. Books have
so many benefits, so we need to have a habit of reading books.

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