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Development Design of Video Media Disease HIV and AIDS for Junior High

School Students (SMP) Nusantara Plus Ciputat Year 2016

During this day, a lot of health promotion program has been implemented.
However, this promotion during this time were more likely to use the
lecture method or just use the printed media, whereas teenagers tend to
prefer electronic media. Preliminary studies in junior high Nusantara
Ciputat indicates that the student's knowledge about HIV / AIDS is quite
low and rarely held such health promotion, especially using the media. To
increase knowledge of this teenagers health, it needs to have a promotion
health using a method and media campaign by taking into account
characteristics of young people, so that the message to reduce the
incidence of HIV / AIDS is more optimal. This study aims to produce a
prototype video media of HIV / AIDS for students.
This research is qualitative. Informants in this study was 2 media experts,
2 junior high school Nusantara teacher and 20 Junior High School Nusantara
students . The data collected by in-depth interviews and FGD (Focus Group
Discussion). This research was conducted from January to August 2016 in the
Junior High School Nusantara Ciputat Tangerang, Banten.
The results showed that the video media was one very effective to use at
health promotion thing, and improve the knowledge of students of Nusantara.
The results of FGD students stated that they liked the media were more
sophisticated, interesting, creative, and animated form with legible
handwriting, using a language that is not formal, direct message addressed
to the target, and accompanied by backsound sound and music to make it more
attractive. After the trial to male and female students, the result showed
that they liked the video media as well as the messages of the media has
been able to be understood by them.
Thus, for the promotion of the health of HIV / AIDS more effectively needed
the right media and media chosen is an animated video that can be used
during counseling to students. Other researchers are advised to conduct
further research using other methods so that the message can be received

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