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Introduction to Algebra


2x Variable - Its a
placeholder for
an unknown


Algebraic equation ( number sentence)

- There will always be an = sign
- We will need to find out the value of a variable
- Example: 2x = 4
Algebraic expression (Numbers, variables, operations)
- Will NOT have an = sign
- We will have to simplify the expression
- Example: 2x + 4

Constant: This is a number that cannot change, its value

stays the same.
2x + 4
X is like an apple

1X + 1X = 2X
There is a multiply that stands between coefficients and

3X = 3 x X
Adding and subtracting Variables - Equations

- Goal: Find the value of the unknown variable (Solve)

- All variables or letters must be on another side.
- When anything moves over the equal sign the sign changes.
(The sign belong to the number or letter that comes after it.)

X + 8 = 16
X = 16 - 8
Practise Sums

1.) X - 7 = 11 2.) X + 5 = 20 + 1
X = 11 + 7 X = 20 + 1 - 5
X = 18
Simplify to solve for x (Dividing and Multiplying)

5x = 25 - Remember we need to get the X alone

5X/5 = 25/5 - what we do to one side, we do to the other


1) 6x = 36
6x/6 = 36/6
2a - 6 = 2 (Gather numbers on oneside and letters on the other)

2a = 2 + 6 ( add my numbers)
2a = 8 ( a needs to stand alone)
2a/2 = 8/2 ( what we do to one side we do to the other)
a =4

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