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Class IX THE LOST CHILD-by Mulk Raj Anand 2022-23

This question bank is for practice in the rough copy:

TASK 1: Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words:

a) Describe in your words what the child experienced in the grove.
b) Why do you think the child did not demand the burfi?
c) Why did the boy not ask for the balloon?
d) What did the boy feel his parents would say to his wish to listen to the snake charmer’s music?
TASK 2: Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
A. “Look! Can you smell those nice flowers, child! Would you like a garland to put around your neck?”
a) Who is the speaker?
b) Why is he asking the child about the garland?
c) What does the child reply?
d) Identify a preposition in the above extract.

B. Thinking to humour his disconsolate charge by a gift of sweets, the man took him to the sweet shop.
a) How did the man come upon the charge?
b) Why did the man want to humour the charge?
c) What do you understand by the phrase disconsolate charge?


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