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1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “hoor inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News PREGUNTA MAS vive 9 julio, 2022 20: 49 / Hogar / Noticias del Mundo Madres y bebés yemenies que se enfrentan a un "horror inimaginable", dice la Cruz Rojaa RT Una madre y seis bebés recién nacidos mueren cada dos horas en medio del conflicto y la privacion en curso, advirtid la agencia. Una madre lleve Sabeon en Sar su hijo desnutrido en el Hospital de Maternidad e Infantil al Yemen, 2 de marzo de 2021 © AFP / Mohammed Huwais El funcionario de la Cruz Roja Basheer Omar dijo a RT el sbado que la situacién humanitaria en Yemen es de “horror inimaginable’, con dos tercios de la poblacién formacién. htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! Historias principales Urania insta alos ciudadanos a abandonar el sur debido a planes contraofensivos El mundo en desarrollo se enfrentara a una ola de impagos — Bloomberg Djokovic supera a Kyrgios para reclamar la ultima corona de Wimbledon (VIDEO) Yemeni mothers and babies facing ‘unimaginable horror,’ Red Cross tells RT Escandalo de "drogas de violacién en citas" sacude al partido de la canciller Aceptar cookies ana 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “hoor inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News de los 30,5 millones de habitantes de Yemen carecen de acceso a |a atencién médica basica, y los que necesitan atencién médica a menudo corren el riesgo de morir al visitar el 51% de los centros de salud que atin operan en el pais. La crisis ha sido mas agudamente sentida por las mujeres y los bebés. Menos del 50% de los nacimientos en Yemen son atendidos por profesionales de la salud, y una madre y seis bebés recién nacidos mueren cada dos horas, segtin el informe. De los aproximadamente 4,2 millones de personas desplazadas en Yemen desde el estallido de la guerra civil en 2014, el 73% son mujeres y nifios. "Es un horror inimaginable" Omar dijo a RT: "Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para amar la atencion de la comunidad internacional sobre la dificil situacién del pueblo yemeni, Estamos diciendo que el mundo no debe hacer la vista gorda a lo que esta Leer mas: La realidad triunfa _Suediendo” sobre los principios mientras Biden planea una reunién con el principe heredero saudi "EI pueblo yemeni no debe quedarse solo frente a su destino" Omar, autor del informe del CICR, continuo. te sitio web utiliza cookies. jitica de priv iener mas de RT par informacion. htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! Boris Johnson considera dejar la politica — medios Atletas rusos excluidos del Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo Suscribase al boletin de RT para recibir las noticias mas destacadas del dia directamente en su buzén Correo electrénico Le ofrecemos la posibilidad de recibir tas noticias destacadas de RT todos los lunes, miércoles y viernes por correo electrénico, Caracteristicas de RT Aceptar cookies ane 1017122, 2055 Reino Unido y Francia, han apoyado a la coalicion saudi con armas, entrenamiento e inteligencia. El conflicto ha sido descrito por la ONU como la “peor crisis humanitaria del mundo", y ha provocado la muerte de 377.000 personas, mas de dos tercios menores de cinco afios, segun cifras de la ONU a finales de 2021. El conflicto yement se encuentra actualmente en una fragil tregua, que fue declarada en abril y extendida el mes pasado hasta agosto. (eecuswo J Puedes compartir esta historia en las redes sociales: Tendencias: Cruz Roja—CICR, Ataques de la coalicion liderada por Arabia Saudita en Yemen, Yemen, Disturbios en Yemen Deen Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, China, pero la organizacién sigue siendo indispensable » Mundo multipolar: por qué la crisis actual esta acercando aun mas a India y Rusia Dmitri Trenin: Rusia ha hecho una ruptura decisiva con Occidente y esta lista para ayudar a dar forma a un nuevo orden mundial Podcasts Todos los podcasts ojo del tigre? Srikanth couidos shea on Srverd Jaa Nabe Yemeni mothers and babies facing ‘unimaginable horror,’ | °° aaa idt 183 2 22 > Sri tn ae sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad | par cog de RT pi btener mas see informacion htpsswwwst cominewsl5S8711-yomen-heatticare-babies-dying! ane 1017122, 20:55 Mant Chre Mase y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, | dia con | te pierdas una h gase Nur sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. then these regimes had to be sued in international courts. Reply johnnyD western media fake news networks, been ignoring this war crimes and humanitarian cris guess who's causing the crisis in yernen....... that's right, saudis and america, amongst ot! would the medias incriminate their own countries right? you think they have their own ir nope... they do what they told to publish and what to ignore. Reply Barbara7777 Some of us CAN imagine it. And my not BEING there, all | can do is pray. It is not with a cx are all designed to die, sooner or later.. It hurts to know how so many want to wreck the by our Creator.. the small span of time we have on this beautiful world even if some of u should not be wasted. Especially not on warring. And I mean as in STARTING wars for me defending yourself FROM real attack out of the blue.. We are NOT restrained from defen we give the ability away to idiots. Reply ddave37 There has been a truce in Yernen for the last 2 months that has just been extended for a guess the Us arms manufactures were making a killing from selling stuff to Ukraine so tr Yemen at least for a while Reply Tor Gjesdal Then Forgotten Tragedy Yemen. @, West doesn't Care, yet they care About helping to Ki Christians in Ukraine to try futilely to Subjugate Russia to Their Vassalage. Disgusting Un Reply Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst cominewsl5S8711-yomen-heatticare-babies-dying! ana 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News Mant Chre gase al dia con | Nunea te pierdas una F sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. morai roc ana aecay , cnaos , anymore , tnav’s about ali we can orler unis world. Reply AG Agent_orange1 The West for the past 300 years. They invaded continents, robbing, stealing, and commit whenever and wherever they arrived, In fact, they did so well they kept expanding. Howe years or so they could only rob and steal individual countries when they try regime chan, few dozen years, they know that they will collaspe so they can't continue what they have can do now to survive is to rob and steal individuals and/or companies. Reply woody What unimaginable horror could a baby face that is worse than abortion? ¢ nr Reply 0G) @ itoyd cross woody, Saudi Air force and US UK NATO Bombs, ask anyone in Libya. Thousands of A by these states every day. 1 reply FR FromAbove Well do something about it then ; red cross have lots of billions in their bank accounts. S: the pentagon. Stop doing horror to the people of yemen, Reply dean matchett Americans & Saudi’s love murdering babies & women. Enough Said. ¢ hr Reply 2G -) Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! sit 1017122, 20:55 w Mant Chre Mathes y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, | dia con | te pierdas una h gase Nur sencilla que te ofrece los ultimos titulare: Reply Unsparing Sadly, women and children throughout the world continue to be subjected to horrific tre government here brought the administration of justice into disrepute by urging the cour an order they knew to be unlawful and to be contrary to the public interest as it endorse a survivor of childhood sexual violence for requesting prosecution of the sexual assaults and courts have recently recognized the epidemic of child abuse and that protecting citiz sexual assault is a matter of grave public concern. The trend in Canadian law has been te right to bodily integrity and to facilitate the just prosecution of any sexual assault, not to having simply complained of the sexual assault which serves only to encourage sexual p Reply Lifegoeson Another war the US benefit from. The UN sit back and do nothing to put an end to this U do over the illegal occupation of Palestine. This is why it is important that Russia does nc protect Russian speaking Ukrainians. China is clearly next on the US list of hated countrie Reply MartLin The biggest humanitarian war driven crisis being supported by US weapons and speciali: coalition against Yemenis all because they are allied with Iran. The western media is com well as the fake virtue signalers in EU. Reply Whitey Nothing short of genocide. g hr Reply (+ -) Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! ene 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News Mant Chre gase al dia con | Nunea te pierdas una F sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. Moslem world fix this, (but they like killing each other) which they have been doing since died! Reply Teo Bircea The Saetans Media/News are Mute over this, disgusting. » nr Reply +2 ( ) EL Eli-SABACHTHANI Thanks to Amarica the child and women KILLER g hr Reply HG -) sadly putin has to support the saudis too 9 nr Reply “G_-) Mi Morte Human rights only matter inside Ukraine right now of course. So much for Western hum Reply Lifegoeson Morte, Didn't know the West had any humanity nr 1 reply SA Salix And they same people who are behind this horror in Yemen are shedding crocodile tears sanctions over Ukraine. | really hate all these hypocritical thugs who are leading my cour ordinary people like me to commit economical suicide because our "superior moral" doe buy Russian enerev while we proudly suoport genocides committed by our US or Abarth Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! m4 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News de R i sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. shake nanus Witt Wie COW! prince UF Une OUNLTY Ural engingereu anu Carrieu GUL UT gotta be a DEAL in the making. More planes and hi- tech weapons for sale to destroy Yemeni people, no doubt. And of course he comes hat in hand to beg for oll discount large chunk of our strategic oil reserves to China. WOW-EE!! 1 reply BarryBlastoff Photo caption - Baby clings to mailbox says, "Save your gaffa tape, he'll post himself” 1; Reply oe Rush 5 The horror is Red Cross selling baby parts and thats the reason they are dying. 12 nr Reply 4G -) © BarryBlastoff Rush 5, Red Cross and Clinton Foundation - Crimes against Humanity - Ask Haiti 11 + 1 reply Louis Lemire 300,000+ slaughtered with American military hardware and not a peep in the news over Reply 4 © charies Butcher Louis Lemire, that is because they are NOT WHITE. g hy 1 reply @ JUDAHLIONS1 The satanic filthy heathen gentile degenerate Edomite Caucasian race of Snakkked are b earth and yet the other cowardly nations refuse to call them out and not be confederate fools perish and die daily globally, so be it, Amen... Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad “Aceptar cookies de RT para obtener mas E informacion hps:twiw comnowsiss8711-yemen-heatncare-babis-dying! ana 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. GF Golden Fox News articles such as this is a reason why RT is one of the best news sources around the Reply @ charies Butcher Golden Fox, they cover the news without fear or FAVOUR unlike the western media tt an agenda 2 more replies HZA the red cross -another toothless zio spying mouthpiece on the loose like the in, many of disaster on earth Reply Srinivas Naidu Injeti United Slaves of America do not recognize these deaths. This is all propaganda by under Reply SQ Squee So about 252000 who died were under the age of five! 13 hr Reply o0G@_-) xyborg373 When will the cries of the people oppressed all over the planet by America be heard. Am weapons which kill innocent civilians every day, and then talk about human rights. This is nation on earth as they deal in lies and death in every way possible. Reply Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies hitpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomon-healticare-babies-dying! one 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “hoor inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News Mant Chre gase al dia con | Nunca te pierdas una F sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. Thinkhard To US Yemenese were never human to them their eye consider only Ukrainian and their deaths of People from Donbass and LPR. Their collective sin will soon catch up time has history ever forgotten. Reply % Timothy W Thinkhard, Americans don't care much about Ukrainian deaths either. But their medi in an effort to create the image that all the $ for weapons being sent over there is we 1 more reply akwillie Sadly, killing women and children seems to be what US/Europe do best. 14 hy Reply 04 -) Helene Matz akwillie, wan king degenerate pe an is playingO rated morons are more important 1: 1 reply MO MotherLand US NATO are supplying deadly armanents to the Saudi lead coalition in bombing Yemen Women and children are paying the highest price in this human made catastrophe, Theit suffering can even make heaven shed in tears. Reply Ss Who-Benefits Yemen in the front line affronting tyranny and Imperialism assault. If their resistance lasted for so many years with bare hands, it a telling of Israeli, Saudis @ with their modern weaponry not a match to the will of the people. Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomon-healticare-babies-dying! so 1017122, 20:55 Mathes y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, de R i sencilla que te ofrece los uiltimos titulares. Ihe child's tace speaks a thousand words. I see tear and | see hunger. A double curse on this about. Reply dean matchett Horrific example of USA & Saudi imperialism. Fascism is alive & well in USA. 44 hr Reply 04 = © ingimundar dean matchett, World citizen look: hat are you going to choose, Socialism with Chine: fascism with American characteristics? What are you gonna choose? 1 more reply Ss Who-Benefits “international community"!!2? What that is? 15hr Reply 42. = Oblomov Esoteric letter box wornen....they are living in terror for their own live: Reply ee) @ Anthony C. Blandino and the powers that be do NOT care. Wrong skin color. 5 hr Reply 4G -) © peb Heru Anthony C. Blandino, Exactly! But you hear "I stand with Ukraine" ad nauseum. It's all 1 ranly Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! ne 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News, gase al dia con | Nunea te pierdas una F sencilla que te ofrece los ultimos titulares. Mant Chre cH Churchill It’s one of the most corrupt places on Earth. The West used and abused the simple peop needs. Now they die en mass, the West turns away Reply GF Golden Fox Kudos to RT for publishing vital news about our greater human family. 15 hr Reply Golden Fox This is a humanitarian disaster of unimaginable proportions. One mother and SIX babies is unacceptable. 50% of births being unattended is very grave and one significant reason infant mortality, Yemenis having to risk death to go to a hospital is a sign of WAR CRIMES WAR CRIME to target facilities vital to civilians. Saudi and the West have plunged yet anot country into entropic chaos. The amoral and cruel meddling has to stop, Reply Donald w. You can not draw international attention when the West propagandist controls what you Assange is in prison for telling the truth with no chance of release. Reply BillB If only someone would nuke Israel :( 16 hr Reply ne ) GF Golden Fox Well done, RT, for covering this and giving the Yemeni mothers and dying children a voice Reply +9 ( Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! rane 1017122, 2055 Mares y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “horror inimaginable’ dice la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News Golden Fox. You're a hero in my book for standing for what is true and what is just in times where pressure on truth speakers. Thank you a million times GF. May God bless you and all that you hold dear madam du @8 2 more replies Golden Fox Someone did not get the memo that a Yemeni child's life is worth the same as a Europea British child's life. Where is the West's outrage? Where is the hypocritical MSM? This is nc Western TV outlets. Prayers for Yerneni mothers and their dying infants. Reply Tolstoy Comments © De todo el mundo Laexesposade Bill Maher es La imagen muestra Musk, Talulah educado porsu _—al asesino de Riley, explica por propio invitado Shinzo Abe de pie. qué sevolviéa sobre inflacién, _—_detras de él justo casar con él mercado de antes de matar valores sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de priv de RT pi jener mas, informacién. Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst.cominewsl5S8711-yomen-healticare-babies-dying! sa 1017122, 20:55 adres y bebés yemenies que enfrentan un “hoor inimaginable’, — Sasa oe la Cruz Roja @ RT — RT World News News Shows Live Russia & Former Soviet Projects Applications Union Where to watch Business ‘Schedule Sport Sponsored content Op-ed Terms of Use Privacy policy About RT Contact info Feedback & Complaints Vacancies © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti", 2005-2022. All rights reserved, Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Lea la politica de privacidad de RT para obtener mas informacién Aceptar cookies htpsswwwst cominewsl5S8711-yomen-heatticare-babies-dying! sane

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