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Activity 8.

My opinion on a controversy theme

Ana Karen Cortez Gutierrez
Group: 01/ 6 semester
Communicative competence in English
Facilitator: Amelia del Pilar Bravo Garza

March 23th, 2022, Monterrey Nuevo Leon.

Controversy theme: Stigmatization of people with mental and neurological
Stigma is the negative label that is put on people and that it is very difficult for them to
get rid of it, in the case of people with mental disorders, society usually labels them as
dangerous, weak and useless, which generates attitudes and acts discriminatory
rejection of them.
The perception that society has about mental illness is often based only on prejudices,
biased by ignorance and misinformation, often influenced by the sensationalism of the
media, which play a fundamental role in their generation. against mental illnesses and
people who suffer from them. There are reported cases where people with mental
disorders have been responsible for committing serious acts of violence, however, most
epidemiological studies do not confirm that people with mental disorders are more
violent than the rest of the population.
We ourselves see it in the career we study in psychology, how some families and
people still refuse to go to therapy or receive help from a psychologist for the simple fact
of this stigma, as such, I feel that it is the responsibility of us as students spread the
knowledge that we have learned and gradually remove this misconception that the
psychologist is only for crazy people, educating the population in an adequate way
about mental illnesses, recognizing that with a controlled and accepted mental illness
one can lead a normal life, integrate into the community, study, work and socialize. The
reduction of the stigma around the patient with mental illness can promote that they
have an earlier intervention, improve their support networks, that the evolution and
prognosis are more favorable, that individuals reintegrate as soon as possible and
better way to society.
And not only with society, I think that informing families more about what the
psychologist really does in therapy will help reduce this stigma much more effectively
and quickly, despite the fact that some families are deeply rooted in their ideals or

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