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Terminale STL – ETLV Activity 1– sequence n° 22

mgr J.K. Kujawski


Sequence n° 22:Acet
Aci dum conductometric
yl sa l i cyl i cum and Ibuprtitrations
analysis in drugs.

I nt roduct
ACTIVITY 1 : ion Conductometric titration of aspirin
Conductivity method can be used as a simple and convenient technique for
determining the concentration of weak acids such as acetylsalicylic acid and
Conductivity in drugs.
method can be used as a simple and convenient technique for determining the concentration of
weak acids such the titration
as acetylsalicylic of During
acid. the following reactions
the titration occur (Fig.1-2)
of the following reaction occurs:

Fig.1. Reaction of Acidum Acetylsalicylicum w ith sodium hydroxide


DOCUMENT 1: Conductometric measurements

Initially the conductance is Fig.2. Reaction

low due of Ibuprofenum
to the w ith sod ium
feeble ionization ofhydroxide
acetylsalicylic acid. The conductance
increases on adding NaOH as it neutralizes the undissociated acetylsalicylic acid to its sodium salt which is
Initially the conductance is low due to the feeble ionization of acetic acid. On the
the strong electrolyte. This increase in conductance continues to rise up to the equivalence point. The
graph of base,
J.K. Kujawski
the there point
equivalence is decrease
is curvedindue conductance
the hydrolysis notof only
salt. due to the
Beyond the equivalence
replacement point,
of H by increases
conductance Na butmore
+ alsorapidly
with the the dissociation
addition of NaOH due of toacid
the due
common𝐻𝑂ion −
acetate. But very soon, the conductance increases on adding NaOH as NaOH
resulting in the disappearance of slightly dissociated acid, in place of which occurs a completely dissociated
The equivalence point of titration is determined by drawing a tangents to the
sodium thehas
salt, which un-dissociated acetylsalicylic
a higher conductivity acid(ibuprofenum)
than the undissociated acid form. to
Theits sodium point
equivalence salt of
titration curve (before and after equivalence point, Fig.4).
which is the strong electrolyte. This increase in conductance continues raise up to
titration is determined by drawing a tangent to the titration curve (before and after equivalence point,
the equivalence point. The graph near the equivalence point is curved due the
hydrolysis of salt. Beyond the equivalence point, conductance increases more
rapidly with the addition of NaOH due to the highly conducting OH − ions resulting
in disappearance slightly dissociated acid, in place of which occurs a completely
dissociated sodium salt, which has a higher conductivity than the undissociated
acid form (Fig.3).

Fig. 4. Determination of equivalence point

M at erials and m et hods

Conductometer Volumetric flask 250ml

Magnetic stirrer Beaker 150ml

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Fig. 3. Conductometric titration of a w eak acid (acetylsalicylic acid/ ibuprofenum) vs. a strong base (NaOH)
Single-Channel Pipette 1ml Tweezers

Volumetric pipettes 100ml 0,1M NaOH

Measuring cylinder 50ml C2H5OH

Terminale STL – ETLV Activity 1– sequence n° 22

DOCUMENT 2: Materials and methods


Magnetic stirrer
Volumetric pipettes 100mL
Measuring cylinder 50mL
Volumetric flask 250mL
Beaker 150mL
0.1M NaOH solution

DOCUMENT 3: Procedure
Sample preparation
Check the weight of the drug tablet on an analytical balance, place the tablet in a volumetric flask
(250mL). Add 15mL of distillated water and 30mL of ethanol to volumetric flask and mix it until tablet is
dissolved. Fill volumetric flask to the mark, place a stir bar inside and continue mixing for 5 min.
Pipette into a beaker 100mL of the solution. Place in a beaker and stir bar and conductivity cell. Each time
add 0.5mL of NaOH solution, mix the solution for 1min, stop the stirrer before conductivity
measurement. Write down the results.


 Acquiring vocabulary

English French
measuring cylinder

 Understanding the titration

Carry out the experiment.
Present your results orally and try to answer the problem: what is the initial mass of aspirin in an aspirin

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Terminale STL – ETLV Activity 1– sequence n° 22

Activity summary
What you must remember:
- Conductivité

- Conductivité ionique molaire

Skills linked to the curriculum:

Compétences Capacités à maitriser

Interpréter qualitativement l'allure de la courbe de
titrage par suivi conductimétrique en utilisant des
- ANA tables de conductivités ioniques molaires et en
déduire le volume à l'équivalence du titrage.

- REA Réaliser un protocole de titrage mettant en jeu une

réaction suivie par conductimétrie.

- COM Formuler et argumenter des réponses structurées

Formuler et présenter une conclusion

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