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Financial Literacy
Summer of 2022

Day 1:
Introduction to Financial Literacy and our work together.

Background info on me
Background info on Lidieth, Gustavo, and Rosa
What would they like to learn?

Why is financial literacy important?

Write 5 reasons why
What do students need to know how to do?

Set up of the work we’ll do:

WE will review curriculum and lesson plans to determine if they:
Cover necessary topics
Proceed in logical order
Make sure the language is correct and that exercises are culturally relevant
We will modify lesson plans as needed

I will share effective teaching techniques with you.

Overview of curriculum

Go through lesson.
Teaching techniques:
Lesson design
Math continuum - concrete, bridge, abstracto
Use of place value board and base 10 blocks

Day 2 - Jim teach one of the finance lessons

Day 3 and 4 - each student teaches a finance lesson 

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