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Physical Activity, Exercise and Wellness

Before the start of classes, I used to do exercises and stretching routines at home. Indoor
exercises were the most optimal for my situation since it still didn’t feel safe for me to walk
around our barangay, or to work out inside of gyms. Moreover, my personal space at home was
the perfect size for at-home exercises. I focused on exercises such as light weight training and
yoga. My main fitness goal since then is to decrease body fat percentage for my physique. After
a bit of research, I learned that the best way to achieve a lower body fat percentage (aside from
implementing a calorie deficit) is to increase muscle mass, and that was my primary motivation
for doing weight training. I also did yoga because I enjoyed stretching and relaxing during days
in which I feel like lifting weights is not the best for me and my body. Both types of exercise
helped me in slowly achieving my physical, mental, and emotional fitness goals. I would highly
encourage others to also take steps in becoming holistically fit as well. However, I do
acknowledge that not everyone might have the same privilege of free time and enough space as
me when they are at home. Instead, I would like to suggest inactive people, or those who do not
have the luxury of time or space to be active, to do alternative activities that may help them
become holistically fit by releasing stress. Alternative activities may include breathing exercises
throughout the day, standing and stretching out after a long period of sitting down, or simply
taking a short break to relax and be present.

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