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Interpretable ML

Catboost / XGboost /

AI Fairness 360

What criteria should i consider?

1. Businees Impact
- what bus.pblm we are solving
- bringing talent
- risk (how high is the cost of error)
2. Technical Feasibility
- data availabilty
- ML solvability
- System maturity(production / scalability / feedback for the pblm)

ML scorecard for multiple option

good vs bad vs uncertain usecase

Designing Ux for your ML product

- usecases
- Ui design
- cost of error
- Metrics

cost of error is high then we need to go for Precision

Frequent challenges
1. longer den=velopmnt time without knowing the outcome.
Data availability
Feedback loop - there is not a clear feedback loop

- high business impact & technical feasibility

- use scorecard when priotizing multiple initiativies

- consider & plan for edge cases

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