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COME TO HADITHA! Where are you going to spend your holidays? HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THE JOYS HADITHA HAS TO OFFER YOU? Of the Cool Breezes off the Broad Euphrates ? Are you run down? Then come and rest your tired nerves at our LUXURIOUS RIVERSIDE REST CAMP THE “SERVICE” DRY CLEANING CO, WEAR OUR PERFECTLY PRESSED PANTS 3 (K) STATION ROAD ee ee, ——_—_—_—_________* RADIO BY VIGOR’S E. A, LONEY. For Pipes, try our The Silencing Expert. “WIGGY” The Cabin, Love Lane. Patent, for a dry Smoke. Fully Licensed—Cabaret at 11 pm. FATHA SPA HOTEL Baiji Aerodrome Adjacent For your Coiffare— CONSTANCE BENNET, “ Buphrates” Wayes onr Speciality. Make your Reservations for the Christmas Festivities early. 3 HADITHA SPA. Within one Mile of the nearest MAIN LINE STATION and on THE MAIN OVERLAND ROUTE India, for the Golden East/The Mediterranean Ports (with frequent sailings to the Western Area) REGULAR AEROPLANE SERVICES Twice Weekly to the Coast and the Interior LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES Overcome by our ‘attentive Interpreters, stationed at all Airports and Coach Terminals. 4 5 USE KASEY KINCH’S KATTLE KOUGH KURES—(Advt.) HADITHA FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS! Correct that middle-aged spread in the Concerts—Every Evening—Dancing. TILLIE TAYLOR ' @ LOLA LITTLEDALE BOTANICAL GARDENS. and BEBE BICKHAM Excellent Cuisine (Free) SLIMMING SALON—East Street—Anah BOTTING & HICKMAN y Fresh produce from the Home Farm Family Butchers H. & C. HAIFA SAUSAGES SAVELOYS FRESH HAGGIS FAGGOTS WHELKS BLOATERS Semi—Private Bathrooms. (Out of season delicacies supplied by refrigerator ‘plane) Tel: HORSE FAIR 2030. @ a SUN BATHING—NUDISM—PHYSICAL CULTURE. Special Terms for worn-out Haifa-ites and Kirkuklies, and their families. 6 THE “TORSO” PHYSICAL CULTURE ACADEMY (Late: f°. H, Squires) Don’t be bullied; let Professor “ Left Hook” Montague train you to be a HE-MAN BOXING, WRESTLING, FENCING, FIRST-CLASS GYMNASIUM. MONTY'S METHODS MAKE MIGHTY MUSCLES Tel: Main 1010. CAZALY’S THE CHEMISTS. | Pill-rolling a Speciality. Open 9—11 each Sunday to dispense the POPULAR PINK PICK-ME-UP O—DO—RO—NO The New Hydro will be opening shortly, and we are bound to he full over the Holidays. 7 MANY ATTRACTIONS. Including: . On the delightful river and back waters. . Among shaded island gardens. Boating Canoeing Bathing . In our private pool—high-diving exhibitions. Qos . Grouse, Partridge, Wild Fowl, Hare, Deer, Silver-Fox: and tame Pigeons for the youngsters, Riding . Hacks obtainable from our own livery stables. Motoring - Ineresting xuns into the surrounding countryside. Road Houses at convenient distances. Reliability Trials held fre- quently under the auspices of the Haditha Owner-Drivers’ Assn. Dancing . To the refrains of Haditha Dance Orchestras. Golf . On the finest links in the Near East. Miniature Golf . With flood-lighting for night play, Tennis . On Championship Courts set in the midst of the celebrated Haditha Botanical Gardens. Football. . Four resident teams of international exper- ience. Matches held twice weekly at the Park Enclosure. . Frequent Championship Contests at the Airport Stadium. ®...,, All the above at moderate terms. REFRESHMENTS OBTAINABLE AT THE GRANDSTANDS ON ALL OCCASIONS o ORGANISED INDOOR SPORTS AND PASTIMES. WATER ! WATER !! WATER !!! for all purposes SUPPLIED 1N POTTLES, BUCKETS, OR PIPES Darts — Shove Ha’penny HOMBO & ALBERT The Water Specialists TABLE TENNIS e Cat Amongst the Pigeons Note: Our Water may be safely used for BARGES, LOATING, BAPTISMS, SUICIDES, ETC. Should only be used for BINGES to dilute WHISKY & WHISKEY. JIG-SAW PUZZLES Kiss - in - the - Ring and Postman’s Knock. WEE McGUFFIE & CO. (The Original Flying Plumbers) Pipes bent, straightened, twisted, mend d and unblocked Estimates only rea Head Offices, London, W. C. 1 At THE CASINO Crown and Anchor Should consult :— LEE & PALS, The Never—Never Furnishers ROULETTE Pitch and Toss and Card Games. Deliveries by Plain Van—Service with a Magnetic Smile e ‘PHONE BUSH 2719—DISTANCE NO OBJECT All the above with the Sky the limit and Don't delay—Com?'to Haditha NOW plenty of local rules, 10 HADITHA SANATORIUM Drink habit positively cured in 75 years Money refunded in full on the First Lapse Principal: Prof. TOPSY REID EMERGENCY EXIT IN CASE OF FiRE Cut round dotted lines BE ORIGINAL Let the HADITHA SPORTS DEPOT Dress you. Gentlemen's Taalors; ROMPERS A SPECIALITY Facial Contortionist MYRTLE MONTAGUE A grin in every grimace. The World's Greatest Lover IVOR JOHNSON, in Popular Hits. The Two-Two Terror. —_———$ Leader: SYNCOPATED SYDNEY, and CORNIE on the IVORIES, Trick Cycling by: Qoune (PYPHCON) TAYLOR |‘ TWELVE BY TWELVE GOSSIP” Assisted by ROSIH RED MeNE\LLY Take the Kiddies for sailon Hajlan Water. 11 THE FORUM THEATRE (Hajlan—Haditha) Every Saturday Night 8-40 The Loguacious Laddies BARNES & JENNINGS In after-dinner speeches. High stepping with the TILLIE TAYLOR TROUPE, including :— Mona Minnis Myrtle Montague Mary Manning Sadie Smith Tap-dancing by Myrtle, with comments from Mary. Broken Bottles, by BOBBIE BYRNE, JACK MARR’S DANCE ORCHESTRA. Professor STRAD BESJIAN, assisted by Constance Clazaly, Violinist, and EURICO REID the popular tenor, in students’ songs. Crooners Mr. Bing Seelinger and Miss Gracie Hilton. "Sketch entitled : Being intimate glimpses into the life of a big city. IN CASE OF FIRE THEATRE CLEARS IN ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS. FIRF CAPTAIN: 8. J, (PHOMITE) MANNING. 12 ec INFERIORITY COMPLEX The HADITHA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL will make a bonehead into a Successful Pipe Liner in six easily mustered lessons. Post-graduate courses in Buck Passing and Lead Swinging. EYEWASH Apply to :— THE ACCOUNTS BUREAU, HADITHA HAPPINESS ASSN. 15/- a day is the cost of keeping poor children from the slums of Haditha at the Seaside. Thousands of applicants. Do you Jive at the Seaside? Then subscribe to Rev. Blondin’s Relief Fund (Advt.) THE R. V. P. Taxi Service, Open Day and Night George Hilton e Successor to J. J. Rogers Honeymoon Couples boarded free during Xmas Vacation.

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