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Dear colleagues,

As many of you well know, Ukraine faced war. Cities of Ukraine have been under air attack, Russian
troops entered by ground, surrounding cities, destroying everything on their way, villages disappearing
from the face of the earth. Russian soldiers dying without understanding what for, Ukraine soldiers
dying to protect our land and freedom to the last drop of blood.

Russian called it “special operation”, but this is a real war, where civil and children are dying and
suffering. Surrounded cities remain without water, electricity and near to humanitarian catastrophe. Civil
objects destroyed.

I kindly ask you to print in and post in public spaces, to share it with you friends and in your community
in Facebook, Viber, Telegram, etc.

If you want to support Ukraine and Ukraine Army please make donation, how much you can, to this
official bank account or by crypto.

To support Ukraine Army: Ukraine public crypto platform Kuna:

BTC - 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P

ETH - 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14

USDT (trc20) - TEFccmfQ38cZS1DTZVhsxKVDckA8Y6VfCy

Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians Affected by Russia’s Aggression:

Easy way for donate payments by trustful bank of many Ukrainians

Link to this file:

Thank you for your support and stay safe.

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