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A. Answer the following completely in your own words.

1. Using your own words, define hyperlink.

Hyperlinks as you can see in many web links it is opening a new document
without leaving the current document you open

2. From where can you select the links?

From a underlined text or color blue text kadalasan and an image with link and or
you can select it from the web page and google drive

3. Where can you add hyperlinks?

In text and image

4. Why do you think files from computers cannot be linked in Google Slides?

Because they are downloaded and downloaded files cannot contain link as long as
it has not been post in some type of web or storage that doesn’t allow you to have a
link in location

5. How can a hyperlink look like a hyperlink on a web page?

Evaluate: it will look like a word with a line and has color blue

Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills


B. Answer the following comprehensively.

1. While doing the activity in this lesson, what have you realized about hyperlinks?

I realized that I used hyperlinks in searching online

2. What do you think is the difference between a word link and a hyperlink?

I think the difference it that the hyperlink is you can jump in different pages and
the wordlink is like finding its source and combining its meaning

3. What is your position on linking a slide within the same presentation?

I think I am a newbie since I just learned it and it’s a total surprise

4. What makes the hyperlink important?

Its for finding the source and to search for its content

5. How would you know if the word or image is a modified hyperlink?

If it has a blue color and line and if you can see the link within the image or THE

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