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Laily Dwi Jayati

Hamlet Sepat Rt/Rw 001/003, Suru Village,

Sooko District, Ponorogo Regency


August 10, 2022

Mrs Ratri

Director of DARMAYU Hospital

dr Soetomo street no 21, Ponorogo city


Dear Mrs Ratri:

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your hospital that is informed by your

website. I am interested in a position as a midwifery.

I am the best graduate midwife, and I also have experience working in hospital. I am capable of APN,
ANC, Postnatal care , neonatus care and can provide contraceptive services. I also know about

basic life support and basic life support. I can work in a team, patient, hardworking and quick to

accept referrals. In addition, I have also attended several health trainings and seminars that can

support my ability to provide good service to patients and hospitals.

I really hope that you read this cover letter and can accept me to be a part of the hospital you

lead. Thank you

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb


Laily Dwi Jayati

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