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1) Where is Bath located? Bath is located in England.

2) Who are Pete and Carla? They are students in Bath.
3) What do they usually do in the city? They usually walk in the street or sit
In a café and watch the turists.
4) What’s the weather like? The weather/ It is hot, and it’s summer
5) How many people are there in the street? There are a lot of turists in the street.
There are four or five people in the street
6) Who (quién/ a quién) do they find in the street? They find a man playing a flute. They
want to hear some music.
7) How many coins are there in the hat? there are three or four coins in the hat.
8) Why do Pete want to get away? He wants to get away because he sees the shops in
the next street and, apart from that, he says the man isn’t a very good flute player.
9) Where do they go then? They walk to the next street and They enter/go to a shop
10) What do the students want to do in the shop? The students want to look at the old
coins and stamps, they are going to start collecting them.

1) What does the shopkeeper think of Pete and Carla? The shopkeeper thinks that Pete and
Carla steal the coins.
2) Is Tracy friendly? Why? No, she isn’t, because She doesn’t smile
3) Where do they decide to go after the shop? They decide to go back to the big street/ for a
coffee, because Pete wants a drink
4) What happens in the Abbey?
5) Why Tracy is not accused of stealing the coins?
6) What does the shopkeeper do to prove that they are innocent?
7) Why do they decide to go with the flute player? To prove that he is the robber
8) How does the flute player steal the coins? The girls went to the window and throws the
coins in the flute player’s hat

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