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Words of similar meaning sentences: Verbs

1. I shall abridge my essay in order to match the word limit.

2. It took her great effort to procure the original copy.

3. He strongly revered the art of sculpting.

4. People tend to thwart others on purpose.

5. The librarian bickered about a stain on the cover of the book.

6. Stephen Hawking postulated the existance of parallel universes.

7. The students crowed about their recent success.

8. Journalists like to dupe people into reading their articles through flashy headlines.

9. The police corraborate that the tragic event did take place.

10. Coercion is rumoured to have been used by officials.

11. I abhor metal music.

12. The little boy snickered annoyingly.

13. The mere idea of debt vexes people.

14. The meeting was shelved with no date in mind.

15. He was chided harshly for not washing the dishes.

16. The whole family scurries down the stairs.

17. They will be presented with a hurtful jibe.

18. The prince was instantly allured by the young maid.

19. Young people are being presented with unfathomable opportunities.

20. Pillage is a serious crime.


1. The salesman on the phone was suprisingly belligerent for someone who is trying to sell
sleeping pills.

2. The irate teacher said that he would not let insolence go unpunished.

3. It was a valiant attempt, but the birthday cake she made still fell apart.

4. The bench they were trying to lift proved cumbersome.

5. The allegory of the fox is wiliness

6. "The journey shall be long and perilous, but whatever may happen, you must stay on track", said
the king.

7. The process of painting the house had something fervent to it.

8. My neighbour is, frankly, a frugal person.

9. Obesity is a very common trait these days.

10. In his confusion, the man let out a clamorous shriek.

11. She impetuously knocked the glass off of the table.

12. A ravenous look in his eyes, she rushed into the cellar.

13. You could say her personality is discrepant.

14. Having never done any physical work before, he was deemed slothful by the other workers.

15. "You should've never said that stingy comment".

16. He woulda been dead or destitute without a cent of restitution.

17. The number of his CD's is copious; he has so many of them.

18. He was raised in an opulent environment.

19. Being coy is supposed to be a virtue.

20. "Just a paltry minute of your time Ma'm, to save the children".

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