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有偏见的--biased, prejudiced
Reviews 点评

Videos and photos that are carefully edited --misleading--

People would hold high expectation, which would be destroyed
by the reality when they come to the place in person. --is not as
beautiful as the videos or photos show

Cultural difference + visitors normally spend several days in a

foreign country

When encountering cultural differences, they may easily reach a

conclusion that the country they visit is much worse or better
than theirs due to the lack of understanding of local cultures.

Bad experiences-- over-charged by street vendors 被宰了

Buy fake goods
National identities 民族特征
Business--foreign brands-- T-shirt, jeans, casual clothes vs.
Traditional costumes
(便服-casual clothes, casual attire; 正装 formal dressing)

Culture--traditional festivals vs. Christmas

The Double Nine Festival--ascend a higher place; drink special
alcohol, wear flowers

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