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Periodization do Treino Linear Periodization: Comee com 10 to 12 reps por 9 semanas.

Aumente o peso e faa 2 to 4 repspor two to three weeks. Ou add in a backoff set of higher reps after you have completed your low-rep work, por two to three weeks. Alternating Periodization alternating between phases of higher volume (more sets and reps, less weight) and higher intensity (less sets and reps, heavier weight). Three to four week 10 to 12. Three to four week 4 to 6. Dic higher volume (more sets and reps, less weight) higher intensity (less sets and reps, heavier weight) BEST BODY-FAT LEVELOur bodies are much more anabolic at a lower body-fat percentage. You should be somewhere around 10-12% body-fat to achieve the greatest anabolic effect.Studies have shown this range to be the most beneficial for packing on muscle and remaining in an anabolic state. At this level your insulin sensitivity is actually higher as well, meaning that you can eat more carbohydrates and use them for building muscle instead of storing body-fat. When you are fatter your body becomes more efficient at storing body-fat and less efficient at building muscle. How many sets should I do per exercise? there is very rarely any need for you to ever do more than two work sets at the same rep range, with the same weight, per exercise. How many sets should I do per workout? 10-12 total sets per workout are all that.s needed to achieve mind blowing muscle gains NUMBER OF REPS USED The best rep range for building massive muscle is 5-8 reps. REST INTERVALS BETWEEN SETS In simple terms, long rest periods (2-4 minutes) allow for greater recovery of the nervous system and are linked with an increase in testosterone production. Shorter rest intervals (45-90 seconds) target the metabolic system and are linked with an increase in growth hormone production. TRAINING SESSION LENGTH I recommend that you always limit your workouts to 3045 minutes, max. WORK SETS FOR HYPERTROPHY there is really no reasonfor more than two work sets of the same number of reps with the same weight atthe same intensity TRAINING FREQUENCYmost people get their best size gains by training no more than three to four days per week Training to FailureYou should leave one in the tank on at about 50% of all sets you do. You should hit clean failure on about 40% of your total sets and can really get nuts and go to death set failure about 10% of the time. One in the Tank: In other words, you should have a rep (or two, at most) left in your tank. This is how you should do most of your sets, most of the order to make continued strength and size gains, stopping with one in the tank is your smartest bet and will provide the greatest gains. Clean Failure:it is good to use during the last week or two of a program to really push your weights up. WARM UP SETS Warm up sets do not count toward your total training volume. Perform ten to twenty reps. Then approximately thirty percent of the starting weight for another set of six to ten reps. Then jump up to fifty percent for a set of five followed by about seventy percent for a set of three to five reps. The last warm up set

should usually be about ninety percent of your starting weight for one to three reps. If you are strong and going incredibly heavy, you may need or want to do a few mor warm ups e than this. Do recovery workouts: By performing a very light, high-rep workout the dayafter an intense training session, you.ll drive some blood into the muscles and you can actually accelerate your ability to recover. Stretch on your off days Sleep eight to 10 hours a night Take naps:Taking a 20.60-minute nap once a day is a great way to make faster progress. Take a contrast bath after training: hot waterfor one minute, and then immediately jumping into a tub of ice-cold water for another then repeat this process for up to 10 minutes. Get a massage at least once a week Avoid stress Take a week off: Every six to 12 weeks, your body will start to break down and demand a rest.(This is obviously not possible for someone who is trying to reach the highest levels of muscle and strength, but it should be paid attention to. You probably take less time off than you should.) How to grow:Ditch all the isolation crap like flyes and leg extensions and focus on squats, deadlifts, chin ups and presses Train three to four . days a week for no more than an hour and eat like your life depends on it.If you do that, you won.t be calling yourself a hardgainer too much longer.

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