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Practice 1:
1. Set a timer for ten minutes or-have someone time you. Freewrite without
stopping for the full ten minutes. If you get stuck, repeat or rhyme the last word
you wrote until words start flowing again but don't stop writing!...
2. When you finish, write down one or two words that describe how you felt while

3. Next, read your freewriting. Underline any words or lines you like-any- thing
that strikes you as interesting, thoughtful, or funny. If nothing strikes you, that's

I remember that about 22 or maybe 24 years ago, my mom refused to buy me a

Nintendo. She claimed that it would damage our TV Set. Maybe it was the only
main problem with videogames many years ago. However, my generation could
enjoy some masterpieces of games, and spend hours and hours in front of the
television, just playing with Super Mario Bros and nothing wrong happened to us.
But later, many videogames haters including psychologists claimed that
videogames are violent, could affect subject’s behavior, and for many other
reasons they considered it as a bad influence to our society.
There are several violent games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Grand theft
Auto, or Mortal Kombat, but all of them are made for a mature gamer population.
Besides, what do you expect from a game about modern warfare or something
about kill zombies and monsters; kisses, butterflies or rainbows? It is not a secret
the existence of several individuals with some metal diseases or psychological
problems; those people would be violent by nature, and videogames just offers one
of multiple ways to unleash their inner violent instincts. Let´s face it, movies show
violent in a raw and more explicit way than videogames, but almost nobody says
anything against directors, scriptwriters or even actors. What about soap operas, it
shows violent scenes in almost every chapter, ironically, this kind of
“entertainment “are very popular among women. Many sports are extremely
violent too, such as boxing, football, professional wrestling and the mixed martial
arts, and millions of people around the world just enjoy watch it. In my opinion
videogames are not a bad influence to society, but society is a bad influence to
videogames. If you don’t believe me, just examine some historical facts: Cain
didn’t need a violent videogame to kill his younger brother Abel; also, Romans
didn’t need a GTA game in order to crucify Jesus Christ. Call of Duty didn’t help
in the genocide of almost 6 million Jews, sponsored by Adolf Hitler, in the same
way, Dominican tyrant Rafael L. Trujillo wasn’t playing Mortal Kombat before
kill the Mirabal Sisters, and finally, the Charles Manson’s family didn’t play hours
and hours of God of War to then, brutally stabbed 16 times actress Shannon Tate,
when she was two weeks from giving birth. As you may notice, there are no
videogames involved in those events, but easily, some publishers and developers
might be influenced by the aforementioned events, and create a new a more violent
videogame, in fact, there is a game about John F. Kennedy´s assassination.
I felt pretty good while freewriting
Practice 2:
Try three more freewritings at home-each one ten minutes long. Do them at
different times of day or night when you have a quiet moment. If possible, use a
timer. Set it for ten minutes; then write quickly and freely until it rings. Later, read
over your freewritings and underline any striking lines or ideas.

Technology affects people all over the world both positively and negatively. While
I do agree that advances in technology have made our countries safer and our lives
easier, they have also negatively affected our lives. My parents did not grow up in
front of a computer or a PlayStation. They did not spend hours each day looking at
what their virtual friends are doing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Instead
they went out with flesh and blood friends, played football, or simply took a walk
in the woods. But of course, they didn’t pay for an ice cream using a credit card
and didn’t buy movie tickets online. Advances in technology have brought us
online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, virtual reality.
However, they also brought us cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber
stalking, and a host of other bad things. Also people started getting lazy and more
ignorant. Long gone are the days when people were flocking to the library if only
to do some research for a school assignment. Nowadays, one can find everything
on the Internet. Instead of playing some football or having a fun snowball fight,
children are playing video games for hours. Bicycles have been replaced by
electric bikes. Rollerblades have been replaced with electric motorized skates. Yes,
theyre fun cant argue with that. However they are making children more sedentary.
And, as you know, a sedentary lifestyle has major negative health consequences.
People are slowly forgetting that physical activity is an important part of a
balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Practice 3:
Do a three-minute focused freewriting on three of these topics:

Beach, body piercing, friendship, parent (or child), news, tests.

Underline as usual. Did you surprise yourself by having so much to say about any
one topic? Perhaps you would like to write more about that topic.

There is a general meaning for friendship of course that the most important is the
one that you have. No one is alone in the world. A lot of people have different
behavior but are compatible with someone else. A friendship can last forever
depending on the feelings that the friends share, is obviously that exist friends only
by interest and just look for what they want without thinking of you. So friendship
covers large different topics and feelings between the humans.

Something that I miss in this life is going to the beach, I have like 6 years that I
don’t go. Its really peaceful, give me a lot of peace when I’m on the beach, jus
sitting on the sand looking to the sea, and hearing the wave. I don’t really like to
get in the sea, just relaxing there.

I was with my friend days ago, he wanted to tell me about something, I thought it
was a bad news that my heart started beating fast. I was nervous until he told me it
wasn’t a bad news. he told me that he was going to be a dad, so I was excited for
him. he is one of my best friends so we went out that day to celebrate that
important news.

Practice 4:
1. Read over your earlier freewritings and notice your underlinings. Would you
like to write more about any underlined words or ideas? Write two or three such
words or ideas here: videogames and technology

2. Now choose one word or idea. Focus your thoughts on it and do a ten minute
focused freewriting. Try to stick to the topic as you write but don't worry too much
about keeping on track; just keep writing.

Well, im going to write about videogames again, why I like to write about
videogames ? well, Ive been a fan boy of videogame since I was like 8 years ago, I
spent hours and hours in videogame club. My dad gave 10 pesos every Sunday to
go to the videogames club. So I played 1 hours with ten pesos playing super
Nintendo with my brothers and friends. If I didn’t have money, I just stayed there
looking at other people playing games, some strangers invited me to play with
them. When I knew that a friend had a videogame console, I was going to his
house to play game. i miss those time. But know im an adult and im still playing
videogames. I have a ps3, ps4, a Nintendo switch and a videogame console with
like 10 thousands of retro games from 70s, 80s and 90s. Ive no been playing a lot
lately because of work and have to do a lot of Homeworks. But when I finish this
semester I’m going to play videogames most of the vide. oh, before I stop writing I
want to share something that happened when I was at the videogame club, it was
like 10:30 pm I was there just looking other people when I saw my mom looking
for me I ran fast, when I got home my mom was really upset and hit me with a
chancleta I never got home late from the videogame club lol.

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