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桃園市立光明國中 106 學年度第 1 學期第 3 次段考評量試卷

領域 命題
(科目) English (Reading) 教師 EJeachen 範圍 iEnglish Book1 U6-R3 得分

全部 45 題,請以 2B 鉛筆在答案
班級 7年 班 姓名 座號
卡畫記答案,總分 80%

無法辨識考生身分,將扣分數 5 分。

一、(1-10)單字中英對對碰:Match the meaning in Chinese with the correct word. (1% for each, 10% in total)

1.( )聖誕老人 ○A snack bar B

○ elf C
○ Santa Claus D
○ turkey
2.( )博物館 A
○ make B
○ mummy C
○ mushroom D
○ museum
3.( )上午;凌晨 ○
A p.m. B
○ a.m. C
○ time D
○ o’clock
4.( )安靜的 A
○ quite B
○ quiet C
○ quit D
○ shout
5.( )亂丟垃圾 ○A litter B
○ little C
○ letter D
○ latter

6.( )髒的 A
○ funny B
○ dirty C
○ lucky D
○ busy
7.( )週末 A
○ Wednesday B
○ weekday C
○ weekend D
○ week
8.( )星期四 A
○ Thursday B
○ Tuesday C
○ Friday D
○ Saturday
9.( )揮動 A
○ wave B
○ wait C
○ wrap D
○ wrong
10.( )烤 A
○ fight B
○ clean C
○ put D
○ roast
二、(11-22)文法與對話選擇:Choose. (2% for each, 24% in total)
11.( ) Look at the picture. The boy is ___________________.
A blowing kisses to you
○ ○B shouting his name
C playing the guitar
○ ○D jumping up and down

12.( ) Uncle Joe is a school bus ________. He can always __________ and take the students to school safely(安全地).
○A thinker ; be quiet ○B driver ; follow the rules C user ; touch
○ D fighter ; stand up

13.( ) Please _________ the gift. It’s for my best friend’s birthday. I hope he loves it.
A help
○ B wrap
○ ○C fight D read

14.( ) _________ is on December(十二月)24.
○A Christmas Day B Christmas Eve
○ C New Year’s Eve
○ D New Year’s Day

15.( ) Are you _________ tonight? Let’s go to the baseball game ____________.
○A free ; together B nervous ; study
○ C ready ; funny
○ D hang ; with

16.( ) Mayday’s concert is ________ this Sunday evening. The concert is ______ 7 p.m. Please wait _____ me at the front door.
○A in ; x ; with ○B on ; at ; around ○C at ; on ; in ○D x ; at ; for

17.( ) Everyone, a good time at my party.

A have
○ B play
○ C is having
○ D is playing

18.( ) Stitch: What time is it in your time zone? Doraemon: ______________.
A It’s Sunday.
○ B On your birthday.
○ C It’s eleven a.m.
○ D At nine thirty.

19.( ) Yvonne: Is Jeffery English? Tai: No, he’s a card.
A doing; making
○ B talking ; singing
○ C studying ; reading
○ D listening; writing

20.( ) Olaf: Wait! There’s a big tiger behind you! Anna: What?! A big tiger?
Olaf: Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s only a small cat.
A It’s my favorite.
○ ○B Let’s play with it. C Let me fight it.
○ D Let’s run now.

21.( ) Roger: Is Emily playing baseball? Ashin:
○A No, she is not dancing with Mary. B She is playing basketball.

○C Yes, she is cleaning the house. ○ Yes, she is.

22.( ) Matt: Is everyone in our family having a good time this evening? Joyce: Yes, but the turkey in the kitchen is not.
A That’s funny.
○ ○B Eyes on me. C Come and help!
○ ○D Everyone is busy.

三、(23-32)閱讀測驗:Reading Comprehension (2% for each, 20% in total)
23.( ) It’s 6:20 in the evening. A+ English is on TV.
What day is today?
A Sunday.
○ ○B Saturday.
Day Monday- C Friday.
○ ○D Wednesday.
Sunday Friday Saturday
Time Thursday
24.( ) Today is Friday. It’s seven p.m.
17:00— Hello
A English Magic Box
A English What’s on TV?
A Hello Mummy.
○ B OMG News.

C Singers with a Mask.
○ D Magic Box.

18:00— +
A English OMG News
25.( ) It’s eight twenty-five on Tuesday evening.
What’s on TV?
○A YOLO. ○B Fun World.
Fun World
Singers ○ OMG News.
C ○ A+ English.
with a Mask
OMG News OMG News 26.( ) Momo: My favorite Hello Mummy is on now.
Let’s watch it after school.
Yoyo: Great!
What time is it NOW?
A Five o’clock on Friday evening.

B 7:10 p.m. on Monday.

C Four fifteen on the weekend.

○ Seven fifty-five on Thursday.

27.( ) There are __________ rules for the super students.
A three
○ ○B four C five
○ D six

28.( ) The rules are for the __________.
A museum ○
○ B classroom ○ C bathroom ○
D bus

29.( ) Which is NOT a rule for the super students?

A Don’t make the teacher cry.

B Be ready to study.

C Speak in a good manner.

○ Play hard.

 learn 學習 raise 舉起 hard 努力 manner 行為

A man and his son are in the supermarket. The boy is looking at his 30.( ) What’s the missing word (消失的字)?
shopping list. A wrong ○
○ B nervous ○C yummy ○
D funny

Son: Mom wants us to buy some eggs.

31.( ) What does “mess up” mean(意思) in the reading ?
The father is nodding his head and putting cake in the basket.
A litter
○ B make a list

Son: Mom wants us to buy some milk.
C do it not right
○ D go home

His father is smiling and putting juice in the basket.
Son: Why are we buying all the (30) things? 32.( ) Which is NOT true?
Father: I don’t like shopping. If we mess up, your mother will never A The son is going shopping with his father.

make me do this again. B The father buys cake.

C There are eggs and milk on the shopping list.

D The man is angry.

 supermarket 超市 shopping list 購物清單 buy 買
nod 點頭 smile 微笑 never 不

四、(33-41) Fill in. (2% for each, 18% in total)
This is Gudetama’s notebook. Please help Gudetama take note after reading the article about holiday traditions below.

Many holidays have special traditions.

A tradition is a special way that something has been done for a long time. Traditions are repeated year after year.
On Mother’s Day, people give gifts to their mothers.
On Father’s Day, people give gifts to their fathers.
Couples give each other gifts on Valentine’s Day.
Children dress up in scary costumes on Halloween.
Then they go trick-or-treating for candy.
For the Chinese, families often get together on the Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.
It’s an old tradition to eat moon cakes and pomelos on the Moon Festival.
It’s an old tradition to have a big family dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
For Americans, families often get together on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It’s an old tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
People decorate a Christmas tree on Christmas.
Families have a big holiday dinner.
○A the Moon Festival

○B Christmas tree

○C Christmas

○D Chinese New Year

○A○B Halloween

○○ Mother’s Day

○A○D Gift giving

○ C turkey
B ○

○ D pomelos
B ○
○○ D candy

五、(42-45) Cloze (2% for each, 8% in total)

Matt: Good afternoon, Guang-Ming. This is Matt with Love GM Radio.
42.( ) ○
A nervous ○
B quiet C kisses
○ D great

MAYDAY members are here with us now. Let’s welcome them.
MAYDAY: Hello, everyone. We are MAYDAY. 43.( ) ○
A in B for
○ C at
○ D with

Matt: Tonight is your concert in Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium.
Are you (42) ? 44.( ) ○
A How old B What day

C What time
○ D Who

MAYDAY: No, we are ready (43) the concert.
Matt: (44) is your concert? 45.( ) ○
A hang the guitar B eat or drink

MAYDAY: It’s at seven thirty. Please come to our concert and (45) C touch and listen
○ D have a good time

with us.
Matt: Sure. Thank you, MAYDAY. Good-bye!

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