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Classification Essay

Students Habits and Lifestyles

When I was in high school, I stayed at boarding school. So I spent every day in school
and the dorm. That means I spend most of my time with my friends at the dorm. From the time I
got to the dorms until I graduated, I've noticed my friends' routines and I found there were some
differences and similarities in their habits and lifestyles, particularly those relating to sleep habits
and productivity. If categorized, the students in my dorm are divided into two types: early birds
and the night owls.

Early birds or also known as morning people, tend to wake up early and they are usually
the ones who wake up their friends. They can even wake up without an alarm. After waking up
they will do their assignments, do morning exercise, or just reading books. They are typical of
active and productive people from morning to evening. At those times, their enthusiasm for
activities is very high. That's why people with the type of early birds can easily focus and
concentrate during class. But on the other hand, they will run out of energy at night because they
have been active since the morning. That's why most of my friends with this type get sleepy
easily at night and usually go to bed early. They also tend to have difficulty focusing on their
homework at night. So when they are not sleepy yet, they will spend their time resting by playing
smartphones, watching movies, or doing other activities that are not too strenuous.

Unlike early birds, night owls tend to feel productive at night. People of this type are
often considered negative because they often stay up late. They sleep quite late and have
difficulty getting up in the morning even though the alarm has been ringing repeatedly. And
when they wake up, they will feel weak and less enthusiastic. The night owl type is also easily
sleepy during the day. They also often fall asleep in class so they don't focus on listening to the
material explained by the teacher. According to research, people with this type of night owl
make up only 15% of the population. That means they are a minority that's rarely or even hard to
find. And as we know, staying up late which is the habit of night owls is an unhealthy lifestyle
that can lead to health problems. That's why typical night owl people are susceptible to both
mental and metabolic disorders, such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and unstable emotions.
Unfortunately, I used to be one of these people, but at that time I was trying to be an early bird
after getting advice from my friends. Also from what I observed, although this type has a
tendency to cause a lot of negative things, the night owls are actually mostly creative and risk-
taking people, for example, writers and artists. They are usually easy to find ideas at night and
they also produced many extraordinary works.

According to habits and lifestyles, there are two types of students. The first type is the
early bird, the people with this type will get up and go to bed early. They are also more
productive in the morning until the evening. While the night owl is more productive during the
night and often sleep late, most of them will wake up later the next day. We can see clearly that
both types are closely related to sleep habits and productivity. The early bird types are
considered more productive because they spend more time doing activities compared to those
night owl types who are only productive at night. But in reality both have their own advantages
and disadvantages. Therefore, regardless of the type, the most important thing is that we must be
able to determine a consistent sleep schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle so that we can
continue to work comfortably and stay productive.

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