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Similar to another Peruvian dish called papa a la huancaina, ocopa is an

appetizer consisting of potato topped with a special spicy sauce and
served cold. The sauce is an interesting blend of chili pepper, garlic,
onion, huacatay (a type of South American herb), peanuts, milk, cheese
and crackers. Ocopa is one of the signature dishes of Arequipa and is a
great small dish to start off a meal.


Think of this like Arequipa’s version of a potato salad. The word escribano
means a “court clerk” and legend has it that this dish was inspired by
Arequipa’s lawyers and clerks who would, being engrossed in their
conversations about work, accidentally mix the potatoes, tomatoes and
rocoto peppers typically served as hors d’oeuvres at the time.
Soltero de Queso

Another simple vegetable plate, this super-healthy salad is a popular

entrée for dinners in Arequipa. It consists of slices of boiled potato mixed
with cheese, herbs and fresh vegetables such as tomato, olive, rocoto
pepper, and onion.
Rocoto Relleno

One of Arequipa’s most iconic dishes is rocoto relleno, a type of stuffed

pepper. Unlike many stuffed pepper recipes that use sweet peppers, this
one uses the rocoto, a red pepper which is more than ten times spicier
than jalapeño. The peppers are cooked in water and vinegar to remove
as much spiciness as possible, but they definitely retain a bit of their zing.
The most common stuffing is a mixture of meat, butter, cream, and
pecans. Rocoto Relleno is also usually topped with a slice of melted
Chupe de camarones

Despite the city’s location further inland, the region of Arequipa actually
borders the Pacific Ocean, so fresh seafood is brought up from the coast
every day. One dish taking advantage of this is chupe de camarones.
“Chupe” is a Quechua word meaning soup, and this chupe contains a
hearty mixture of shrimp, garlic, milk, corn, and several other vegetables.
This dish is popular all over coastal Peru, but its origin lies in Arequipa.
Adobo Arequipeño

An adobo usually refers to a dish where raw meat (in this case pork loin)
is marinated in vinegar and spices. Adobo arequipeño takes this concept
and adds chicha, an ancient Andean drink made of maize, to the recipe.
Also containing cumin, garlic and other various spices, this is a rich,
flavorful dish well-known across Peru.
Locro de Pecho

This thick stew consists of beef breast mixed with cumin, mint and other
herbs and spices. Its texture comes from potato which is crumbled and
added into the mixture. It is normally served with rice.
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What to Drink in Arequipa:

Chicha de Guiñapo

This is the local version of chicha, the maize-based drink ubiquitous

throughout Peru. Chicha de guiñapo differs from the more
common chicha de jora and chicha morada because it uses a special
type of maize that typically grows in the Arequipa region. It is fermented
for a couple days, giving it a low alcohol content of around 2-3%. The
flavor is light and sweet, and it pairs well with Arequipa’s spicy food.
Kola Escocesa

Yes, Arequipa even has its own soda to compete with the Inca Kola that
is popular throughout Peru. Kola Escocesa, which means “Scotch Cola,”
has been produced in the town of Yura near Arequipa since the 1950s. It
has a fruity flavor and is slightly less sweet than its more well-known
competitor Inca Kola.
Pisco Acholado

Pisco is drunk all across Peru, but many people don’t realize that there
are multiple types of this popular grape brandy. Pisco acholado is the
type which is made in the Arequipa region. This lesser-known type uses a
mixture of accepted grape varietals, as opposed to a single varietal like
traditional pisco. This gives pisco acholado a more complex and
interesting range of flavors compared to the coastal varieties. It is
normally taken the same way as any other type of pisco: in a pisco sour,
chilcano, etc. Here are some more Pisco Cocktails.

Anis Najar

Anis Najar is a form of anisette (an anise-flavored liqueur) that is made in

Arequipa. It has a dry flavor and an especially high alcohol content for a
liqueur. It’s normally drunk as a digestivo, or after-meal drink.

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