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Briefly answer the following questions

1. What do you think is the significance of the song to our culture and its entirety?

-We have many cities with its own unique culture and that’s why Yoyoy Villame said that “Philippines is
a beautiful country”

2. Can we consider the song as a sublime experience of the writer?

Yes, because Yoyoy make an effort to put every cities in one song to inspire others to visit our country

3. What is the message of the song?

- We must be proud to be born in the Philippines because it is a wonderful country

Activity 2

1. What is the concern of the moon regarding his stars?

-The moon is concerned about the safety of his starts because he knows that the sun’s star is more
powerful than his stars. So he was afraid that if they played with the sun’s stars his stars would wither
and die

2. Why does the moon anger the sun?

The sun is angered by the moon because he envies the sun's stars, which are brighter and more
powerful than the moon's. Furthermore, the moon grew enraged with the sun since every morning the
sun destroys the moon stars he collects. 

3. What particular phenomenon is described in the Filipino Folktale?

As eclipse is mentioned in one portion of the book, the occurrence portrayed in the Filipino Folktale is
eclipse. "When the sun overtakes the moon, we get the so-called eclipse." The folktale is a clever and
innovative way to explain the eclipse to children, and it also reveals the culture of the nation or province
where it occurs.

Assessment 3: Saying a song

1st paragraph

-In the 1st paragraph it shows joy because Philippine is a beautiful country with peaceful place and
beautiful people

2nd paragraph
-In the 2nd Paragraph it show appreciation of the beauty of the Filipina but in the end it become regretful
because they colonized us


-In the chorus it show sorrowful and unhappiness of the Filipino because we can’t do anything but to cry
and wait for our moment to be free from the foreigners

As we all know, Phillipine Literary History has evolved through the past years and made an impact to
each generations. All of the periods including Pre-Colonial period, Period of Enlightenment and Rebirth
of Freedom has a different stories to tell and to knowledge to learn. These periods made Philippine
Literary History unique because it has the ability to work in different languages. Each era also has a
specific theme in which many authors had followed.

As a grade 11 Filipino learner, I can show a sense of adaptability to the diverse Philippine Literary History
by keeping on learning and appreciating these Philippine Literature as well as honing my creativity to
make literary works inspired by the Philippine Literature. As a Filipinp, learning and retaining the native
tradition of a literary work and using it as an inspiration in making poems and other literary activities
showcase the culture as well as my talent as a Filipino student. I believe that by gaining knowledge from
the diverse Philippine History can help me improve my skills in creating literary works.

A sense of adaptability includes the openess and willingness to learn something new. It involves new
ideas, concepts, and strategies. That is why it is very essential as a Filipino student to read and watch
stories, articles and different literary works of Philippine Literature to be more aware about the history
of it and its beauty.

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