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Name: Naval, Oliver T. Date: 5/24/22

Section: 10 - Padre Jose Burgos Teacher: Mrs. Maylyn Bermejo

COVID-19 Update

No. of Covid-19 Frequency Lower Less than

Cases in Bacoor (#Baranga Boundary cumulative
(CIass Interval) y) (LB) frequency (<cf)
3500-3999 1 3499.5 73
3000-3499 1 2999.5 72
2500-2999 0 2499.5 71
2000-2499 0 1999.5 71
1500-1999 0 1499.5 71
1000-1499 3 999.5 71
500-999 13 499.5 68
0-499 55 0 55
i = 500 N=73    

To group the barangay whose cases belong to lower and higher position, we can consider to
find the lower 25% and highest 25% as the lowest and highest position which is the first
quartile (Q1) and third quartile quartile (Q3).

Q1 class: N/4 = 73/4 = 18. 25

> This means we need to find the class interval where the 18.25 th score is contained.
Note that the 55th-0th scores belong to the class interval: 0-499. So the 18.25 th score is
also within the class interval. The Q1 class is class interval 0-499.

(Solution showed)

Therefore, 25% of the barangays have a covid-19 cases less than or equal to 165.91, which
means that all barangays belong to this quartile are part of a group with lower cases.

For Q3 class: 3N/4 = (3)(75)/4 = 56.25

This means we need to find the class interval where the 56.25 th score is contained.
Note that the 65th – 55th scores belong to the class interval: 500-999. So the 56.25th
score is also within the class interval. The Q3 class is class interval 500-999.
(Solution showed)

Therefore, the 75% of the barangays have a covid-19 cases less than or equal to 547.58.
Which means that all barangays with above 547.58 or 548 covid-19 cases belong to a group
with higher cases.

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