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Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

9 A. 0.1 B. 0.5 C. 0.01 D. 0.05 E. 0.001 Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

Emission lines are seen in galactic spectra

where there is a thermal continuum from the
combined light of all the starts, plus strong
emission line features due to the most common
elements such as Hydrogen and Helium.
They are usually seen as bright (coloured) lines,
often on a black background, or lines of increased
intensity. Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

Absorption lines are seen in the spectra of

stars, where gas (mostly Hydrogen) in the outer
layers of the star absorbs some of the light from the
underlying thermal blackbody spectrum.
They are usually seen as dark lines, or lines of
reduced intensity. Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

3 Jenis Redshift:
• Gravitational redshifts (due to light leaving a strong gravitational field)
• Cosmological expansion (where space itself stretches as light travels through it)
• Doppler shifts (due to motion through space away from the observer)

Doppler shifts terbagi lagi atas 2:

• Non-relativistic redshift:
Objek bergerak menjauhi pengamat dengan kecepatan radial vr ≪ c (vr = βc dimana β adalah parameter kecepatan)
 z = ( observed –  rest) /  rest
 z = β = vr/c
• Relativistic redshift:
Objek bergerak menjauhi pengamat dengan kecepatan radial vr yang nilainya mendekati kecepatan cahaya.
 1+𝛽   –
1 +z= observed
= z= observed
- 1= observed rest
 rest 1−𝛽  rest  rest
1+𝛽 𝑐+𝑣𝑟
z= - 1= -1
1−𝛽 𝑐−𝑣𝑟

ITB – Menuju Olimpiade Astronomi, Halaman 116 Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

Analisis Spektrum:

Karena kontanta Rydberg yang diberikan dalam

soal adalah kontanta Rydberg Hidrogen maka
garis spektrum yang akan kita cari dalam gambar
adalah deretan garis spektrum Hidrogen atau deret
Balmer (daerah panjang gelombang tampak).
Panjang gelombang diam untuk setiap garis Balmer H
dapat dicari dengan menggunakan persamaan:
1 1 1
=𝑅 2− 2
𝜆0 2 𝑛

R = konstanta Rydberg

n = 3  garis Balmer pertama, H

n = 4  garis Balmer kedua, H

How to identify the Hydrogen lines in unmarked
n = 5  garis Balmer kedua, H
emission spectra:
The tallest peak is the  line (H), and the tall
peak to its left is the  line (H ).
ITB – Menuju Olimpiade Astronomi, Halaman 116 Pembahasan Soal OSNP Astronomi 2020 – amku9627

Tinjau salah satu garis Balmer: H
• R = 1,097 x 107 m-1
•  observed =  = 6900 Å
• n H = 3
The non-relativistic redshift = z = . . . ?

• Panjang gelombang diam
1 1 1
=𝑅 2− 2
𝜆0 2 𝑛
1 1 1
= 1,097 × 107 2 − 2
𝜆0 2 3
𝜆0 = 6,563 x 10-7 m = 6563 Å • The non-relativistic redshift
𝜆 − 𝜆0 6900 − 6563
z= = = 0,05
9 𝜆0 6563

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