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On the holiday I was planning to go at my grandparents’ house in blantary and have fun then I will
come back here in Lilongwe. On my birthday I want to go to swim, play and have fun. On the holiday
I want to write a new song and make it an accpala song and make it fameouse . I was planning to
play with my, big sister and have so much fun and she is going to help me with my accpala song .

On the holiday I want to go to the lake and swim it is going to be fun and excating .And I want to go
at my cosins house for a two week sleepover and we are going to stay up late plus watch hora movies
and I want to make her

Scream and act like I am annabell so she can cry so much like a baby. I want to go at KFC .

On the holiday I want to read ten books a day .I want to bye new clothes with my mum.

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