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Five Feet Apart summary

Five Feet Apart is a novel about a romance but there is something that prevents
them from being together, they have cystic fibrosis which means they can’t be within
six feet apart, this causes a lot of pain for them. It begins with Stella in Saint Grace’s,
she was there because she had an infection. She was going to be there for one month
and this time nurse Barb let her manage her medecine. Then she meets Will, he has
CF with b-cepacia. Nurse Barb told them how dangerous it was if Stella gets Will’s
bacterias. Stella discovered that Will wasn’t following his treatment so she helped
him but always kept their space between them. They slowly fell in love but it was
always really hard to keep that space. Stella decided to keep one foot less with Will.
They were dating but without the nurses seeing them. Stella had an accident before
her lungs were in the hospital. The doctors took her for the operation. Will decides
to move to another hospital because they were suffering a lot together and with all
the pain in Stella’s heart she accepts. Eight months later Stella was about to go on a
trip with her bfs, without a catheter or a portable oxygen, she was healthy and then
her eyes met his, he still carries his oxygen and looks devastated but as soon as he
sees her, he gets a smile, Stella goes to him standing only five feet apart.

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