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Topic of the task: Writing

Name: Luis Heiner Tenesaca Sanchez
Write a 100-word comparison paragraph about two family members. Family
members can be part of your family or another one. Write about how they are
similar and/or different. Start with a good topic sentence followed by supporting
sentences which meet unity and coherence; finally, write a concluding sentence or
final comment.

My family is conformed for different people, that has differences and similitudes, for
My Mom is stronger, worker, and more responsible in comparison that my older
sister. These two members of my family are great persons. Hers qualities are
similar. They are soldieries, loyal, lovely, both help her other members of family.
However, they are different in other aspects how, character, my Mom is angry, she
doesn’t like to cook, but loves sew, she designs some clothes for my cousins or
nephews, additional she works to join the family in all moment.
My sister is very different, she is calm, else if you mad her, she doesn’t angry, she
loves to cook, she prepares delicious food, but she doesn’t sew, because doesn’t
practice it. My sister loves her children, she can be all day dedicate to her children
and doesn’t exhausted.
In conclusion, both are good persons, else with her differences, both are
complement to her family and work for them.

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