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a (er TABLE OF CONTENTS Sub-strand 1: Personal hygiene and food hygiene ........ Sub-strand 2: Personal, workshop and food laboratory safety Sub-strand 3: Environmental health Sub-strand 1: Compliant materials Sub-strand 2: Resistant materials Sub-strand 3: Smart and modern materials . Sub-strand 4; Food commodities (animal and plant sources) Sub-strand 1: Measuring and marking out Sub-strand 2: Cutting/shaping .. Sub-strand 3: Joining and assembling Sub-strand 4: Kitchen essentials Sub-strand 5: Finishes and finishing Sub-strand: Simple structures and mechanisms, electric and electronic SySteMs uses: sveteesieeee L5Z Sub-strand 1: Communicating designs . Sub-strand 2: Designing Sub-strand 3: Planning for making artifacts/ product: Sub-strand 4: Making artifacts from compliant, resistant materials and food ingredients ........+0+s:s+000» seanesnsen 222 Sub-strand 1: Career pathways and career opportunities sesseeseere 257 Sub-strand 2: Establishing and managing a small business a Enterprise occ: SUB STRAND 1: PERSONAL HYGIENE AND FOOD) HYGIENE B7. The need to stay healthy Y - SUB-STRAND 2: PERSONAL, WORKSHOP AND FOOD LABORATORY, SAFETY : Accidents in the workshop/food laboratory 1.2: The need to keep the workshop/the food laboratory safe B7. Basic skills in applying first aid SUB*STRAND 3: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH : Constituents/ Pillars of environmental health Preventive measures of environmental health —_ SUB-STRAND _@ PERSONAL HYGIENE AND FOOD HYGIENE LESSON 1 THE NEED TO STAY HEALTHY High standard of cleanliness and sanitation should be practised in the food laboratory in order to avoid food contamination. A good caterer must be able to keep himself or herself, the food, as well as the environment clean. He or she can achieve all these by staying healthy and observing good hygiene Practices. Health Health is the state of being well in the body and mind. Being healthy or otherwise depends on the quality of food we eat. This is why it said that you are what you eat. It can also be defined as “the complete state of physical, mental and social well-being; and not the mere absence of diseases or infirmities”, Staying Healthy Staying healthy is the ste, ps taken to improve one’s lifestyle, physically, mentally and social well -being. It is a resource for living a full life. In order for one to stay healthy, we should observe the following: . Eat a balanced meal. . Include more vegetables and fr - Exercise the body daily. Practise good grooming. . Have enough rest and sleep, . Avoid drug abuse. . Avoid negative peer pressure, uits in your diet, Nouwspwne Consequences of not taking good cari When one does not take good care of the ee 1. Developing bad body odour. ' 2. Peers or friends will shun your company, 3. Stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on the body. 4. One can contract disease and fall ill. . e's body it results in the following: 5. Lack of self-confidence. i 6. Poor performance in school and other social activities. Below are different ways of exercising the body. Try to practise each of the moves, and keep exercising daily to keep your body healthy. 12 EASY NO-JUMPING WORKOUT MOVES 4 f Hygiene Hygiene is the study of health and Prevention of diseases. A good caterer or home maker must be very clean to be healthy and be able to Prepare hygienic meals for others to eat. Because of food poisoning, hygiene requires particular attention in the catering industry. This is equally true for all other vocations if one is to become success- ful in life. ACTIVITY 1. Discuss and present in groups the consequences of not taking good care of one’s body. E.g. Contract disease and fall ill, NB: Use different Ways or means for presentation - Power point, posters, Pictures, illustrations (differentiation), End of lesson assessment 1. Explain the term “health”, 2. Mention any three Ways of maintaining good health. - 3._ State two effects of not takina annd care of one’s self. ae LESSON 2 FOOD HYGIENE by food handlers to prevent ce of sanitary rules : he observan d borne diseases from iene is tl Uae isoning and other foo food contamination, food Pp production to consumption. Rules/Measures needed to ensure food hygiene . Buy foodstuff from a clean market or environment. Buy only wholesome food stuffs. . Use clean water for cooking. . Cover food during preparation to preven Preserve leftover food well. . Store perishable and non-perishable foods properly. Cooked food must be kept and sold in a fly-proof cage. . Avoid buying dented or swollen canned foods. Food should not be sold near refuse dumps, toilets and dirty drains. 10. Cooked food should be tasted with a teaspoon. 11.Proper storage and preservation of food should be practised. tt flies from landing on it. WONAMDAWNE FOOD POISONING Food poisoning is illness caused or associated with eating contaminated food or food with poison in it. The illness usually occurs within one to thirty-six hours after eating the affected food. Causes of Food Poisoning 1. Drinking contaminated water. 2. Germs from human beings or animals such as bacteria produce toxins which poison food by multiplying in it. . Chemicals from insecticides, fertilizers used for farming. . Cooking and selling food in dirty environments. . Storing food in rusted copper tins/cans. . Buying food from caterers suffering from i i i cholera, diarrhoea and hepatitis. erie eee pales Duaw Signs and Symptoms 1. Stomach pains 2. Vomiting 3. Headache 4. Weakness A en = 5. Nausea 6. Nervous disorder 7. Fever Effects of Food Poisoning . Burns on the lips . Dysentery Typhoid . Death awn Prevention of Food Poisoning 1. Do not cook near dirty environment. 2. Reheat leftover foods properly before eating. 3. Keep chemicals away from food. 4. Maintain good personal hygiene. 5. Use clean utensils and tools for cooking. 6. Watch out for expiry dates when buying convenience foods. 7. Avoid consuming food from doubtful sources. 8. Do not store leftover canned food in the tins for future use. Store in suitable containers Food Laboratory Hygiene Food laboratory hygiene is the maintenance of high standard of cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen in order to prevent food contamination. Tt is important to practise food laboratory hygiene because poor hygiene will allow germs to enter the laboratory (kitchen) and cause diseases and other infections. Rules for Food Laboratory Hygiene 1. Keep all working surfaces clean at all times, 2. Dust or sweep the floor and scrub regularly. 3. Remove cobwebs often or whenever necessary. 4. Empty rubbish bins after each cooking session and keep it covered at all Imes, - Have a good drainage system in the cooking area. . There should be no rubbish around cooking or serving area. - Use net on the doors and windows of the laboratory to prevent flies and other pests from entering the laboratory. 8. All working surfaces must be cleaned after use to prevent odour and accidents, and to make working comfortable and efficient. NOW Reasons for M 1, It prevents cot 2. Tt leads to good health ani 3. It promotes self-respect. 4, Promotes catering business. aintaining Good Health ; ~ tamination of food or food spoilage. id clean environment. FOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES Food hygiene practices are the conditions and measures needed to ensure safety of food from production to consumption. Since most of the foods we eat are not consumed immediately after they are harvested or produced, there is the need to properly store and preserve them to avoid making the food unwholesome by the time we consume them. When foods are not handled or treated well after harvesting or production, it results in food spoilage. Food spoilage is a state in which food has gone bad and is usually dangerous to eat. Foods spoil in many ways and are caused by different factors. Types of food spoilage The following are signs that indicate spoilage in foods. 1. Moulds - soft greenish growth on food. 2. Change in colour - when the colour of a food changes. 3. Foam - whitish bubbles that appear on surface of food. 4. Bad smell - when the food gives off a bad scent. 5. Slimy - when food becomes sticky, Causes of food spoilage 1. Bacteria - They are small organisms that live mostly on protein matter. 2. Enzymes - They are chemical (complex) substances present in all living things. Changes in foods, such as ripening of fruits and vegetables even after harvesting, are the action of ee Beyond a certain point, they cause od to spoil. Low temperatures slow down enzyme action, but . destroyed by boiling for a long time. eciens aon STRAND 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY = | 3. Moulds - They are simple plants that appear mostly on sweet foods, e.g. cakes, cheese, kenkey, 4. Yeast - They are single cell organisms larger than bacteria and found mostly on sugary foods. 5. Oxidation - Exposing cut surfaces of food to react with oxygen. The food usually loses its colour, eg. banana, yam, pear, etc. 6. Insects, Pests and Rodents can also cause spoilage in foods. In addition to the factors above, certain acts by the caterer can also contribute to food spoilage. Such as: 1. Covering of hot foods. 2. Exposing food to bacteria action. 3. Improper heating of food. 4, Handling foods after heating them. 5. Storing food for too long a time. Let us look at some proper ways to store or preserve foods before they are consumed. STORAGE OF FOOD Food storage is the act of keeping foods in good condition for some time before ultimate use without changing its form. Storage keeps the food for a short period. If the food is to be left for a long time, it must be preserved. Food items should be properly stored to prevent decay (food spoilage). Perishable foods can be stored in a refrigerator e.g. meat, fish, tomato, milk, vegetables, etc. Non-perishable foods can be stored in a kitchen cupboard or in containers with good fitting lids. E.g. rice, beans, gari, sugar, cooking oils, etc. Cool, dry places where air moves freely are the best places to store food items. PRESERVATION OF FOOD Food preservation is the act of keeping food for longer periods of time by giving ita special treatment. It may involve: ; a) Changing the form of the foodstuff to another through processing (e.g. into powder). : b) The addition of other substances (e.g. brine). , c) Keeping the food in special containers or equipment (e.g. in a freezer). Reasons for Preserving Food. 1. To prevent its spoilage. 2. To make it last longer. 3. To save money. 4. To maintain its nutritive value. 5. To ensure its availability when out of season. 6. To avoid waste of food. 7. To be able to take care of emergencies. 8. For easy transportation and storage. Methods of Food Preservation 1. By drying /dehydration: e.g. (i) Sun or solar drying — fish, cassava, maize, legumes. (ii) Oven drying — melon, legumes. ‘ es , (iil) Vacuum drying —- milk, eggs. (iv) Spray drying — cocoa beverages, eggs. Drying fish 9 pepper Drying 2. Use of safe chemi toe aX lemicals (vinegar, salt, sugar, phenol: 1 me ols, etc.) e.g. corn, fruits, — e.g. fish , meat , Vegetables 4. it ci ey Poe ews fruits, fruit juices, puree. a —e.g.m i 2 py smoking ee e9. ; meee seed (agushie), wines, locust bean seeds, 7 ee ae — e.g. onions, pig feet. 8 y freezing — e.g. tomatoes, fish, poult! . By oiling — e.g. beans, egg. i % ‘smoking meat (grasscutter) preserved by drying and smoking. In Ghana, most foods are the internet in groups and report in id preservation of food. ACTIVITY Research into food hygiene practices from class for discussion. E.9- Proper storage an lesson assessment End of 1. Briefly explain each of the following: a Food hygiene b) Personal hygiene c) Food storage . d) Food preservation d health. intain gO 2. List two reasons why @ chef or a age 9 . I LESSON 3 WAYS OF MAINTAINING PERSONAL HYGIENE Personal Hygiene Personal hygiene is the rules observed by an individual to ensure that the body, as well as clothings are thoroughly clean and neat. Personal cleanliness is very essential in the preparation of food to prevent any germ on the body from being transferred into the food. Observing per- sonal hygiene ensures that the food is safe to eat. Rules for Personal Hygiene 1. Bath twice a day to get rid of germs, dirt and sweat to prevent bad odour. Keep fingernails short and clean. Wash hands with soap and clean water after using or visiting the toilet, Use clean cloths, apron and cover hair with scarf or net when cooking to Prevent hair from falling into the food. 5. Sneeze or cough away from food into a handkerchief. 6. Brush or clean the teeth at least twice a day. 7. Spitting must not be encouraged in the food preparation area. 8. 9. AWN Keep your hands from your nostrils and hair when cooking. Cover all sores and wounds with waterproof plaster when cooking. Effects of not Taking Care of the Body 1. One can contract diseases and fall ill. 2. It can lead to bad body odour, 3. Diseases can be transferred to other people, 4. It can cause food contamination and food Poisoning. 5. One can lose respect in the society. 6. For a caterer or a fashion designer, this can affect their business so many customers will not like to visit their establishments. Effects of not Keeping or Staying Safe 1. It can lead to injuries such as Cuts, fractures, 2. It can cause deformity as one can lose a part of the body. 3. It can lead to loss of property in case of fire outbreak. , 4. It can also affect productivity and one’s profit margin ‘ 5. It can also lead to loss of life (death). , STRAND 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY ACTIVITY . 1, Research and write on materials and strategies (ways) used for improving personal hygiene and discuss in groups. 2. Demonstrate the following in groups. E.g. Care of fingernails, hair, nose, ear, mouth and teeth. End of lesson assessment Write an essay on "How to maintain personal hygiene". Your essay must be between 300 to 500 words long. PERSONAL, WORKSHOP AND FOO! BORATORY SAFETY LESSON 1 ACCIDENTS IN THE WORKSHOP/FOOD LABORATORY Accidents An accident is something that haj i i tis ppens unexpectedly or unintentionally which may cause injury, damage or death. Accidents in the workshops are injuries that occur in the workshop unexpectedly. In the home, many accidents occur due to neglect and carelessness. Food laboratory accidents lead to the deformation and death of people, especially children. Types of Accidents that Occur in the Food Laboratory and Workshop Different types of accidents can occur in the workshop or food laboratory. These include; Cut: It is a forceful opening on the skin caused by knives or any sharp object. Bruises: These are injuries that do not break the skin, but result in discolouring and scratches on the body. Fall: This refers to falling on the ground due to a slippery floor or a forceful push or pull. Explosion: Thi chemicals. . Burns: They are injuries on the skin caused by contact with fire, or by anything hot and dry, such as a pressing iron. Scalds: They are injuries caused by hot liquids or steam coming into direct contact with the skin. : Fire: This may be caused by the fuel being used in cooking. Faults in electric wiring can also catch fire. Shock: This refers to weakness or fainting due to severe pain. Sprain: A sprain is a swelling of a joint which has been upon or over-worked. The swelling consists of the watery P Choking: It occurs when an object blocks the windpipe (throa making him unable to breathe. is refers to a violent release of energy caused by gas or twisted, fallen art of the blood t) of a person et Being in excessive haste in performing activities in the food laboratory or workshop. Distractions or lack of concentration on what one is doing can cause accidents. 3. Failure to apply safety rules in using tools and equipment. 4, Fire explosion including leaking of gas cylinders, overflowing or overheated oil during frying or burning napkins. Using faulty electrical equipment can lead to death through electrical shock. 6. Wet and slippery floors. 7. Insufficient lighting and ventilation can cause accidents in the food laboratory or workshop. 8. Tiredness or fatigue. 9. Carelessness. A child playing with fire A child playing with knife LESSON 2 THE NEED TO KEEP THE WORKSHOP AND THE FOOD LABORATORY SAFE Safety in the Workshop and Food Laboratory ; Safety is a means of making sure that possible causes of accidents are removed. Again it is a state or condition that protects one from harm and danger. It involves knowing how to handle equipment and tools efficiently and practising good working habits in the food laboratory or workshop. Whoever uses the food laboratory or workshop must therefore take adequate precautions to prevent the occurrence of any type of accident. a) Personal Safety While working in the workshop or food laboratory, there is the need to adhere to certain rules and practices to ensure safety of the worker. The following are some of the personal safety measures: 1. Wear protective clothes while working in the workshop or food laboratory. 2. Observe all safety rules and regulations in the use of tools and equipment for work. . b) Safety Use of Tools and Equipment Another way to ensure safety in the workshop and food laboratory is to handle tools and equipment in a proper way to prevent accidents. 1. Use the right tool for the right work. 2. Store tools and equipment properly at the right places, 3. Wash and store knives and sharp tools separately from other tools. 4. Ensure proper storage of food and other materials, ; ays of Minimising Accidents in the Worksh i A op/Food laborato Do not be in excessive haste when working. (Do not rush through work). Be attentive and concentrate on your work, ° Ww Ae 2. 3. Use the correct tool for the appropriate job. 4. Water and oil spills should be wiped im ned i . o mediately from the kitchen floor. ° Peels of fruits and vegetables should not be ieft'on the floor. 7. 8. 9. Ensure adequate lighting and ventilation j til Adhere to all safety rules and rey the eee ea Use dry cloths to hold hot pans. , Do not put your hands into a Machine when in motion. STRAND 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY ee TL 10. Use well-sharpened knives for working. 11. Wear thimbles to prevent needle pricks. 12. Do not leave pins, needles and sharp objects lying around. 13. Wear personal protective equipment (PPEs) items such as aprons, gloves, goggles, nose/face masks, boots, etc. in the kitchen or workshop. 14. Store workshop and laboratory tools and equipment properly. 15. Follow instructions on the use of equipment and tools. 16.Work systematically and carefully. 17. Keep yourself from harm and observe safety precautions. ACTIVITY 1, Ina think-pair-share activity, discuss how to keep the tools and equipment safe to prevent accidents in the workshop/food laboratory. 2. Demonstrate ways of preventing accidents in the workshop/food laboratory. [End of lesson assessment | Write a speech on "How to minimise accidents in the workshop/food laboratory" to be delivered at your school's speech day. Type your speech on the computer, and ask your ICT teacher to help you print tout. Bring your speech and read to the hearing of your class. SU SULA LESSON 1 CONSTITUENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Environmental health is a branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment affecting human health. It is a bunch of practices which are supposed to prevent injuries and illness among humans and promote their mental and physical well-being. Environmental health again refers to protection against impact on human life. The environment we live in is a major determinant of our health and well-being. Environmental health is therefore targeted towards preventing diseases and creating health-supportive environments. Environmental health constitutes: 1. Disease control 2. Provision of clean and potable water 3. Proper ventilation 4. Proper disposal of liquid and solid waste 5. Proper hygiene and sanitation Causes of Environmental Health 1. Exposure to hazardous substances in the air, water, soil and food. (pollution) 2. Climate change 3. Occupational hazards 4. Natural and technological disasters 5. The built environment POLLUTION Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into th i : . e natural environment that cause adverse change. It also involves making something dirty or impure, especially adding harmful substance to it. Pollution therefore damages or destroys the environment. Types of Pollution The types of environmental pollution are: 1. Air pollution 2. Water pollution 3. Soil/Land pollution 4. Noise pollution Air Pollution : Air pollution occurs when harmful substances are added to the air. The air around us is polluted or mixed with smoke from cars, lamps, bush fires, factories, refineries, burning of refuse, car tyres and cigarette smoking. The smoke contains poisonous gases such as sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which are harmful to our health. Air pollution is the most dangerous threat to a healthy environment. Water Pollution This is another serious kind of pollution since water is vital in sustaining life. Water pollution is when waste materials are added to rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. The main sources of water pollution are waste from industries, dirty water from homes poured into gutters, chemicals used in agriculture and Galemsey (illegal mining). Again it is a common practise in some of our villages and towns for people to bath, wash clothes or vehicles in or near a river or stream and fetch that same water home for drinking and cooking. Animals drink, bath, urinate and defecate in the same water. All these activities contaminate water. Land/Soil Pollution : Land pollution occurs when liquid and solid waste are not properly disposed of but are carelessly thrown on the land. The liquid wastes are oils and chemicals from factories, liquid waste from household dumped on the land. Solid waste re the plastics, metal scraps and toxic materials like mercury that are care- ly dumped on the land. Moreover, the land is degraded due to increased ctivities in farming, mining, lumbering and quarrying as a result of increase in pulation. loise Pollution loise Pollution occurs when people are exposed to excessively high levels of lise. Such noise comes from various sources like drumming, music, moving rs, corn mill, factory equipment, air planes and motor cycles which produce lud noise into the environment. STRAND 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY ise hearing loss, stress, high bloog Experts say that noise pollution can cau: $ eae Hes loss and loss in productivity. Moreover, children who go to schoo} in noisy environments may develop reading deficiencies. Consequences / Effects of Poor Environmental Health Poor environmental health is linked with the transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Poor environmental health exacerbates stunted growth, i.e. it worsens impaired growth and devolopment. Again, the poisonous gases that people inhale as a result of air pollution cause headaches, cancer and respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs and Poor environmental health also destroys animal and plant life. There is increase in poor environmental health because of ion it izatic j Heinen Se ae Population increase, urbanization and LESSON 2 PREVENTIVE MEASURES OF POOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH {t is impoortant to ensure the safety of the environment in which we live. fo ensure this, conscious and responsible efforts must be made. =xamples of possible actions to address environmental risks include the romotion of safer household water storage and better hygiene measures, the ise of cleaner fuels, and the safer, more judicious use and management of oxic substances at home and in the workplace, as well as safety and health neasures. he following measures must be followed to prevent environmental health isks: Avoid polluting water bodies. . Avoid littering or throwing rubbish around. . Avoid defecating or urinating indiscriminately. . The environmental protection agency must educate the public on how to protect the environment. . The communities can organise communal labour to do clean-ups to keep the environment clean or plant trees to replace lost ones. . Smoking in public places must be avoided. Regular hand washing must be encouraged at all places to reduce the spread of diseases. People must have access to safe water and sanitation. Avoid smoking in public places Wash your hands regularly STRAND 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY LE Activity 1 a) Research from the internet on causes of bad environmental health, report your findings to the class. ai b) In @ group discussion, suggest ways of minimising or Preventing environmental health hazards. Activity 2 Undertake a project in tree Planting around the school or community (you wit need your teacher's guidance). . End of lesson assessment 1. What do you understand by the following terms? a) Environmental health b) Pollution = “ State two causes of poor environmental health. Mention three diseases that are caused by poor environmental health. List the types of environmental pollution. State two preventive measures of poor environmental health. yawn B7.2.4.1,.1 FOOD Food is anything solid or liquid which when taken in provide substances essential for proper functioning of the body. Food can also be defined as a edible substance either solid or liquid which when eaten is used by the body to maintain life. Food commodities are the major ingredients or foodstuffs used for cooking food. They are ingredients needed to produce different varieties of food to maintain life and growth. Food commodities are cooked or prepared alone, may be combined with other ingredients to prepare dishes for a meal. Examples of food commodities are: meat, fruits, milk, egg, vegetables, cerea and grains, fish, poultry, fats and oils, etc. Kinds of food commodities ation ‘ lassified into two main groups, g, ‘odities can be cl n dena Food commnese are plant sources (foods obtained from Plants) and chime sourtes (foods obtained from ani 7 sol STRAND 2; MATERIALS FOR PRODUCTION —— cl Plant source foods: Foods obtained from plant sources include 5, okro, beans, soya beans, orange, ca ya, plantain, potatoes, carrot Foods from plant sources Animal source foods: Foods obtained from animal sources include: fish, meat, poultry, cheese, milk, egg, game, snail, crab, etc. Foods from animal sources Food is eaten by all living things for the sustainance of life. Without food, there Would be no life for human beings. In addition for the provision of life, there are €fal reasons for eating food. These include: E IN STRAND 2: MATERIALS FOR PRODUCTIX" a | ions. To generate heat and energy for the body functi To satisfy our hunger and please . To protect the body from disea ; —_ We eat food to satisfy our social : ble the body to grow. / ; : build, repair and maintenance of the body tissues. ouaewne Activity 1 Research on the internet and find out more about food commodities, Write notes on your findings and discuss in groups. & ‘ 2. Look at the picture showing foods from plant sources on the previous Page, and name as many items from it in a competition with your friend on you name one, your friend also names one. (Do this activity i Pairs). Pod a End of lesson assessment 1. List 20 food commodities, 4. Plant source b. Animal source 3. Your school is ab i out to organise on the occasion, : ones Write a speech on h day, " and you are to gj | The Importance of Eating Poe @ speech | : i

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